Hey everyone! The name's Skorch, full name SkorchNTorch. I've always been a fan of 'Characters React to Death Battle' fics and there's always been a few I considered writing. Mortal Kombat, X-Men, Overwatch and a few others… Any who, I was jumpin' around and found this story 'The Z Fighters Reacts to Death Battle!' turns out that JLyman was putting the story up for adoption, so… Here we are!

So… before the story begins, I got a few things to say. First of all, some of the battles will have… different conclusions. I'll do my best to keep it honest, and the way Death Battle does it (because I much more a Boomstick than I am a Wiz) but some of them just… Needed a little editing (DS). Also, the Gaara vs Toph and Goku v Superman will most likely remain unaltered, due to the fact that the research done for the battles were very well done. Also, with the former of the two, I don't really know anything about Naruto or Avatar (haven't watched either, sorry.) Anyhow, also, some of the fights will be altered, and possibly an outcome or two, but for the most part the actual fights themselves will be left as is, however, some of the facts, and banter will be changed so we don't lose this story due to copyright issues (thanks to MrGoodyTwoShoes, DoctorWhoDat and WargishBoromirFan for point this out, I don't wanna end up in trouble and I don't think you guys wanna lose the story. So chapter's one and two are going to be updated.)

After a brief break to get more food, it was time for another episode, and Bulma hit play on the remote.

(*Cue Invader – Jim Johnson)

"Superheroines. Whether they're from Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse or any other brand, millions have been drawn to these modern myths of comic book lore." Wiz stated as images of comic covers appeared of women wearing, (somewhat) revealing clothing

"Or you could, uh, y'know, just be drawn to the way they're drawn. Get my drift?" Boomstick added under his breath.

"Ignoring Boomstick's comment… Any of you ever think that maybe, I dunno, we might be comic characters in some other reality?" Mr. Satan coughed.

"What do you mean by that?" Trunks asked, interested.

"Well, if in one world these characters are real, but another they exist as nothing more than comic characters, would it be too far-fetched to believe the same might apply to us?"

Everyone present paused and thought that over, it was a… surprisingly well thought out concept for Hercule of all people.

"Like Anna Marie, the Southern X-Man known as Rogue."

"And Diana Prince, the Wonder Woman Amazonian Warrior from Themyscira!"

Two images came onto screen, one of a woman wearing orange and green with yellow gloves and brown hair with a white streak down to the side. The other woman wore a golden chest piece a red undershirt with two silver gauntlets and boots. She was currently holding a golden lasso and had a tiara on her head. There was something… noticeable about both women and Roshi could feel several sets of eyes boring into him, he however, kept his composure and kept watching, a nervous sweat developing.

"He's Boomstick and I'm Wizard!" Wiz continued with the intro

"And we're here to watch two chicks duke it out! CATFIGHT!" Boomstick yelled.

"Not. One. Word." Chi-Chi said with a slight growl, continuing to give Roshi a death glare.

"I'll make no promises." Roshi simply replied, but then gulped when he saw the looks he was getting form the women, Vegeta and Piccolo.

"Right… And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills-"

"And maybe a few other things." Boomstick cut in.

"What are they talking about?" Goten asked innocently.

"Supernatural feats most likely." Piccolo replied with a shrug, saving everyone form the awkward real answer. "I get the feeling that just like Akuma and Shang Tsung, they're more than mortals."

"-to find out who would win... a Death Battle."

"That is still cool." Chaoztsu commented.

(*Cues: X-Men (2000) - The X-Jet )

"Rogue has possessed a variety of different powers over the years. Not to mention multiple incarnations form a teenager struggling to fit in, to the leader of the X-Men, to even a member of the Avengers!"

"She's also been a bad guy more than once, but hey. Who hasn't?" Boomstick added as an image of Rouge in dark clothing with a wicked grin on her face appeared.

"Well, there's us." Goku answered. However, not many people seemed to agree right away.

"Goku, I want you to stop and think for a minute." Piccolo instructed. "Look at who's on your right, and look at who else is in the room."

"….Right…." Goku finally spoke awkwardly.

"But this duel in particular, we will use the most well-known version; the original iteration from the Uncanny X-Men comics and freakin' amazing X-Men television show in the 80's." Wiz clarified.

