Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY because that is own by Rooster Teeth/Monty Oum. I also do not own persona 4 golden and its plot because those are owned by Atlus. The only thing is own in the story is the OCs.

A/N: Sorry about the long wait it due to the current pandemic going on but not in the way that you think. I do not have the virus but it has delayed me in doing this by causing rolling power surges in my area due to many being on the internet causing me to be careful when I type. Also it made me not to go on my trip to Disneyland which is understandable but I still couldn't help being sad not to go. Biggest thing was that I was coup up in my house that it causes me to major brain farts while working on the written draft because I kept getting too far ahead or accidently thought of one of my other stories and having to redo the written draft. That being said, I ask please pay attention to the ending A/N for news about my Willow's death theory.

With all of this said let's get the show on road.

Chapter 5: The Wildcard, a Friend in Need, and Sisterly Help

The scene opens up with Jaune, Sun, and Teddie making it back to the studio area of the TV world with Sun having something on his mind. Sun then turned to Teddie and said "Hey, Teddie. You said that this place is reality for people who enter, right? So that shopping district and the weird place from before…Did they exist because the ones who died entered this world and it becomes their reality?" Jaune and Teddie looked at Sun to clarify which Sun with "I guess what I'm trying to ask is…Did those places form because of the people who entered this world?"

"That is a good question as we do not know about the first two that went in that world" said Neptune while stroking his chin.

"True and hopefully we can more info about that world" said Nova as he wanted to know more about the situation that his son got himself into.

Many nodded as this but Jaune saw that Sun was a little down and wondered if it had to do with the last viewing. "Hey Sun, are feeling okay" asked Jaune to the monkey Faunus which got Sun's and some others' attention.

"Yeah I am fine dude, just doing some thinking" said Sun with small smile showing he was okay. Many did not know that his other's shadow said hit a little close to home for him even though it had some difference and not exactly like his other.

Jaune smiled at his friend knowing he was going to be okay, but decided to talk to him next break as he knew it was not the best time to bring up Sun's shadow at the moment.

Blake saw this and smiled before she curled up against Jaune and started purring a bit while not caring about the glares from the other girls in that row.

Teddie had a thoughtful look on him before he said "I don't know. It's never happened before…But that's probably where they were when the shadows attacked them." Jaune raised an eye brow at this and said "It was the same for them?" Teddie turned to Jaune and said "The fog does lift here sometimes. The shadows get really violet then. I always get so scared. I have to hide when it happens. I sensed people here twice before. But both of them disappeared after the fog lifted…"

"That answers some questions and it is understandable that he does not know everything about the two murder victims since it's apparently the first time it has happen in that world" said Port with his arms crossed.

"Indeed my friend, it shows us that the fog is definitely important both for the TV world and the real world" said Oobleck as took a couple more sips of his coffee.

"It also gives my other a time limit" said Jaune which caused everyone to look at him wondering what he meant by that.

"What do mean Jaune" asked Velvet as voiced the question out loud.

"I mean it is obvious that my other is going to try and stop this and that the fog would indicate when he has to save the person by if another get thrown into that world" answered Jaune which got nods of understanding and looks of revelation to his words.

Jaune got a thoughtful look on him while Sun then said "So let's get this straight…Senpai and that Yamano lady were thrown in here, and snice they couldn't get out, they wondered around…After a while that shadow thing came out of them. The fog cleared, it went berserk and it ended up killing them…Does that sound right?" Sun took a breath as he then said "So if I'd been here until the fog cleared, I would've been in much deeper trouble?" Teddie nodded and said "Yeah, I'm pretty sure. You were lucky; sensei and I were here with you…"

"At least we now know how they died in that world" said Ironwood while also feeling bad about the two that died.

Many nodded at this while some bowed their head out of respect for the dead as well relieved that Sun did not share that same fate.

"Dang it" exclaimed Sun with fist clenched as he then said "Senpai and that announcer…They were stuck in here all alone…No one could save them…" Teddie looked sadly at Sun as he said "Sun…They disappeared when the fog lifted. But they were safe before that. No shadows attacked them. They attacked us, though…Maybe they're keeping a close eye on us. They might see people who investigate this place as enemies…It'll be dangerous, but we might be able to fight them! We might save people!"

"Kind of had a feeling that is where this was going" said Qrow as took a swig of water before tipping it off to Jaune as a sign of good luck.

Many agreed with the man as it was going to happen sooner or later that Jaune's other would have to go saving people.

Both Jaune and Sun were surprised by this as Sun then said "Are you saying, if anyone else gets thrown in here, we can save them before they disappear!? Like how you guys just saved me!?" Jaune nodded and said "That seems to be the case plus we need to find the culprit." Sun relaxed and then said "Anyways…We need to catch the one who's throwing people in here and make them stop."

This got many smiling in the audience as it shows the conviction of the two boys willing to put an end to this. This also brought Port into tears which caused the people in the theater to sweat drop.

Sun smiled a bit and said "Yeah…I'm finally starting to understand what's going on." Teddie looked a little nervous and said "U-Um…Can I ask something too…?" This got Jaune and Sun to look at him as Teddie then said "If shadows are born from humans and faunuses, what was Teddie born from?" Sun's eyes widen and said "You don't even know where you come from!? How should we know?" Teddie looked a bit sad and said "I know something. Mostly about this world…But I don't know anything about myself. To be honest, I never thought about it until now…"

Silence filled the theater as many felt bad for Teddie as well as hoping that Jaune could help him in that department.

