(Whitebeard ship, Percy, X, Z room)

"Are we really staying?"

"We promised."

"I know, it'll be hard hiding our other forms."

"We are keeping them hidden right Sea?"

"Yeah, I'm curious though just how far there kindness will extend, maybe we'll drop hints every now and then and see how they react."

"It's likely they'll ask soon."

"Why do you think they want us to stay?"

"Motives? No clue but be careful not to get in trouble. If they save us it adds a month on our time."

"I know, we'll be careful."

"Hey Perce."

"What Z"

"Do you think they were after Demon?"


"When they see how you look they might…"

"I know, I'm trying to decide if it's worth showing them. I won't be able to hide my face forever."

"I suppose, we'll at least see how they react with your appearance."

"You make me sound like I'm about to perform a show."

"That's the plan, after all we can't show them who we really are."

"You should do a dance to sell the point, Sea."

"Should I sing soprano while I'm at it?"

Perce asked getting a bit annoyed.

"If you think you have the skill to fit the part."

"Oh I have the skill, the skill to kick your sorry self."

X chuckled and nudged Z,

"You should be prepared to die tomorrow."

Z groaned at Percy's glare and said,

"Sure I'll die from hearing you sing soprano."

"That's it you overgrown lizard!"

"Lizard! I'm a dragon you little bird!"

Percy growled jumping on Z. The two flopped around on the ground before X said,

"You two are both idiots."

As one Percy and Zorak jumped atop Xian.


"Do you admit defeat?"


Xian pushed himself up tickling Percy before hooking an arm around Zorak's waist to stop the tickling.

"Get him Sea!"

Perce laughed tickling Zor for a couple seconds before stopping. His eyes clouded as the world growing dizzy around him.

"Sea, you okay?"

Perce face-planted forward out cold. Zor and Xian caught him carrying him over to the one bed. Xian thinking about how Percy's condition would only continue to grow worse.

"We'll let him sleep for five hours, then we wake him since he talked about wanting to practice his powers."

"Alright, you take first rest."

"Wake me up when Perce wakes up."

"I will, night Z"

"Night X"

(Whitebeard commander meeting room)

"Alright what do we know about them, yoi?"

"Well the injured is a devil fruit user with black flames. Unlike regular flames they burnt Marco."

Marco nodded at Izou and listened to the next commander speak. Pops sat in his large chair, listening with his usual stony expression.

"We don't know what the littlest one looks like, his size indicates I would say a twelve year old."

"Twelves young to live on his own."

"He has those two boys with him, which reminds me do you think their brothers? Their faces other than hair and eye color are similar."

"They might be, if they are the question is if that boy is also related to them."

"Their very protective of each other, did you notice how the younger one kept saying mine."

Some of the commanders chuckled.

"Possessive isn't he. Anyway we have no idea what he looks like nor do we know any of the threes names."

"Do you think they'll tell us their names if we ask? They don't really seem the friendly type."

"If they are we ruined the whole friend's idea with shooting the one."

"Pops you want them to become your son's right, yoi?"

"I do have a desire to see them join my crew."

"So how do we convince them if we can't even get near them?"

"We don't know enough about them right now but we do have Thatch's challenge."

"You mean the whole Thatch has to cook something the boy likes. That can't be very hard to make. How picky can a boy be?"

Thatch grinned and said,

"I'll win in no time. Then I'll get his cookie recipe!"

The commanders chuckled noticing the stars in thatch's eyes. That boy would lose in no time knowing Thatch.

"Alright so we should see how Thatch's challenge go, and over the week learn as much as we can about the boys. Then we'll make a plan as to how we go about winning these boys over. While we're at it we should figure out what their Zoan forms are if they have any, yoi."

"Alright, so next matter of discussion. What about Demon?"

"He most likely moved on, if not we couldn't find him. The poster doesn't have much to go off of."

"Black hair, sea green eyes, unknown devil fruit. Not many people have sea green eyes."

"Right, well what about Demon's age or height. There's no info on that."

"True, but we do have a problem that even if we find someone who fits the description there's no telling he's actually Demon. We'd have to see him in action to know it's actually him."

"It's unlikely we'll find him unless he appears again."

"Alright then we'll put the matter aside for now."

"Sons, this meeting is finished, all of you go rest. Jozu your divisions on watch."

"Yes Pops."

Marco stayed behind and as the last person left he turned to Pops.

"Pops, is this alright? Do you think those kids will be alright here? While one has a devil fruit to protect him the other ones might not. If were attacked they'd be defenseless."

"After they get a bit more used to us let's ask if the three will participate in battle training."

"Alright Pops."

"Night son."

"Night Pops."

(Whitebeard ship, Percy, X, Z room)

Percy stretched grateful the two had woken him early enough he could do some training.

"Thanks, I don't know what I'd do without you two. Sleep both of you."

"Night Perce, Night X"


"Night you two."

Perce brushed his fingers over Z's hair. It was so peaceful watching these two sleep. Knowing there safe feeling their body warmth. He shifted moving into a sitting position. His wings extended out and he gave a self-checkup. When he felt nothing was wrong with him he hopped off the bed. Might as well begin his training.


Percy glanced over at the sleeping dragons. The noise having come from Xian. He smiled and turned back to what he was working on. For now his training involved creating items. He had been practicing this technique for the last twenty days. He felt he was finally getting the hang of it. Concentrating he created a hammer before making it disappear. There was no lights or anything during this the object simply appearing where Percy wished it to. He had grown to be able to create objects wherever he could see. This didn't always work but he was improving. Until daylight he sat on the ground in his winged form practicing. For some of the time he even did it without his wings which proved harder but manageable.

"Looks like you've practically mastered that ability. You should start training in another one."