Several images appeared, first, one that seemed to be a cover to a book, titled 'The Avengers' the cover depicted dozens of people wearing odd costumes, for example, one of them wore gold and red armor. A text box appeared in the top right corner of this image reading: "Rouge officially debuted in Avengers Annual #10 in 1988".

"1988? How long ago was that?" Goku asked, scratching his head.

"Dunno." Videl shrugged. "But I get the feeling a lot of those guys on the cover there will be in Death Battles down the line."

"Awesome! More fighters!"

"Yeah, believe you me. If we were to try and incorporate both fighter's multiple incarnations across literal multiverses, we'd be here all day!" Boomstick exclaimed, exasperated.

"Wait. MULTIVERSES?!" Bulma spoke up, clearly shocked. "I thought that was just a theory!"

"Maybe, maybe not." Gohan shrugged.

"Rouge's main and deadliest weapon is her own skin. With just a touch, she absorbs a person's memories, talents, personalities, and abilities, whether superhuman or not, to use them herself." Wiz explained as a chart appeared along with a video showing Rouge absorbing someone else's powers.

Power Absorption

Activated through any form of physical contact

Absorbs memories, talents, personalities, and abilities

Temporary transfer (most of the time)

Can use copied abilities (again, tempoaraily)

Can be lethal with prolonged contact

"Her powers seem a lot like Cell's ability to…" Gohan began, but trailed off.

"Well, it seems that she has no control over it, weather someone wants to or not, she'll take it anyways." Tien commented still slightly unnerved at the memory of that monster.

The fighters all looked to one another, all nervously remembering the fight that cost them so much, but they still had come out victorious.

"But just form the looks of it, she both only uses her powers to fight evil, and has no real control over them." Chi-Chi finally said. "I don't think it's fair to compare her to that… thing."

"Too bad her powers knock whoever the lucky bastard is out cold, and if she holds on long enough, it's game over for them!"

"She can kill just by touch and has no control? That's probably the worst hand ever dealt to a hero." Bulma commented, feeling bad for Rouge.

"Tenacious foes like Juggernaut can resist it, but in the end, nobody is safe from Rogue's parasitic touch. For every second of contact, Rogue can keep these powers for a full minute. However, this has led to unforeseen side effects..."

"Like the mornings after five bottles of sake at Kame House…" Krillin said aloud.

"Oh, shut up Krillin!" Roshi snapped. "We agreed not to talk about that!"

"Am I missing something?" Android 18 asked, somewhat amused.

"No." The two said in unison.

"…such as the time she –for some reason- kissed Deadpool, and was briefly given his powers… along with his illness…"

An image appeared of Rouge kissing a man in shadows, then violently throwing up.

"Is it weird I now really wanna know who this 'Dead Pool' is?" Trunks commented.

"Kinda but no." Goten replied.

(*Cues: X-Men Theme - Hard Rock Remix*)

"Not to mention that she held on to Ms. Marvel for so long she absorbed her powers permanently. Because of that good ol' touchy feel, she's got super strength, speed, and near invulnerability. Not that I blame her, though. I'd be holdin' on to Ms. Marvel for as long as I could!" Boomstick declared, listing off her new permanent powers.

"Yup." Roshi simply said in agreement. Earning a few annoyed looks from the women.

"Plus, then when she's unconscious I could..."

"WHAT THE FUCK MAN?!" Vegeta shouted, genuine anger in his tone this startled everyone for a number of reasons. One, it was Vegeta. Two, the fact that Boomstick would make a joke like that. Three, the fact that Vegeta got so pissed off at Boomstick for making said joke. Oh, and the fact that through mere contact Rouge could kill someone. Then their shock turned to anger towards Boomstick when they realized what he had implied.

"Okay, what the hell is this guy's problem?!" Tien snarled. "First the finger painting joke, now this?!"

"I've never wanted to punch someone so much in my entire life…" Bulma fumed, wishing she could reach through the screen and hit him.

"How low can one man go?" Mr. Satan grumbled, and surprisingly, people agreed with him.

"Hey, Boomstick?" Wiz spoke up, the venom in his voice so clear, you'd have to be an idiot to not hear it.