"Can't help but feel bad for the bear" said Tai as he shook his head in solemn after what he just heard.

"Indeed, it is hard to image what it would be like without memories of one's self" said Goodwitch as she adjusted her glass as if she was trying to deflect the depressing feeling.

Sun filched a bit and said "Are you serious…? No wonder we couldn't get a straight answer out of you…" Teddie then nervously said "Will you guys…come back here…?" Jaune nodded and said "Of course, we made a promise after all." Teddie looked at him happily and said "You'll…keep your word?" Sun nodded and said "Well, you're the one who said you weren't letting us out unless we do." Teddie gave a wry laugh and said "Oh! T-That's right! Okay, I'll let you out. But there's one thing, I'll be waiting for you guys here. You need to come in from the same place every time. So we can meet up." Jaune raised an eye brow and said "The TV from Junes?" Teddie turned to him and said "You could come in from somewhere else. But then you won't end up here. You might show up somewhere I couldn't get to you. Then you'd be doomed…Got it!?" Both boys nodded as Sun said "Well, pretty much…Alright, can you show us the way out?" Teddie happily nodded and said "Roger that, One exit to the real world coming right up!" Teddie tapped his foot and made the stack of TVs appear again. As Jaune and Sun got close to them, Teddie pushed them in and sent them back to the real world.

"Looks like they back to the real world now and hopefully get some rest" said Sarah as she was happy that her son would get much needed sleep after the battles she had to witness.

"Wait…Isn't Yang on the other end waiting for them and is worried sick" said Nora as she made people realize that this might not turn out very well for the other Jaune and Sun.

Said boys were looking at each other nervously while both were thinking the same thing which was 'Uh-oh'.

The scene changes to Jaune and Sun coming back into the real world and in front of a very worried and angry Yang. Yang then said "Y-You guys came back…!" Both boys looked at her as Sun said "Huh? Yang, whoa, what's with that face?" Yang then angrily threw her half of the rope at Sun causing him to fall backwards onto the ground. Jaune inched away a bit to wisely stay out of this and let Yang blow off some steam.

Many commended Jaune for his wise actions while his mother smiled at him since he got into many situations like this when going up and knew what to do. Yang smirked as her other was about to tear the boys a new one like she would if they were in that situation involving Grimm. Meanwhile Jaune and Sun were hoping Yang's other was going to go for a below the belt physical hit.

Both boys flinched when Yang start yelling at them with "The nerve of you guys! You are such morons! I can't believe this! You guys stink!" Yang took a couple of breaths before continuing with "The rope cut off…I had no idea what to do…I was so worried…I mean scared stiff, dang it! I hate you both!" After that, Yang ran off to go home leaving two guilty looking boys behind. Sun got off the ground and said "I…I think that might have, kind of, sort of, been out fault. Maybe we did go a little too far." Jaune gave Sun a look that said 'You think'.

Seeing that he was getting the same looking look from majority of the audience, Sun said "What?"

"Dude, you have to admit that she has a point and Jaune has a right to give you that look for stating the obvious, right" asked Neptune while shaking his head at his friend.

"Hey, how was my other supposed to know that the rope was going to break on her end of the TV" countered Sun which got some to agree a little with him.

Sun looked at Jaune and said "Let's apologize to her tomorrow." Jaune nodded and said "It is at least we could do for putting her through this mess." Sun nodded and then said "I'm completely wiped out…I'm going to go home, soak in the shower for a while, and get some sleep. I think I'm going to sleep well tonight." Sun laughed a little before he said "Well, see you in the morning!" Jaune tiredly nodded and both boys left for their perspective homes.

Many in the audience had to agree with the boys on how long their day has been and were happy that they were going to make it up Yang the next day for the stun t that they pulled.

The scene changes to Jaune walking in the flood plain to his temporary home with his umbrella in his hand. As he was walking he saw Ruby at a picnic table which was under a small gazebo. Ruby saw him as well and Jaune went to go talk to her. As he got closer he noticed that Ruby was wearing a pink floral kimono with a red sash around the waist and her red hood around the top of her shoulders. Jaune had to admit that she was very cute in that entire.

Summer and Yang gushed at the sight of Ruby in that entire which made pull her hood over her head from embarrassment. Though she had to admit that she was happy that Jaune like it on her.

The rest of girls, except Yang who was still teasing Ruby, in the row thought that they should try and get outfits like that. Blake especially thought of getting it since it reminded her of clothes from a certain book series.

After Jaune sat down at the bench, Ruby started the conversation with "Oh…Are you surprised to see me dressed this way? My parents sent me out on an errand…" Ruby got a little nervous before she said "Um…Are you getting used to your new town and school?" Jaune nodded and said "Yes, I am doing okay and I think I am going to like it here." Ruby was a little taken back by this and said "Really…? But…It must be difficult, moving to a place you know nothing about. I've never been out of Inaba, so I wouldn't know what it likes is to transfer to a new school…"

Many couldn't help but feel bad for the poor girl not being able to see the world, especially ones that like to travel.

