"Hey man! Don't forget there's a party at Bebe's tonight. Are you going?"

Kyle slammed his locker shut and looked at Stan. "Most likely. Maybe Rebecca will be free to go with me..." Stan leaned against the row of lockers. "She always seems busy these days, dude. What's the deal?"

Kyle thought for a moment. "She's been really preoccupied with all those Honors classes she's in. They eat up a lot of her time. We don't see that much of each other anymore...what with my football practices and her homework load. But, we get together when we can."

Stan grinned. "Who would've thought High School would make us so busy? It almost makes me miss the freedom we had in the 3rd grade."

They started to walk down the hallway towards their homerooms when Rebecca called out behind them.

"You guys, wait up!"

She bounded over to them, her wavy hair streaming behind her. Kyle marveled at how attractive she looked that day. He hugged her close and smelled the perfume on her skin.

"Are you busy tonight, Becky? Bebe's having that party, you know."

Rebecca looked distraught. "Oh, I'm sorry, Kyle. I have this huge essay due on Monday and I haven't started on it at all. I'd love to go but I have so much homework."

Kyle frowned and looked away. "Do you need any help?" He asked hopefully.

Rebecca ran her fingers through her hair and smiled. "Thanks for asking, Kyle. But you should go to the party and have a good time. Besides, I'll need to concentrate and with you around, that can be pretty difficult. She smiled cutely and took his hand. She kissed him quickly on the cheek.

"Well, I'd better get going. Class is gonna start soon. See you later!" She sashayed down the hall.

"Bye, Becky." Kyle sighed and glanced at Stan.

"I guess it'll be you and me tonight, huh?"

Stan looked guilty and stammered, "Well...Wendy kinda asked me to go with her...but you can come along with us."

"I don't think so, dude. Thanks, though. Later." Kyle walked to homeroom quickly, leaving Stan alone in the hallway.


After school, Kyle was walking to his car in the parking lot, lost in thought. He didn't even notice when he bumped into someone.

"Hey! Watch it, jerk!"

Kyle turned around to see Mark Cockswald (sp?) leaning over to pick up his books.

"Sorry, dude. Let me help." Kyle bent down to retrieve a book in the grass.

"Don't bother." Mark said. "Hey, you're the ass who's dating my sister."

Oh no, Kyle thought to himself, not THIS shit again. He remembered all too well the fight he and Mark had so long ago when they were just kids.

"Yeah, so? Get over it, dude." Kyle started to turn away.

Mark laughed. "You're such a gullible fool, you know that?" He chuckled again.

"What?" Kyle stared at him in surprise.

Mark grinned. "Never mind. See ya." He got in his car and drove away.

Kyle stared after the departing car. "Geez, what a weirdo."


That night, Kyle was about to leave for Bebe's when spotted he one of Rebecca's notebooks lying on his desk. She must have left it there the other day, he thought.

"Well, I might as well drop it off to her on the way. At least I'll get to see her."

He grabbed the notebook and his keys and left the house.


Kyle knocked on Rebecca's front door and waited for someone to answer. The cool evening air smelled sweet and you could feel summer coming.

Suddenly, the door opened and Mark stood there with no shirt on, wearing baggy jeans and eating an apple.

"What do you want?" He asked bluntly.

Kyle help up the notebook and said, "I have something of Rebecca's. Can I come in?"

Mark stood aside and let Kyle in.

"That was nice of you to bring the book over but Becky's not here."

Kyle stared. "What do you mean she's not here? She told me she was studying at home tonight."

Mark bit his apple. "Listen man, what Becky TELLS you is a lot different from what she actually does."


Mark sighed. "Don't be a moron. Isn't it obvious what's going on here?"

Kyle just looked at him blankly.

"Oh, geez." Mark flopped down on the couch and looked at Kyle with a frown.

"Dude, don't make me spell it out. Becky is cheating on you. Okay, get it now?"

Kyle was taken aback. "What?! That can't be true! Becky wouldn't do that!"

Mark threw his apple core on the coffee table. "Oh yeah she would. Hey, I may be her brother but I can tell when a chick is a goddamn whore."

"How can you say that?" Asked Kyle furiously.

Mark replied simply, "Because it's the truth. She's been screwing you over since day one. I'm surprised you didn't figure it out by now. I thought you were smarter then that."

Kyle sat down on the couch and put his face in his hands. "Dammit, why'd she do this? What's wrong with me? What'd I do?!"

Mark put his hand on Kyle's shoulder. "Meh, it's not your fault. Sure, you're kind of a dork and all, but you're not that bad a guy."

Kyle scowled at him. "I'm touched. Thanks for the compliment."

Mark laughed. "Cheer up. Hey! Let's go to that party, anyway. You shouldn't have to go alone, and I need to get out for awhile."

Kyle looked glum. "Naw, I'm not really in a partying mood. I feel so confused."

Mark watched Kyle for a second and said, "Fine. If you don't want to go to the party, let me take you somewhere."

Kyle looked at him suspiciously. "Why are you being so nice? What's the catch?"

Mark rolled his eyes. "There's no catch, dumbass. Now let's go!"

He jumped up and grabbed his shirt from a chair, lifted his car keys from a peg beside the door and pulled Kyle outside.

His black Eclipse was sitting by the curb, it's curves illuminated by the moonlight. Mark unlocked the doors and climbed in.

Starting the car, he turned to Kyle and said, "We're listening to classic rock and don't you give me shit about it."

He switched on the radio and the sounds of "Nights in White Satin" filled the car. Mark sang along softly as he pulled away from the curb.