There was a very loud WHAM! Followed by a pained yell and a heavy THUD! That made more than a few of the fighters present smile, realizing most likely what had happened.

"Ow… Okay, I deserved that… I'm sorry…" Boomstick groaned, his pride (and body) clearly injured.

"You deserved a lot more than that…" Chichi muttered.

There was another loud, and somewhat metallic WHAM! And Boomstick yelled again before the sound of a heavy impact was heard.

"The hell man! Your robo-hand freakin' hurts!"

Wiz (and everyone watching) spoke in unison: "Good."

Ms. Marvel's Powers

Super Strength (Nearly as tough as the Hulk) "Who?" Was asked by a few.

Flight at Subsonic Speed

Near-Invulnerability (Still mortal however, and can die as one)

Enhanced Reflexes

Telepathic Resistance (to an extent)

"Rouge also gained a seventh sense, the ability to unconsciously predict her opponents' moves. Kind of like a super warning bell. Very much in the same league as Spider-Man's Spidey Sense." Wiz continued as another list of powers appeared.

"Wait. Spider-Man?" Yamcha deadpanned. "Did he just say…"

"Yes." Tien nodded. "I don't know who or what that could be, but he did say that."

Well, her seventh sense doesn't seem to always work… That or the writers just forgot about it 'cause, uh, Rogue gets her ass kicked a lot. Like Daredevil levels of getting your ass kicked. DD at least has the excuse that he's blind! What's Rouge's reason?!"

"There's a blind superhero? That dosen't seem very effective." Vegeta remarked.

"Relying on your eyes is a weakness a fighter must overcome if they wish to truly succeed." Roshi piped up In a clam tone.

"Plot convenience." Wiz replied flatly.

A scene was shown of a man in red and black spandex suddenly appearing behind her and upper cutting her. Sending her flying backwards and sprawling onto the ground.

Deadpool: SHORYUKEN! Wait. I'm not supposed to be in his epido-

The scene suddenly cut to another, confusing everyone as to what just happened.

"What was that about?" 18 asked aloud. No one answered.

Piccolo looked over to Gohan who looked confused.

"What?" He asked.

"Dodge." The namekian simply replied, and Gohan gave him a flat look.

"And damn, she's got a hot ass." Boomstick remarked.

Most of the women grimaced or were still angry after his last remark, and Roshi began to say something until…

"Don't. They'll kill you." Piccolo telepathically told him.


"Comment on her butt, and it's yours they'll rip a new one in."

"Aw… It's still hot though!"


"Really?" Wiz replied, clearly annoyed.

"Hey, that counts as a superpower in my book, Wiz! While she's not invincible, she doesn't have any real weaknesses either. She's a classy southern belle, who I'd like to take out to dinner." Boomstick replied, his tone suggesting a shrug.

"Admittedly he's not wrong it that regard." Trunks commented, somewhat awkwardly.

"...Who can fly, lift buildings, and kill people just by touching them." Wiz stated matter-of-factly

"Uh, Never mind!"

Rogue: Ain't that enough?

After the doors closed, Bulma paused the video and looked to the others.

"Ignoring that one remark… what do you all think?" She asked, still slightly miffed.

"She seems like her power sapping abilities are helpful, but I can't say how effective they'll be in battle." Piccolo commented. "She dosen't exactly seem like a fighter."

"Well, neither did Shang Tsung." Goku shrugged.

"And he lost dad." Gohan dryly replied.

"I'd have to see about the other combatant, but if she can copy someone's powers just by touching them, I'd say that could be a pretty big advantage." 18 reasoned. "She wouldn't even have to hold her down for the kill, just use their own powers against them and exploit their inability to stop their own attacks." It was quiet for a moment until:

"Sound familiar?" Someone commented.

"Don't start with that crap…" She groaned, annoyed.

"Not sure how well she was trained, but she seems like she has a decent chance." Tien shrugged. "The power absorption should be helpful though."

(*Cues: Wonder Woman (2009) - Ending Theme*)

"To the uneducated nerd, and anyone who clicked on this video without really knowing what's going on, Wonder Woman may seem a cheap female clone of Superman." Wiz introduced the second fighter.