"Geeze, Red you really need to get out more" said Roman which got an eye twitch from said girl as she, even though he decided to change, did not want to hear that from him of all people.

Neo just shook her head at roman as they are used to traveling with being on the run and all before they ran into Cinder which got her blood boiling at the thought of that woman.

Ruby looked down a bit with Jaune looking at her with sympathy in his eyes. Ruby then perked up and said "Oh! Are you getting along with Yang? I mean I always leave early, so…umm…" Jaune smile and said "We're getting along, but she could be a handful sometimes." Ruby giggled a little and said "I'm glad to hear that. Yang's very supportive, you know. It's always her who gives me the little extra push I need. We had homeroom together last year too, and I still remember how we'd cut class sometimes."

Yang smiled at this then remembered what the other Jaune had said and she then said "Hey! I am not that much of a handful!"

Her friends and family, except Raven for obvious reasons, refuses to meet her eye while the Beacon staff and soon to be ex villains just gave her a deadpan stare. This made Yang deflate a bit while also grumbling to herself. The four hosts just chuckle at the sight before them.

The two chuckled a bit before Ruby checked her watch and gasped. Ruby turned to Jaune and said "Oh…I should get going. I need to make tomorrow's arrangements with our head chef." Seeing Jaune's questionable look, Ruby then said "Our inn can't function without me right now." Ruby got up and grabbed her umbrella before she turned to Jaune and said "Um…I'll see you at school then." Jaune smiled and said "Sure thing, see you later then."

"She needs to relax or she will over work herself" said Blake as she was worried for her friend but, calmed down after Jaune scratch her ears a little because he sensed her worry. Normally she would beat up anyone who tried but since it was Jaune she did not mind.

"Agreed, though the way she sound makes me thinks something must of have happen at the inn" said Weiss with her arms crossed as she was trying to figure out why.

"Though I can't help but get a bad feeling right now" said Oscar as he was trying the scene that just plays out.

The scene changes to the living room of the Dojima home with Jaune and Nanako sitting in the living room watching TV. Nanako sighed and said "Dad's late." Jaune looked sadly at her when the news came on declaring the deaths of the announcer and Saki a serial murder case. After hearing this Nanako shook her head a little and said "Another incident…Dad won't be coming home tonight."

Katie sighed before smiling and said "Such is the life of a police officer and I am really proud of my uncle for doing that job."

Many nodded at this and Ozpin said "Indeed and the same could be said for the life as a huntsman."

Sensing her slight distress, Jaune looked at her with a smile and said "I'll be here with you." Nanako looked at him with a little smile and said "I'll be okay. Can you help me do some stuff around the house?" Jaune smiled and nodded before turning to the TV as the news was now talking about the hot springs inn that Ruby's family owns. Ruby even got involved with a surprise interview, which Jaune thought was funny until the reporter was starting to get too personal with her to get info.

Ruby's family had trouble keep themselves together after seeing the reporter try to get personal with Ruby. Especially the father and daughter duo of Tai and Yang which could be attested to the creaking of their arm rests.

"I never understood why these reporters always try and get too personal with these types of interviews" said Weiss while shaking her head as she understood what it was like with the reporters due to her family.

"They're just looking for next big juicy detail that they could get" said Pyrrha as knew this because of her fame as champion.

The scene changes to Jaune in his sleep wear ready to check the Midnight Channel for a sign that he should be worried for. The weather report confirmed that it was going to be raining all night, meaning the conditions are being for the channel to appear, so Jaune turned off the TV. Like before a grainy image appear on the screen at exactly midnight. Though it was not a very clear image, Jaune could tell that it was a teenage female wearing a kimono before disappearing. Jaune went to bed after this, but failed to notice that the female figure had a hood over the kimono.

Though the Jaune on the screen didn't see it, the audience in the theater did and it got many reactions out of them. Some of the females in the group couldn't help but gasp in shock or cover their mouths with their hands. The male populace of couldn't help but either grit their teeth or clench their fists in rage.

Though the ones most affected by this was Ruby, Yang, and their family after seeing that image. Summer went over to and hugged a now panicked Ruby after seeing herself on the Midnight Channel. Tai and Qrow had looked on that a mixture of both fear and anger on them since they couldn't do anything to help. Finally, Yang looked on in horror and she said "N-No…"

After the theater calmed down a little and Summer Rose went back to her seat, everyone began watching again and hoped Jaune's other will do something about this.

The scene changes to Jaune his eyes and to find himself inside of the Velvet Room. He then spotted Igor and Margaret to which Igor said "Welcome. Do not be alarmed. You are fast asleep in the real world…I have summoned you within your own dreams. And so we meet again." Margaret took over and said "This is a space that only those who have, in one way or another, entered into a contract may enter…" Jaune remembered his promise to Teddie and knew this is what they were talking about.

"So we are probably going to learn about Jaune's power in that world" said Coco as she readjusts her glasses to look at the hosts.

"Yes we are" said Gamer King as the audience turned to him as he continued on with "Igor like to do it the final card while his occupants are away and the card is always a mystery, but one things for sure is that it tells the type of Persona power that Jaune has and not info of the future."

This got many curious and it caused them to turn back to the screen to see what their host meant by that.

