Notes about this alternate universe and generally this story:

• The story begins right after the end of Thor: Ragnarok and doesn't take into consideration any movie that came out afterwards or the after-credits scene.

• The Asgardians are now trying to rebuild their home on earth. More details about this will be given throughout the story.

• The story begins on Earth but it will eventually move on to Olympus, which will be the place where many of the scenes in this story will be happening later on. So this will eventually be AU world as well as AU storyline. (Just to clarify, this is not a crossover with "the Olympians" or "Percy Jackson" or anything like that. The world is based on Greek Mythology.)

• Loki is not a monster, but neither he is a saint. I see a lot of opposite opinions about how Loki should behave or not behave. I will write Loki as well as I can personally understand him and even though I don't plan on making him a brute, he is not going to be a cuddling sweetheart either.

• There will eventually be smut, but I always write those chapters in a way that if you don't wish to read that part, you don't lose any crucial details of the storyline.

• Lastly, I hope you enjoy reading this story as much as I know I'm going to be enjoying writing it!

Chapter I curiosity killed the cat.


Anchorage, Alaska

Thalia left the coffee shop much later than her shift had ended. Cynthia was sick again today, or so she claimed. She tugged her long winter coat tightly closed and began to walk towards the west side of the city, where the small house she'd bought two years ago when she moved to Alaska was. The cold didn't truly bother her. She could walk around naked if she wished with no danger of getting a frostbite but she mimicked the mortals in the way they dressed for appearances sake.

She unlocked the door and pushed it open, making certain that nothing had disturbed the wards around the house first before she entered. She was always anxious when checking for intruders. Every day for the past ten years she had checked them and every day she found them undisturbed. Still, the fear that her family might have figured out which portal she took when she fled Olympus never withered.

In truth, they might have not even realized she was missing yet. If her calculations were correct, she'd only been away from home for three days, as far as they were concerned. It might be another decade or two in earth years before someone noticed her prolonged absence.

She banished the thoughts about her old life from her mind and looked around her living room for her very apathetic cat. Lady Bas was unsurprisingly laying on her usual spot by the frosty window, barely lifting her head from her crossed paws to acknowledge her mistress's arrival.

She gave the animal a small rub between the ears and shrugged out of her coat before she began scouring through her fridge and cupboards, searching for something to eat that doesn't actually taste like acid.

Food was the biggest challenge for her when it came to living as a human. Pretending to be cold, or sleepy, or even tired was vexing. But not finding anything that even remotely resembles the divine sweetness of her meals in Olympus, genuinely bothered her.

If a normal person saw her eating, they would likely call her crazy; maybe recommend a good doctor. Thus why she took her meals in private. Not many humans coated everything they ate in at least ten layers of crispy fried sugar. Thalia's body craved the sweetness almost as much as her mind craved the magic she had mostly given up since residing on earth.

It used to be torture at first, taking her almost three full years before she could master going around and doing ordinary things without magic for assistance. Making your own coffee might sound like every day business to a mortal, but it wouldn't be if you had the ability to will the coffee to be made for you without lifting a single finger.

Using magic, even for little things, was dangerous however. If her people back at Olympus realized that she ran, they would attempt to track her through her Celestial Magic. So the less she used it, the less likely they were to pick up on her location.

Earth was densely populated and it helped to coat her presence from any locator spells. That was the main reason she choose it over the few other available options she had. And with the Asgardians now also residing not a mile away from her little home, she should've been overwhelmed with joy. Asgardian magic had a very similar signature to her own so with the Asgardians in such close proximity, the chances of her location being pinpointed back to Olympus were significantly lower but there was a price.

Their celestial essence lured her like a mouse being lured by a piece of cheese. Every morning she had to talk herself out of taking a sneak peak of her new neighbours, knowing full well that it would only serve to unsettle her further and even cause her to tap into her powers accidently.

She walked to the window that faced the mountain range behind her house and stared at the tall white peaks. There wasn't much information about the aliens yet, but she knew that their new city was being raised somewhere behind those mountains.

From what Thalia had heard, an American extra-governmental military and intelligence agency was overseeing the construction of New Asgard. The humans may not be born with any powers similar to those of other superior races across the universe but they could mostly understand magic. At least some of them could.

There had been mortals who'd acquired powers in some way, or appear to have powers due to their advanced technology. That very technology is what made her so wary and kept her well away from anyone who might have access to it. She believed that if it came down to it, she could probably take most of them but even so, a fight would attract too much attention. And to battle properly she would have to release so much celestial magic at once that she was certain she would find herself in chains and on her way back to Olympus before it was even over.

The pull was stronger today. Much much much stronger.

The Asgardians must be using magic to help them raise their city because its sweet alluring aroma was by far at its most distinct today. She sighed and strode out of the house, promising herself that she only meant to go as far as where her property ended.

But it was a lie. She knew that there was no stopping until she found the source of the magic from the moment she stepped foot outside the house.

She carefully found her way up the harsh slopes and glanced around for prying eyes occasionally before she took an unnaturally high jump. The closer she got, the faster her legs seem to move, eager to see who was manipulating celestial energy both due to curiosity and longing.

Her eyes widened when she found a spot behind a thick tree and hid there, watching the scene unfolding beyond.

There was magic, alright. Nothing about the city looked natural or human. They appeared to have dug through the mountains, turning caves into operating rooms. Each of them connected to another through marble balconies or gilded bridges. There wasn't an inch of snow anywhere to be seen either, but that was to be expected since the area around them was shielded by a huge transparent half-bubble.

She was so engrossed in observing everything that she almost missed the sound of footsteps on snow behind her.

Thalia abruptly turned and came face to chest with a tall raven-haired man. He stood way too close for comfort making her take an involuntary step back. She couldn't decide if his eyes were blue or green but she could very much tell that they regarded her with evident suspicion. Waves of power were radiating from him. A god, her instincts whispered, as she sensed his mystical aura.

"And who might you be?" the man asked, arching a dark brow.