Chapter 4


"A thousand years ago when the world was divided by clan lines a few of those clans were stronger than others. One clan was the Uchiha clan, but one man stood above the rest. His name was Uchiha Sekai, in him the sharingan was stronger and more potent. It was said he could change a person's thoughts, permanently. He was a genius, but they could hardly call him sane. History has blurred the lines, and it's unsure when his idea of power deviated from that of his clan's. Power to him was something grander than just conquering the world or proving he was the strongest. He wanted to control the spirits.

"For this part of the story I have to go back a little further. Spirits exist. I'm not talking about the nine-tail beasts, but spirits that are born from the land itself. At one point in history these spirits walked the earth freely, but Uchiha Sekai changed that. He hunted and controlled the spirits with his sharingan. Unleashing these spirits onto the humanity and his own clan, he nearly caused untold devastation in the form of plagues, natural disasters, etc. There are still remnants rooming the earth and causing unexplained diseases. The people feared someone had cursed the land. They prayed to the spirits to appease their anger and calm their rage, but the spirits could not answer their call because they could not control themselves.

"For a time it seemed Sekai would control both the spirits and humans, but he was ignorant of what he possessed. How can one man control the spirits that breathe with the very earth itself? You see there is a flip-side to this world. It exists here, but also on a separate plane. Riffs will sometimes connect these two worlds. The older spirits that Sekai controlled still had relatives residing on the other plane. This was his downfall.

"Did you know? The origin of chakra comes from a fruit eaten by a woman named Kaguya. She passed that Chakara down to her sons. One of those sons was the founder of the Uchihas. However, did no one stop to think where that fruit came from? It came from the spirit plane itself. That fruit was from the garden of two powerful spirits, but the fruit crossed into this world one day.

"Now here's another fascinating question? How did Kaguya obtain the rinnegan which was passed down as the sharingan among normal humans? Simple. The power was in the fruit that came from the spirit world. Kaguya ate this fruit, and the power became embedded into her genetics. Even though Kaguya was from another world, it's not the spirit world I speak off. The spirit world is connected and deeply engrained into this world. As such the spirits from that world can take on a more human form if they feel like it.

"Now back to the main story. The spirits grew restless under Sekai's control, and many grew anger. Spirits do what they want or what they find interesting, so at first some spirits reveled in this new play that Sekai brought them. However, they grew bored and wanted to be released. Of course Sekai didn't understand the true nature of the spirits. Finally, the spirits he controlled asked from help from their homeland, the spirit world. Much to everyone's surprise, the two spirits that the God Fruit, the fruit Kaguya consumed, intervened.

"These spirits are so powerful though they cannot enter this world without causing massive panic, so they sent their youngest children instead. Two sisters. These sisters easily subbed Sekai and freed the spirits, but as is the nature of spirits they can find even the evilest acts entertaining. The older sister was fascinated with Sekai because despite how controlling this man was humans followed him readily. Apparently, he was charismatic. The eldest sister gave him a chance; she would allow someone to revive him if they could perform a certain ritual within a thousand or so years of his death.

"A human would need to preform it, meaning Sekai's followers would need to remain loyal to him that entire time. They have. Sekai's followers have taught through many generations this ritual and they've attempted it hundreds of times, but each time his followers were thwarted. The promise will end soon and then Sekai can never be revived. However, he still has two more chances.

"To revive Sekai, someone must sacrifice one of his descendants before the age of thirteen. He has two direct descends left. Two more lives are still at jeopardy before the promised time is up."

Edora grew silent and gazed out over the small garden that lined the back of her house. The wind rustled the leaves of the cherry blossom tree creating an eerie calm after such a long and foreboding tale. Itachi had sat there listening and absorbing her story. Now that she was finished with her story, he'd concluded something. This woman's out of her mind.

"It's hard to believe isn't it?" Edora didn't look at him when she asked.

Itachi wondered if she wanted an honest answer or if the best course of action was to stay silent. There was one question that itched at the back of his mind.

"Why… did you tell me this?" He finally asked.

Edora turned to him and smiled softly. "You're very intuitive for a child. Not the same way Annabell and Gido are though. Tell me little Uchiha, why do you think I'm telling you this?"

Because you're crazy. "Because you think it has something to do with my clan."