Seeing that she had Jaune's attention, Margaret then said "In your daily life, you subconsciously heard the call to awaken, and you chose to follow the destiny of your inner voice…thereby enacting your glorious awakening to your power." Igor then used his abilities to give Jaune a blue velvet key and said "Hold onto this…From this night forth, you are out guest in this velvet room. Your destiny will require you to hone your power, and for that, you will inevitably require our help."

Many were happy that they were going to help Jaune but did not say anything as they knew that they were about to get a lot of info thrown their way.

Seeing Jaune's determining look, Igor continued with 'There is but one price for this assistance…You must abide by your contract and assume responsibility for all decisions you may make." Jaune nodded and said "I understand." Igor smiled and said "Very well. The persona that you have required…It is a side of you that shows itself when you face the world around you. Perhaps you can think of it as…a facade of determination you wear to face various difficulties in life." Igor smiled wider as he then said "Your persona ability, however, is that of the wild card…Compared to that of others, it is very special."

"So a wild card, that could mean anything for the young man" said Ironwood as he was trying to think of the answer to Igor's statement.

Many agree with him and decided to continue watching the screen to see if they could find an answer to this riddle.

Jaune raised an eye brow to which Igor said "It is like the number zero…empty, yet holding indefinite potential within itself." Jaune looks at Igor and said "Special?" To which Igor responded with "The Persona ability is the power to control one's own heart…And the heart is strengthened through bonds. As you form bonds by becoming involved with others, your own Social Links will gradually develop. The power of these Social Links is what will determine your Persona's abilities."

Many were stunned at what they just heard and it was Ghira that said "Is he implying what I think he is implying?"

Gamer King nodded and said "Yes, for you see that Jaune has the ability more than one Persona for him to use."

"Exactly how many can he hold" asked Winter Schnee with a raised eye brow at their hosts.

Gamer King gave a thoughtful look before he said "About as many as the current situation calls for and as long as his abilities continue to grow."

That shocked nearly everyone there as Raven then said "And what about these Social Links as Igor calls it?"

"That is about to come up next if I recall right" said Gamer King causing the audience to turn back to the screen to get the info.

Jaune looked at them and said "Control one's heart?" Margaret decided to take over and said "Social Links are necessary for more than strengthening your Persona. At times, they will help light the way to the truth you are searching for." Igor snickered a bit before he said "Where will the awakened power of the wild card take you…? I look forward to traveling the road of destiny together." Igor once again chuckled before he said "Until we meet again." Jaune then saw a blinding white light, signaling he was waking up.

"So, he's saying that if Jaune hangs out with us than he gets stronger" said Sun as he was trying to wrap his head around the subject.

"That seems to be the case" said Ren with his arms crossed as he was able to understand the idea presented to them.

"It is not just Jaune that will get stronger but the Persona users that he hangs out with will get stronger as well" said Gamer King which got many interested to see how it works now.

The scene changes to the flood plains with Jaune in his school uniform walking to school. Suddenly Jaune hears the ringing of a bike bell behind him causing him to turn and see Sun coming to him as Sun then said "Hey!" Sun then became serious and said "You saw what was on last night, right? I couldn't tell who it was, but if someone's shown up on TV, we can't ignore it. Let's go check it out after school. Maybe Teddie can tell us something." Jaune nodded and said "That sounds like a plan to me."

"Seems like Sun has seen it too and doesn't know who either" said Yatsu in a grim tone as all of the occupants know who it is.

"Yes, it could be a fact that the other Sun hasn't known that Ruby long enough like ours does" said Fox with his arms crossed.

This led the Remnant group to hope that the other Yang would recognize Ruby from the Midnight Channel due to them being family.

Sun sighed and said "If it turns out that someone was thrown in again, there might be a culprit behind all this. Even if it is something about that place that's killing the victims…If someone's using that world as a weapon, that's unforgivable." Sun tightened his fist and said "We need to find the culprit…no matter what it takes!" Jaune had a feeling where this was going and Sun was going to suggest it.

There was silence in the theater as they all understood where this Sun was coming from and had a feeling that might not be another way for this situation to be handled.

Sun gave Jaune a determined look and said "There's no way the police can do it…Who'd believe that the murderer kills people by throwing them into the TV?" Jaune nodded and seeing no other choice he said "It has to be us. Plus I want to keep my promise too, so let's put an end to this." Sun smiled a bit as he said "Cool. It's reassuring to hear someone else say it. You know, I tried sticking my hand in the TV last night, the way you did, and it actually worked." Jaune looked a little shocked at this and was trying to understand it.

"So it seems that Sun can do the going through the TV too now" said Sage as he was trying to figure out how.

Seeing this Scarlett said "It will probably give us the answer soon, but I have a feeling that it has to with the power of the persona he has required."

"It's also smart that they do not go to then police since they wouldn't believe them and even if they did Jaune would have been made a suspect with his powers" said Sienna with her arms crossed.

Kali nodded and said "She's right, plus who knows what the government might do to him if his powers were made public?" This got many angry especially the Arc family and Jaune's friends.

Sun saw this and said "I think I can do that now because I have the same power…Persona wasn't it? Could it be that we got this gift from someone specifically so we could solve the case." Jaune crossed his arms as he was thinking, Sun then said "Then again, you managed to go inside the TV and get your Persona first…I feel like as long as your with me, I can find the culprit and crack this case. Well, let's do our best!" Sun stuck out his hand and Jaune shook it.

