AN: Just so that we are clear, this story takes place in the year of 2000 and because I am the author of this fanfiction, Fred Weasley is alive because I say so. :)

It was a quiet day in the Burrow. All the Weasley children, minus Percy because he was at his flat doing 'paperwork', were there. Even Charlie and Bill were home visiting their younger siblings. Molly and Arthur were away on a rare no-kid vacation now that just about all their children were grown, so Bill and Charlie came home to keep an eye on things and Fleur had decided to visit her parents for the week. They were celebrating the 2-year anniversary of the end of the war and remembering all of those who had lost their lives in the war. No one said a sound as they sat in the Burrow's living room. Harry and Hermione were not there for once as they both had business to attend to.

The silence was broken only by the sound of a light tapping on glass and a clicking type of noise.

It was Ginny who got up from her seat between her two eldest brothers and went to the living room's lone window where a grey Screech owl was impatiently tapping the glass with it's beak and making clicking sounds in the back of his throat to gain the attention of the room's occupants. Ginny opened the window and in flew the owl without a moment's hesitation. Now that the Weasley's got a better look, they could clearly see the owl was none other than Hermes, Percy's owl that he got for becoming a prefect during his fifth year at Hogwarts. It was amazing that he still had him anyways.

Hermes dropped a square shaped parcel with a piece of parchment attached onto the old, worn-out coffee table causing an audible 'thud' to fill the silent room. The owl gave them all a piercing look and Ron was the one to give him the crust from a sandwich he had been eating. Hermes gave a happy screech and snatched up the crusts, devouring them before flying out the still open window again.

They all stared at the little package and parchment.

"What do you think Percy sent us?" Ron was the first to speak as he looked around at his older and younger siblings. Ginny picked up the parcel and parchment. The ginger untied the parchment from the package and unfolded it.

"I don't think Percy sent this, it's not his handwriting. Percy writes a lot smaller and neater." Ginny frowned, the thought of someone else using her big brother's owl oddly disturbing her.

"Well," Charlie gave an encouraging smile to his baby sister. "What does it say?"

Ginny looked at the note again and began to read:

'Dear Weasleys,

I apologize for the abruptness of this letter and package, but I feel it is of utmost importance that
you see it. You see, Percy had invited me over for tea today so we could go over
some important files and documents and, of course, I said yes. While Percy was in the
kitchen making our tea I had happened to see a book sticking out from under
his sofa. Curiosity took over simply because as long as I've known him, Percy had always
treated his books impeccably well and would never leave one in such a place. So, I had picked the
book up and flipped through it. After looking through a few pages, it was obvious the book was
a journal or diary of some sort, all written in Percy's neat penmanship. Just after
reading a few paragraphs told me that no one, not me, not his friends and
not even you, his family, really knows the true Percival Ignatius

From what I was able to read quickly I was horrified. The things he's written about worried
me and, even though I knew he would blow up if he found out, I hid the diary
in my robes as Percy came back into the room with our tea. I asked could use his owl to send a
letter and Percy, being the gentleman he was, allowed me and I quickly wrote this letter and wrapped
up the book without Percy's knowledge.

I sent them off with Hermes to bring to you. I think it would be for the best of all
if were to read these entries. No one truly knows anything about Percy and
this frightens me.

Kingsley Shacklebolt'

Not a sound was made as everyone took in this new information. Did they really not know anything about Percy? The idea made a sick feeling develop in their guts. The eldest Weasley took the parcel from Ginny and unwrapped it, revealing a red leather clad book with gold lettering emblazoned on the front reading: 'Percival Ignatius Weasley'. Snickers came from the twins.

"Wittle Percy has a diary." More snickers, but glare from Bill shut them both up.

"Wait," Charlie looked around the room. "Are we really contemplating reading our brother's most innermost, private thoughts?" He had to admit though, the idea of reading Percy's journal intrigued him but bothered him too. It was a complete invasion of his privacy.

"I guess we are," Ginny gave a small shrug and looked at her older brothers, none of them opposed. "Okay then, who reads first?"

"Lets do oldest to youngest." Fred looked at Bill for confirmation as he said this. The others nodded in agreement.

Bill gave a quiet sigh and glared at his brother but he agreed nonetheless.

He opened the book and immediately noticed Percy's neat, tiny and just plain perfect writing.

22 August, 1987

Charlie did the math in his head. "This is Percy's 11th birthday I believe." The others looked around at each other and Bill started to read the entry.

So, I got this journal today. It was a birthday gift from my Uncle Bilius. He had given it to me when no one else was looking saying that he didn't want my siblings to know lest they tease me or take it or read it.

The siblings all looked away from each other guiltily. That's exactly what they were doing now and would have done then.

He had told me it was enchanted so that no matter how much I write in it, it will never run out of paper. I love it. It was something I could keep my private thoughts in and vent to.

More guilty looks.

There isn't really much for me to say about today. I woke up and everyone sang happy birthday to me and my mother had baked a cake for me but I couldn't have any till after dinner. They sang happy birthday again and my Uncle Bilius had come to visit, giving me this journal or diary or whatever I should call it. It was a good birthday like every other year, bit boring though.