Perce smiled at Zor and said,

"So far I've mastered all the charms on my necklace done basic element control…"

"You're better with the elements then most of your other powers."

"Probably because I used to control an element, anyway I also did weather control, but I partway knew that before I even got the Primordial's power. Of course it was a larger scale and harder to control."

"Right, let's see you've mastered smaller things but the two big things I can think of would be animal control, and teleporting."

"Singular on the teleporting, we wouldn't be in this mess if I could teleport more than one person."

"Do you want to work on that next?"

"Well actually I was thinking about working on shape shifting."

"You mean into animals?"

"Bingo, think I can manage that?"

"You turned yourself into a bunny and got stuck in that form for a full day when you first tried that."

"I know, but I'll figure something out!"

"You were pretty cute, I wouldn't mind if you turned into a bunny again."

"Cute, or tasty looking?"

"I'm offended, how dare you think I'd find you to ever be tasty looking. I don't care how you look you're our brother."

"Thanks, so animal control, and a side time of control over the elements."

"Can't you already do that?"

"On a basic level, I want to work on shaping the elements into objects or images."

"Oh that sounds cool."

"Yeah, I suppose you'll be furthering your mastery of black flames before you turn someone into a crisp."

"Yeah, yeah I'll practice. Just so you know I'm pretty good with these flames!"

"Whatever Hell, is Heaven still asleep?"

"Yeah, why'd you revert to our made up names?"

"We have a lot of made up names for each other, besides we don't want those people knowing our real names. So from now on we'll use codes."

"Sounds cool, but only you two can call me Hell, let them call me something else. Heaven will want the same."

"Same for Sea, so how about Waves, Shadow and Light is what they can call us and we'll call each other the other names."

"Sounds fine, I just don't want them getting to familiar with us."

"Same here."

"So we should hide our real names?"

"We'll only tell others if we feel they deserve to know them."

"Sounds fun."

Percy and Z glanced over to see X awake.

"Morning Heaven."

"Morning, Sea, Hell."

"So now what?"

Percy closed his eyes sensing every pirate on board.

"Pirates have been frequently passing our room, there's deeper rooms beneath, I'm not sure if they plan on getting us. A lot of them are gathering in a large room above."

"Must be where they eat."


Percy stood his wings vanishing.

"I was in that form for a while, to bad I couldn't fly."

"I'm going to miss flying."

"We all will."

Percy sighed and concentrated on his outfit. A minute later he wore black boots, with black pants held up by a black belt and a white long sleeved shirt with his sea green cuffs extending at the bottom.

"No jacket?"

"No, I want to see their reaction."

"Do I look fine?"

"Yeah, but you should be careful about changing your outfit too much."

"On that case what are we going to do about outfits? While Perce can change into any outfit just by desiring it, X and I don't have that ability."

"They'll get suspicious if I change into different outfits too much. While I am carrying my satchel only so much can fit into that at a time."

"Oh that's right you have your satchel did you by chance bring our rings?"

"Yeah, here."

Percy handed Xian a gold band with an inlaid white jewel. He moved on to hand Zor a silver band with an inlaid black jewel.

"Thanks we were worried we'd be weaponless."

Percy chuckled and watched as they put them on. The rings just as Percy's pen and charms changed into weapons. The rings had two forms, one a bow and two a sword. The two dragons both preferred their swords but the bows did a lot of damage. Especially since all the weapons our imbued with magic.

"So now what?"

"We wait."

'Sea, waiting is boring!'

'True, but I don't feel like exploring.'

'You're not tired after switching back to human form.'

'I'm fine. I had enough sleep.'

'Will you still faint.'

'Probably every now and then, we'll have to think up a cover up in case I faint in front of somebody.'

'You're face scared me so bad I fainted.' (Humor, laughter)

'Nice one Z, but I'm not sure that's believable. Not all pirates have scary faces.' (Amusement)

'Fine how about…I was so scared you would kill me I couldn't sleep.'

'No' (Denial)

'Right well then…I heard the only way to not get cursed from coming into contact with a pirate is to hold my breath.'

'I think you mean your breath is so bad I had to hold my breath and passed out.'

'Right, well that's enough of that. We'll come up with something when it happens.'

'Fine but I still think my idea was pretty good.'

'You two.' (Annoyance)

Percy grabbed a stray pillow lobbing it towards Z's head. Z caught it and chuckled.

'Right point made, I'll stop.' (Laughter, happy)

X and Z jumped up as the door opened suddenly standing in front of Percy. Marco glanced at the three. Or two since he couldn't make out the younger one behind the older ones.

"Um, hey Thatch said he made your food."

"Pineapple head? You're talking about Pom-pom right?"

"Um, yeah, so if you would come on up…"

Marco gazed at the three, two of which were sending him hostile glares. The third was still hidden. Percy sighed from behind X and Z wondering if he should put on a jacket. In the end he decided against it.

'Just follow him.' (Irritation)

'Fine but if he comes to close…' (Anger, desire)

Marco glanced at the three before he decided to start moving. As he moved he noticed the boys following. Well that was good. He was a bit worried about entering the mess hall. Most people would be in there at this time, not to mention how crowded it could get. It was likely the three would make everyone keep a ten foot distance. He slowed glancing back at the boys. The smaller one was still hidden and the other two were looking furious. This could go down horribly. Marco hoped Pops and the others have everything under control. Marco had asked Pops to see about getting all the crew out of the mess hall having only the commanders. Hopefully he was able to do that.

(Whitebeard Ship – Mess Hall)

"Hurry up, all of you head on out."

The pirates grumbled but followed Jozu's orders. Finally all but the Commanders and Pops were out. Thatch walked out handing out food covered plates to each of them.

