The scene changed to the Beacon students, battered and beaten, walking. They were tightly grouped together, fearful and alert of any change in their surroundings.
Jaune was being held up by Blake, while Pyrrha trailed close behind, a hand on her mending arm. The alabaster skin slowly knitting itself back together. Ren held Nora in his arms, his expression grim. The boy in green sent worried glances to his teammates and to his leader.

"That was brutal." Qrow exhaled. "I was seriously spooked back there."
Blue nodded to the Beacon professors. "It might get worse. Prepare yourselves accordingly."

Raven replayed the fight again and again in her mind. She wanted to know of any weaknesses such a monster would have, yet when her mind went back to that fight, the only image that she was reminded of was that of her daughter, broken and bleeding.
"Tch!" The bandit clicked her tongue in annoyance. She thought she was over such feelings.

"It appears the timely arrival of ARC and the safe space he knows of offer some needed respite. But I'm sure that whatever or whoever commanded that hulking monster wouldn't lie around waiting."

Cardin nodded. "For now, that's good enough. They need to lick their wounds. If I was them, I would try and contact any of the professors, or something like that.."

Weiss nodded. "That was surprisingly insightful of you, Cardin."
Velvet puffed, slightly annoyed. "There is no surprise." She said. "Cardin is the leader of his team after all."

"Oum damnit!" Weiss cursed, her broken scroll in her hands. "Out of all the times for a network maintenance!"
Archer looked at her, a smug smirk on his face. "You shouldn't work yourself up like that over nothing, Master. I have already scouted ahead and have detected no hostiles. And even if we found enemies, I am confident in my ability to scare them away."

"Well shit. I guess they are on their own now." Said Coco.
"Yeah man." Sun said. "That is definitely bad luck. Out of all the times you need an evac…"
Blake scoffed "It just goes to show how bad the CCT truly is. The politicians in charge of its upkeep probably pocket the money and make the maintenance an afterthought."
Glynda frowned. "That isn't the case, right Ozpin?"
Ozpin could only bristle and narrow his eyes in return.

"And you be quiet!" Weiss hissed. Her cheeks puffing and reddening. "Nice advice, There's a church nearby. Well we've been walking for 30 minutes! I don't see any churches nearby, do you?"
Archer smiled. He had truly missed this.
"We are already here." He said as he pointed to the big oaken door a few blocks away. In her stress, the heiress had missed church. "You need to pay better attention to your surroundings, Master."
"Hush you!" The girl in white said, her face reddening. "You said I am your master, and while I don't know what that means, I think I have enough situational awareness to know that you answer to me! So don't talk back!"
Archer sighed. Hanging his head. "As my master wishes"

Winter nodded to her sister. "Very well done Weiss. Asserting your dominance over smug men is something you need to be good at if you want to succeed as head of the SDC."

Qrow snorted. "You know all about domming men, don't you?"
Winter bristled. "Listen here you-"

Glynda cut them off before it could escalate. "Can you stop trying to pick fights with each other? We're here to save our reality, remember?"

Qrow and Winter immediately stopped arguing, and sheepishly looked away from each other.
"Whoa" Cardin said. "Makes you wonder who the true dom is."
Glynda thwacked him over the head with her riding crop.
"I'll pretend I didn't head that, Mr. Winchester."

Velvet watched curiously as Cardin mumbled to himself, red in the face and embarrassed. "Why are boys so obsessed with doms?" she pondered.

"Whoa." Blake said as the party looked around the church. The walls were made of brick, with a hundred seats all around and in front of an idol of Oum. The floor was clearly wood, and recently waxed if her nose was serving her correctly.
The voice that resonated from within the dark bowels of the church has a fake pleasant tone to it. Blake and Ren both stiffened. They prided themselves into being the best of their group of friends in stealth and enemy detection, yet they were startled at the voice. They hadn't sensed anything there beforehand.

"That was incredibly use of the shadows and breathing technique. Whoever was in that darkness knows how to conceal himself." Ren commented, with Nora nodding.
"See how he chose the spot in which no light came to hide?" Nora pointed to the church altar. "He's very cautious for a priest."
"Whoa Nora." Said Ruby, in awe. "I didn't knew that you knew about stealth techniques."
"Of course I do silly!" Nora smiled. "My man is a ninja after all!"
Ren's eyes widened "Her man?" He thought in a panic.
"Damn, the Valkyrie is already slaying?" Yang whistled.

