
It was the day of his birthday and Gohan was determined to talk to Vegeta. This time, he would not take no for an answer! He would get his answers and finally understand why he had become such a obsessed, possessive, freak!

Gohan snuck out of his house and flew to Capsule Corp. It was so early in the morning that darkness still covered everything. Gohan barely paid attention to the impressive and imposing compound once he touched down. His only focus was on talking to Vegeta. He flew to the back of the large building, Vegeta had his own room at the compound, one far away from all the hustle and bustle of the large corporation.

He hovered outside, the sun was barely peeking through the clouds. He knew that it was early, the ass crack of dawn early, but Gohan was desperate. He could not wait another minute to talk to the Saiyan Prince. He needed Vegeta's help, his knowledge of saiyans, and most importantly, to talk to the one person who could understand just a fraction of what Gohan was going through. Because Gohan was at the end of his rope.

He knocked on Vegeta's window, knowing the saiyan was awake and aware of his presence. Vegeta's ki remained steady the entire time, letting Gohan know that Vegeta had sensed his presence long before he'd stepped foot on Capsule Corps property.

He had barely moved his hand, before he was staring into the eyes of the snarky Saiyan prince.

Vegeta stared at him, expression stoic,his arms folded tightly across his chest. The two powerful warriors studied each other, their gaze intense. Both refused to look away or back down from the stand-off.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of having Kakarrot's brat grace me with his presence. Your a long way away from your namek, or are you still stupidly avoiding him, hmm?" Vegeta questioned knowingly, his gruff raspy voice mocking as he smirked at Gohan arrogantly.

Gohan was frozen in shock at Vegeta's words. He shook his head, sighing dejectedly. He should have known Vegeta would figure it out. The man for all his pride and bluster, was surprisingly astute. A part of him wanted to leave and never come back, to pretend he hadn't stooped so low as to actually need the arrogant prince but Gohan was no fool. He was honest and desperate enough to know when he needed help.

Gohan took a deep breath, then looked Vegeta dead in the eye and spoke. "Vegeta, I need your help. I've been having problems. Saiyan problems, ever since I went super saiyan 2 the first time. The type of problems that I think only you can help me with." Gohan stated strongly. He knew he needed to speak with strength and assertiveness when dealing with Vegeta, the man hated all forms of weakness. Asking for help was bad enough, he didn't need to lower his chances by acting as pitiful as he felt. Really, there was no guarantee that Vegeta would even help him or just laugh in his face and reject him. All Gohan could do was hope that the saiyan took pity on him and was curious enough to at least hear him out.

Vegeta stared at Gohan, his expression curious. He didn't know what to make of the brat's cryptic words. All he knew was that for the first time since Kakarrot's death, Vegeta felt alert.

For so long he had been in a daze, trapped in a depression that had slowly started to destroy him. Nothing had moved him or interested him, life had truly lost all meaning. Now Kakarrot's brat was begging for his help and Vegeta couldn't help but to be intrigued by the boy's words.

"So brat, you need my help, you say?" Vegeta asked smugly raising a brow at Kakarot's oldest son.

Gohan simply nodded. He didn't care that Vegeta was being a dick by rubbing it in. He ignored Vegeta's smug tone and arrogant smirk. Gohan had lost all his pride, this thing with Piccolo was ruining his life. "Yes Vegeta. Your knowledge and expertise on Saiyans would be invaluable to me." He stated simply, His expression earnest.

"Fine, fine, brat. You've got me. I'm curious about these "Saiyan problems" you claim to have. To my knowledge, you've never been as affected by your saiyan side as you are by your human. Except in extreme cases. Your rather human in your behavior." Vegeta sneered in disgust.

Gohan closed his eyes, mind in turmoil. He could feel his anger start to rise at Vegeta's dismissive attitude. The saiyan side Vegeta claimed he didn't have, was just begging to come out and show Vegeta who was really Top dog. The urge to assert his dominance and challenge the older male was nearly impossible to control. His saiyan instincts did not like the fact that there was another powerful saiyan male around their mate. An Alpha, at that. His instincts screamed at him to eliminate the threat to their potential mate.