"So think you'll win Thatch?"

"There's no way he won't like my meals. All I got to do is make one meal he loves completely and I win!"

"Gurarara… Good luck my son."

"Thanks Pops!"

Thatch ran back into the kitchen. A minute later he ran back out with three plates. He sat all three on one table off to the side.

"Pops why's there table way over there?"

"If we have them to close they might feel threatened. Besides according to Marco they kept the ten foot premises while heading to their room last night. We don't want to make them feel threatened on their first day."


The side door opened and in walked Marco casting glances behind him. The Commanders hushed as Marco walked over a minute later the white and black haired boys walked in. Finally the third younger boy walked in. His face was turned away but he no longer wore his jacket revealing black hair. A moment later he turned glaring sea green eyes with gold and silver specks pierced the crew. A streak of white hair was visible as he gazed at us. He was a lot younger looking then their guess of twelve. He looked maybe nine. Everyone stared as the small boy smirked as if he had won some invisible award. Marco pointed at the table backing off.

'It's not blue'

'Fail number one.'

'Be quite you two.'

The three of them sat down, X and Z both grabbing an apple.

'Is that all you two are eating?'

'Yeah it's not like we need to eat much, we can go long periods of time without eating much.'


Percy glanced at his food before pushing the plate back. He laid his head down on his arms. Closing his eyes he allowed himself to rest, but not sleep. X and Z ate quickly casting glances at everyone. All the Commanders were watching the boys wondering what to do or say. Thatch was staring wondering if the younger boy wasn't going to eat and if the older ones would eat more than the apples.

"Um, is he not eating?"

Percy raised his head and said,




"Waves? What?"

"It's what you can call me."

Waves aka Percy pointed at the white haired boy,

"Light, and he's Shadow."

The pirates were grateful for something to call the boys even if it wasn't there actual names.



"Your answer."

Thatch blinked trying to remember.

"Oh that… Wait you have to at least try it. If you don't it wouldn't be considered fair."

The young boy glanced down his eyes hidden by his black hair. All of a sudden the white haired boy stood and walked towards Thatch stopping five feet away. His eyes were small slits but the mixture of emotions revolved around anger.

"He promised he'd be completely honest, we keep our promises."

With that he turned the other two had somehow arrived at the door. Waiting to leave. Thatch gaped flustered.

"Hey wait, yoi!"

"What Pineapple Head?"

Percy asked. Marco faltered before saying,

"Well we were wondering if you'd like a tour of the ship."

The three seemed to share a silent conversation before turning back.

"We accept."

Pops grinned and motioned for Jozu and Marco to lead them around. The boys kept their ten foot distance and waited for Marco and Jozu to walk out first. As Light and Shadow made to leave Waves stayed put. Pops and the others gazed at the boy confused. Light and Shadow stopped at the doorway glancing back.


"Is something wrong?"

The commanders watched as Waves turned glancing at them.

"No its nothing, coming."

He followed X and Z as they went on their official tour, kind of boring actually.

'Why did you stop back there?'

'I was considering a question I wished to be answered.'

'Oh, which.'

'It doesn't matter I'll find out later. That is if I bother to ask.'

The tour involved Z burning all the curious onlookers that came to close and Percy getting bored. The ship was cool but he wanted to do something else. Like train or flying. Flying would be fun right about now, but there room was too small to fly in. Perce gazed at Z's back before deciding why not. He jumped his arms looping around Z's neck.


He muttered and Z laughed. X chuckled and shot a slightly jealous look at Z. Z's arms held onto Percy's legs as they followed Pineapple head and weird sparkly stone guy. Jozu was what they believed he was called. Marco smiled as he glanced back to see the three smiling and even hearing the black haired boy laugh. The little one Waves had jumped onto Shadow's back. Jozu almost stopped to watch as Marco nudged him to continue on. If they stopped they could ruin the moment and Shadow would go back to being serious and burning everyone close.

"This is the main deck, over there's the quarter deck, and you've already been to the gallery I think that's everywhere."


Marco and Jozu glanced at each other uneasily.

"So you can come up here whenever you want, just ask if you wish to head anywhere else, yoi."

"That's fine."

Marco breathed out feeling relieved the tour was over. Well that's two hours spent trying not to get burnt and still ending up with minor burns.

"So um, you can stay up here, head to your room or I can introduce you to everyone."

Waves hopped down from Shadow and asked,

"So we have free rein of the deck?

"Sure, as long as you don't fall over, especially not your devil fruit user."

"Why not?"

Marco gazed at the boys wondering if they really didn't know. Finally he figured he'd just explain devil fruits.

"When someone eats a devil fruit they lose their ability to swim in exchange for a power. For example I ate a devil fruit called healing flames that changed my Zoan form into a phoenix, yoi."

Lose power to swim Healing flames? Well this didn't make sense. One thing the three knew was that they never ate devil fruits. The pirates must think Z's flames are a devil fruit.

'Hey X, if they believe our powers come from devil fruits, what do you say we make up a power for ourselves.' (Idea, excitement)

'Ooh, fun!' (Happy, interested)

'But we should keep it simple like one thing, like how Z's only using his hell flames. Z you picked a really amazing power. It's a good thing you haven't used any other powers they might get suspicious if you use others.' (Excitement)

'Who would've thought there's such a thing as fruits that give the person that eats them strange powers? Well it at least covers up my flame powers. I was wondering why they didn't over react when they saw my powers.'

'So do you think there are lots of devil fruit holders?' (Curious, interested)

'No clue, we don't know enough about the subject yet.' (Unsure, interested)

'True, so should we make our own devil fruit powers so were not defenseless?'