Many smiled at the scene and it was Junior that said "Looks like him having a Person as a reason for going into the TV is right on the money." Many nodded at this as they too figured that their hunch was right.

As Jaune did this he heard a glass breaking sound and a silent female voice in this mind said "Thou art I…And I am thou…Thou has established a new bond…It bring thee closer to the truth…Thou shalt be blessed when creating Personas of the Magician Arcana." Jaune figure that this is the subject that Igor brought up in his dream last night. Noticing the time the two boys decided to go to school before they are late.

"So that was a social link that Igor was talking about and it looks like Sun is in the magician arcana" said Blake as she and many others were in shock at the event.

"Indeed and from what have heard, there are probably more to come his way" said Ozpin as he took a sip of his coffee.

The scene changes to inside the classroom with Jaune and Sun talking at Jaune's desk. Suddenly Yang came into the classroom and looked a little panicked and breathing a little bit heavily. She saw Jaune and Sun and immediately rushed toward them. As Yang came over, Sun said "Uh…Yang! Um…About yesterday…We're sorry we worried you." Jaune nodded and Yang said "Never mind that! Is Ruby still not here?" The two boys were confused by this and Sun said "Huh, R-Ruby? Uh…no…? At least, I haven't seen her today."

A sense of fear, especially from Ruby and her family filled the theater as many were wondering why Yang would ask that question.

Yang got even more worried and said "Oh man…What should I do…? Hey, is that stuff you were talking about for real? You know…All that about how people showing up on the Midnight Channel are related to that other world." The boys raised an eye brow at this as Sun then said "Oh, we were just talking about that. We're thinking about checking it out later…" Yang timidly cut in with "The persona on TV yesterday…I think it was Ruby." The two boys were now down right shocked by this and began to fear for their friend.

That just confirmed many fears within the theater while at the same time they were glad that someone was able to let them know.

"At least someone figured it out but the question is whether it was in time" said Roman which got many nods of agreement.

"We'll have to just wait and see" said Port as he was serious when it came to the safety to one of his students.

Seeing their looks, a worried Yang continued with "That kimono, as well as the hood, looked like the one she wears at the inn, and she wore it during that interview a few days ago too." Yang gave a shaky sigh and took a small breath before she said "I got worried, so I emailed her last night, but she hasn't responded. I called her earlier in the evening though, and she said she'd be at school today."

Now many were concerned because of two thing and they are Yang never lies about her younger sister and Ruby always tries to keep her promise to Yang about meeting times.

This especially worried the Rose/Xiao Long family as they know these two facts and always took them to heart if something goes wrong.

Seeing that Yang was about to have a bad panic attack, Jaune to comfort her while Sun said "Calm down. We get the picture. And you still haven't heard from her?" Yang told them 'No' and then Jaune explained the info that he and Sun got from the TV world to her. Yang was shocked by this and she said "What's that supposed to mean…? Wait, are you saying…Ruby was thrown in there!?" Sun shook his head a little and said "We don't know that for sure. We should check if she's safe first. Give her another call."

After hearing this Yang had mixed emotions about this this were anger that someone would throw Ruby in the TV world and also hopes that the other Ruby would pick up when she gets the call. "Come on, please pick up sis" said a pleading Yang while others couldn't help but look at her with sympathy.

Yang nodded and began to call Ruby's cellphone and waited for her to pick up the call. After a few rings, Yang got nervous and said "No good…Her voice mail picked up…S-She's not answering." Jaune and Sun eyes went wide as Sun then said "Are you serious…? Then is Ruby inside that place…?" Yang got even more panicked as Jaune gave Sun a glare for not reading the current moment.

The family was almost in full panic now while the rest decided to follow the other Jaune's example and glare at their Sun as well since, even though it was not on purpose, do the same thing.

"You really need to work on your tact better Sun" said Blake while getting nods from the rest of the group.

Sun sighed and said "Yeah, after seeing this I have to agree with you on that one, but please remember that is not me."

Yang then got a little annoyed at Sun and said "S-Stop it! Something must've come up, like an errand or something…" This got Jaune and Sun thinking the same thing until Yang realized something and said "Oh, or she might be helping at the inn…She wouldn't be able to answer her cell if that's it." Sun raised an eye brow at her and said "Yeah, but would she skip school for that?" Yang gave Sun a mild glare and determines to prove him wrong as she said "W-Well, I'll give the inn a call…Um…I've got the number here somewhere…" Yang found the number and called it as she then said "C'mon, Ruby…Pick up."

With new found hope, the remnant group held in their breaths that Ruby really is just working at the Inn. The hosts knew what was going to have but decided not say anything because they know how it would affect the group.

Yang waited calmly when the sound of the phone is being picked up and her eyes lit up and the boys saw this. Yang then said "Oh is this Ruby? Thank god, she's there!" Yang sighed in relief and said "Uh-huh…Uh-huh, I see…Ah, uh. Nah, it was nothing, ha-ha. I'll email you again later…" She hangs up the phone and looks at Jaune and Sun before she said "She was over at the inn. She said that they had a big group reservation and she had to help out. Yeah…Now that I think about it, this has happen before too, at least once a year. She said she'll be at the inn tomorrow too."

