I still don't own it

This is it y'all!

Thank you so much to Sally (Alice's White Rabbit) for making this story readable

Huge thanks to JA Mash for the banner, for the manips and for the constant love and support

Mega thanks to all of my readers! You guys rock




Five years later

"Bella, I don't think this is a good idea," I warn.

"I think it's the best idea. What about you, Vela? Do you think this is a good idea?"

My little redheaded gremlin smiles and nods her head. "It's the best kind of idea," she says.

I roll my eyes.

My girls are constantly ganging up on me. So, I'm not really surprised right now.

They get everything they want from me. I'm a sucker for big brown eyes.

A deep laugh comes from my right.

Bella's old friend Jake is sitting in Alice's chair, getting a band tattooed on his ring finger to match the one Alice just did on his wife Leah.

"Don't wuss out man. She's five. What damage could she really do?"

"Um, a lot. She could be heavy-handed and cause a lot of scarring."

Bella's helping Vela into a pair of black gloves that are way too big for her tiny little hands.

I think I'm going to be sick.

"I really don't want to do this," I mutter.

Bella gives me a kiss and tells me to suck it up.

"Yeah, suck it up, buttercup," Vela adds.

She expertly picks up the tattoo gun and tests out the pedal, making the gun come to life. She's been watching her mother for years.

Maybe this won't be so bad.

Bella helps her load the needle with ink.

Bright fucking pink ink.

"Where at, Mommy?" Vela asks.

"Right here, under Mommy's name on Daddy's heart."

Vela's tongue pokes out of her mouth in concentration. She reaches for a dab of vaseline that she puts on the back of her hand and then grabs a paper towel.

She's been watching her mom too much.

She's a little heavy-handed, and I'm not going to lie, this shit hurts.

She takes her time, making sure her lines are perfect. Well, about as perfect as a five-year old is capable of.

And when she finally deems me finished, I let a giant breath out.

Jake is cackling.

"Vela, I think Uncle Jake needs a permanent picture too," I tell my daughter as Bella helps her clean up the station.

"Nah, man," Jake says, refusing to meet my girl's eyes.

But no one can resist Vela's big brown orbs or the way she sticks her bottom lip out as far as it'll go. Their eyes meet, and the big giant crumbles like a cookie.

"Shit. Fine. You can have the spot right here. That's it." He points to a spot on his rib cage.

That shit's gonna hurt.

I know because that's where Bella gave me my shopping cart and green Solo cup. And Bella's a professional. Not a heavy-handed five-year old.

Vela leads me to the mirror for my unveiling.

I'm kind of surprised.

Underneath the neat script Bella Cullen is a thinner, childlike scribble Vela Cullen.

"What do you think, Daddy?" Vela asks nervously.

I pull her into my arms and kiss her cheek.

"It's fucking perfect, Ve."

Bella and I tried not to cuss in front of her in the beginning. But when Vela was nine months old, she started saying "fuck" and never really stopped.

Now that she's older, she knows what grownup words are that she shouldn't say.

She's taken that as words she shouldn't say in public.

Pretty sure I heard her call Andromeda an asshole the other day.

We sit around and watch Vela tattoo Uncle Jake and listen to her make plans for everyone in the family.

"Aunt Alice, Imma do a ladybug on you 'cause that time one landed on you and you ran around the yard screaming and taking your shirt off."

What Vela doesn't know is that Alice and Jasper had dropped acid before they came over for the cookout. When we finally got Alice back into her shirt, she admitted that she thought the ladybug was the size of a VW Bug.

"Never living that shit down," Alice mutters.

Bella and I have been working on giving Vela a sibling. Bella said she wants to give birth before I have gray hair ... too late for that.

Vela is crazy.

We have our hands full with her now. I cringe to think about how it's going to be when she's a teenager.

Will she turn into a monster when she's PMSing?

Is she going to fall in love at twenty-one and get married a month later?

How will I feel if that happens?

"Daddy?" Vela says, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Yes, sweet thing?"

"I'm the best thing that ever happened to you and Momma." she states, turning back to her work on Jake.

She says that a lot.

Because we tell her that a lot.

"Stay still," Vela tells Jake in a stern voice.

"Yes, ma'am."

Jake walks away with a thick band on his ring finger and what I'm hoping was meant to be a heart. I truthfully can't tell.

Vela's got the bug.

Bella lets her tattoo her name underneath mine on her heart, but Alice passes, telling her they'll make an appointment for a later day.

If my baby girl doesn't take after her mother's profession, I'd be honestly surprised.

Just like her mother used to do all those years ago, she makes me take off my shirt and lie on the living room floor so she can draw on the parts of my back that Bella hasn't touched with her gun.

The phases of the moon across my shoulder blades is a favorite. My all-time favorite is Vela's baby footprints on my forearm; Bella has a matching tattoo on her arm.

Mom's sporting both sleeves now. One is the seamstress idea that Bella and Alice came up with, and the other is a collection of Vela's artwork. Dad's just not interested in permanently marking his body, which is fine.

Rose and Emmett are still living in sin and crazy as ever. They were recently arrested for indecent exposure because they thought it was okay to bang in their backyard. Their backyard doesn't have any privacy.

Alice and Jasper are taking their time. She actually asked him to marry her, but they're in no hurry. Jasper has still refused to go under Alice's gun, his fear of needles is too bad. It annoys her to no end. They still partake in recreational drugs, still smoke more weed than anyone I know.

Our lives aren't perfect, but just like Bella said the day we married—Our future is fucking brilliant, and we were written in the stars.

I will be posting pictures of a few things from the epi on my social media pages.

Thank you for all of the support on this crazy, love at first sight ride

XOXO Ashley