6 months later

The late June air was hot and sticky, the kind of weather that made you dream of the winter you'd been complaining about only months earlier.

Pidge, Hunk and Shiro lounged under a large tree, ice cold drinks in hand. Keith and Lance had left about twenty minutes earlier to, "get refills" on their pretty much full drinks. They probably thought they were being subtle.

Pidge took a sip from her lemonade. "Where do you think the lovebirds ran off to because it sure as hell wasn't to get a refill."

"Not sure, but if I had to guess I'd say they're probably off kissing somewhere. Like when they needed to 'thank their favorite professors' at graduation."

Pidge laughed. "I still can't believe you actually fell for that excuse and followed them no less! It's your own damn fault that you walked in on them making out."

Hunk put his hands up defensively. "Hey, don't laugh! I had to see my oldest and dearest friend with his shirt halfway off and his tongue down someone's throat. I'm scarred for life, dude."

Shiro winced. "Oh come on, that someone is my little brother. I really didn't need that mental image."

"I'll take that over the two months of pining that preceded their first date." Pidge rolled her eyes. "I swear to God if I had to hear about Keith's 'gemstone colored eyes' one more time I was going to puke."

"Keith was just as bad. He got back from your apartment the first time with this dopey smile on his face," Shiro faked a swoon, imitating said dopey smile, "and he's got these blue eyes, not light like the sky but dark like the ocean."

"Oh my God, really?" Pidge laughed.

"Yeah, I gave Lance the codename Mr. Ocean Eyes to make fun of Keith, as any good older brother would."

"That's better than ours, we just called Keith Pizza Boy," Hunk piped up.

Pidge's eyes widened and she gestured excitedly: "Oh, oh Hunk, do you remember the poem?"

"Of course."

Shiro seemed confused. "Wait, what poem? I didn't hear about a poem."

"The week before Lance told Keith to him ask him out Keith wrote Lance a poem." Pidge grinned and splayed her hand out in front of her. "I know it may seem kind of cheesy but a boy like you makes romance easy." she quoted.

"Really," Shiro snorted then grinned, eyes sparkling. "Oh my God, Keith is never gonna hear the end of this."

"I'm never going to hear the end of what?" Keith and Lance were back, clothing rumpled and hair a mess, a suspicious bruise blooming on Keith's neck.

Their friends exchanged a Look™.

"Hey little bro, I didn't know you were a poet."

"Wait, what? I'm not a-"

Shiro interrupted: "I know it may seem kind of cheesy, but a boy like you makes romance easy."

Keith's cheeks went pale. "What, how the hell did you find out about that?"

"Pidge told me," Shiro said gesturing her direction with a shit eating grin.

"Well, I still think it's cute," Hunk said placing a hand on his chest.

Keith's cheeks turned a distinct shade of scarlet. "Please God, kill me now," he croaked, burying his face in his hands.

Lance kissed his cheek. "C'mon babe don't be embarrassed, it was cute."

Keith slipped his hands from his face and grabbed one of Lance's hands in both if his. "You're cute," he said bringing Lance's hand up to his lips and kissing it.

"No seriously, I loved it!"

Keith cocked his head. "Mmm, I love you."

Lance grinned and kissed him. "I love you too."

"Wait, when did this happen?" Shiro asked.

"Couple weeks ago." Lance didn't even bother to look at him.

"Awww! Who said it first?" Hunk cooed.

"Keith actually."


Keith turned to his brother, "Always the tone of surprise."

Lance's eyes lit up. "Sweety, was that a Harry Potter reference? Oh my God, I love you so much."

Keith shrugged. "You're pretty okay yourself."


"Kidding, I love you too, sharpshooter."

Pidge began to gag dramatically. "Okay before you two turn this into a total mushy love fest they've just started putting out the food and I'd kill for a hamburger."

The group walked over to the buffet table, clearly whoever had cooked had perused Pinterest heavily. In addition to the usual burgers and hot dogs there were little graduation caps made of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and Square chocolates, a candy bar with event-appropriate labels such as gummy "bookworms", a build your own taco bar, neatly organized appetizers like Seven layer dip packed in individual plastic cups and an abundance of mason jars.