I've gotten a few gifts, not much but that's expected in a family as large as ours.

The Weasley siblings each made a strange, odd face.

The day was going pretty well too...Until Fred and George made my cake blow up in my face...

Said ginger twins started grinning and laughing. It wasn't long before the others joined in, remembering that particular evening.

Burning with embarrassment and cake dripping from my face, I ran up to my bedroom as tears stung my eyes. I could hear the whole family roaring with laughter which only led to further humiliation. I let out a choked sob as I slammed my door behind me, the noise drowned out by my family's laughter.

The laughter stopped immediately and surprised looks crossed all their faces except Fred and George's. Horror crossed the twins's faces.

"Did...did we make..." started Fred.

"Percy c-cry...?" finished his twin.

Sadness replaced shock. "It would appear so," Charlie whispered into the stunned silence.

"And we all laughed," Bill said as Ginny had tears welling up in her eyes.

"We're all such bloody wankers." Nobody could argue with the youngest brother. Bill continued reading.

At least my mum was chastising Fred and George, well attempting to at least. I could hear the laughter in her voice as I used a handkerchief to wipe my birthday cake off my face.

Guilty looks crossed the twins's faces, replacing the horror. They had ruined their brother's 11th birthday for him...It wasn't everyday you turned 11.

I looked over at Scabbers, my pet rat, as he made some noise from his cage. I smiled slightly and fed him. At least he never laughed or judged me.

Ron sneered at the mention of Pettigrew's rat form. He had almost forgotten that Percy had owned him before Ron had.

25 August, 1987

So I've been thinking of giving this journal a name,

A few snickers here and there.

something to make it easier to talk to almost.

A snort of laughter came from one of the twins.

After the past few days I decided that I shall call my new journal 'Confider'. The reason being because it's the only thing I've ever felt like I could open up to and let my innermost emotions and feelings out without being criticized and humiliated.

All laughter and snickering stopped as ashamed looks crossed the Weasley siblings' faces.

"He could have talked to us..." Ginny sniffled quietly and Charlie wrapped an arm around her.

"No he couldn't have...he's right" Fred had a pained look on his face. "We would have laughed and criticized him." No one argued.

I'm excited for tomorrow though. Mum is taking Bill, Charlie and I to Diagon Alley for our Hogwarts supplies. I can't wait to get my first ever wand.

Charlie and Bill couldn't help but chuckle as they remembered how excited Percy was to go to Diagon Alley.

26 August, 1987

Today could have gone better...

Frowns crossed their faces.

Like I wrote about yesterday, mum had taken Bill, Charlie and I to Diagon Alley for our needed school supplies. She had left me to get my wand from Olivander's wand shop while she took Bill and Charlie to get Bill's new books. Charlie would get Bill's old third year books and I would get Charlie's old first year books. I wasn't surprised or shocked though. So, as I was saying, I was left alone at Ollivander's to get my new wand. At least I get something that won't be handed down to me from an older brother that has no need for it anymore.

Everyone rubbed the backs of their necks and avoided looking at each other.

It took longer than I thought. Olivander seemed completely befuddled till finally we found a wand for me. Eleven and a half inches, rosewood, unicorn hair, springy. "Great for transfiguration," Olivander had said.

Everyone snickered at the memory of Percy's rosewood wand.

After purchasing my wand with the money mum had left me for it, I left the wand shop and was about to hurry to Flourish and Blotts where I agreed I would meet with her, only I ran into someone...I fell flat on my arse and looked up.

The snickers turned into quiet laughter.

The first thing I saw was bucked teeth...then an ugly sneer.

Fred and George looked at each other. "Could it be?" "I think so brother dear."

"Who is it?" Ginny had a bad feeling about this person and didn't want them anywhere near her big brother.

It was a boy, probably a second or third year by my judgement. "Watch where you're going!" He had just about barked out his words like a mutt.

Bill and Charlie clenched their fists. "How dare he talk to our Percy like that!" Charlie gave an infuriated huff and slouched against the couch as Bill gripped the book tighter and continued reading.

I was shaking slightly as I held my new wand close to my chest. For some reason this boy terrified me more than he should have.

Ginny bites her lip. "Oh Percy..."

He hauled me to my feet with one hand on the back of my robes. I couldn't help but admire his strength as I stared up at him. He reminded me of a modern day Adonis. My face burned at the thought.

Everyone stopped and looked at each other. "I-Is Percy..." Fred and George had odd looks on their faces.

"Nah," Ron waved his hand dismissively. "Remember Penelope Clearwater? He was absolutely nutters about her." Everyone nodded slowly and seemed appeased for now.

I didn't much so admire it after he hauled me down an abandoned alley. I was to stunned to even struggle against his pulling.

All the Weasley eyes filled with fury as they tensed and stared holes into the small book.

As he pulled me, I could see a name embroidered on his robes in green silk: Marcus Flint.

Fred and George began growling as the name left Bill's lips.

At least I knew this brute's name now.

A few forced chuckles.

