Disclaimer: I do not own Oregairu.

~ Hachiman and Yumiko Goes Grocery Shopping ~

"Hachi, what shall we eat for dinner?" Yumiko asked sheepishly as we entered the supermarket side by side.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Doesn't matter, Yumi. You pick."

"I hate it when you do that, y'know," she remarked, "we're suppose to be a team."

"Sorry, force of habit." I scratched my head. "Ramen?" I suggested.

"We had that last night."

"I like ramen." I LOVE ramen.

"Well, we can't have it every night. I'm thinking something savory, un-soupy..." Yumiko placed a hand on her chin, assuming a thinking posture.

"Onigiri?" I tried again.

She snapped her fingers as if I struck gold, green eyes sparkling. "Thaaat's it! We'll need rice, seaweed, tomatoes, other stuff. Gimme a basket, Hachi."

"Eh? Okay." I handed Yumiko a shopping basket from the entry zone. "We don't need rice, though."

"You sure?"

I nodded. "Positive, we still have that huge sack inside the pantry."

"Hmm. Let's go get some vegetables!" By the time Yumiko finished her sentence, no longer was she by my side. She made a beeline for the produce aisle ahead, then she stopped halfway, spun on her heel, and looked to me. "C'mon, slowpoke."

"All right, all right, I'm coming." I walked a little faster.

Yumiko always insisted on picking the "freshest" vegetables available out of every group. Currently, she had a tomato in each her hand, the best two out of the entire pile of tomatoes, comparing it with such determination. Squinting her eyes, looking back and forth at Tomato A and Tomato B. On the rare occasion I joined her grocery shopping, I'd knew she'd spent an eternity at the produce aisle, so usually I split up with her to gather the other ingredients.

"Yumi," I said, "I'm gonna go pick the fish, then."

"Get salmon," she replied, still comparing the two tomatoes. "Love you."

"Yeah, yeah," I said, "...Love you, too."

I went to the deli section and picked up a fresh salmon from the merchant. And when I came back, Yumiko was, this time, comparing two eggplants. The thing was, she had literally only a tomato in our shopping basket; I been gone for almost five minutes. Unbelievable, but I came to expect it. I smirked a little as I made my way over to Yumiko with the salmon.

"Got salmon like you asked." I dropped it into the basket, watching her eggplant fiasco for a bit.

"Seaweed?" She wouldn't allow me to slack off.

"Okay, be right back."

I went to pick up some packaged seaweed, and when I came back three minutes later, it was the onions. In our basket: a tomato, salmon, and eggplant. Dropping the seaweed into the basket, I asked Yumiko, "Want me to help, Yumi?"

"No, you'll just half-ass it. I'm almost done."

"Okay." This'll be a while.

I stood a little ways back, watching a veteran vegetable expert at work.

Fifteen minutes later...

In our basket: a tomato, eggplant, green onion, packaged seaweed, salmon, and a cabbage.

Next, we hit up the snack aisle.

"Could you reach me the mushroom chips?" asked Yumiko.


It was always so high up, so Yumiko could never reach it. Only when I shop with her, she's able to get them. Regardless, she wasn't a huge snacker. Neither was I, I'm a huge MAX-er. Yumiko preferred it if our diet was balanced, and snacks were in moderation.

I dropped the mushroom chips into the basket Yumiko held. She grinned ear to ear at the thud. "How chivalrous of you, Hachi! You deserve a treat."

"Oh?" Oh-ho. I know a treat I want.

Immediately, lust was written on my face. My thoughts were now on getting home, and not for dinner. Yumiko, expecting that reaction, giggled and said, "C'mon, you're gonna bump into someone. Let's get some bread, and we're done."

Lastly, we went to get some melonpan, Yumiko's favorite, at the bakery adjacent to the dried goods aisle.

"Four melonpan, please," Yumiko beamed brightly, putting four fingers up.

"They're on the house, ma'am." The much older male blushed crimson, handing Yumiko the bag. If I did that, you'd probably charge me three times the price.

Yumiko just had that factor where, on occasion, men will give her free stuff if it's within their power.

"Really! Why, thank you very much." She slightly bowed her head in utmost gratitude.

This only prompted him to give more free goods. Yes, keep going, Yumi. Drain this guy dry of his resources, lol.

Still, the way he's staring at Yumiko bothers me.

"Hachi, please help me with these bags." Combined, they were thicker than Zaimokuza's manuscript.

I cradled all the bags in one swoop, while as Yumiko went along with the light basket in hand.

"Fuck that guy..." I muttered to myself.

"Hikio!" Uh-oh. When she's really mad at me, she'll call me by that moniker. Am I still valid for that "treat?"

A/N: Short little three-minute drabble.

Hope you guys liked it.


As always, thanks for reading.