Demigods are the end result of a god and a mortal having a child together. However, Gods tend to make mistakes even if they would not want to admit it. Rare, in a moment of heat and desire, Gods of two different beliefs would lay in the arms another and bare a child between the two.

A God without any mortal blood in their veins. A God without a title, named as a demigod by both sides.

Unlike demigods, they do not possess mortal souls and are not vulnerable to old age and death; however, they do not have the responsibilities of their godly siblings as they are without a title.

Characters Needed

Two Satyrs

God Children of -

Greek God and [Insert Another God]

Greek God and [Insert Another God]
Greek God and [Insert Another God]
Greek God and [Insert Another God]
Greek God and [Insert Another God]
Greek God and [Insert Another God]

-Do Not Select The Big Three or Hera and Artemis

-Do Not Select Roman Gods, Norse Gods, or Egyptian Gods as the other God

-You May Select Same Sex Gods

-This is not first come first serve


Full name:
Gender: [Must be biology male, but doesn't need to defined themself as a male]
Species: Satyr

History: [How did they succeed at being a Keeper? Did they retrieve a demigod safely to camp, or did they go on a quest that succeeded?]

Personality: [Since the Searcher's Licenses were discontinued after all satyrs acknowledged that Pan had faded. How did they react to being selected to find the hidden gods even though they already succeed at being a Keeper?]



Magical Items: [If Any]

Magical Pets/Companions: [If Any]

-Parents [What is their relationship with them?]

Siblings: [Do they know of their siblings? How will they feel meeting a sibling?]

Love Interests: [Do you want a love interest? How are they in front of their crush? Do you want them to be a canon character or do you mind being paired up with another OC?]

Friends: [How are they with new people? How are they will friends?]


Godly Character

Full name:

Godly Name: [If they had a title what would you give them?]



Species: God


History: [How did their Godly Parents meet? How did they come into contact with their adopted parents? How old were they when they started to use their abilities? How do they find out they have powers? etc.]




Magical Items: [If Any]

Magical Pets/Companions: [If Any]



-Parents [Do they know they are a God or do they think they are a demigod? What is their relationship with their Godly Parents?]

Greek God:

Other God:

-Adopted Parents: [What is their relationship with them? How do they react to the fact that your character is a god.]

Siblings: [Do they know of their siblings? How will they feel meeting a sibling?]

Love Interests: [Do you want a love interest? How are they in front of their crush? Do you want them to be a canon character or do you mind being paired up with another OC?]

Friends: [How are they with new people? How are they will friends?]
