The Hill and the Mount

Ruby knew that being a huntress wasn't all about going out and slaying Grimm whenever and wherever you wanted. But that still didn't mean she got disappointed and bored when sent on boring escort missions sending supplies to an outpost deeper in the tundra. If her partner were here maybe it'd be a bit more fun, but alas, that wasn't the case. Instead, she was with Penny in the front seat, while Qrow and Clover played cards behind them, and Dr. Shade, of course, meditated in the back of the truck.

As she was waiting for something to happen, Ruby found herself involuntarily rubbing her stomach. She wasn't showing, and according to Darkness, never would, at least not as a human. That reminded her, that she needed to become a dragon sometime either today or tomorrow. Maybe she could get her friends to join her on an evening flight or something.

"Is there something wrong with your stomach, Ruby?" Ruby got snapped back into reality by Penny's voice, as the android was looking at her.

"Oh no," Ruby answered, holding up her hands, "It's fine." While Penny was certainly her friend, Ruby wasn't really ready to share the fact that she was going to be having a "magic dragon baby" (as Nora had taken to calling them) with Jaune just yet.

"Well, that is very good to hear," Penny declared. She seemed to have gotten over the shock of learning about Talos (the fact Penny had a brother [and that said brother was in league with Salem] still rocked Ruby's mind a little), and while Ruby wanted to help her more about it, she really wasn't sure what to say. If she had found out Yang had joined up with Salem, how would she have reacted?

"How much longer is this going to be?" Ruby asked.

"I suspect it'll only be another hour at the least," Penny answered cheerily. Ruby tried not make her groan audibly as she pressed her forehead against the window.

"You can thank the workers at the outpost," Clover said, as he set down a card, which must've been good for him considering who Qrow groaned audibly, "The commander should've thought more long term in using the supplies."

"Unfortunately, most do not operate on the 'long term'," Shade cooly said from his position, not opening his eyes. At that, Clover looked up and frowned slightly. He'd only had a few real interactions with Shade, one of which was a fight (in which Clover had been rather soundly beaten), but he tried to stay open minded. But he had limits on what he was allowing this doctor to do.

"Though, doctor, maybe you can clarify for me what you're doing here?" Clover said, "This is a military convoy, after all." However, he had a suspicion that he if tried to make him move, things would go badly, so he shelved that prospect for the time being.

"I am here for Ruby," Shade answered bluntly, not looking at him, "That is all."

"Is that so? Then can you maybe clarify the exact nature of your relationship with Ms. Rose?"

"I am her teacher."

"Oh?" Clover asked, "Were you at Beacon?" Shade was silent for a time, though he didn't open his eyes. Ruby coughed slightly.

"In a manner of speaking," he said. That didn't really give Clover the answers he wanted, but he couldn't ask anymore, as they all felt the truck suddenly come to a halt.

"Why are we stopping?" Qrow asked, rising to his feet, before he and Clover leaned into the front seat, as everyone stared out the front window. Standing in the road were two people, both of whom were very recognizable from the news; though nobody noticed it, Shade opened his eyes, which were glowing purple.

"Alright ladies," Robyn said, "Time we see what this is all about."

"Robyn Hill, in the flesh," Clover said as he dropped from the truck, "To what do we owe the pleasure?"

"I could go through any number of reasons," Robyn said as she put a hand on her hip, "Which one would you like?"

"How 'bout the relevant one?" Clover said, folding his arms as Ruby and Qrow exited the vehicle as well.

"Well, those supplies belong to Mantle, if memory serves," Robyn said.

"Last I checked, the military owns these supplies," Clover said.

"So the Mantle are supposed to eat what exactly?" Robyn said, taking a step forward. Ruby instinctively put a hand on Crescent Rose, but Qrow put his on her shoulder, shaking her head.

"I'm sure if you want through the proper channels…," Clover began.

"Well, there it is again," Robyn said, looking at Fiona.

"Same crap different day?" Fiona asked.

"You know, for a would-be-councilor," Clover said, "You seem awfully disdainful to authority."

"Well when the authority is causing problems for Mantle…," Robyn said with a sarcastic shrug.

"Step aside, Robyn," Clover said firmly, as he stepped forward, "No one wants trouble." At that, the Champion of Mantle actually smirked.

"You seem to think you have the upper hand," she said, "Do you want me to prove you wrong?" Right then, seemingly out of nowhere, appeared May and Joana. Taking this as a threat, both Ruby and Qrow got ready to fight, while Clover held his ground. That was when Penny exploded out of the back of the truck, and took a position on top of it.

"Robyn Hill!" she called, "I politley ask that you stand down and allow us all to pass." While her huntresses flinched, if Robyn was intimidated, she certainly didn't show it.

"Why don't you come down here and make me, so-called 'Guardian of Remnant'," she sneered slightly. Penny visibly flinched at that, and Ruby was not one to let her friend get insulted like this.