He pushed me against a cold, stone wall and I dropped my wand. It skittered a few feet away in its box. After that, well, it wasn't pretty...

The boys started shaking in anger and tears welled up in Ginny's eyes.

At least he didn't hit my face. I'd hate for mum to notice, or any of my brothers. They'd probably make fun of me for being unable to defend myself.

Ginny started full out sobbing as looks of horror crossed the boys's faces.

"Does Percy really think we would have done that?" Charlie whispered his words and Ginny sobbed louder.

No one had an answer as color drained from their faces.

When Flint was done hitting and kicking me into submission, I forced myself up onto my feet and fixed my clothes. Thankfully, when I found my wand it wasn't broken or cracked or anything.

Ginny lets out a choked laugh mixed with tears. "He-He *hic* is w-worried about h-his w-and *hic* mo-ore than hims-self." Charlie kisses her head.

Because of my little 'incident',

Shouts of fury erupted all over the room.


"That wasn't god damned incident?!" Bill had to wait for everyone to calm down as he shook in fury and glared at the book as if it itself had attacked his little brother instead of the Slytherin brute.

I was late to meeting my mum and brothers. She scolded me and Bill and Charlie were glaring and saying how they didn't want to have to go look for me.

The twins, Ron, and Ginny all glared at their oldest brothers and Ginny elbowed them both. They at least had guilty looks on their faces.

I'm sorry...I didn't mean to get bullied and beaten...I'll try not to next time...

Ginny choked as another sob wracked her body and more than one of her brothers had tears stinging their eye.

"Oh Percy, I'm so sorry. So, so sorry," Everyone took a moment to calm down.

Bill and Charlie were snickering at the fact that my wand was rosewood and my other brothers were teasing me when we got home for it too. Dad and mum were even smiling. What's wrong with having a rosewood wand? I don't understand it...

More sobs from Ginny and guilty looks.

I took my school supplies and almost ran to my room, once inside I locked the door and cried into my pillow till dinner time.

Fred suddenly jumped up and ran from the room, returning with a piece of parchment and a quill with ink. "F-Fred?" Ginny wiped her tear-stained face with a handkerchief. "Wh-whats that for?"

"I'm marking down every time we make him cry so we can apologize," Fred wiped his eyes before he could let the tears fall. George took the parchment and quill, making two tallies on said parchment.

At least no one noticed my red and blotchy face at dinner.

Guilty looks crossed their faces. "H-How could we not notice...?" Ron choked out.

Later though, when I was changing for bed, I could see all the bruises and scrapes littering my chest and arms.

Fury replaced tears and more than one of the Weasley's jumped up, Percy's diary falling to the ground.

"We are going to pulverize him!"

Ginny watches her brothers. "At least wait till we're done reading...We can make a list of people to pulverize then." The boys grumbled and settled down, Bill picking up the fallen book and continued reading, almost growling out the words.

They had been aching all day but I had ignored like I continued to do as I laid in bed and pulled out this lovely journal. I should get some sleep though, my yawning keeps interrupting my writing. Goodnight, my Confider.


The siblings all looked away from each other, horrified at how they treated their own brother.

Bill took a deep, shuddering breathe and turned the page.

28 August, 1987

My head is killing me today, Fred and George kept 'experimenting' with Merlin knows what and making explosions in their room. They kept me up all night with the noise.

Said twins frowned sheepishly and rubbed the back of their heads at the disapproving glares from their older brothers and younger sister.

How come I have to be the one to share a floor with them? I get a good night's sleep once in a blue moon. It sucks.

"We didn't think we were that loud..."

"Well, apparently you were."

I suppose I should be thankful though. I at least don't have to share a room with any of my siblings, though my room is quite small and cramped. It's fine though.

"Is it though...?"

Mum's calling me for breakfast, so I better wrap this up.

31 August, 1987

Tomorrow's the day!

Bill chuckled at his baby brother's obvious enthusiasm.

The day I get to leave for Hogwarts on the Hogwarts Express! I'm nervous about the sorting ceremony. I don't have any clue what house I'm going to be in. I hope it's Gryffindor, but only because I wouldn't be able to bear the disappointment from my family if I got sorted into a different house.

The room was so silent that you could hear a pin drop. A choked sob escaped Ginny's mouth and the twins had to wipe tears from their eyes.

"We...We wouldn't have been disappointed Percy..." Charlie had a devastated look etched across his face as his older brother reached over to pat his shoulder.

What if I get sorted into Slytherin!

A few of them managed some dry chuckles at the thought of Percy in Slytherin house. It was ludicrous.

That would be the end of me. Not only would I disappoint my parents and siblings, but I would also have to see that brute everyday.

The tears were replaced by glares and mumbled threats at the mention of that...that OGRE.

Oh God. I may just have a panic attack. My bruises from him are STILL healing!

Ginny's fingers itched, just begging to hit this boy. She wanted to wring his neck. A comforting arm wrapped around her frail shoulders.

"It's okay Gin, we'll make him pay."

Ginny gave a jerky nod and breathed in deeply to calm down.