"I do not know the circumstances of my summoning. Master" Archer said, as he stood behind Weiss, protective in his stance. "But the priest inside will explain everything that went down. Including my existence and that monster you fought."
Archer tilted his head to the unconscious bodies of Nora, Jaune and Yang.
"He is also a great spiritual healer, able to reinforce aura and strengthen the soul. He should be able to heal your friends up. Though he's quite a pain in the ass." He finished.

The darkness slowly parted to reveal a face with olive toned skin. The man was garbed in a traditional black priest's outfit. His hair was shoulder length and brown, and his smile was unnerving to all the students involved.
"J-Jaune!" Pyrrha moaned, as the eyes of her partner slowly crept open. Ren's eyes widened too as he rushed to his leader, Nora in his arms.
"Huh W-What?" Jaune asked, dazed and confused.
In a second, one Ruby Rose tackled him into a wooden bench. Tears in her eyes as she nuzzled his chest.
"Im sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry!" Ruby said as she cried silently on Jaune's chest. "You almost died because of me. I'm so stupid! So stupid…"
"Ruby….." Jaune sighed, he brought a hand up to her red hair and stroked gently. "Shush. Its ok. I'm not hurt, see?"
Jaune motioned to his stomach, where the terrible blow had cut through the cotton of his hoodie and bit into his flesh. The wound was now closed, the only indication of the past presence of a wound was the matted and clotted blood that adorned his pants and upper body.
"I thought I…" Ruby hiccupped. "I thought I lost you too…."

"That's sweet." Cooed Coco.
"Yeah. I'm not sure about my precious flower being all chummy with a boy though…" Growled Tai.
"Oh relax Dad. "Yang waved at him dismissively. "Vomit Boy is a good boy. I would pummel him if he hurt our Ruby. And besides, he got gutted in two trying to protect Rubes, that should tell you what kind of man he is."
Tai's eyes widened. "That's true. I'm just worried my little rose will end up hurt."
"I don't think he could ever hurt me" Said Ruby, ignoring the butterflies in her stomach as she saw her counterpart being coddled and embraced by the Arc. "Why do I feel like this? Jaune is my- "she thought to herself. She hesitated to call him friend.

"Interesting young men and women are in my church now." The priest chuckled dryly. "Along with a servant of all things. I assume that you are his master?" he said, pointing to Weiss.
"Yes." Weiss said, curtly. "Although the meaning of such a word and the situation revolving it alludes me."
The priest chuckled again, his face adorned an all knowing smile.
"I am Kirei Kotomine. I am in charge of this church."

"Kirei Kotomine huh?" Sun said, his hand on his chin, pretending to be in deep thought.
"A very foreign name, not even color based. Probably from beyond Vale." Blake said.
"Indeed" Said Ozpin. "And judging by his demeanor, he is very knowledgeable of servants, heroic spirits and the current situation."
"I just hope everyone is ok." Pyrrha said, nervous.

The priest suddenly looked over to the pair of hunstmen students. The girl in red was the one, he knew it. He felt it. And then-
He smiled.
"Jaune Arc, huh?"

"Oum, Creepy ass dude." Swore Cardin
"I don't know why, but the way he looked at Ruby rubbed me the wrong way. That asshole knows something, I'm sure of it" Qrow growled.
"It looks like he knows this Arc fellow." Winter added.

"You know me?" Jaune asked, cautious. Ren was behind him, holding Nora In his arms.
"Of course." The priest smiled. "I was one of the few that fought against your grandfather in that forgotten ritual. The same one that her has kickstarted rather forcefully."
"Her? Ritual?" Weiss asked "What are you speaking about?"
The priest's eyes widened and he closed his mouth, his lips thinning into a straight line. "Ah. Apologies. I have forgotten myself. Let me ask you this, Weiss Schnee. What is the being you summoned?"
Weiss groaned. "I do not know!" She looked around to her friends. Yang was slowly starting to wake up, Blake tending to her, the cat faunus's left hand hovering above her pistol, and her cat ears perched up and listening the conversation.
Pyrrha was slowly flexing her arm, guiding her aura into repairing it. While Ren set Nora down in one of the churche's benches.
"I don't want to sound ungrateful, but speaking in riddles will not get us nowhere."
The priest hums to himself. "I suppose that is right. The ritual that I was speaking about is The Holy Grail War. A confrontation between individuals who desire the Holy Grail."
"Holy Grail?" Jaune asked.
"Correct. During ancient times, this war was conceived by the people of early Remnant as a way to decide who would get the coveted Holy Grail., an artifact with the power to grant its holder any wish."