Remembering the fact that, as humans, you kind of need to breathe to live, the two young adults detached their mouths from each other.

Still straddling him, the Leonhart girl spoke first. "D-did…did you-?"

Sitting up, the Yeager boy replied. Or attempted to, at least. "What…was that?"

Catching their breaths, not just from the amazing kiss they just shared, but also from the weird experience they also shared, Annie rolled off Eren, onto the grass next to him.

"You saw that too, right?"

Eren nodded.

Annie racked through her brain, trying to figure out what it was. It was when she crossed eyes with Eren that something came to mind.

"Listen, Eren." She immediately gained his attention. "This is probably going to sound dumb but…you wouldn't happen to know of this thing called the red thread of fate, would you?"

"It sounds like something Mikasa might have told me once in the past…what is it?" Mikasa had tried to tell Eren about it before, though this was many years prior, and so he had forgotten.

"You have to promise not to laugh."


"You have to." She ordered.

Throwing his hands up in surrender, he agreed. "Alright, alright."

"Okay, so," Annie began to explain. "there's an old Chinese legend about this thing called the red thread of fate. It's something they believe is based on fate. According to the myth, the gods would tie an invisible red thread to two people, and that would make them destined to meet, and eventually marry. This would continue across lifetimes, no matter the place or circumstance, and would always come true. The red thread was an unbreakable one, proving their belief in this type of love."

Eren wanted to laugh, but it appeared Annie was being completely serious, and she seemed to know what she was on about. "So, you're saying we're soulmates?"

"I…I guess?" The blonde shrugged her shoulders.

"And that we've been married in previous lifetimes?" The idea of this seemed bizarre to Eren, but oddly romantic. He enjoyed romance.

"Yeah, it seems that way."

The two sat in silence for a few moments longer, contemplating what exactly it meant for them.

Eventually, the brunette spoke up. "So, should we get married then?"


He continued. "I mean, that thing about us being soulmates honestly seems like the most reasonable explanation for all of that, so we should get married, right?"

"I…y-yeah, maybe…" Annie stammered.

The young adults spent the next few minutes discussing and trying to figure out what was going on.

Back inside the Leonhart household, Mikasa grew concerned as to why Eren had so suddenly followed Annie, and so opted to find out. "May I be excused?"

Mrs Leonhart paused her conversation with Carla to answer. "Oh, sure, go ahead."

Mikasa stood up and walked towards the room exit, just as she was about to step over the threshold, two figures rounded the corner. "Eren?"

Said boy jumped at the shock. "Oh, Mikasa! Did you need something?"

She stepped back to give them space. "No, I just was about to see where you went." Mikasa then glared down for a second and noticed that Eren and Annie were holding hands, and that they were smiling contently at each other. "What exactly happened out there?"

"Oh, right." Eren and Annie moved to the centre of the room.

Annie spoke first. "Mom, dad. Mr and Mrs Yeager." The parents of the room stopped their conversations, turning their attention to their children. "We've come to a decision."

"Hm? And what might that be? I take it this meeting went positively?" Grisha queried.

Eren spoke. "Annie and I have decided not to get married." Before anyone could say anything, getting the wrong idea, he continued. "Not yet at least. We think it would be best for us to take things a bit slower and go on a few dates first. Something like that."

The parents unanimously agreed it was a smart choice on their parts. Annie turned to look at her new partner, agreeing that he was a good choice, and mentally set a reminder to thank her parents for setting her up with him.

Carla then asked something of them. "Do you have any idea on what to do for your first date?"

"No, mom, we haven't gotten that far yet. We're open to suggestions though." Eren replied.

"I might have an idea." Lisa suggested, gaining the crowds attention. "I hear that parts of the Natural History and Science Museum over in Trost have recently been refurbished. Annie's never been, so perhaps you could explore it together?"

Eren looked down at Annie, seeing if she was interested. "I've never been either. Wanna check it out?"

A small smile graced her features. "Sure. Do I have to go with a similar dress code to the one you're in now?"

"Wha-Hey!" Eren exclaimed. "I told you, I wanted to make a good first impression. I didn't know what I was supposed to wear!" Everyone in the room, Annie included, broke out into a small fit of laugher.

Over the next half an hour or so, the parents all conversed about any details they yet had to catch up on, and then discussed plans for Annie and Eren's first meet up. Soon enough, the time had come for the Yeager family to depart.

Standing at the front door of the Leonhart household, goodbyes were passed between the families. First the parents did so, and then they left their two set up children for a moment.

"So, uhh…" Eren started. "I guess I'll be seeing you soon then?"

"Mhm." Annie responded. "It was nice meeting you." She stuck her hand out.

Eren was somewhat confused, but stuck his hand out anyway, ready to shake her hand. "It was nice to meet you too?"

Under her breath, Annie whispered something. "Idiot." She then pulled herself closer to Eren, and leaned up, planting her lips on his cheeks. "Call me." Annie then moved back and closed the door.

It took a few moments, but eventually Eren noticed a small piece of paper in his hand with a phone number on it. Presumably Annie's.

A heat rushed to Eren's cheeks, and he couldn't help the grin that crossed his face. It appeared that he had fallen in love.

So, this was what it was like to have a girlfriend.

Okay, maybe this wasn't exactly a story about an arranged marriage, but it was one about the red thread of fate. It had proven to be more than a legend before, and now it would continue to prove that no matter the circumstance, no matter the time, no matter anything, Eren Yeager and Annie Leonhart would always find each other.