Vegeta had been studying Gohan the entire time. He had purposely needled and angered the boy on purpose, just to see how he responded and Vegeta was not disappointed by what he found out.

He could tell that the boy had not been exaggerating, he really did have saiyan problems. Vegeta was in shock and awe as he realized what exactly was going on. The boy was in for a rude awakening and a wild ride. Vegeta thought smirking. After this, Vegeta could never call the boy half-breed or human, again. Hell, with this development the brat was more saiyan than he was!

Vegeta stepped smoothly out of his room and began to descend to the ground below. As soon as his feet touched the soft ground, he stalked away. Gohan stood frozen for a second, then scrambled to catch up to the saiyan prince. "W-what's going on Vegeta! I thought you were going to help me!" Gohan frantically whispered. Anxiety filled him as he worried that he would be abandoned to suffer on his own. In a panic, Gohan nearly barreled into Vegeta when the older man abruptly stopped.

Vegeta glared at Gohan, irritated at the boy's stupidity. "Brat! I told you I would help you! So pipe down. Unlike your idiot father, your not stupid. If you had been paying attention you would have realized where I led us too." Vegeta stated sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

Gohan righted himself, totally embarrassed by his mini melt down. He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, a bashful smile on his face,he finally looked up and realized they were at the Gravity chamber.

Gohan chuckled awkwardly, looking everywhere but at Vegeta.

"Now that you've made a fool of yourself, we can finally get down to business. Let's train." Vegeta commanded. His voice brokered no argument. Vegeta was back in control.

Gohan ignored the strong urge to bare his teeth at Vegeta. But he couldn't stifle the rough growl that burst out of him. It warned Vegeta that Gohan was no beta male but a dominant Alpha ready to defend his territory.

Vegeta stood stock-still, the instinctual urge to growl and put the teenager back in his place was strong. But Vegeta knew it would only lead to a battle to the death, a battle neither of them needed right now. Vegeta realized that the boy was worse off than he'd thought. If he, against his will, was challenging Alpha's instinctively, then Vegeta knew they had a problem. He knew that battles between Alpha's always lead to the death of one or both men. Vegeta wasn't so sure if he and the boy battled, that he would come out on top. No, it was best to help the boy get a handle on his instincts before they had a raging,lust-filled saiyan on their hands. Vegeta shuddered. He did not think the world was ready for a sex-crazed saiyan.

"Listen brat, we are going to train. I need you to give it everything you've got. Capiche." Vegeta said. His gazed direct as he watched Gohan.

Gohan stared at the other man in confusion, "How is this going to help me? I've been training nonstop! I need something more than training!" Gohan complained derisively.

Vegeta smirked, "My help, my rules." He simply stated.

Gohan rolled his eyes but finally agreed. If Vegeta wanted to waste time fighting, then fine! Gohan would oblige, he just hoped Vegeta's help was worth it.

Vegeta walked calmly to the computer panel and set the coordinates for 500×s earth's gravity. It took a moment, but suddenly the air was heavy, making it hard to move.

"Let's start the warm up at 500 and then get this party started at 700!" Vegeta shouted, pumped-up as he suddenly punched Gohan in the face.

Gohan, caught off guard took the hit but soon he was throwing powerful punches and vicious kicks. Trying to overwhelm Vegeta with his barrage of attacks.

Vegeta laughed as they continued to fight, with the burn of adrenaline running through him. He was alive with excitement. It felt good fighting. Using his muscles, his powers, it was a drug Vegeta couldn't get enough of He'd missed this. Missed putting his body through the ringer and coming out on top. He'd stayed away to long, his depression had been all encompassing but now, he remembered why he loved this. This was where he belonged, not sitting in a room like a lump. He felt ashamed of his weakness. No longer would he hide from life he would make sure to live again.

