Lance walked out of his room wearing his favorite cotton sleeping shorts and a large t-shirt he stole from hunk.

Pidge was already on top of the table curled in a fetal position. Hunk was making breakfast and his pandora was playing the low tunes of Jennifer Lopez as he was humming softly to "I Ain't your Mama'

Lance sat down at the table pidges socked feet in his face but honestly he really didn't care. He was tired, his mother was yelling most of the night in rapid spanish about the stupid decisions he's making and how hes smarter than this and he was just exhausted.

Hunk placed his food down with a small smile. "Hey. You okay?"


"Yeah you only got six hours last night."

Lance nodded looking down at his food and sighed a soft smile gracing his face. "Thank you hunk" in lances bowl was oatmeal with dried cranberries and toasted walnuts on top. On the side was two strips of turkey bacon.

"No problem lance" hunk looked down at his own oatmeal tipped with dried apricots, toast coconuts and almond shavings.

They started eating around pidge "so who's waking up pidge?" Lance asked

Hunk frowned last time he woke up pidge but him. He didn't feel like going through that again.

"Lance I'll pay you five dollars and do a tribute video on you or something. Just please don't make me wake up pidge"

Lance groaned and sighed "Make some garlic knots and were even"


Lance nodded and bite his lip. If he was to wake up the little shit he had to be tactical. One wrong move and lance could be dead on the floor. The male grabbed his phone from out of his waistband because apparently he wasn't good enough for pockets whatever. He unlocked his badass android and went to his music scrolling down the multitude of illegally downloaded music and smirked when he found the song he needed. He turned the volume all the way up pressed play and waited.

"Some-BODY ONCE TOLD ME!" The effect was instantaneous. Pidge stood up and was belting the lyrics singing on the table while the infectious joy of the song had them all dancing along.




They couldn't stop belting out the lyrics at the top of their lungs and laughing. Sure the song was old but it was s genuine classic that had them always ready to sing at the drop of a hat.

When the song was over they sat down in a fit of exasperated laughter.

"Best fucking wake up ever." Pidge high-fived lance

"Thanks pidge-a-roni"

"No prob"

"Dancey lancey"



"Okay tone down your gay."

"Only this once"

"Because you were nice."

The two boys sat down while piece grabbed some frozen waffles from the freezer and threw them in the toaster taking out the peanut butter and honey.

Once the waffles were toasted pidge spreaded peanut butter on them then poured a generous amount of honey on top. They sat at the table with a smile on their face and dug in.

"So what's on our agenda?" lance inquired

"Matt's friends just moved in close to us. I texted him to invite them over to hang out. Matt also said he's bringing the girls and Coran over." Pidge replied

"Cool! I don't actually have to go in for work until tomorrow. So I'm excited!" Hunk smiled

"Hey who are these mysterious friends?"

"Oh someone our age and two people around matt's age."

"Suspicious." Lance frowned.

"Well I mean it can't be that bad. They know matt" Hunk said

"That's why its suspicious." lance huffed

"True. but I've met them before. When I lived in texas."

"Wot in tarnation!" Lance yelled before he could stop himself.

"Theres a snake in mah boot!" hunk piped up

"Wot did y'all say?" pidge playfully growled

There was another chorus of laughter around the small kitchen table. "But seriously they're cool people."

"Ohh! I wanted an excuse to break out my new sweater dress Allura gave me. She said it was too 'big' for her but she knows how to shop, but hey. Its new and cute and soft I'm totally wearing it." Lance smiled

"I've been excited to try out some new Party platter recipies!!" Hunk squealed

Pidge giggled "I have some new movies I've downloaded"

"As long as I don't cry at the end we good."

"Nah. We should watch bird box"


"Because I heard it was awesome. And it's trending"

"Sure. I mean I guess."

Lance fist pumped the air "I'm so pumped!"

Lance ran to his room to go get ready which included showering shaving moisturizing and brushing his teeth again.

Hunk shoveled the rest of his food into his mouth chewed and swallowed running back to the kitchen grabbing his phone and blasting his cooking playlist.

Pudge smirked savoring her waffles. They grabbed their phone and texted their brother.

Remix- They don't know what's about to come.

Original- u make good old-fashioned surprises sound so frikin evil

Remix- Say fuck

Original- Don tell me wat to do fucker

Pidge laughed rolling their eyes

Remix- how fat are you?

Original- Bitch I'm not fat

Remix- I'm not apologizing but that was a mistype. How far are you fatty. (ω)

Original- maybe ten. I ain't driving and Allura has threatened my laif already.

Remix- honestly, me.

Original- Fuck you

Remix- I'm asexual and your sibling matt don't be desperate.

Original- I'm bisexual. And wot.

Remix- Fuck you I'm more badass. I'm a Non-gendered Lesbian asexual. Get on my level hoe

Original- Yes yes. I bow down to my tiny overlord. Though you forgot that the word is Non-binary

Remix- yah damn right. also shut the fuck uup i have sleep brain. wait till its booted up

Original- huehuehue booted. anyways wat you up to? Other than laughing at us common folks and drinking the blood of babehs

Remix- nuthing. though I should be getting my camera ready.