'Defenseless? Seriously what gave you that idea, I could kill all these people if I felt like it.' (Amusement)

'Whatever you overgrown lizard, anyway we'll consider the option and discuss it later. So should we stay up here or head back to our room?'

'Room, I don't want to be out here with all these people.' (Irritated)

'Alright, let's go.'

They walked back leaving Marco and Jozu alone. Marco and Jozu sighed wishing the boys would've stayed. Maybe staying up and around the crew would make them friendlier towards the pirates.

"Let's head back and discuss our options with Pops."


(Whitebeard Ship – Z, X, Percy's room)

"Cute!" (Love, awe)

'Don't call me cute!' (Irritated, rage)

Percy thought struggling to make his power change him back.

'I can't control this!' (Angry)

'Calm down, and try again. You just need to figure out how to control this side of your power to make it work.' (Soothing, calm)

Percy growled and tried to delve within himself and change back.

'Maybe we shouldn't have started working on transforming, what if they come get us. It'll soon be lunch time.' (Worried)

Percy whimpered once more coming up empty handed. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't change back.

'Percy what are you thinking of when you change?'

Percy glanced over at the two dragons, who had changed into four feet dragons.

'I imagine what I want to become.'

'Maybe you should imagine your body shifting until it's what you want to become.'

'Think about my body shifting? Not just about the end goal. Alright it's worth a shot.'

Percy sat still imagining how he looked now, and the shift required to become what he wanted to be. Fur changing to skin, paws to feet and arms. Opening his eyes he glanced down to see human hands.

"Yes! I'm back!"

X and Z shifted back to their human forms.

"To bad you were pretty cute, kitty."

"What did you say?!"

"Couldn't hear me, little kitty?"

"I'll butcher you!"

Percy chased Z around the room finally pinning him on the bed.


"That's what you think?"

So suddenly Percy felt the world shifting as X grabbed him.

"St-stop Cheat-ers!"

"Tickle attack!"


In the end after Percy nearly died from laughter the three curled up together on the bed.

"It's good you were able to change back."

"Yeah, I think I'll be safe shifting but I definitely need some work. Maybe a couple days and I'll have the basics of the ability down."

"You should attempt to change the size of the creature you change into. You were only a kitten, maybe try for bigger."

"Maybe, I'll try to figure it out."

"Good, in the meantime lets rest, at least until they come get us for lunch."

"Do you think Pom-pom will win the challenge?"

"Not unless Percy gives him a hint. I doubt Percy will though."


"No hints for weird brain killing Pom-pom!"

Laughter echoed in the room before the three drifted off to a light sleep.

(Whitebeard Ship – Mess Hall)

"Alright I'm ready! Pineapple Head go fetch my challenger!"

"Not you to, for the last time its Marco!"

"Sure it is Pineapple head."

"That's it! Call me that one more time and I'll burn your hair!"

Thatch gulped touching his hair. His face turning pale with fright.

"You wouldn't!"

Marco let the blue flames coat his arms.

"I would."

Marco turned walking out of the room leaving a scared Thatch. Marco chuckled on his way down. Sooner or later Thatch would remember that Marco's flames don't burn what they touch. Until then he'd be free from being called Pineapple Head.

"Oh it's Pineapple Head."

Waves said when Marco opened the door. Marco forced his anger down so much for freedom and said,

"Marco, but anyway Thatch is waiting for you three."

Waves jumped off the bed followed by the other two who had been sitting on either side of Waves. Marco began walking not in the mood to visit Doctor Bay for burns. Marco glanced back worriedly when some crew members walked past the boys. They were about seven feet off but oddly the flames never burned them they only sparked slightly. Marco cast glances at Shadow wondering why he let them pass in the ten foot zone.

Xian held Percy's hand as they walked Z walking slightly behind. Percy had beforehand warned Z to stop burning every single person in sight. Zorak had muttered but agreed as long as it wasn't someone who seemed strong like a commander. Zor's eyes trailed one of the passing crew members sending up sparks when he entered the five foot zone. The man hurried along casting glances at the boys.

Xian rolled his eyes as the man left before focusing on any on comers. While Zorak could keep them away with his flames he was still on guard. This was an enemy ship.

'Cool it you two, your dark thoughts are creeping me out.' (Amusement, annoyance, irritated)

Xian glanced at Z and down at Percy.

'Oops' (Apology)

Percy snickered and quickly went back to a serious face when Pineapple Head glanced back. The three shared a glance when he turned back around.

'I don't think biting a pirates head off is very friendly Z.' (Laughter)

'Whatever Sea.'

Percy held in the chuckle this time since they could see the Mess Hall. Marco felt relief pooling in him. Simply the fact they made it to the Mess Hall without anyone being burned was a miracle. Well okay about three people dared to get to close to the boys and suffered some burns, but compared to this morning's tour that was nothing.

The three boys followed Marco into the Mess Hall noticing that there wasn't just the one table full of the stronger people aboard this boat but also several smaller tables with weaker members.

'There's more than last time.' (Irritated)

'I know calm down Zor.' (Soothing)

'I'm calm.'

'Your thoughts revolve around tearing these people to shreds.' (Amusement)

'Like yours are any better X!' (Irritated, annoyed, angry)

'Cool off, let's just get this over with before one of us decides to destroy the place.'

The older two glared at anyone and everyone as they walked to the table Marco gestured at.

'Fail two!'

'Pom-pom is never going to win.' (Amusement, happy)

Percy rolled his eyes glancing at the non-blue food. There wasn't even a hint of blue. Well so much for the first lunch time meal. Thatch glanced at the boys expectantly. X and Z both grabbed the orange that was on their plate and peeled them. As they peeled them they kept one eye on all the pirates.

The pirates on the other hand were trying to figure out what to do to break the tense silence. Thatch was tensely watching Waves who had laid his head on the table like last time.

