So quick question does anyone know how to add new characters to the list?

Ten years.

Ten years had passed since his mom had been murdered. Since he had lost his vision.

Nine years since he had moved in with his adopted father, Aizawa.

Eight years since he found out his senes had grown to accommodate his lack of sight.

Seven years since he had been able to accept all of this.

Six years since the nightmares came every day.

Five years since he was able to move on from this tragedy.

Four years since he started using his new found abilities.

Three years since he found a job at a local bookstore.

Two years since he met his best friend.

One year since he decided to change the world.

And one week after he got sloppy.

Staring down four of the top ten heroes, Midoriya Izuku knew there was no way out of this one. In his ear, the frantic voice of a young woman kept going over her data, again and again, trying to find where she had gone wrong. And more importantly how to fix it.

Endeavor, Edgeshot, Best Jeanist, the Rabbit Hero "Mirko," but most importantly the man who stood in front of all of them.


"Well, I still got one good arm. Let's see if I can go beyond once more huh? Plus Ultra and all that." His body slid into a fighting stance once more, his joints clicking together in an effort to hold up his tattered body.

"Just give up. I don't feel right trying to take down a kid. Especially one who can barely stand." Miriko's voice was surprisingly soft, a stark contrast to it's ordinarily loud and cocky tone.

Though all of this might be because of the large bruise, she was nursing on her left side. A testament to the fact that this vigilante could not be taken lightly.

Even so, he could hear the powerful muscles in her legs tensing. Ready to spring into action if he decided to try anything.

Endeavor continued to glare down at the battered boy. His glare sharp enough to put even the most veteran villains in a panic. Hellfire crackled around his fingertips.

The boy took one step closer his half chared legs almost giving out under the strain of his injuries. Another left him gasping for air. The third made his vision go black. And the fourth had his body falling forward.

Taking the other heroes by surprise, Miriko dashed forward catching the vigilante's body before it could hit the ground.

The boy had spoken his mind and stood up for what he believed in, that alone had earned her respect.

"We need to get him to a hospital." Best Jeanist's voice was soft and warm, trying to calm the frantic sidekicks that he had brought with him.

"We need to put him down." Endeavor. Of course, it was him who spoke.

The other pro's glared at the number two hero. Nothing was said though; nothing needed to be.

"I can get him there the fastest." Miriko's voice was back to it's loud, brash tone, but everyone could see the worried look on her face.

"Good see to it that you do." Eraserhead spoke for the first time since the end of the fight. It put the other heroes on edge because despite their ranking's it had been him who did the most damage.

With that the rabbit hero took off, her legs pumping as she ran down the street.

The other heroes dispersed back to their original patrol routes. Content to let the other pro's handle the rest.

Of course, no true story would ever start in the middle. Events branch around the world like fire. Each one leading to another chapter in life.

His decisions in this world might not affect the ones in another.

But one thing was for certain.

He sure as hell was changing this one.

Midoriya was a simple boy to take care of. He never asked for much, just the occasional snack, and a few books that had braille in them, nothing that Aizawa couldn't provide for the child. He was smart and rational to boot.

When he walked it was always cautiously, he didn't run or try to bump into something purposely. He was quiet, but then again most kids would be if they watched their mom get murdered in front of them.

There had been no sign of his dad since he had found the boy. Though, calling that man a father would be an insult to all the good ones in the world.

There were subtle things he noticed about the boy though, like how he could tell the difference of who was walking by the sound of their footsteps. Or how on more than one occasion he would idely mention that he could hear his accelerated heartbeat.

Then there were days where he would do something extraordinary.

He had walked in one day to the boy standing outside in his backyard, staring at the tree. When a leaf would fall, he would catch it over an over again, an ordinarily mundane thing to do when you could see, but from the way the boy described it, he could feel the leaves falling by the currents in the air.

Then there was the day he walked into the kitchen to see the boy balancing his body on one finger. Lowering his body before pushing it back up again. It was incredible.

He would train with the boy, light hand to hand combat mainly, but it was still a valuable lesson to learn. In this world, anything could happen, especially to someone who was both blind and quirkless.

When Midoriya was old enough, he had spoken his interest in getting a job. At first, Aizawa had been against it. He had to balance school and training already, a job would only burden him further, but after bringing home his report card, Aizawa had little right to refuse.

It was there that his story would well and truly begin.