"What if we don't know what's going on? Or who Superman is?" Videl countered with a raised brow.

"With Superboobies!" Boomstick jumped in without missing a beat.

"Not…saying…anything…" Roshi murmured, shrinking back somewhat.

"Who's Superman?" Buu asked. Everyone looked to one another then shrugged.

"Probably someone we'll see in another episode." Goku simply replied.

Oh boy…

But in reality, she's a whole different story. Created from earth, from clay, and born by gods, trained by ancient Amazonian warriors..."

"Maker of Wonder Bread! Designer of the Wonderbra!" Boomstick cut him off.

"Boomstick, that's not true!" Wiz shouted angrily at his co-host. This did get a few laughs form those who were watching.

"Man, this comic-writing stuff is easy!" Boomstick remarked.

"Sure." Bulma flatly commented.

"Ugh… Wonder Woman is the incredibly powerful and nearly invincible ambassador of Themyscira, and self-appointed protector of the Earth. She's a founding member of the Justice League and part of the Trinity. She's survived due to her vastly superior training, and has literally been to hell and back to protect those she cares for." Wiz explained as footage rolled of Wonder Woman taking down bad guys left and right.

Boomstick: And she dresses like a stripper... a patriotic stripper!

"You're fine with exposing our children to this?!" Chi-Chi growled.

"Yes." Goku nodded. "Because it shows them how not to treat women." Chi-Chi seemed less than impressed with his answer.

"They why do you let them hang around Roshi?" Piccolo asked.

"Um… I'll get back to you on that." Goku awkwardly replied.

Master Combatant

Trained since Childhood

Skilled at armed and unarmed combat

Prefers fists over blades (Goku and a few others agreed)

The best of the Amazons (and that's saying something!)

"This might seem weird, but she kinda seems like a saiyan." Videl said, looking to her husband. "Trained from a young age, super powers protector of earth…"

"Yeah you're right!" Goten spoke up liking what the Amazonian a bit more.

"Diana Prince has been trained by the Amazons as a master combatant in almost every style since childhood. She dueled the best of the best for the right to be crowned Wonder Woman, a title given to only the absolute greatest of warriors. Her unearthly powers are divine, granted by ancient Greek gods and goddesses. From Demeter, she received superhuman strength and durability."

Powers From Demeter

Superhuman Strength

Superhuman Durability (Resists all but Blades and Bullets)

Magic Resistance

Enhanced Healing

(*Cues: Justice League - Main Theme*)

"And you know that bitch Mailman god with the wingy shoes?" Boomstick commented.

"Hermes the messenger?" Wiz corrected

"Yeah, him. He gave Wonder Woman the ability to fly and move at hypersonic speed! And not just fast, but like, not physically able to see her move fast!"

Powers From Hermes

Flight up to Mach-5 Speed

Superhuman Reflexes (Faster than Superman)

Superhuman Speed (Up to Hyper-Sonic)

"Wait, how many Gods are there?!" Oolong asked bewildered.

"Well, there's Kami, Enma, Kaiō…" Tien began listing off the Gods they currently knew of, and somewhere far away, a purple sphynx-like cat leaned up from his nap and looked around before shrugging and going back to sleep. "…and that's all the ones I can think of."

"Well, considering that these two come from completely different worlds, would it really be so hard to assume that different worlds have different Gods?" Trunks asked.

"Dimensional Gods or not, nothing changes, I'd still be able to beat any of them in a fight!" Vageta scoffed dismissively with a wave. Majin Buu nodded in agreement, giving a 'Hm!'

"Oh yeah, I guess Scorch would count as one too." Goku suddenly added. "He said something like he was in charge of the worlds that existed outside of ours or something… I dunno, he had a mouth full of melted marshmallows at that point."

After hearing that, everyone present turned shocked to Goku who looked around confused. All having no clue who he was talking about.

"What? He said he was taking over because some other guy was done, something along the lines of… Lee-man or something…"

"Who the hell are you talking about?" Vegeta finally asked.

"You don't remember?" Goku replied. "The guy we met in that other world?"

"I'm going to ask you this again. What the hell are you talking about?" Vegeta repeated himself.

