Hello, I'm Starlightflower and welcome to the first chapter of Into The Forest. It's been awhile since I've posted on this site and I'm very happy to be back as well to give you my new Warrior cats story. I hope you like it and if you do, please follow and favourite the story as it can take a few weeks or even months to post a chapter as I'm very busy with my two other planed stories. Now Happy Reading and please no flames.

Disclaimer: I own nothing from Warrior cats but my OC's.


On a quiet night, the moon shone gently down on the forest with only the occasional mouse that scurried along the dense undergrowth of the forest floor and the wind making a soft sound as the leaves rustled and swayed. Light mist blanketed the forest while the river moved swiftly in the darkness however instead of being curled up in her bed like most, one brown and white tabby she-cat slowly wandered deeper into the trees, carrying a small tiny kitten along with her.

Her sharp green eyes focused on the path ahead of her and she flicked her tail nervously as she made her way carefully through the mist, all the while listening for any danger that might be following her as she walked through the damp forest when suddenly, the sound of something moving through a bush made her stop in her tracks. She then quickly placed her kitten gently down on the floor and spun around to gaze into the shadows, keeping her kitten underneath her body as surveyed the forest. However, all she could see ahead of her was the bleary shapes of a few pine trees within the mist, but she could feel something was watching her though as it made her fur puff up along her spine. So, she slightly opened her jaw to take in a deep breath and the wet warm smells of the forest rushed to fill her scent glands on the roof of her mouth however only the normal scents of the forest greeted her though there was a slight scent of fox in the air that had been following her all night that did worry her.

She had never set paw in the forest before and had very little experience with dealing with the dangers that lurked within these trees, but she had no choice, she had to be there or the twolegs would take her kittens and her enemies were already searching for them as she had made many whiles on the streets being a loner. She was just so glad her mate had told her about his friends in a Clan of wild cats that lived in this forest, hopefully they would take her kittens and keep them safe.

It was then that a tiny and soft questioning mew came up from by her paws and she looked down at her small kitten, her previous little daughter, a tiny red-ginger kitten with baby blue eyes staring sleepily back up at her.

"Oh, I'm sorry Rusty, did I wake you?" The she-cat asked the tiny kitten and got a soft tired mew in return before her daughter started to look around for something or someone. "Are you wondering where your litter mates are? Don't worry Rusty, we will be with them soon. Just go back to sleep and when you awake back up, you will be curled up with them again." The she-cat mewed softly to her kitten who mewed back just as softly before the tabby queen gently picked up her daughter and slowly turned back in the direction she had been going, eager to get back to the rest of her kittens who she had taken to a safe place in the forest earlier that night.

While she walked though the feeling of being watched didn't quite leave her and when she heard something big come running up behind her, she quickly leapt away just in time as something way bigger than herself crushed into the spot she had been in just a few moments ago before she landed back on her paws and raced away from it, deeper into the forest. She then ran as fast as her paws could carry her into a large path of grass, bobbing and weaving before leaping over a fallen log that was covered with moss and right into a big shallow puddle.

Waddling through the water, the she-cat tilted her head back, so her kitten wouldn't get wet and hoped she had lost what ever had been hunting her in the mist.

When she reached dry ground and leapt out the water, she shook the cold water from her fur before she then took a quick glace behind her to see if it was still chasing her but thankfully she found only mist and the feeling was now gone, so she sighed with relief before she began to run once again and passing by a few pine trees where she drove into a thick bramble bush and inside a mossy nest lay waiting for her with three little kittens curled up fast asleep.

She then padded over to her nest and gently set her kitten down between a fluffy light brown tabby kitten with a distinctive white chest and paws and a ginger tabby tom who cuddled up closer to his sisters as his brother, a ginger and white tabby rolled over in his sleep before she carefully stepped into the nest and curled up around her kittens protectively.

She sighed, they were finally safe, for now at least so the weary and tired queen lowered her head and fell into a light doze as she joined her kittens in their slumber.