"Please, move," Ruby said firmly, taking a step forward.

"Oh, look at this, looks like the little one's got teeth," Robyn said, as her Happy Huntresses came around her, as the women started laughing, "Look pipsqueak, why don't you run off and go play with your toys, you probably think this is all a game anyway." Despite herself, steam began to trickle from the corner of Ruby's mouth. Qrow also didn't think very well of her tacitly threatening his niece like this. However, before anyone could actually come to blows, there was a burst of telekinetic energy, which caused everyone to be pushed back several feet, much to the confusion of the Happy Huntresses.

"Enough!" Shade said, from his position floating over the truck (where he seemed to just materialize) as he lowered his hand, "All of you!" Ruby couldn't help but smile at the sight of her teacher, while Clover let himself feel slightly relieved at the sight of the man, and Penny looked up, not sure how to feel about this figure's reappearance.

"Are you warriors or children that you would so quickly resort to violence?" Shade scolded, looking down at all those beneath him.

"Who are you?" Robyn demanded.

"My name is Shade, but that is not all you concern," Shade answered, "All you need to know is that well being of the girl in red most certainly is my concern. Now tell me…" The doctor then floated down to Robyn's level.

"Are you a threat to her?" Now, Robyn had faced down big men before, and hadn't even flinched. This man, though… There was something about him…. something about him she couldn't place.

"I am not a threat to anyone," she finally said, as she took a step back, holding up her hands, "I merely want what anyone else would, which is answers."

"Well," Shade said, as he looked around, before looking back down, "You will certainly not find them by obstructing our path. Now, perhaps if you were to step out of the way?" Initially the Huntresses did nothing, to which Shade narrowed this eyes, as he advanced on them. While Robyn held her ground, her girls took battle stances, as Shade bent down to her level.

"The fact that I am giving you a chance to step out of my way on your own is a courtesy," he said cooly, "Do not make me do it by force."

"Take it from me, Robyn," Clover said, "This is a guy you don't want to mess with." Robyn was not one to be intimidated by anyone, least of all a supposedly "powerful" man, but something about this whole situation told her it would be better to actual do what Clover recommended for once.

"Step aside," she instructed.

"Glad to see you know reason," Shade said, as he sauntered back over to the car, gesturing for Ruby to enter. With all of them gone, the truck sped back off, leaving the Huntresses in the dust. Robyn let out a breath, not realizing she'd even been holding one in.

"Why are we just letting them go?" May asked. Robyn didn't answer at first, just narrowing her eyes as she watched them leave.

"We need to find out everything we can about that Faunus," she said, "I suspect there's a lot we don't know."

"Oh, my child, you have no idea." Robyn turned in surprise at the sound of the voice, but didn't see anything.

"What is it?" Joanna asked.

"Nothing," her leader said after a brief pause, dismissing it as her imagination.

(in Mantle)

"It's a clear day," Weiss noted, as she looked up at the sky, "Those aren't all together common in this part of Remnant."

"Yeah," Blake agreed, "It'd be good for flying, if we had time." Ilia rolled her eyes; that was such a strange conversation the two were having. But maybe it was better than the alternatives they could be having as they waited.

One thing Weiss was thankful for in her experience since leaving Atlas, was it helped open her eyes to the problems the Faunus faced. It was something she always had an idea of, even when she was young, but never really understood, which may have something really to do with how she was raised. Again, her father didn't strike her as prejudicial per se; he'd roll over humans just as easily as he would Faunus if it was financially lucrative, it was just Faunus were… easier to do it. But irregardless, Weiss intended to do what she could when she could, and thought seeing more of Mantle was a good place to start, which was why she was currently volunteering to do something down in the mining district in Mantle. Accompanying her was Blake, who of course wanted to see it first hand, and for some reason Ilia. Blake told her she didn't have to come, but Ilia insisted.

"I can't forget where I come from," she had said, "I have to see it." To that end, the three girls were waiting out in the Academy courtyard for their escort down to the district.

"They're late," Ilia complained, tapping her finger on her arm.

"There's a lot that probably needs doing down in Mantle," Weiss said.

"Maybe things will get better after the general makes the announcement," Blake suggested. Ilia liked to believe she was right, but one could maybe forgive her for having doubts about the humans.

Not long after that, they finally heard the sound of a Bullhead coming down in their direction. They cleared some space for it to land, and once he did, four men disembarked, with the guy in the lead coming up to the girls.

"Colonel Norton Mount, captain of the Mantle Law Enforcement division," the man said, standing at attention, before gesturing to the others, "And these are my deputies, Guy Sangbleu, Bishop Ford, and Martinus Prior." Most of them nodded, while Martinus waved and smiled.

"Weiss Schnee," Weiss introduced.

