Disclaimer: Blah, blah. Don't own Detroit: Become Human. Connor is a cinnamon roll

Hank had gotten better since Connor came into his life. He drank less and ate less junk food. The man still had his bad days. No one just woke up one day depression-free and free from addiction. Especially when they'd been that way for years.

Connor knew this and did his best with his favourite human. The deal was that Hank could go drink himself stupid if he told Connor where he was going, left his gun at home, and had the android come pick him up. In return, the prototype would come and get him after and not lecture the man.

Connor had received a text from Hank at 5:53:06pm saying:

Bad day. At Jimmy's Bar

The man of course found it weird that Connor got calls and texts directly in his brain but stopped commenting on it when he realized his partner would always hear his calls and come running.

It was 10:05:36pm and the android had had enough of waiting for Hank's call.

The "No Androids" sign was still on the door with a smaller one beneath it saying "Connor, this means you!" It had become somewhat of a running joke between the three of them. The deviant pushed the door open and scanned for Hank.

"Kid!" Hank called out from the bar. "Fancy, see'n you here." The man grinned and wobbled on his stool, still clutching the bottle in his hand tight.

"Good evening, Lieutenant, ready to go home?" Connor walked over to steady Hank.

"Fuck no. I haven't even been here that long." The man argued and tried to swat Connor away. "An' 's Hank outside of work."

"You have been here for four hours, twelve minutes, and thirty seconds, Hank. To have an adequate amount of sleep before work tomorrow you must be in bed before midnight."

"Then I s'ill have two hours." Hank lifted the bottle to his lips. Connor caught his wrist and refused to budge.

"I must insist, Hank. I will pay Jimmy for the bottle and you can finish it on the way home."

"Fine." He grumbled and pushed himself away from the bar. The android was quick to wrap an arm around Hank's shoulders to help keep the man upright. "See ya, Jimmy."

"Bye, Hank. See ya, Tin Man."

"Good evening, Jimmy."

The pair had barely made it out of the door when the human collapsed onto to the pavement; it was only because of Connor he was sitting on the sidewalk rather than laying on it. "Th's isn' my car." Hank observed, looking up at the android.

"Correct, this is the sidewalk outside Jimmy's Bar." Connor tugged at the drunk to try and get him to his feet, but Hank was having none of it.

"Leave me alone, you asshole!" He swatted at Connor.

"Hank, you can't sleep on the sidewalk. Come on, by my calculations your car isn't far, I will get you home and you can sleep in your bed."

"'s a free god damn coun'ry! I can sleep here if I wan'!"

The android realized he couldn't reason with the man when he was like this. "Then you leave me with no choice." He squatted in front of Hank and grabbed his arm again. "Please hold on tight."

"Wha' are you-hey!" Hank squawked, "pu' me down!"

Connor pulled Hank onto his bak and stood up, hooking an arm under each of the Lieutenant's legs. "Thank you for your cooperation."

Hank's foul mood changed when he realized he was still holding the bottle. "Fuckin' a!" He grinned and took a swig.

They were twenty seconds into their trip to the car when Hank decided to belt out whatever song was currently playing in his head.

They were thirty seconds from the car when Hank tried to get Connor to sing along with him. "You know th' wor's!" Hank slurred.

Connor set Hank down next to the passenger door and plucked the keys from the inebriated man. With some effort, he was able to get the human buckled into the car. He pulled himself into the driver's seat and started the car. Hank proceeded to play with the radio.

They were five minutes and two seconds into the drive when Hank gave up on the radio-much to Connor's relief-and stared out the window.

They were six minutes and seven seconds into their drive when Hank rolled his window down and threw the partially empty bottle out. "Fuckin' hell!" He cursed and furiously wiped at his eyes. Connor pretended not to notice the tears. "I'm such a was'e of life. Dunno why you pu' up wi' me."

"I don't 'put up' with you. I enjoy spending time with you. You are not a waste." Connor consoled.

"Couldn' even pr-pro-keep my son safe or live for m'self. I'm so s'upid."

"No, you aren't, Hank. You are one of the smartest humans I know."

"Tha' lis' has Reed on I' though. No' a high bar."

"True, but my point still stands. You are being too hard on yourself. You have worth."

Seven minutes and thirty seconds in their drive Hank fell silent and just watched the world go by.

Connor pulled into the driveway and helped Hank out of the car. The human managed to walk with aid, but it was obvious his batteries were running low and wouldn't be awake for much longer.

Sumo greeted them both enthusiastically and followed them to Hank's bedroom. The dog jumped onto the bed after the android had managed to wrestle Hank under the covers.

"Than's, Kid."

"Sleep well, Hank." Connor closed the door partially to help keep the light out of the bedroom. Walking into the bathroom, he added a new sticky note to the mirror.

Everyday is a good day if you are in it.