"Waves do you not like this meal?"


Was the muted reply from the small boy. Thatch slumped and Percy raised his head at the mourning Thatch. He didn't look to good. X and Z finished their oranges and gestured at the door. The pirates noticed the gesture and were all trying to find a way to keep them here.

"Ah, wait umm…"

Marco stuttered off. The pirates gulped as Waves stopped walking and cocked his head at Marco.

"What Pineapple Head?"

"Um…well I was wondering if you….umm."

Marco racked his brain trying to figure out what to say to keep the boy here. An idea popped in his head and he yelled.


The pirates gazed at Marco wondering if he had lost it.


The young boy asked. Shadow and Light stood about two feet ahead of him.

"Umm, well how about you make cookies for all of us? I know a lot of the boys here want to try your cooking."

"Make cookies?"


"The recipe?"


"Reward for challenge right?"

"Oh, well you don't have to make that kind of cookies you could make something else."

The boy shrugged and said.

"I'm fine with that."

The older boys sighed but walked over to the younger boy. Waves frowned and said,

"How do you know I won't poison them?"

The crew sweat dropped at that thought.

"You don't have anything to gain by poisoning us."

Waves gazed at Whitebeard before shrugging.

"You're right, other than you shooting shadow, taking him away from us, and forcing us to stay on your boat we don't have anything against you."

"Gurarara...Alright you make cookies and I'll eat one. Poisoned or not."

The crew started muttering and Waves frowned up at the giant man. Suddenly he turned walking out.

"I'm heading back to the room."

The pirates gazed after Waves who was followed by Shadow. Light sighed and walked after the two. The pirates glanced between each other confused.

"Hey wait what did we do?"

Light stopped and glanced back his eyes cold.

"It's not what you did, but what he said."

Light gestured at Pops who gazed at the boy unsure as to why the three were upset.

"Explain please."

"Do you have a death wish?"


"Then don't throw your life around, not when so many people care about you. Its disrespectful not only to yourself but to those who care about you."

With that the boy stormed out. Zor and Perce waited outside for X. X nodded at the two and they walked back to their room. Meanwhile the crew was glancing around shocked.

"Did they not like the thought of you dying Pops?"

"No, I don't think that's it."

"Hey Pops, whatever we did it really upset them, yoi. Maybe we should be careful when we talk about dying, yoi."

"I don't think it was about dying son. I think it was about loved ones."

"Loved ones?"

"I think it mean they don't like people who are cared about to talk about dying."

"I don't get it."

"Do you like the thought of me talking about eating poisoned cookies?"

"Well, no"

"I think that's what they meant, by not upsetting those who care about you."

"Oh, I wonder why they'd care about that."

"They're kind of young to be caring about that type of thing."

"Yeah, but they were living alone it might be that they saw someone they loved die and don't want others to feel that pain, yoi."

"Indeed, but sons remember this is all guesswork do not assume any of this is what happened."

"Right Pops"

"We understand."

Whitebeard nodded and pushed himself up.

"Tonight we will apologize and extend the same offer. Hopefully they accept. Baking cookies might help them to open up to us."

Thatch nodded fervently and slowly the crew trickled out of the Mess Hall.

(Whitebeard Ship – X, Z, Percy Room)

"You upset?"

"I'm not sure how I feel, but I was mad that he'd risk his life for something so unimportant."

For a minute there all three were silent before X whispered,

"Let's change subjects, we have a lot of free time until dinner."


"Why not."

With that the three separated into separate corners. Z began an array of black flames slowly making them take the shape of birds.

"So what are you doing X?"

"Thinking up an ability to claim as a devil fruit."

"Oh, Sea you?"

"I'll work with X to figure out a devil fruit."

X nodded and gestured for Percy to sit next to him.

"So Z has flames, so nothing in that area."


"No, you should do something else Percy, why not what you were perfecting two days ago?"

Percy's eyes lit up excitedly.

"Sounds perfect!"

Xian grinned and ruffled Percy's hair.

"Well that's one of us, but what about me?"

"Just do the ability your best at."

"Best at…Oh I've got it!"

Z walked over.

"Well what are you two going to have for your devil fruit abilities?"

X and Percy excitedly told Z who grinned.

"Keep it a secret till you need to use it."

"We will!"

For the next five hours the three did nothing but perfect there so called devil fruit abilities.

"Any minute now it'll be time to eat dinner, a lot of people are hurrying in and out of the Mess Hall."

Percy stated stopping his practice.


Percy stood stretching, deciding to try something else until Pineapple Head or whoever came to fetch them for dinner.

"Alright that's enough of that I'm moving on to shapeshifting."

Both X and Z perked up gazing at Percy who had closed his eyes.

"Stop staring this is hard enough without your eyes on me."

"Just change."

Percy muttered a curse but complied. Imagining his human body shifting into that of a leopards.


X cried suddenly crushing Percy in a hug.

"You're the cutest kitty ever!"

Percy nipped at X's arm struggling to be released.

'Let go!'


'I'll butcher you! You overgrown lizard!' (Irritation)

Z snorted from his corner and all of a sudden a barrage of fire lit in front of the twos eyes. The fire taking the shape of a kitty running from a dragon with flames breathing out of its jaw. Suddenly the dragon engulfed the kitty and the black flames died out. X chuckled and Percy hissed in annoyance.

'Stop it you flaming showoff.'

'What can I say, I'm on fire.' (Laughter)

'Worse joke ever, I'll butcher both of you!'

'Sure, after we roast you like a pig…' (Amusement, curiosity)

Percy hissed sensing the question coming.

'Don't you dare!'

'Can you turn into a pig?'

Z grinned another question coming to his mind. He started walking over to Xian who was cuddling leopard Percy.