"Well, if you don't remember, he said he was gonna come by at some point. So, you can ask him then." Goku replied.

Unsure of how to react, everyone just turned back to the TV.

Other Powers

Enhances Sight, Smell. Hearing, Touch, Taste


Increased Wisdom

Superior Empathy ("As opposed to regular empathy?" Tien snarked.)

Other Useless Stuff (Can talk to animals)

"What would you need advanced taste for?" Goten asked, confused.

"I can think of a few things." Roshi spoke up. After making that comment, the men all sweat-dropped, and the women all turned to face the old man. "What? Ever thought about the fact that an easy and quiet way to kill someone is with poison? If you had enhanced taste, you'd be able to tell within the first drop, and that just might save your life."

The room went silent, surprised that Roshi had been think strategies this time, rather than… what he normally thought about.

"Also you could probably-"


"She was given numerous other powers from enhanced senses, animal rapport, and blessings of wisdom and empathy.

"Again. As opposed to regular empathy?" Tien stated.

Boomstick: Yeah, despite being an absolute BEAST in battle, she prefers to try and help or reform her rivals rather than outright kill them. Making her the heart in the Trinity. And aside from the obvious cannons rested right below her neck…" Boomstick explained.


"…she's got a pretty bizarre mix of weaponry. Aside from her warrior sword and shield, her Lasso of Truth is a piece of unbreakable string that, well, makes you tell the truth.

Lasso of Truth

Forged by Hephaestus ("Who?" Was asked by a few people.)


Infinitely Elastic

Forces Prisoners to Tell the Truth

"I'll be honest, that would probably be helpful with some of the idiots I have to deal with down at the precinct." Krillin muttered.

"What? You want a lasso so you can catch the bad guys?" 18 smirked. "Do you also want a horse to chase them down on?"

"That's not what I meant!" he exclaimed, making some people in the room laugh.

Hippolyta: What other depraved thoughts must you be thinking?

Col. Steve Trevor: God, your daughters got a nice rack.

"Hell yeah, she does!" Roshi and Boomstick exclaimed simultaneously.

Before anyone could say anything, Roshi was hit on the top of his head. His eyes rolled and he swayed about before muttering something inaudible and falling backwards onto the floor. A few of the fighters looked to Chi-Chi, but no one decided to say anything. Even Goku just remained quiet and kept watching.

"She uses her tiara as a long range throwing weapon, using its razor-sharp edge to slice open her enemies' throat. Hell, that's the fastest way to use it, it's sharp enough to chip limbs off if she throws it hard enough!" Wiz explained as the fighters got a good look at her tiara.

Boomerang Tiara

Returns after Each Use

Razor-Sharp Edge

Can Cut Through Most Substances

Impractical yet awesome ("Totally!" Videl cheered)

As if to prove this, she grabbed her tiara and threw it hard, a winged creature shrieked in pain as it sliced its head clean off, blood spewing out as it's lifeless body fell to the ground.

"Seems a lot like your destructo discs Krillin." Goku commented.

"That actually seems kinda cool." The monk mused. "Hey Bulma, you think you could create some sort of throwing weapon like that?"

"You mean like a chakram?" Mr. Satan asked, making the sayians turn in surprise to him. "They're essentially a Frisbee of death that's made out of steel with a razor-sharp edge to it."

"How do you know that?" Piccolo asked.

"I studied more than hand-to-hand combat." He shrugged.

"Wonder Babe here uses the Bracelets of Submission, and no, they're not what you think. Instead of being something for having a good time, they're indestructible steel gauntlets forged from the remains of Zeus' legendary Aegis. These babies can block all sorts of attacks. Bullets, magic, fire, lasers, it's AWESOME!" Boomstick exclaimed.

Bracelets of Submission (Roshi wisely remained silent)


Formed from the Aegis of Zeus

Blocks Most Other Attacks

Can Discharge Lighting (Insert AC/DC joke here.)

"She has persevered throughout the years, fighting a huge variety of foes, even killing the Greek God of War, Ares." Wiz added

"Hear that, Kratos? A chick beat you to it!" Boomstick laughed.

"Who's Kratos?" Gohan asked.