He grabbed the brats fist, mid-punch tossing him over his shoulder. Then quickly roundhouse kicked him. The boy hit the wall, but came back swinging at Vegeta getting a head-butt for his trouble.

They had been fighting nonstop.

Punch after punch and kick after kick, Gohan and Vegeta were evenly matched. Vegeta could feel himself getting frustrated. He knew the brat was holding back. He'd lost power and strength in some of his attacks. After nearly a year of not training, he'd gotten weak and it showed, badly. Vegeta felt rage as he moved too slow to avoid the uppercut that sent him careening towards the ceiling.

Once again, he was losing to one, so below his station. What galled him most was that it was the half-breed progeny of that third class buffoon, Kakarrot. He, the Saiyan Prince, the last of the royal bloodline and lineage, was being showed up by a brat that was just entering puberty. Vegeta, so consumed by anger, had completely forgotten the reason he was training Gohan. To help and educate the boy about the problems he had been having with his saiyan side.

Vegeta quickly powered up, Transforming into a Super Saiyan. He let out a roar so loud the walls trembled as he rushed to attack Gohan. The fight before, a simple spar, now had become a true battle.

Gohan tried to keep control of his emotions as he dodged Vegeta's hits. He could not afford to lose control, his saiyan side was too near the surface. If he gave in too his instincts Vegeta would end up dead. Gohan avoided a blow to the head as he viciously kick Vegeta in the throat. The urge to go Super Saiyan 2 was almost too tempting but Gohan feared he may never come out of it if he gave in now.

Vegeta, frustrated with the constant dodging sent a ki blast at Gohan. "Stop dodging and fight me Kakarrot!" Vegeta screamed.
Gohan jerked in surprise. Shocked that Vegeta had called him that. He felt rage, anger and hurt fill him. He was not his father! He was Gohan!
Instantly Gohan stopped fighting, powered down and started to walk away.

Vegeta, confused by the abrupt change, watched the boy walk away, not understanding why he stopped fighting.
"Boy where are you going? We're training!" He shouted.

Gohan stopped. His back to Vegeta. His hands were clenched tight in a fist as he took rapid breaths trying to calm down.
"You called me by my father's name. While fighting me, you were so consumed with anger that you stopped fighting me and started fighting my father." Gohan stated rigidly. Still refusing to face Vegeta.

"Did you forget why I came here? To get help. But instead I get a sparr session and mistaken for my father. Some help you turned out to be." Gohan remarked sarcastically.

Vegeta's face turned red with embarrassment and rage. "Brat! Don't walk away from me! So what if I called you Kakarrot. Your his son. You might as well be him. Get back here, let's fight. Your acting like some angry woman." Vegeta mocked.

Gohan turned around and calmly walked up to Vegeta and punched him in the face. "Never insult me by calling me out my name or comparing me to my father. I am nothing like him. I was a fool to think you could help me. Your pathetic. I can assure you I'm no woman" Gohan smirked arrogantly. "Trust me, I got the right equipment to please Piccolo." He chuckled shaking his head as he walked away.

Vegeta was stunned at the boys words, but quickly locked the door and glared at Gohan. "Afraid I'll beat you brat. Is that why your running away. Your father never ran away from a fight." Vegeta mocked hoping to anger Gohan enough to keep fighting.

Gohan shook his head feeling sorry for Vegeta. "Why? Why are you always chasing after my Father? That even dead, Goku still has a hold on you. You follow him, try to be just like him. If my father does something, then your determined to do it too. Now that he's gone, you've been wasting away in your room. All because of him! He is not a man to emulate or live your life for!

Vegeta, filled with anger, couldn't help the words that burst out "That is easy for you to say! Kakorrot is stronger than me! He became super saiyan before me. Am I always doomed to be second best, brat!"