Many released their breath that they were holding as Yang said "Oh, thank goodness that gave me a heart attack like no other."

"Yes, but I get a feeling that we might not be out of the woods yet" said Coco while the hosts knew how right she was.

While this was happening, Sun was sweating up a storm as he knew what the other Yang was going to do next.

Yang then glared at the boys, causing them to flinch, and marched up to them before she said "For crying out loud, Sun! She was totally fine! And you were all, 'Is Ruby inside that place…?' Humph…" Sun gulped and said "S-Sorry…But there is a reason we thought that." Yang raised an eyebrow and said "Oh, yeah…? What?"

Sun rubbed the back of his head and said "Okay, can't say my other didn't deserve that or that I didn't see that coming."

"True, but like your other said there was a reason he as well as us, thought that. It just shows we need more info on that aspect" said Ironwood with his arms crossed and getting nods of agreement.

Sun took a breath and said "Well…We thought people show up on the Midnight Channel because they're already over in that world. I mean it makes sense, right? People show on TV because they are inside the TV…But Ruby's still here, in our world. We might want to see what this is about." Jaune nodded at this while Yang was saw the logic in the theory. Sun looked at them and said "Alright, let's meet up at Junes after school." This got both Jaune and Yang to nod in agreement.

"That is a good plan, maybe Teddie will know something about this" said Ruby as is almost tired of all these mysteries in a short time.

"True, but we have to remember he only knows what goes on in the TV world and not the outside" said Willow as she nods of agreement while make some very nervous about that fact.

The scene changes to a semi-crowded electronics section of Junes with Jaune going into more detail on the investigation to Yang. Sun groaned and said "O-Okay, I think that's more than enough about my sorry escapades." Yang was a little wide eyed and said "If I hadn't seen the place first hand…I'd never believed a story like that." Sun rolled his eyes and said "Yeah, no kidding." He then straightens up and said "Anyways, we need to know what's going on inside…" Sun stopped and saw the customers in the section.

"Looks like the customers might complicate things a bit" said Jaune as he saw a lot of people walking around the area of the store.

Oobleck nodded and said "Yes, but sometimes risks are needed to be taken in order to get the right info on the objective."

"Indeed and I fell that they are about to that risk right now" said Goodwitch while looking on with a calculated gaze.

Yang raised an eye brow and said "How, by talking to this Teddie guy?" Sun nodded and said "Yeah. Too bad there are so many customers around…I forgot there's a sale in the electronics department today…" Sun was in deep thought until his eyes lit up and said "I got it! Come here a second." He pulled Jaune to the TV and said "Try sticking your hand in and calling him over. I bet that bear's wondering around the entrance anyway." Jaune nodded as Sun then looked at Yang and said "Hey Yang, stand over here. Make a wall with me." Yang got confused but went along with it.

Many nodded at the as Sun's friends knew that behind that lay back attitude is a person with good leadership skills and so they waited to see the results of the plan.

With a determined look on him, Jaune sticks his hand inside of the TV in order to call Teddie over to them. After a couple of seconds Jaune felt something bite his hand causing him to pull his hand out from the TV. The other two were shocked by this and Sun said "W-What's wrong?!" Yang hushed Sun and said "Not so loud, you idiot!" She then look at Jaune and said "D-Dude, is that a bite mark!? Are you okay!?" Jaune simply smiled at her and said "I'll be all right; it didn't do too much damage." Yang's cheeks flushed at his smile and at how calm he was.

Yang couldn't help but groan and blush as she was now being teased by her family and friend while also sending a mild glare at, a now sheepish, Jaune. This got many watching the situation ton chuckle a bit; even Raven couldn't help but give a small smile at her daughter's predicament.

"That bear will has a lot to answer for" said May as she did not like the way he responded to her bother calling him over.

"Relax sis, I am sure he meant no foul play" said Jenny which got nods from the rest of the Arc family as they to saw it that way.

After calming down from the situation, Yang said "Wow that looks like it hurts. Sheesh that stupid bear must've done it…" Yang shook her head and in a hush angry tone said "Hey, you! We know you're in there!" Teddie's voice then came though the TV and said "Oh ooh, is this a game?" Sun looked at the TV and in an annoyed tone said "No, it's not a game! Can you sense anyone inside there right now?" Teddie's voice became confused and said "Who's 'anyone'? I'm a lonely little bear like always. This land feels so bear-ran…"

That got many to groan and three people, (Yang, Tai, and Jaune), to laugh at the bear pun Teddie just made.

Yang stifled a giggle while Jaune and Sun couldn't help but groan at the bear pun that just been made. Remembering why they were there, Yang said "Shut it! So there's no one inside…? You're sure?" Teddie's voice then said "I-I'm not lying! My nose is running as good as ever!" After that Teddie's voice was gone, leaving the three students to think. Yang then looked at Jaune and Sun before she said "I'm going to go warn Ruby anyway, since she'll be busy this weekend helping out at the inn. I doubt she'd go anywhere alone, but still…"

"That is a good idea, better safe than sorry" said Port while nodded at the precautions that the three were taking.

"Yes, but are they taking them at the right time" said Ozpin as he felt that this could go downhill way fast. Many in the theater couldn't help but agree with the headmaster and that scared them.

