Author's Note:I was daydreaming in maths (as you do) about Yas having a crush on the Doctor. And I thought what would happen if River Song and Captain Jack came along? So let's see where this goes.

Also, the cover image is annoying me too. It would've been a great image if it could move it to the Doctor and Yaz! Anyway...

Enjoy! xx

Yasmine Khan stared into the deep green eyes of the alien in front of her. She had been crushing on her since they met. She was very pretty and confident and Yaz admired that. The Doctor was fiddling with some switches of the TARDIS control panel and saw Yaz leaning on the pillar lookig sad. She put her foot on a peddle and picked something up. "Custard Cream?" She asked, her arm extending towards the girl. Yaz' heart skipped a beat. The Doctor was giving her a special treat. She had never offered anyone one of her precious biscuits before. She hesitantly took it from the smiling Time Lord.

"Thanks." She said weakly, returning the smile.

"Aww. Feel better? No-one can eat a custard cream and not feel happy. I don't know how they fill it with happiness but they do! I know! While Ryan and Graham aren't here, do you want to go to a biscuit factory?" Yaz knew the Doctor would never stop going on about biscuits, and it was getting annoying, but she loved it when she did that. It was just so...Doctor-y. "Are you alright Yaz? You seem distracted." To Yaz' surprise, the Doctor came to her side and put her hands on her shoulders in a comforting way. It made Yaz feel tingly and warm. She looked up at the most beautiful woman she had ever laid her eyes on and stared into the green abyss.

"Yaz?" The Doctor came face to face with her, making Yaz' heart beat faster and faster. She could feel the Doctors breath on her face. It was relaxing yet stiffening. She felt tense. She tried to speak but the beauty was stopping her. The temperature in the TARDIS was rising - making the girl sick and dizzy. Her mouth was moving like a fish as she tried to get words out. The Doctor's eyes were sparkling with concern. And in the end the Doctor put Yaz' arm round her shoulder and they started walking in sinc down the corridoor of mystery.

The Doctor's body was warm and cuddly. All Yaz wanted to do was give the huge teddy bear an endless hug. They stumbled past door after door after door, until they went through a yellow door into Yaz' bedroom.

The room was quite small but well decorated. There was a single bed on the right of the room, surrounded by a pink netted canopy. The walls were a light yellow and the floor was an ugly light brown carpet. The only furnature was a set of drawers, a bookshelf brimming with books, and a big, fluffy bean bag in the corner.

The Doctor helped lay Yaz onto her bed.

"I'll be back in a minute. Stay there and rest." She said and left in a hurry. A sigh of relief came from Yaz' mouth.

'Right. That's it. This has gone too far! When she get's back, I'm going to tell her how I feel. ' The minute felt like days as Yaz' heart burned at the thought that the Doctor wasn't with her. Why was she acting like this? She had lasted so many months without any problems, why did this happen? The speechlessness, the temperature rising, the heart beat, what was going on? 'Am I ill?' She thought. 'No don't be ill! We have 1 month without Ryan and Graham. One. Whole. Month. You can't be ill for that!' Lost in thought, the girl drifted into a state of daydream.

The Doctor came in a few minutes later with a glass of water, a plate of shortbread biscuits, and a fan. She silently plugged the fan in and switched it on. Watching the pretty young girl lie in peace, the Doctor took a biscuit and sat at the end of the bed - making sure not to disturb the sleeping beauty. There have been a few thoughts going across the Doctor's mind recently, all completely not connected to each other as normal but, they've been annoying her. Especially the last one; If I'm now a woman, and I used to be a straight man, does that mean I'm gay? I like girls...but I don't feel gay. I definetely don't feel like Jack Harknass. Heavens no! And it's SO annoying how hard it is to get the job done, honestly I spend half my time sticking up for myself! And...what's this feeling I have towards fills me with joy when I see her smile, and sadness when she's in trouble. I don't get it. It's a new feeling and new can be scary. And...I am a way. I don't want my feeling to take control of my actions and my rationality. They can't...just...can't...'

Yaz felt a lump on the end of her bed. She sneakily looked and saw the Doctor staring at the bean bag with a cookie in her mouth and spit oozing down onto her blue trousers. She seemed sad and confused. Like Yaz was earlier. Yaz decided to leave her be. The Doctor never daydreamed and thought she'd let her savour the rare moment. In the meantime, she'll just rest her eyes. For a minute. Or two.

The Doctor was abrubtly awoken from her daze by an odd movement on the bed. Yaz was rapidly shaking head to toe. She was consious and, by the looks of it, trying to stop it as she appeared to be in pain. The Doctor leapt up. "Yaz! Are you ok? What do you want?" She said worryingly.

"I just...want...a cuddle." Yaz stuttered, the intensity of the pain not hidden in her voice. Without question, the Doctor took off her boots, took Yaz' shoes off her tiny feet, wiggled the dovet from under Yaz' body and tucked both of them under. It was an odd feeling. It was warm and cosy. Familiar almost. She had her arms around Yaz' stomach, with her forehead resting on the girl's shoulder, and cradling her like a baby.

Yaz felt like she was in heaven. Everything was perfect. Just perfect. The Doctor was the closest she had ever been to her body. Yaz took her hand from her chest, and rested them on the Doctors. They added to the warmth and comfort. She could truly relax for one of the few times in her life. Right. It was now or never. She mentally prepared herself before speaking.



"I have something to tell you." She prayed for the Doctor to stay still. And she did.

"What's the matter?"

"I...I really, really li-" She was suddenly cut off by a loud alarm. The Doctor shot up - knowing exactly what the alarm was.

"Doctor what is it?" Yaz had to practically shout to be heard.

"Intruder alert." Replied the Doctor, running barefoot out the room. Yaz followed, a little upset that this had ruined her confession, but excited that she would have an adventure with the Doctor; just the two of them.

They ran as fast as they could to the control room. Nothing was there. The Doctor went to the control panel to get more details, while Yaz scouted the entire room. Behind a pillar a man lay unconsious.

"Doctor...I found the intruder." She called and the Doctor was there almost instantly and gasped at what she saw. There, lying on the floor of the TARDIS, was the scruffy looking, Captain Jack Harknass.