"My guess is someone we'll see in future episodes." Bulma shrugged. "But it also was the Greek word for the divine personification of strength."

"The hell are you talking about? My name isn't Kratos." Vegeta commented.

"She said 'Strength' not 'Ego'." Piccolo dryly commented. Vegeta's head snapped over to the namekian and gave him an 'after this is done, we're fighting' look.

"Not to mention that after a gorgon turned an innocent child to stone, Wonder Woman went into hell itself to save that child. While blind." Wiz emphasized that last part.

"Wow. She literally went blindly into hell." Krillin commented, amazed.

Wonder Woman bashed the edge of the shield down to Mad Harriet.

Wonder Woman: Let's see you smile now!

The doors closed once again.

"I like her." Chi-Chi smiled. "She seems to be motivated by purity and a drive to do good. I like that."

"Her training seems interesting, if the Amazonians are the warriors Wiz and Boomstick are claiming to be, then she should have a decent chance at winning." Piccolo said.

"My money is on Wonder Woman." Krillin shrugged. "She's far better trained, not to mention better weapons."

"Agreed." Mr. Satan nodded. "She's been trained by a warrior race since birth, she's clearly got the advantage here. Also, I don't thing Rouge even had weapons aside from her powers."

"But Rouge can kill someone just by touching them. I think that might be a game-changer." Goku commented.

"Yes, but they did say stronger foes can resist her powers." Tien added. "What good are powers if someone can simply shrug it off? Diana is a God after all."

"True. I believe Wonder Woman's got this fight." Gohan nodded.

"I dunno, I think it would be too easy to let her win." Trunks commented. "If she's so powerful, there wouldn't be much of a fight. I think Rouge is gonna win."

"I agree with the boy." Vegeta added. "She just needs to grab on long enough to take some of her strength, then tire her down, then drain what's left."

"Honestly, I think it's fifty-fifty on who could win." Bulma reasoned. "When it comes down to it, Wonder Woman could simply slash Rouge's throat open with her tiara. Or Rouge could grab onto her leg or something and copy her powers. Neither one has a clear advantage, if they play it smart, either could win."

"Who cares? The fight is gonna be great!" Roshi declared.

"Yeah!" Goku added, not realizing what his master was implying.

"Well, let's find out!" Yamcha said, and Bulma unpaused the video.

Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set, it's time to end this debate once and for all.

Boomstick: It's time for a DEATH BATTLE!

The doors close than open one last time.

(*Cues: Rogue's Theme - X-Men vs Street Fighter*)

Rogue is shown flying in the sky. The Invisible Jet descends in background and Wonder Woman flies out. She kicks Rogue in the face, both Super Heroines fly down to the ground.

"Okay, first. She has an invisible jet?!" Goten exclaimed. "And second, why'd she attacks her!?"

"It's a Death Battle kid. Something tells me this isn't their normal way of doing introductions." Piccolo replied.


(*Cues: Wonder Woman (2009) - The Battle/Origins*)

Wonder Woman throws her tiara at Rogue, runs behind her, and roundhouse kicks her. The kick sends Rogue flying, Wonder Woman then flies after her, kicking her multiple times before dashing behind her again and punching her. Rouge skids across the ground and get back up, unfortunately, she is somewhat dazed and dosen't have enough to react to Wonder Woman who the Lasso of Truth to grab her and slams her on the ground numerous times, before flipping her onto a car and into a building before dragging Rogue near her, and then proceeding to uppercut her in the through a large sign.

"Woo! Take her down!" Krillin shouted.

She takes off into the air around the airborne Rogue with a flurry of punches.

(*Cues: X-Men Theme - Hard Rock Remix )

However, when Rogue is punched in the face, she absorbs some of Wonder Woman's powers. Rouge seems to be getting control of herself as she absorbs more of her powers when she takes off her glove and grabs her leg.

"Called it! Power absorption!" Vegeta yelled victoriously.

"Oh, c'mon! I thought she was smarter than that!" Mr. Satan groaned.