Original- he's gonna hate us.

Remix- it'll be worth it.

It was ten minutes later when Allura and romelle graced them with their presence along with pidges favorite person (not that they would admit that)

"He yo! Howdy do!" Matt smiled

"Matt!" Pidge smiled

"Mattie!" Hunk yelled from the kitchen.


"Pidge-a-rito!"Matt yelled catching his sibling in his arms "you tryna grow on me pidgeon?"

"Gotta keep you on your toes bro."

"Mathematics if you could move out of the way so we can get in that would be sublime."

Matt shuffled to the left clearing the doorway to make room for Allura in a light blue overall dress, a light pink baggy sweater paired with thick white knee-high socks and her designer white platform sneakers.

Romelle came dressed just as cute with a coral turtleneck cropped sweater light blue high waisted denim jeans and soft brown thigh-high boots.

Hunk walked out of the kitchen to sweep them up all in a hug "Oh! I missed you guys!"

"Aww hunk! Such a softie" matt smiled

"If you youngsters don't mind best uncle trying to come in" Coran called out

Lance finally exited the bathroom. "Are those our Goddesses and Coran?" He asked with a large smile on his face.

"Lancey-poo!" Matt yelled running and hauling the male into a hug.

"Mathematics Holt! Be careful I just finished my face!" Lance yelped but hugged his best friends brother regardless

"Sorry dude but I missed my bi bro." Matt pouted setting the thinner male down on the floor

Lance smirked "but baby I'm right in your arms" he stoked Matts arms

"That's right boo. You're right where you need to be baby boy" matt purred

"Aye papi! Say it again" lance swooned his dramatics caused his light gray sweater dress to hike up his white legging clad thighs.

"I'll take care of you my love" matt shouted passionately

"Ohh mathematics you just know what to say to a boy" lance sighed stroking his cheek

"Kiss me" matt demanded and they leaned in while their friends wondered how the hell they ended up with these two idiots as friends.

"Are you two done?"

The two males smirked high fiving their lips never really touching "are you done lancey-lance?"

"Yeah. I'm done matty-poo" Lance replied

Matt let go of lance so they could do their handshake routine and go on about their lives.

"I'm ashamed to know you." Allura sighed

Romelle giggled though "I don't know pointy chin and math are honestly my source for weekly entertainment."

"Please don't." Hunk please

Coran laughed "you should see them out in public"

"They make me understand why mom and dad wanted another child" pidge scoffed walking over to the couch.

"Cmon? Really?" Matt pouted sitting next to his sibling. The rest of the group made it to the couches sitting down on the loveseat and the large couch. Lance sat on the floor not really bothered to get his stool from his room, he contorted lightly where the palms of his feet were in his own lap.

"So like. We need more seats." Lance piped up

"Nah we just lap up" pidge smiled

"Ooh!" everyone's eyes sparkled

"I CALL HUNK!" A cacophony of voices yelled.

Romelle and allura looked at eachother "my darling. I would ask why you are choosing hunk but seeing as I also want to sit on hunks lap I am going to need you to back off."

Romelle scoffed "Well Mentos. I also wish to sit on hunks lap as he is the softest and always smells like vanilla. So my dear how about you back off."

"Oh no! You two have each other. Let matt have some damn love once in a while."

Pidge piped up "don't be desperate matt. And as the smartest, youngest, and smallest I reserve rights to hunks lap."

"Uh. No no no no no no. Alejandro Lance McClain has McClaimed hunks lap." Lance piped up

"Hunk is a person not a chair and speaking of chairs Hunk wants everyone to grab the chairs from the kitchen table and whatever rolley chairs are in their room." Hunk said walking into the living room.

There where choruses of groans and moans "oh quit your whining Hunk is feeding you lot" Coran piped up from behind his phone camera.

"Uncle Coran! Are you filming this?" Allura asked

"No of course not. I'm live streaming this to my Instagram."

"Thank goodness I look good" lance scoffed

"a few of my users wanted me to tell you all how much they love you guys!"

"Aww! We love you too!!"

Hunk smiled at the group. "If nobody moves nobody eats."

"Ultimate power move" Coran chuckled

They all got up and scrambled grabbing chairs from rooms, beanbags, giant teddy bears that could be used as seating and made their way back to the living room. That's when the doorbell rang and nobody moved.

"Lance get the door" pidge told him.

Lance pouted "I better be getting double servings of dessert tonight." walking to the door. The male took a deep breath unlock the door and deciding to turn on the charm. Lance opened the door and bowed "welcome to casa de la" he looked up at the three men and stopped talking.

So matt never told him that one, all his friends were hot and two that he was friends with takashi shirogane. THE TAKASHI SHIROGANE! The man who was in the military while matt was in intelligence they got caught by some terrorist organization for a full year! Then escaped and takashi came out as gay sometime later.

This man, this was more than a man. This was his hero and he was standing right in front of him gray hair soft smile and prosthetic. This was the man that gave him courage to actually go out and wear his first skirt after finding out Shiro enjoyed wearing eyeliner and mascara.

"Takashi shirogane" lance whispered behind him everyone was quiet.

"Hello lance!" He smiled