"Blake Belladonna," Blake added, before gesturing to Ilia, "and this is Ilia Amitola." Ilia just nodded to all of them.

"Pleased to meet all of you," Norton said with a smile, as he gestured to the airship, "Now, if you'll hop in, we'll get right to it." The girls quickly followed him onto the airship, which promptly took off for Mantle. As they waited, Norton and Guy sat in the cockpit, while Bishop and Martinus sat across from the girls.

"So," Bishop said, "You're the newest Atlesian huntresses?"

"I wouldn't call ourselves necessarily Atlesian, but yes," Weiss answered.

"I'm not a huntress," Ilia said, "I'm just coming with them."

"Well, glad to have you anyway," Martinus said, with a smile, "We could use all the help we could get these days."

"Yeah, it's hard keeping people down." Ilia hadn't meant to say that out loud, but didn't regret saying, even though both Blake and Weiss looked at her in surprise. Martinus and Bishop exchanged looks with each other.

"Sorry," Blake said.

"Oh, it's fine," Bishop answered, his weasel tail flicking slightly, "Can't say I blame her for it."

"We want to help," Martinus said, running a hand through his spiky hair, "Faunus or human, those people down there at Atlesian citizens, and we'll do what we can to help them." While Blake and Weiss were surprised, but glad to hear that, Ilia wasn't so accepting; just more pretty words from the human establishment, but it was somehow worse hearing it from a Faunus like Bishop. She just tucked her knees in, and stared at the floor.

Soon enough, they made it down to the mining district. It was an imposing sight, a massive hole in the ground ringed by shoddy houses and stalls. The sight made Ilia turn a light red, then a deep blue. They landed in a large lot, in the center, where they promptly disembarked.

Norton lead the group through the slums, which was, filled with Faunus, none of them looking in a good way. The sight made Blake's hands curl into fists, and Weiss spine to tingle. Their eyes turned to slits, as scales started to appear; Ilia elbowed them slightly to get their attention. She may have been very unhappy by what she was seeing, but two dragons appearing wouldn't do any good for anyone.

"Dan!" Norton suddenly called, getting the attention of one of the Faunus, a man with light brown skin, and the tail of a rattlesnake.

"Norton," the Faunus said, as the two came up to each other, and to the teens' surprise, clasped hands, "It's good to see you down here."

"That's Dan Pecos," Guy explained to the girls, "He's one of the local leaders here."

"You said we needed to meet," Norton said, putting a hand on the rattlesnake's shoulder.

"Yeah," Dan said, gesturing to inside his shack, "Let's talk inside." With that, the two went into the shack. Weiss was somewhat surprised that the Deputies were letting their commander just walk into the house of a leader in what was certainly not the best of neighborhoods, which must've shown on her face as Guy looked at her.

"You don't have to worry," he said, "Dan's a pretty good guy as they go."

"So what now?" Blake asked.

"We wait for him to finish, which should be a couple hours," Guy answered, before pointing around, "Ms. Schnee will come with me, Ms. Belladonna will go with Bishop, and Ms. Amitola will go with Martinus." The other Deputies all sounded their affirmation, before they struck off into the town, with the girls following their respected assigned ones.

Note: I do love how Ruby's talking about becoming a dragon the same way someone would talk about going out to see a movie. Yeah, I know it's been a while since I've updated (I've gotten PMs reminding me about that), but work has kept me busy (again, I'm military, and that's not something you can brush off), and I've also been working on some original works of my own.

The purpose of this chapter was to establish Robyn and Norton with the characters, and more importantly, to build on Norton and his Deputies. I felt having him interact with some of the canon characters, especially Weiss and Blake, left for some opportunity to learn a bit more about him. I knew I didn't want him to be some jerk who picks on the poor (like the Sheriff of Nottingham), because I have an end goal with the character and Robyn, and having him really unlikable wouldn't suit the story. I actually planned on including scenes of the Deputies talking with the girls, but I was really blocked in that respect, so I decided to put it off for next chapter to not slow the writing of this one down more.

I got one reviewer accusing me of "whitewashing" what the Faunus went through. I'm not sure how criticizing the White Fang constitutes as "whitewashing" what happened to them, though. But I will reiterate that my problem with how the Faunus are used in RWBY is that they serve little purpose in the narrative or setting other than to be victims of prejudice, with the White Fang supposed to be the sort of stock "violent revolution" group that serves as a foil to the leads, particularly Blake. The Faunus have no real culture or identity in the story beyond being the victims, which is a failure in story telling; it's not a new issue, it's been an issue since the Faunus as a concept were established.

Sidebar: I'm going to take this as a quick chance to say that Martinus was conceived as transgender, similar to May, only female to male in his case.

Be sure to review. I recently posted on my profile links to drawings of Talos, Magenta, Bai, and Crane, drawn by MechaG11; you may have to get rid of a couple spaces in the links.