Realizing whatever happening isn't good, Wonder Woman breaks free and strikes Rouge hard in the chest. Or at least, she would if Rogue hadn't gotten behind her and struck her from behind, before she elbows her in the neck, and sends her soaring with a quick kick combo. Wonder Woman throws out her Lasso of truth again, but Rogue grabs it, tugs it, and slams her on the ground. Rogue flies behind her again and launches her tiara again, but Rogue blocks it, -propelling it back on her head- kicks her in the air and uppercuts her. Wonder Woman stops Rogue with several punches, but her finishing kick is blocked and she is knocked in the air.

"You were right Chi. They do seem a lot like us." Goku commented watching the airborne battle.

(*Cues: Wonder Woman (2009) - The Battle/Origins again*)

Rogue flies after her in the air, and is responded by a commotion of punches, Rogue blocks on of them and delivers some of her own, which is later blocked by Wonder Woman. Diana strikes her gauntlets together and expels a thunderous wave when blasts Rouge back and onto the ground.

"Whoa!" Goten and Trunks exclaimed, wide-eyes at the power Wonder Woman was displaying

Rouge pulls herself up and grabs a car and throws it, however, Wonder Woman simply punches clean through it without missing a beat. She then flies down at Rough and tries to kick her, but the mutant dodges around, every attack missing until Rouge manages to uppercut Wonder Woman this time. Wonder Woman grabs her sword and shield and dashes towards her with a flying kick, but it is interrupted by Rogue, who grabs her.

"Good night, sugar!" Rouge commented with a smirk.

Rogue proceeds to plant a kiss of death upon Wonder Woman's lips, killing her. Everyone stares in shock at what just happened, not expecting that to have been the way of the loser's demise.


Rogue then strikes a pose.

Roshi's jaw dropped to the floor and a tiny noise escape his throat. Bulma and Chi-Chi didn't know how to react, and neither did Goten or Trunks as they watched the replay on screen.

"Well…" Krillin finally broke the silence. "I was wrong…"

"That…uh…wow…" Mr. Satan struggled to find words. "Well… I guess that makes sense…"

"No. It dosen't." Vegeta muttered, as surprised as everyone else.

(*Cues: X-Men (2000) - Main Theme*)

"Woo-hoo-hoo! This goes down in history as the best DEATH BATTLE! ever!" Boomstick cheered.

"DAMN RIGHT!" Roshi shouted, not caring about any of the repercussions that might follow his outburst. "THAT WAS AMAZING! I AM SO GOING TO WATCH THAT AGAIN!"

"… Dude, this is like our second episode." Wiz commented. "But alas, poor Wonder Woman was more than a match for Rogue, but then she touched Rogue's face. Big. Mistake."

"Wonder Woman is a trained fighter, hell, she's one of the best. So naturally she would strike her opponent's weakest spots, like the neck, stomach, joints and, well, the face. Against literally any other opponent, that would've been fine! But Rouge? Well… When you literally absorb someone's powers, yeah… this wasn't gonna go to well." Boomstick reasoned.

"Well, when you stop and think, weren't one of the rules that the fighter had no prior knowledge of each other?" Piccolo mused. "Perhaps these two never met in whatever stories they came from. So, Wonder Woman had no idea she was accidentally giving her opponent her own powers."

"That makes sense." Gohan agreed. "And if she did find out, she already would've given her the powers. So…"

"In the end, Wonder Woman's failure was a result of her thorough Amazonian training. Against almost any other opponent she would succeed, but against this southern X-Men, she would fall." Wiz spoke with a slightly remorseful tone.

"Didn't they say she had magic? Why didn't she use that?!" Vegeta questioned. Everyone thought it over but didn't have an answer.

"And her stripper outfit! Her leg was just begging the be grabbed there. Though personally, uh, I might have grabbed elsewhere… If you know what I mean." Boomstick added.

Chi-Chi let out an annoyed and somewhat angered scream into a pillow but said nothing.

"Wonder Woman's powers may be godly, but Rogue's taken similar powers before, so there's no reason to say she couldn't here. Adding Wonder Woman's strength and speed to Rogue's own power gave her a huge advantage, drastically turning the tide. Even if she didn't have indestructible gauntlets, Rouge had Wonder Woman's training memories. And that was an issue." Wiz continued with his explanation. "And with her combined reflexes, speed, and seventh sense, she outmaneuvered Wonder Woman with one fatal kiss."