"If you turn into a pig will you produce bacon?"

'No, let go of me!'

"Not until you make us bacon!"

Z yelled grabbing the Percy leopard from Xian. Percy yelped his black fur bristling. Percy's sea green eyes glared at Zorak in anger.

'Let go!' (Frustration, anger)

'Bacon first!' (Excitement, hunger)

'Idiotic lizard, to get bacon involves butchering a pig.' (Annoyance)

'Butcher? Is there another less killing way?' (Curious)

"Z put him down, there's no point in butchering our baby brother."

Z sagged and began putting him down. Inches away from the safety of the ground Z straightened up tightening his hold.

'Z, put me down…now!' (Anger, frustration)

"I will, but first can you turn into a cow?"

Percy's eyes went wide as he gazed incredulously at his brother.

'You're a jerk!' (Rage)

"So you can make milk?"

'No, only females do that!' (Irritation)

"Can you turn into a female cow?"

'Just butcher me now!' (Horror, embarrassed, rage)

Percy thought to the two shoving his head into Z's jacket.

"You're not a pig yet."

"Z I'm pretty sure Perce is about to murder you, let him down."

"But I want…"

Z trailed off cocking his head, his senses faintly picking up on Pineapple Head approaching there room. Dropping Perce he rushed to the bed. Percy was frantically trying to shift back. Z grabbed a blanket throwing it over Percy just as the door was opened. He gripped another pillow and as Pineapple Head's face came into view threw it.

Marco was not expecting the pillow to slam into his face as he stumbled back.

"Knock, idiotic chicken!"

The voice was definitely Shadow's Marco thought as he picked up the pillow off the floor. Walking in he saw Shadow and light sitting on the bed with Waves laying on the floor a blanket covering everything but his face. He threw the pillow back onto the bed and said,

"Dinner if you're ready."

The three nodded and followed Marco out. Marco glanced back noticing the large gap forming between the smallest and Shadow. Maybe he was imagining the gap. He thought as the next time he glanced back they were side by side.

'Well that was close.'

'Stop talking Z'

'It's considered telepathic…'


'Right, fine.'

Percy sighed moving further away from Z. Z could be such a pain sometimes. X rolled his eyes at his brothers. They would make up any minute now and forget the whole argument. Sure enough as they neared the Mess Hall the two moved towards each other. Percy tapping Z's palm to show he forgave him. Z smiled throwing an arm around Percy. X couldn't contain his smirk, those two were so predictable.

"Hey Pineapple Head."

Marco stopped turning around to see all three boys had stopped and were staring at him.


X and Z glanced at Percy curious to see why he stopped the man. He could sense amusement coming from Percy. X shared a glance with Z part way expecting what came next.

"Why do you look like a pineapple? Are you a pineapple in disguise?"

Marco stuttered obviously shocked at the question.

"Pineapple Head do you like to eat pineapples?"

Marco groaned and did his best to glare at the three boys.

"Yes I like pineapples, and I am not, and do not look like a pineapple!"

"Can pineapples talk?"

X grinned devilishly and said,

"Waves, Pineapples don't talk only mutated blue flaming pineapples talk."

Percy held in the chuckle at Marco's fuming face and gave Marco the most innocent look he could manage.

"Pineapple Head are you a mutated blue flaming pineapple?"

"No…I am not!"

Marco was losing control of his anger. One more word about pineapples and he would lose it.

"But you can talk and you had those blue flames!"

Z rolled his eyes deciding there was no point in not joining in.

"Waves, Pineapple here is trying to teach us that we can become whatever we want. Even if it means being an oddly misshaped blue flaming fruit."

Percy's eyes went wide and X smirked at his acting.

"Pineapple I didn't know you wanted to become a fruit!"

"What! I do not want to be a fruit!"

"But, you're a pineapple. Wait do you mean pineapples are vegetables?"

Marco was absolutely fuming now his face red with anger. All of a sudden he turned storming off. He needed to get away from the three devils in disguise before he ended up murdering one of them. Not that he wanted to murder them, just at the moment…Well it was best to get out of there.

He stormed into the Mess Hall and the crew especially commanders and Pops took notice of Marco's mood.

"Marco what's wrong?"

Marco slumped onto the commander's bench muttering something incoherent. The few words they understood made the other commanders wonder what had happened to the first division commander.


"Marco weren't you heading out to get the boys?"

Marco if possible slumped even more his head hidden by his arms.

"Jozu, go find the boys.

Jozu slipped off the bench and walked out the doors.

"Marco what happened?"

Izou asked tapping Marco's back. Marco raised his head his face was red from anger and his eyes held a storm within.

"Stupid brats wouldn't stop calling me names."

Suddenly the whole commander table including Pops were laughing. Marco groaned and hid his face again.

"Marco couldn't handle three kids!"

"Mama Bird failed."


Marco muttered. Finally the table quieted down as they noticed Jozu leading the boys in.

'I feel bad.' (Regret, upset)

'Why, he deserved it.' (Curiosity)

'He was trying to be nice to us, and I don't really want the whole crew trying to kill us. Maybe I should apologize.' (Upset, consideration)

X spared a glance at Percy noticing that his emotions actually revolved around regret.

'You're not starting to like Pineapple are you?' (Interested, curious)

'No.' (Defensive)

'Fine, apologize if you want.' (Consent)

Percy almost grinned at Z before closing his eyes. They were about to enter the Mess Hall.

'Percy are you fake crying?' (Questioning)

Percy looked up at Z with tears in his eyes. The only factor that would give it away would be the small excited glint in his watery eyes.

'I'm using the water all around us to form into tears.'

'Crafty, but don't overdo it.'

'What! I really do feel bad.'