They ate their food and chatted amongst the other partygoers. Pidge, Hunk, Lance and Keith answering the usual questions. So what's the plan? You got a new job offers lined up? Are you planning on getting an advanced degree? Keith and Lance also got the weird Probing Questions™ an alarming number of people seemed to think were appropriate to ask a couple. When are you two getting married? Are you planning on having any kids? There was one middle-aged straight couple who apparently had never met a gay couple before, with all the questions they asked. A relationship and graduating College are big milestones so it's natural for people to ask questions, but this was getting exhausting. Keith was one heartbeat away from yelling something like "We're gays, not unicorns!" and running away when Lance found a more polite way to leave the conversation. They went back to their friends to wind down and spend the rest of the party with them.

The five of them returned to the spot under the tree. Hunk and Pidge chatted exchanging information about their latest projects, Shiro sat against the trunk of the tree texting Curtis who was out of town visiting family and Lance and Keith sat side-by-side,wrapped up in each other and hands intertwined.
Life was good, the future was bright they were happy.


5 years later

Lance had been planning this for weeks. Hunk had very graciously taken time off of his busy schedule - which consisted of writing his thesis and taking care of his and Shay's new baby - to go over the plan again and again on the phone, assuring lance that things would be ok.

Keith looked at him from the passenger's seat. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

Keith raised an eyebrow. "Okay?"

"It'll be good I promise." Lance parked the car and lead Keith a short way before stopping In front of a very familiar restaurant.

"This is the Mexican place we went to on our first date"

"Yup!" Lance said. "Let's just go inside, I already made a reservation."

The hostess grinned just a bit too widely to be genuine as she seated them at their table. It didn't take Keith long to notice it was the same one they had sat at on their date all those years before.

As they ate and talked and were generally having a great time, Lance had the feeling that Keith was catching on to what he had planned. Perfect.

They emerged from the restaurant hand in hand and walked in the opposite direction of where they had parked.

"Didn't we park our car that way?" Keith asked, puzzled.

"Yes we did but just trust me."

Lance led Keith down the street quickly before stopping abruptly and pulling him to the side of the highway towards the road.

He grabbed Keith's hands. "Hey so by now you probably realize that I've been recreating our first date, I have a reason for that. The last five years have been wonderful. You make me so happy-"

"Lance, are you...? Keith interrupted tears suddenly welling up in his eyes.

"Shh, let me finish. You are 100% without a doubt the one for me and know I want to spend the rest of my life with you so" Lance got down on one knee and pulled out a ring box, "Keith Kogane, will you marry me?"

Tears were streaming down both of their faces by now. "Oh my God, you beat me to it!" Keith said but pulled Lance in for a kiss.

When they broke the kiss Lance took some time to wipe his eyes and then tilted his head coyly. "So that's a yes?"

"Of course it's a yes you idiot."

"Good," Lance said then slipped the ring on to Keith's finger and kissed him again.

He pulled back abruptly, "Oh there's something I have to do. Babe, hold your hand up next to your face so I can get a picture."

Lance quickly snapped the photo and posted it to Twitter and Instagram with the caption "I liked it so I put a ring on it" and a bunch of hashtags about love and marriage.

Keith snorted. "Isn't that song like 15 years old?"

"Shhh babe, Beyonce is eternal."

Author's note: aaaand that's a wrap. Thank you again to Calliopestories for beta reading this.

Olive bro sadly didn't make an appearance in this chapter but I just couldn't find a place to fit him in, he might make an appearance in other things I write though.

I didn't put it in but I firmly believe some of the mentioned hashtags in the proposal scene would be ones Lance made up like Lancy Lance is officially off the market.

In the first part, if it wasn't clear Pidge, Hunk, Lance, and Keith have all graduated college and are at a graduation party.

In the second part, I wanted to include more like maybe their friends and family reacting to the engagement but I thought of the closing line and couldn't not end on that so c'est la vie.

Thank you to anyone who read to the end of my little story that actually means a lot.