Play Song!: (Pokémon the Movie The Power of Us OST 40 Lisa and Eevee: watch?v=q5hcmWS7nO0&t=7s)

To start off, I wanna thank you for clicking onto the story and sharing your interest towards it! Ever since I watched the movie, Pokémon The Movie: The Power of Us! I was inspired to create a story based on Risa, one of the main characters of the movie, and work my way from there! She will be going on a journey across the Pokémon World! Meeting Pokémon and Trainers alike, being a newly Trainer at her age! Ever since the aftermath of the movie, the story will continue on and follow her legacy with her partner Pokémon, Eevee!

-Table of Contents-
-Character List-
-Author's Contributed-

The three main categories are always updated on a 24/7 basis, you should always check here for any news or updates to the story, as well as upcoming content and chapters as well! I will always make sure to deliver chapters regularly, depending on how much love the story gets, if there's a lot... Then I will make a chapter every single week as fast as possible, I swear to it! But just before I get to the contents below... I wanted to say that I do not own Pokémon or any of it's Pokémon and characters, neither the regional names, gyms, etc...


*Ch. 1, The Beginning of It All! - Soundtracks have been added to add to the "feel" when reading during certain parts, I highly advise you listen to it if you're really into the story, maybe it'll make you feel certain emotions such as crying!

*Ch. 2, The Start of It All! - Has begun development and is currently in the works! Check up soon on when it'll come out!

-Table of Contents-

Ch. 1, The Beginning of it All...

-Character List-

*Mrs. Fry*

-Author's Contributed-