'We can tell, we just don't get why you feel bad about upsetting him.'

'Who knows, I don't even think I know. I just do.'

Percy sniffled and he really was the picture of upset and innocence. He rushed past Jozu and into the Mess Hall before X and Z realized what was happening. The two cursed that there brother had left them. Jozu had paused noticing the little one rush past. Zor made some flames appear threatening the man to hurry. They wanted to see there little brother.

Percy ran right up to the commanders table, tears streaming down his face. He did a quick check on who all was in the room. Not as many as lunch but still a good amount. The whole commander table stared shocked at Waves. Marco glanced up to see Waves stop in front of him tears in his eyes.

"Pineapple, I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you."

More tears streamed down his face as he rubbed his red eyes.

"If-f you want I-I'll stop calling you Pineapple Head"

The boy looked up with red eyes tears threatening to fall from his eyes. Marco gaped at Waves as did all the other commanders. How on earth did Marco get this boy to cry on the first day Pops wondered. Marco instantly felt horrible. He wanted to tell the boy that he couldn't call him Pineapple Head anymore but the look on the boy's face made him say.

"It's fine yoi."

Waves eyes widened and the tears stopped coming as he smiled and jumped onto Marco's lap. Percy hugged Marco figuring this was the least he could do for playing the fake tears trick on him. Marco returned the hug surprise written all over his face. All of a sudden Percy felt hands wrap around his waist. The emotions of anger and jealousy washed over him. Oops he had forgotten about X and Z. Z pulled Percy off Marco angry that he dared hug someone else. Percy smiled at Z and hugged him allowing Z to carry him over to their personal table.

Z sat with Percy on his lap X had entwined his hand with Percy's. Percy smiled at the two sending them soothing thoughts. Their jealousy was really getting to him. To make up for it he pecked both of them on the cheek causing them to blush slightly. Glancing at the food there was nothing blue so he settled his head on Z's chest to rest. Meanwhile the commanders were all staring at the boys in shock. Marco had his mouth open.

"What just happened?"

Marco spluttered out. All the commanders were silent before they began whispering.

"Do you think they're loosening up to us?"

"Maybe he just felt bad for picking on Marco"

They stopped talking noticing Light's glance at them. They'd discuss this at their next meeting. Pops gazed at the three boys having a feeling that becoming friends with the youngest one would be easiest. Thatch sagged when Waves didn't even bother touching his food. Day one was a complete fail. The other two finished off their oranges and stood to leave. Pops stood at the same time walking over cautious of keeping his distance.

"I'd like you three to except my apology for earlier and to invite Waves to make cookies."

Waves cocked his head Shadow and Light glaring. Suddenly Waves smiled.


The older two boys sighed and glanced at Thatch. Thatch grinned and led the three into the kitchen. Many of the crew crowded the kitchen wanting to see the boy bake.

"Boys to your posts."

The crew ran out at Pops command. The commanders and Pops remaining in the Mess Hall. The group entered the prep room and stood off to the side mindful of the scurrying kitchen staff. Some of the staff ran over with chairs for the commanders to sit on. Taking their seats the commanders sat to watch. Thatch standing awkwardly off to the side glancing at the three boys.

"Um…So what are you going to make?"

Waves frowned looking thoughtful before glancing up at the older two.



Light stated. Shadow just rolled his eyes and said,

"Something new."

Percy frowned and then grinned.

"Alright, um do you two mind finding the ingredients?"

Thatch called out to the three boys.

"If you want I'll get the ingredients."

"No this'll be more fun. Like a treasure hunt!"

Percy's eyes lit up when he saw the exited glances X and Z gave him. He used to set up treasure hunts for the two to pirate using their different senses.

"Alright, Z unsalted butter, baking soda, flour, and vanilla."

Percy frowned trying to mentally make up the recipe in his mind. He was pretty sure this would work, and if not well he tried.

"X, mixing bowl, salt, buttermilk, and something to stir it with."

At once the two boys were rushing around the kitchen while the younger seemed to be deep in thought. Thatch walked over to us and Marco asked,

"Did he say he's making up a new recipe, yoi?"

"I think that's what they meant."

Marco nodded gazing at the boys. Could he really make up a brand new recipe on the fly? Well at least they weren't hiding in their room. Pops frowned noticing how easily those older two boys found everything so quickly in the large kitchen. They barely looked for the object they just seemed to know. Some of the other commanders had taken notice. Could this have something to do with their Zoan form? Maybe enhanced senses. Pops wanted to ask but new better in fear of scaring away the boys. Hopefully if the commanders came to the same realization they held there tongue.

Suddenly Waves was moving grabbing various ingredients and mixing them together. Thatch watched in awe at how smooth and perfectly timed the boy's actions are. Marco would've laughed at Thatch' face if he wasn't so busy watching the three boys. The younger seemed to be doing all the mixing and ingredient adding but the older two always seemed to know what the boy needed without any voiced needs. Five minutes later Waves was placing the dough on a cookie sheet.

Thatch blinked he had made a lot. The number of people on board was ninety-seven at the moment if you included the brats. Thatch was trying to count to see just how many the boys made. He never mentioned how many people were on board but it seemed he was making enough for everyone to have one maybe two.

'This is a lot…'

'ninety-six people will be eating them so I'm making one ninety-two.'

'Isn't that a bit precise you sure they won't start suspecting you already know how many people are on board.'

'I'm giving them a hint…besides I'm not making more cookies.'

X and Z snickered knowing Percy was enjoying making the cookies deep down.

'Whatever cookie boy.'

