
When my parents came home later that night, they were greeted by your average, angsty teenage trope they considered their daughter.

"Your room looks amazing!" my mom gushed while looking around. My dad gave the space a sideways glance before sitting on my desk chair.

"So, how was school?" He asked. I snapped my book closed and sat up.

"Eh," I replied. He gave me a disapproving look.

"Come on, there must be some way to describe your day," he pushed. I glared at him.

"Normal, perfect, average, ordinary, regular, standard, ideal, splendid. Want me to get a thesaurus? 'Cause I could keep going," I offered. My dad tutted at my 'immaturity'. I threw my arms into the air in exasperation.

"Honey," my mom said, in her special Kanae voice. "Your dad is just trying to make sure you're happy. That's all we want." She moved to put a hand on my shoulder.

"If you wanted to make me happy, you shouldn't have cut me off from socialization," I grumbled.

"Are you still going on about that?! We've told you, we did that to-"

"Protect me?" I interrupted my dad. "Tell me one thing you think could actually hurt me. I'll wait." They sat there, stumped.

"You will not disrespect us while you live under my roof, young girl," my dad growled. Dad stood up and grabbed my mom's arm before walking out of the room. I watched them go, my mom sending me a concerned look before closing the door. I sighed and dropped back in my bed.

You know what, screw parents. Yay, teenage rebellion. I teleported out of my house, landing in a college dorm forty miles away from my house.

I was greeted by a scream.

"Chill, nii-san, it's just me," I grunted while flopping onto his bed. My older brother stood up from the small dining room table and moved to sit on the bed.

"Hey, so, um, what are you doing here?" Kei asked.

"Parents suck," I grumbled through the bedsheets.

"Ah. What did they do this time?" I waved my arms in the air. "You are very good at describing social situations. You can cool down here for a little bit, but I want you to go back home and confront them, okay? Nothing will change if you don't talk to them."

"What if they don't listen," I mumbled.

"I know for a fact mom will at least try to listen," he concluded. I sighed and sat up. "Besides, if you get into a huge fight, you could always just blow up some uninhabited islands!" he teased. I glared at him, but he did make me feel a little better.

"Thanks Kei," I said.

"Anytime, imoto," he smiled.

I stood in front of my mirror the next day. I had about an hour before I had to be at school.

I looked over at all of the accessories my mom had bought for me. After wearing them at school yesterday, I had seen it apparently wasn't what all the kids my age wore these days. I replaced my leggings with a pair of really long black socks and put on my fake geranium necklace while pocketing the real one. After brushing my hair, I felt satisfied with my reflection and headed upstairs.

I teleported right to the front door. I walked out, locking the door behind me. I sighed in relief from not having to confront my dad yet. I slipped my earbuds on and started walking down the street.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when someone socked me on the arm. I spun to the side to see Nendo.

"Hey girl buddy!" he barked, his voice grating on my ears. I quickly put my earbuds away.

"Um, hi. What are you doing here? On my street?" I asked.

'He lives a few streets over,' Kusuo said(1). 'He comes to this street so he can follow me to school.'

"Huh. We live on the same street. That's pretty convenient," I said, mumbling the last part.

"This is the same street?! But Buddy's house was WAAAAY back there?!" Nendo thought aloud, sounding almost hysteric.

"Are all of your emotions like this?" I asked.

'Nendo doesn't understand the meaning of 'subtle', or anything else, really,' Kusuo said. I nodded.


'So, what happened to all of the accessories you were wearing yesterday?' Kusuo asked slightly teasingly.

I groaned. "Mom had this odd idea of reintroducing me to society. She thought the more I stood out, the more likely people would like me. Didn't really work, considering the most popular girl in school would rather see me in a casket than at school."

'Don't worry. The worst thing Teruhashi can do is ignore you, which I doubt she'd ever end up doing. It'd look too bad to other classmates, ignoring the new kid.'

As the school came into sight, I turned to Nendo who had apparently been talking to himself about some of the most random junk I had ever heard.

We made it to our seats, surprisingly not running into anyone else.

"Good morning Saiki~!" I stand corrected. "And… um, Saiki-kun!" Teruhashi said through gritted teeth. Oh, so now I've suddenly earned a kun? 'If I get close to Saiki's cousin, I can make sure she won't tell anyone. Maybe she might even help me!'

"Good morning Teruhashi," I greeted. Saiki raised an eyebrow at me discretely. I shrugged my shoulders.

'I wanna see where this will head,' I admitted wryly.

AN: Greetings everyone! So I know its been a while since I've updated. My mom's been working from home, and has there for been at the desk every day all day. By the time she's off, she does that parent thing where she says things like 'it's too late!' 'I don't want the electronics on on the weekend :(', so I haven't been able to write. Jokes on her, because I got a random bought of insomnia tonight, so I decided to write. I hope this chapter suffices. I didn't really know where else to go right now, so I decided to just end the chapter here. Sorry its another short one!

(1) I realized I hadn't specified when Saiki was talking aloud or when he was using telekinesis, so from now on whenever his (or Kanae's) dialogue is italicized, their talking via telekinesis. I'll try to put something at the beginning of every chapter here out that explains it better. In the other chapters, Saiki spoke completely through his mind.

I hope you all have a great day! :)