"Nights in white satin...

Never reaching the end.

Letters I've written...

Never meaning to send."

He glanced over and saw Kyle singing, too. "Hey, you listen to The Moody Blues?"

Kyle shifted in his seat. "Yeah. I grew up on classic rock. I listen to it all the time."

They continued to sing as they drove swiftly along the highway. The moon shone brightly in the sky.


A little while later, as Zepplin played softly on the radio, Kyle asked, "Where exactly are we going?"

Mark rolled down his window, the night air blowing his hair around. "Oh, just a spot I go to when I have a lot on my mind. It's a little farther up the road."

He pulled the car off the road and parked it on the grass. "Here we are." He got out of the car and started to walk slowly into the woods. Kyle scampered after him. They walked until Mark started to slow down. He stopped entirely. He fell into the grass and smiled.

Kyle looked around. "What the hell are we doing in the middle of nowhere?"

"You really don't stop to observe the things around you, do you?" Mark smirked. "Lay down, shut up, and open your eyes."

Kyle reluctantly stretched out on the grass and looked upwards. He gasped. The stars were so heavy and full in the dark sky that they seemed near enough to touch. Comets careened overhead and fizzled into the blue black night.

"Wow." Kyle breathed, mezmorized by nature's display. "This is incredible. How'd you find this place?"

Mark rolled over on his side and replied, "One night when I was upset, I went for a drive and ended up here. It was right after my friend Steve died in a car accident. I had to be alone for awhile."

Kyle was silent for a time. Mark spoke into the silence. "I'm sorry Becky played you like that, man. It wasn't fair."

Kyle sighed. "Aw, I'll get over it. There are other fish in the sea."

Then he said timidly, "I'm sorry about what happened to Steve."

Mark looked into the sky's star-alighted depths. "It's okay. Like you said, there are other fish in the sea."

Kyle jumped. "Whaaaat?"

Mark laughed. "I knew that would surprise you."

"You're...gay? But, I never would've-"

"Known? Not all homosexuals walk around in cut off jean shorts, ya know. I'm just a regular guy who has a different sexual preferance from some people. Big deal."

Kyle gulped. "What made you decide to be...like...that?"

Mark thought for awhile. "It wasn't really a decision. It was more of an instinct. A feeling. I knew long ago that I liked guys. I felt a lot better when I stopped denying it."

"But...how could you tell exactly? Weren't you scared?" Kyle asked.

"Hmm...I could tell when I looked at a guy and felt a certain way. With girls that just didn't happen. And yes, Kyle, I was scared. Scared about how people would react when they found out...how they'd treat me. But after awhile, that stopped being such an issue. I have to do what's comfortable for me."

"So, the kids at school know?" Kyle wondered.

"Only a select few. People I know and trust. Not everyone needs to know my business."

"Then why did you tell me?"

Mark looked at him. "I'm really not sure. I feel comfortable with you...I guess."

Kyle stared out at the stars. "I wouldn't tell anyone personal secrets like that. Not just anyone, I mean."

The boys and the night grew quiet then. Mark suddenly spoke and broke the stillness. "What are your secrets, Kyle?"

Kyle shifted nervously and sat up. "I should be getting home. It's pretty late."

Mark stood up and stretched, his lean back taught and muscular. "Yeah, you're right. I don't need the 'rents bitching at me."

They walked back to the car. When Mark switched on the radio, it was playing "Dust in the Wind" by Kansas. He started the car and sped out on to the main road while smoking a cigarette, the fumes escaping through an open window and into the night.


When Mark pulled up to his house an hour later, he had to shake Kyle awake.

"We're here, dude. Come on, up and at 'em." Kyle groggily opened the door and stepped out. He went 5 steps before he crashed into the tree in Mark's yard and dropped like a ton of bricks.

Mark stifled a laugh and ran to help him up.

"You okay, man? I didn't know you were that sleepy."

Kyle looked dazed. "Ow, that hurt."

Mark frowned. "Maybe you should stay here tonight. You seem kind of out of it."

Kyle smiled and winked at Mark. He was obviously zoned. "Did I ever tell you how cute you are when you sing, Marky?" He laughed.

Mark just stared at him. "Marky? That's it. It's up to bed with you, young man."

Kyle leered at him. "You're so strong and mmmmmmmmmm......" He trailed off and fell fast asleep leaning against Mark's shoulder.

"Whoa, you must have hit your head pretty hard." Mark dragged Kyle up to his room, removed his shoes coat and hat and put him in his bed. He then removed his shirt and climbed in, too.

Before turning off the light, he looked at Kyle and grinned. He pulled the covers close around himself and soon fell fast asleep, Kyle snoring softly beside him.


The next morning, Kyle awoke and looked around.

"This isn't my room...where am I?" He looked over and saw Mark nestled in a cluster of blankets, a smile on his face.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Kyle jumped up and collided with a dresser. An ashtray fell and hit the floor with a crash.

Mark woke up with a start. He looked at Kyle sleepily and said, "What the hell is going on?"

"Why was I asleep in your bed?!" Kyle looked frantic.

Mark sat up and brush his hair out of his eyes. "Relax dude. You ran into a tree last night and blacked out. You slept over, it's no big deal. It's not like we engaged in passionate love-making all evening."

Kyle exhaled and rubbed his forehead. "So that's why my head hurts."

"Yep, you shoed that tree the what-for, all right." Mark hoisted his slender body out of bed and started to pull on a shirt. Suddenly, the door opened and there stood Rebecca, her hair tied back with a pink ribbon and wearing a tank top and sleep shorts.