Sun nodded and said "Yeah…You'll walk with her to school on Monday, right?" Yang gave a nod of confirmation since it was easy since they live together. Sun then said "Maybe we'll find out more tonight's Midnight Channel. Cross your fingers that this is all just a misunderstanding." Jaune and Yang nodded at this as Sun turned to Jaune and said "What's your cell number? I'll call you when I watch it tonight." Jaune nodded and exchange his number with Sun's and vice versa. After that was done, Sun said "Alright, don't forget to watch tonight." The other two nodded and all three went home to watch the Midnight Channel.

Many were happy on how they are working together but at the same time they can't help but to feel a foreboding feeling about the next Midnight Channel. Tai had put this into words with "I am happy they have a plan, but I really got a bad feeling all of a sudden."

"You are not the only one, so we have to wait and see what feeling might lead to" said Raven with her arms crossed as she hated this foreboding feeling. Many had no choice but to agree though some more reluctantly more than others.

The scene changes to a street intersection with police working in the rain while Adachi and Dojima talked. Adachi looked at Dojima and said "Looks like we've found all we're going to find here. And we've still got nothing that point directly to a suspect." Dojima replied back with "We don't even know if this is a homicide." Adachi in a frustrated tone said "Well, what else could it be? There's no way a body could end up like that by accident!"

Ironwood sighed and said "I can understand that man's frustration cause I been in that situation before, but if he knew the truth there is no way he'd believe it."

Many nodded at this; the hosts however had their eyes twitch a little bit as Velvet then said "At least we can get info and a perspective on the police side of things."

"Yes, this might find us along with the mystery" said Winter Schnee as she'd nod at Velvet's statement.

Understanding where Adachi was coming from, Dojima gave a frustrated sigh and said "I know." Dojima then got a thoughtful look on him and said "We haven't found the cause of death for the first victim, and now we've got a second one just like it. If this is a murder case, there's no doubt we're dealing with a single perp. But if that's true…What in the world is going on?" Both went to talk about how the love triangle was not the reason because the other two of the scandal had rock solid alibis for the first murder.

"So, we can cross the singer and the city secretary off the list due her singing far away and people seeing him at work at the time" said Jaune as he was able to put info about the murders together.

"Agreed, it may be small but it is a start" said Ghira as he saw logic behind the info that they just heard.

While on the scandal Adachi said "You hear Namatame's career has also been killed stone dead? He's been fired from his position as secretary. He's practically as much as a victim as the Yamano girl." Dojima nodded and said "Yeah, I agree. Then we have the second case, regarding Saki Konishi. She's the one who discovered Yamano's corpse…But I don't buy the killer shutting her up as a possible motive. She was killed well after she reported the body, and the culprit didn't hide her. It's like she was meant to be found."

The audience's minds were going into overdrive with the new information that could help solve this mystery. Even Zwei tilted his while cutely while in Summer Rose's lap as he was thinking too and wanted to help out.

Gamer King saw this and turned to RE and whispered "Is that collar for Zwei ready yet?"

"It is in its final phase and should be ready after this viewing and ready for the next one" said Re which got a nod from Gamer King.

"Everything okay, Gamer King, Sir" said Ruby which got everyone to look at their host.

"Everything is okay, Ruby. Just preparing something for next viewing, which none will see until after this one" said Gamer King getting everyone curious now.

Seeing that they are not going to answers from him, they turned back to the screen.

Dojima took a deep breath before he said "The only other connection is that she attended the same school as the daughter of the inn where Yamano was holed up. But that hardly points to a motive. Coincidences like that are common in a town as small as ours." Adachi nodded and said "Yeah…I heard about that angle on the news, too." Dojima was shocked by this and said "What!? Is the story about the inn out already?"

"Not surprised that news like that can go around fast in a small town like that" said Roman as he had been in area like that while on the run.

Qrow sighed and said "Yeah…It also makes it a pain when looking for information; trust me I have been to places like that."

Many students took this into account and saved that info for when this shadow war is over or when they graduate.

Adachi's eyes lit up and said "Okay, I got it! How's this? Maybe there was something about the corpse that only Saki Konishi knew! And our perp killed her to keep whatever it was from leaking out!" Dojima sighed and said "Either way, all we can do now is keep investigating anyone involved with the victims. Our perp…It has to be someone in Inaba." Adachi made a joke about Dojima's detective intuition which got a glare from Dojima and Adachi got really nervous from it.

Many in the theater smiled at the scene but couldn't help but agree with Dojima on this one. Though now a sudden feel of dread filled the Remnant group and that scared them to no end as what's going to happen next.

The hosts knew what was coming and got ready for ton of emotions heading to fill the room.

The scene changes to Jaune getting home and saying 'Hi' to Nanako and ate with her before going to his room for bed. In his room, Jaune got ready for the Midnight Channel and when it did come he was in shock. This time the picture was very clear and it showed a fairy tale like castle in the background. The thing that shocked him the most though was the person in front of the castle. That person was holding a microphone in their right hand while wearing a pink princess dress with a red hood and this meant the person is none other than Ruby Rose.

"WHAT" said majority of the audience as they could not believe the sight before their right now. Many were scare for the girl while others were angry that this has happen to her. Though the most affected by this was her family and as for the girl herself she was frozen in fear.