Gohan shook his head "No Vegeta, my father devoted his entire life to fighting. He gave up everything for it. That made him a good hero, but not a good father or husband. I don't hate my father, but where is he now? Dead. While we live. You have time to become stronger than my father, but you never will, focusing on him does not help you. Do you want to know what makes me the strongest in the universe? My anger. My anger at my loved ones being in danger. It's because I love them, not the earth, that my power is so ruthless and deadly. My father understands this a little bit; see he loves the earth and everything in it. Everything is equally loved by him, no one is special, not even his family. The only thing he loves more is fighting and getting stronger. So he uses this love to push him to greater heights. While you use your anger that is fueled by rage, jealousy, insecurity, and pride to push you. This is where you fall short. Love is always a greater motivator."

"You have all the tools you need to be successful. i.e. Your family, you created. You just need to focus on you and forget my dad. He's dead. You have to find your own reason to move forward and get stronger. Dad can not be the basis for your growth or the reason for your strength. It just makes your victory, his." Gohan spoke wisely.

He walked out the anti-Gravity chamber leaving Vegeta alone.

Vegeta was speechless.

The brat had read him the riot act. Maybe he was right, Vegeta had never thought of it like that. His focus had always been on Kakarrot and surpassing him, not on getting stronger for himself or his family.

He had always thought emotions made you weak, but looking at the brat and his idiot father, he had come to realize that he'd been wrong. His time with Freiza had messed him up. But he was tired of pitting himself against impossible standards. He would let Kakarrot go. The brat was right, he was dead. It was time to live for Vegeta, to learn about his son,Trunks and give this life a chance. He was a Prince, the last of his race except for two baby half-breeds and a Teenage half-breed. It was time to train and educate the last of his people.

Kakarrot hadn't cared about their lost people, culture, or customs.

He only cared about this mudd ball. But maybe his brat would be the one to appreciate it. Already the boy was exhibiting signs of K'ala.

Vegeta was still in shock that it was happening. The boy was young, too young to be feeling the possessive and aggressive feelings the ancients of their race had written about. Vegeta had been a child when his father had taught him the history of their people and how the Ancient saiyans came to be.

For the boy to be entering into K'ala only showed how much of a Saiyan he really was!

Hell, Vegeta had never entered K'ala neither had Kakarrot from what he could tell. But then their wives were not their mates. A Saiyan can only enter into K'ala when the race was near extinction or finds a viable mate worthy of having their litter.

Before the days of Freiza, the ancient rite of K'ala had been the way their people mated and reproduced.

Once upon a time, the saiyans had been a plentiful and robust race. Fighting, fucking, and family had been the way of the Saiyans. But then Freiza had come and ruined everything. He had killed many of the females and kits(babys) during the slaughter of blood. After that The battle of ancient days took place, where the Saiyans had launched their last stand. Many lost their lives and the rest were enslaved by that evil monster Freiza. His own father hadn't even been born yet, but his great grandfather had seen the enslavement and bastardization of the Saiyan race.

No one on this mudball understood what he had lost. They never realized why he hated Freiza so much. Why he had been so obsessed with becoming a super saiyan, and why it had killed him, when an uncaring, third-class baboon, who didn't know, nor care about the atrocities visited upon their people, had become super saiyan before him!

Only Vegeta, as the keeper of their peoples history, knew. Only he bore the weight of his people's cries for vengeance and blood. Only he remembered the songs of his homeland song to him in his youth, by Raditz. The only other person who had bowed his head in agony when the days of remembrance came, where they beat their chests in sorrow and wailed songs of rage.

It had been years since Vegeta had observed those sacred days properly. He felt shame for the dishonor of such important days to his people.

The boy was right. His desire to beat Kakarrot, Hell, his desire to destroy Freiza had blinded him to everything. He had done many horrible acts against Raditz and Nappa, blinded by rage. He had forgotten his people, his culture, his cause, until now. All because of Gohan.