Hey, all I'm back and Merry Christmas!

And before we begin The Protector had more questions.

(P.S. it would be easier to talk to you if you open your accounts PM since FanFiction keeps deleting your email info).

The Protector,

Understandable with the whole brain thing. Mine's the same as well lol. Oh, I cant wait to see their creep forms! And now that the twins joined in, will they, their two oldest brothers, AND their father have creep forms too, or is it just the twins? If so, oh dear sweet heavenly LORD, help us all if they have a creep form lol. Twin evil jesters lol. Now for the mate(s), it either has to be one extremely strong mate or a few very strong mates to help keep him 'stable' enough to keep him from snapping any farther and going rogue. Right? Now with the 3 new members, where did they come from, why, and how did 'harry' find them and let them join? It's just a bit random for this chapter. Speaking of random, this whole chapter was random, AND all over the place. As in I could just barely keep up with it. Sorry, but it's true.

Anima Reader,

Ok turning the good Weasley's sounds like fun but not sure if it will happen. The twin evil jesters' idea sounds VERY tempting. Onto the mate subject, I am NOT a romanticly inclined FEMALE (sorry been getting a lot of girls PMing me thinking that I am a male wanting me to date them) so if I do give him a mate it will be only one. I am leaning toward the daughter of Sally and Jack Skellinton idea if any. Also, why do you think Chis isn't stable? I thought I made him quite stable, at lease as stable as meself.

Jeff: you're not stable.

Anima: oh hush you!

May, Gabe, and June were created to show how Harry got his new creep name, that you helped make, and DARK wanted to have new people with a very sad and dark back story that Chris brings into his family. How Chris found them was through the Night Blights that Gabe befriended as seen in the last chapter. Chris has a soft spot for abused kids and since May, Gabe, and June had no one else to take care of them Chris brought them into his family to protect them from any more harm. DARK was wanting to go into more detail then what you saw with them especially with what happened to May I had to wack DARK with the newspaper roll on the head many many times just to keep it Rated T.

Jeff: Is that why you keep DARK locked up so tight.

Anima: yes, that is one of the many reasons I don't let them out often.

Anyway on to the story…...

Last time

Christmas Jack's view

After some time of discussing our new pranks, we made since we last saw each other the Twins woke up pissed with many new revenge pranking plans being thrown about to be placed on those that wronged them. We weren't much help to the ones going to get pranked since we were giving more ideas and offering to help place them in places they couldn't before. 'I made the right chose on the Twins' I thought as the train was drawing nearer to Hogwarts.


Christmas Jack's view

As we neared Hogwarts June headed to the bathroom to change into her Hogwarts clothes while we changed in our cabin. Once June returned to the cabin the train reached our stop. We headed as a group off the train then split up as the twins and Gabe went to the carriages with the other returnees while the rest of us followed the half-giant to the boats. We filled our boat with no more room for anyone less to join.

"So what house do you think you're going into Chris?" June asked with our cousin's nodding as we waited for the other boats to fill.

"Slytherin most likely just to mess with Dumbledore some more or Ravenclaw like May and Gabe did. What about you June?" I asked back.

June laughed and said, "I was thinking of doing the same as you just to see the look on his face when he realizes that none of our family are going into Gryffindor."

We all laughed at that and only stopped when the boats began to move to give us our first view of Hogwarts.

Time jump to the ghost scene

Still Christmas Jack's view

"We need to do something about…" one of the ghosts said before stopping mid-sentence when he saw me and my family.

We smiled our creep smile at the ghosts causing them to smile back and laugh their heads off as they headed away from the area.

"Huh, who knew that they know about our family's secret" June laughed as the other children backed away from us as I joined into her laughter.

Time jump to the sorting

The sorting was not in alphabet order

"Potter, Harry" Professor McGonagall called.

"That is NOT my name" I yelled as everyone, not in the known, just stared at me.

"Yeah that's Christmas Jack, not Harry Potter" a girl with bushy hair yelled then turned to look at me with a smile showing that it was one of my friends named Hermione Granger.

"Long time no see Hermione hows Crookshanks," I asked with a smile to one of my good friends.

"He is doing great thanks to you Chris" Hermione answered with a smile.

Professor McGonagall looked to Dumbledore who looked pissed but gave her a nod.

"Jack, Christmas" Snape yelled as he was tired of waiting for the others.

"Thanks, Uncle Hoody" I laughed as I went to sit on the stool while everyone stared in shock.

"Chris, did you have to drop that bomb now?" Hoody glared as McGonagall dropped the hat on my head in her shock.

'Oh, what do we have here a child of the creeps its been a while since I have seen the ones like you, and oh your adopted siblings finally gained their forms. I see that this will be an interesting year to come to bad I won't be able to see it' the hat said in my head sadly.

'You know since I am the heir of Hogwarts I can make it so the wards show you what is going on in the school' I offered the hat.

'You'd do that for me?'

'Sure it's done' I thought back as the wards moved to do as I asked.

'Oh Dumbledore didn't like that' the hat laughed seeing Dumbledore reacted to the changing of the ward and couldn't find out what change. 'Now where to put you? You are loyal to your family and only a selected few so Hufflepuff is a no. You are brave thanks to the beings that are your family but you think before you act so no to Gryffindor as well. You love learning but know that it is not the most important thing for you so you could do well in Ravenclaw but it is not the perfect fit for you. Yes, you being a creepypasta makes you a perfect fit for Slytherin but it is your chose for I only give you a suggestion on where you go it's completely up to you. Though I can see where you want to go but I am giving you this chance if you want to go somewhere else.'

'No, I agree with you so do what you need to do my friend' I smiled at the hat.

'Why thank you Chris and my name is Evan' Evan smiled then shouted "better you be Slytherin!"

I smiled even bigger as I placed Evan down seeing the look on Dumbles' shocked face. Just to mess with him more I drop my human form just long enough for him to see then went back to my human form before I turned to the shocked and silent students. I smiled and waved to my family and friends who were the only ones laughing, clapping, and cheering as I went to my table.

The sorting continued with Draco who was a victim of Mr. Widemouth (Hoody didn't like his godson's attitude and sent Mr. Widemouth to scare him straight) going into Ravenclaw. Hermione was sent to Ravenclaw as well. Neville (one of my friends that I helped by removing his Uncle and giving his Grandma a good scare to get her to see Neville as his own person) went to Hufflepuff. Ron surprise surprise went to Gryffindor. June joined me in Slytherin along with a beautiful girl with long red hair, with a black bow in her hair, and very pale skin named Judy Skellington.

Sorry that this one is shorter but this was all I had at this point and I was wanting to post something as a Christmas gift to you all.

Well, I'll see you all in the next chapter.