"Rogue sure "made out" in this fight!" Boomstick snarked.

"The winner if this Death Battle is Rogue." Wiz concluded.

"Called it!" Trunks exclaimed happily as he and Goten high-fived.

"Next Time on DEATH BATTLE!"

The scene opened up to show a rather cartoonish world, with flowers with smiles swaying to an upbeat song. Suddenly, a cartoonish green dinosaur walked in from the left. He had a rather large nose, and was wearing shoes. He didn't seem to have a care in the world. And then a monstrous creature that looked like a dinosaur appeared out form a pipe and roared, making the dinosaur exclaim in fright.

"We're having dinosaurs fight?! AWESOME!" Goten shouted, clearly excited.

"Two dinosaurs fighting? Yeah, that should be pretty cool." No. 18 agreed.

After a break to get some snacks and to stretch their muscles, the sayians, the Z crew and the rest gathered back in the main room for another episode of Death Battle. However, something seemed to be on Piccolo's mind.

"Everything alright Piccolo?" Goku asked, looking over to the namekian.

"You said you met someone in the void. What was that all about?" He asked.

"Oh yeah. For some reason Vegeta dosen't remember meeting him…"

"What the hell are you talking about?" He asked bewildered and annoyed.

"Let me explain." Goku replied. "After we landed…"


"Vegeta? Vegetaaa?" Goku called into the white void they found themselves in. "Where are you?"

Looking around, Goku found he was completely alone. It confused him, his friend had been right next to him! How had they gotten split up?

Goku froze when he heard something, something burning… Taking a fighting stance he looked all around him but still saw nothing.

What the heck is going on?! He thought. I hope that kid is okay…

Finally, he saw something off in the distance, what looked to be a fire. Quickly taking flight, Goku closed the distance between himself and the fire, which he now saw had three benches, one on either side of the fire pit. Then he heard a voice…. Singing.

"Take me home, country roads… to the place… I belong… West Virginia…. Mountain mama…. Take me home… country roads…"

Goku watched bewildered as out for the fire rose a tall, lanky figure, a little bit taller than Tien, and its entire body seemed to be made out of fire. Its head resembled a skull wearing sunglasses and a… scarf? Goku did a brief double take, but this figure was indeed wearing scarf and an overcoat. Where it's hair would've been seemed to be dreadlocks made out of molten lava with smoke wafting off of them. It tossed some things to the side and then turned around, realizing Goku was there.

"Aaaahhh!" It screamed in a surprisingly high pitch. "Who the hell are you?!"

"I'm Son Goku, who are you?" Goku replied, surprised by this newcomer.

"I'm Skorch." Skorch introduced himself. He paused for a moment then looked at the bench and asked: "You want some s'mores?"


"Hold on Kakarot." Vageta said, suddenly realizing something and getting slightly angry. "You mean to tell me while I was dealing with whatever the hell those things were, you were eating s'mores with a fire imp?!"

"Well… No. He offered them to me, and then froze time until we were done eating, then sent me to where you were. He even said you could join if you-"

"I HAD NO IDEA WHERE YOU WERE!" The prince shouted back, anger rising.

"Maybe we should let these two talk this out…" Bulma suggested, and most of the fighters agreed and left the room, leaving Roshi and Piccolo to deal with whatever was about to happen. Just outside, a figure looked through the window and chuckled.


"Huh? Oh. Hey! You! Yeah! The person reading this! Hey! I need your help! Do I have your attention now?"

"I do? Great! Listen. Like I said, I'm Skorch. I'm the guy in charge of all this now. I know JLyman put a lot of effort into it and I hope I can do him proud! Also, I hope you all enjoy the story, and definitely check out JLyman's other stuff. As for me, well. I wanna know, what battle should be after Yoshi vs. Riptor? Also. Sooner or later we're gonna get to… those episodes… but listen. I gotta ask, how much should I tell them? Should I explain that they're just fictional characters we gave life to in the form of rapidly moving drawings? Or should I just stay silent? Either way. Let me know in the reviews and I hope you all enjoyed! Catch you all around!"

Disappearing into smoke, the fighters returned and prepared to watch another episode of Death Battle.