Edora chuckled and leaned on her fist. "It has everything to do with your clan. Yet, why would I reveal this to a six-year-old?"

Itachi tensed up. She knows my age. How much does she know about me?

"You think I'm one of the two they need to succeed at the ritual," he replied trying to keep his tone from turning mocking.

Edora smiled sadly and sighed. "You're too smart. I bet you stand out in your class at school."

Itachi kept his mouth shut, but what she said was true. He stood out, and it bothered him. Also, the classes were too easy, and because of that he had his dad teach him extra jutsu. When he got the fireball jutsu right on the first time he tried it, his father expected that perfection every time. Lately his father wanted him to learn harder more complex jutsu. The more he learned the more he stood out in his class and the more jutsu they expected him to master. Sometimes he wished he had someone he could talk to on his level, Shisui didn't always understand. He wished he had someone he could train with and struggle with like a normal kid.

"Would you like to join my village?" Edora's eyes flashed excitedly.

"Eh?" Itachi stared at her shocked, he hadn't been expecting that. "Join your… You want me to betray my village?"

Edora shook her head and laughed. "No, little one. You wouldn't move here, but you'd be allowed to visit and train here."

Itachi's eyes narrowed. This woman really is off her rocker.

"I promise you that you'd never be bored," Edora offered as if this was a valid reason, her look turned serious. "Also, it would allow me to train you and make sure you're prepared for Sekai's followers when they attack."

Itachi didn't respond, he wouldn't humor or give any more info to this woman.

She watched him carefully before smiling and saying, "Well, you can think on it the next time you come."

Next time?

"Gido!" Edora called and the boy from the hole came out of the house. He'd been frowning at the hole and he was still frowning now like something stuck his face in that position permanently. Now that Itachi could see him up close he noticed that they were about the same age. He was a little taller than Itachi with short, slicked back black hair. The boy's dark eyes scanned over Itachi sizing him up.

"What?" He asked Edora.

"Take him back home or at least as far as he'll let you since he seems to be the paranoid type," Edora instructed.

Gido crossed him arms. "Why? Make Annabell do it."

"Gido," Edora's eyes narrowed at the boy who sighed.

"Fine. Hurry up," Gido hopped down from the porch and headed down the path. Edora reached inside the house pulling out Itachi's pack and tossing it to him along with his weapons.

"Gido's stronger than you, so don't go attacking anyone," Edora warned Itachi as he checked that all his weapons were in his pouch.

He didn't know if he should refuse to leave now, but he got the feeling if they were letting him, he should go. Itachi stood up and followed Gido back up the cliff steps and through the tunnel. When they reached the outside world Gido stop and turned to him.

"You can get home by yourself," the boy snapped at him. "What does Edora see in you anyway?"

Itachi felt like he was on the receiving end of some weirdly warped jealously but if it would get this boy not to follow him then all the better. Gido said nothing else and went back into the tunnel. Itachi sighed and started home, occasionally stopping to make sure he wasn't being followed. Finally he made it home and went back to his house, the sun had set long ago and the moon was nearing its peak. He opened the door to his house and tried to sneak in. No luck.

"Itachi!" His mother grabbed him and pulled him into a hug, tears pouring out of her eyes. "Where have you been?"

His father stood behind his mother his eyes creased with worry.

"I'm sorry. I went for a walk and fell in a hole then…" Itachi paused. Wait, where was I today? Past the hole and returning home he couldn't remember. It was like he was missing a chunk of the day. "I don't remember."

His mother and father looked at each other concerned. She felt his head for bumps to see if he'd hit it when he fell.

"I'm sorry…" He felt awful for making them worry. Where was I? Why can't I remember?

"Itachi let me check something." His father kneeled down in front of him and activated his sharingan. Itachi could feel his father's gaze scanning him, but his father must have found nothing strange because he shook his head. He patted Itachi's head.

"Don't stay out so late again, we were worried something happened."

His father never really scolded him like how the older kids' dads do.

"Yes, sir."

"Go wash up and I'll fix something for you. I'm sure your starving," his mother shooed him away.

Itachi paused on his way to the bathroom and went into his little brother's room where he was fast asleep. He took his little hand in his; he didn't know why, but he felt concerned and had need to checkup on Sasuke. His little brother's tiny fingers curled around his, but he slept soundly unaware of the world and its problems.