Percy rolled his eyes and continued placing cookies on trays. Some of the commanders were growing uncomfortable sitting for so long but made no move to leave. To enamored by the boys baking. Suddenly the cookies were in the oven. Now for waiting. Was what every commander including Thatch were thinking when the boys continued gathering objects as if about to bake something more. The small boy Waves was doing the dishes they had used which Thatch thought was nice. He would've been okay cleaning up the mess afterwards.

Shadow was placing two medium sized bowls over the stove with…was that chocolate? They were melting white chocolate in the one with normal brown milk chocolate in the other. What on earth were they making?

"Hell its burning mx it."

Waves said glancing up from the dishes. Shadow did as the boy asked mixing the chocolate. Light chuckled at the two and pulled out a large sheet of parchment paper. Over the next couple minutes the chocolate was melted and placed on the table for use. Waves finished the current dishes and walked over to the oven. Grabbing some hot mits he pulled out one tray of cookies after another. All the commanders leaned forward at the alluring smell. They looked like shortbread cookies Thatch thought to himself.

Suddenly Shadow was pulling off cookies handing them to Light who had a small toothpick he inserted in the middle. Light continued by handing them to Waves who held the cookie by the toothpick dipping half in the white chocolate and the other half in the milk chocolate. He quickly set the cookie covered in chocolate on the parchment paper. Thatch watched in awe at their teamwork and the masterpiece they were creating.

'This is why I don't cook.'

'It's not that bad Z'

'Don't lie you feel the same way X. Faster to just roast something.'

'Maybe, but cooking with Sea is fun.'

'You have a point, but only cooking with Sea any other time is boring.'

'I'm glad to know you two are enjoying yourselves.'

'Not as much as you are Sea.'

Percy smiled finishing the one-eighty third cookie.

'Couple more and you two are done, X switch out and go put the finished ones in the fridge to cool.'


Percy continued on Z doing X's job as well.

'Thanks you two!'

Percy thought when the final cookie was coated and in the fridge. The three set to cleaning X and Z not overly minding the work. When the work area was clean the cookies had successfully cooled the chocolate hardening.

Percy grabbed out the first parchment sheet holding enough for the thirteen commanders here and X and Z. The commanders watched Waves hand two cookies to Shadow and two for Light. Suddenly the boy was walking over to the area we were seated a frown on his face. He walked over straight in front of Thatch. Thatch smiled kindly his smile faltering at the glares the two boys that had yet to eat their cookies directed at him. They really were protective of this boy.


"Um, what?"

"Enough for everyone to have two, only two."

Thatch blinked and nodded. Glancing quizzically at the commanders and back at the boy. Marco decided to ask the question.

"Um, how do you know how many people are here?"

"Just do."

The boy handed Thatch the parchment paper and when their fingers brushed Shadow growled at Thatch. Thatch gulped hurriedly pulling away. The boy nodded and turned to walk back to the two angry looking boys. He leaned against a counter a feet apart from Shadow and Light who hurriedly ate there cookies. Thatch passed out the cookies before glancing up.

"What are they called?"

Thatch had never seen cookies made in this exact way.

"Black and white"

So not the most creative name giver but it fit. The commanders and Pops enjoyed there cookies and Marco decided to say what everyone was thinking.

"Thatch, he has you beat when it comes to baking cookies."

The commanders laughed and Thatch glowered before looking defeated. Well it was a really good cookie. The group finished off there cookies and Thatch grinned.

"Well thanks for making all of us a snack. I'll make sure to call down the rest of the crew to get there's."

Waves nodded a hint of a grin on his face. Suddenly his eyes darkened and he was frowning. A minute later he fell down. Inches from smacking into the ground Light caught him. Lifting him up and into his arms. Waves face was buried in Light's shirt and the group that rose abruptly was unable to see if he's okay.

"Is he okay, yoi?"

"What happened?"

"Someone get Bay!"

Light growled and as the commanders rushed forward Shadow's flames stopped them.

"He's fine, he just fell asleep!"

The two had decided this would be there excuse, they had heard about people who suddenly had sleep attacks. It was the perfect excuse since Percy just had a blackout. He'd have one every now and then the two boys just didn't expect it to happen so soon. The commanders stood outside of the line of flames wondering what the boy meant.

"Fell asleep, like how Ace does, narcolepsy?"

"Narcolepsy? Yes."

The two went with it, knowing Narcolepsy meant sleep attacks.

"You sure?"

"Positive he's fine, just sleeping. We're heading back to our room."

With that the two left the black flames dying out as Light held Waves close.

"Another one like Ace."

Pops chuckled wondering what it would be like when Ace met the boy. Hopefully it really was just Narcolepsy they knew how to handle that.

"Alright sons finish up, Izo your divisions on watch tonight."

"Yes Pops"

(Whitebeard Pirate Ship – X, Z, Percy Room)

"He had another blackout."

"At least he only had one today."

"Yeah, but he had multiple dizzy attacks this morning."

"We can't do much about that, just help him all we can."

Z sighed not able to argue with X's logic. Gently brushing the hair off Percy's face the two took in his peaceful look.

"At least he hasn't had many pain attacks."

"True, there never bad when he has them. Let's just hope out of the three that one doesn't get worse."


"Well night Z, knowing Percy he'll wake up sometime soon he never sleeps long after having a blackout."

"True it's usually only a couple minutes."

As if to prove his point Percy groaned opening his eyes.


"You know it."

He growled rolling over.

"I'm going back to sleep."

"Night Perce."

"Night Zor, Xian."

"Love you."

The three settled down lying next to each other sharing the blanket. Percy smiled drifting off to sleep. What would he do without these two?


So yay second chapter! Also just like to send out a thank you to all who reviewed, favorited and anything else. Now then I hope everyone enjoys the second chapter. Reviews are appreaciated since I love hearing what all you readers think. Thanks -Magizen