"N-No…This can't be real" said a wide eyed Yang as she was in fear for her sister's life and turn angry that some did this to her and her family.

"Sorry Yang, but it looks real enough, and 'When did she go in' is the question that we should ask" said Jaune while his eyes narrowed and fists clenched in anger. He felt Blake squirm in worry and decided to comfort her until she purred and kept in mind to do the same for Ruby after this viewing.

"It must've when they when to go talk to Teddie, that's the only way to explain the short amount of time between now and then" said Ozpin ash gripped his mug in anger while getting nods of agreement at the logic he gave.

"MY BABY" yelled a panicked Summer Rose while Tai, Qrow, and even Raven try to calm her which she did eventually. Though the three couldn't blame her and were also shaken up by this.

After everything is settled and Jaune help calm down Ruby with her team, all watched on in hope that Jaune's other would save her.

The Ruby on TV smiled and said "Good evening, tonight Princess Ruby has a big surprise. I'm going to score myself a hot stud." After hearing that Jaune's Jaw so fast, one would think it would break through the floor. The reason being is because he knew Ruby would never say that, even though he only knew her for a short while. The Ruby on TV then said "Welcome to 'Not a dream, not a hoax, Princess Ruby's hunt for her Prince Charming.' And I came prepared." She then scrunched up and bent down before she said "I got my lacy unmentionables on, stack from top to bottom." Jaune got even more shock at that.

Many in the audience were the same as the Jaune on screen and Ruby was beet red after what she heard. Many wanted to say something about this but choose not to because they wanted to see if that Ruby would make any other out of place comments. Though, Yang looked like she was to bust her lid soon.

The Ruby on the TV then straightens up and said "I am out to get a whole harem and the best of the lot is going to be all mine." She then turns toward the entrance of the castle and said "Well, here I go." She ran into the castle before the TV went dark and ending the Midnight Channel. Jaune just stood there in shock as it appears Ruby was in that world now. Jaune's phone went off, which brought him out of his shock, and answered it since he saw Sun's number on it.

Some were still way confused to what they just saw while others took a small breath that Jaune is not the only who said the Midnight Channel.

Yang came to and said "So Sun saw it as well but there is no way that was Ruby!"

"I have to agree with Yang here because there is no way that Ruby would say that much stuff that is out of character for her" said Blake as she was trying to get her head around this.

Neo could see where they were coming from as she said "True, but how do we explain what we just saw?"

No one had an answer for that and they decided to watch on to find one, though Jaune had a sneaky idea on the answer but need more proof.

As Jaune answered, Sun's voice came through and said "H-Hey, did you see that!? That was Ruby for sure! It looked like her…I mean, she even said her name! But didn't the stuff she was saying sound weird!?" Sun's voice then changed into a confused tone and said "And she looked like she was on some low-budget TV show…was it like that before, too?" Jaune raised an eye brow at this as he also wondered about this.

"So, Sun knows something is strange about Ruby as well and he does bring up a good point about the difference between now and Saki's time on the channel" said Sage with a raised eye brow and arms crossed.

Jaune took a breath and said "I think that when the first two were put that it was foggy the next and not a long time like this time." This got nods of agreement as that is only logical conclusion that makes sense.

"I can get behind that, but I can see that isn't the only thing on your mind kid. So go on ahead and tell us" said Sienna causing almost everyone to look at Jaune with intent on listening to what he has to say.

The hosts had feeling on what it was but chose to say nothing and see everything play out.

Jaune sighed and said "I might need more proof, but I believe the Ruby we saw on that channel might not be Ruby but her shadow like how we saw Sun's. But like I said I need more proof of this and we need to watch on to get it." Many were silent at this and couldn't argue his logic and went back to watch the screen while Ozpin had a tiny smile on him due to Jaune's thinking.

Jaune then heard a groan from Sun before Sun said "What's going on…?" Jaune took a small breath and in a serious tone said "Sun, you need to calm down; being panicked and confused will not help the current situation." He heard Sun also take a breath and Sun then said "O-Okay…Okay. Um, um…we need to get in touch with Ruby first! Uh…man, I don't know her number…Oh yeah, I can just call Yang!" Jaune nodded and said "Sounds like a plan to me." Sun then said "Tomorrow's Sunday, so let's meet up at Junes first thing in the morning!" Jaune in a determined tone said "Right, I will see you then." Jaune hanged up the phone and went to bed to get some sleep for tomorrow.

Many nodded since that was an ideal plan at the moment and the Rose/Xiao Long decided to follow the other Jaune's advice.

The scene changes to the food court of Junes with Jaune sitting at table thinking about his interaction with Nanako this morning. Apparently Dojima got called in early and left for work which meant Jaune was in a dilemma in the mind about leaving Nanako alone. Nanako calmed his mind though saying she was going to be ok by herself and that he should hang out with his friends. The thought brought a smile to Jaune's face but was brought out of his thoughts when he saw Sun coming towards him with hands behind his back.

Many smiled at Nanako's understanding and dependency made in order to help Jaune.

"How you come she can be trusted alone and we can't big brother?" complained the Arc twins while giving Jaune a puppy dog look.

Jaune gives them a deadpan stare and said "Because last time we did, the family caught you two trying to dye our cat's rainbow while playing hair salon." This got some sheepish look from the Arc twins as the rest of the family joined Jaune with a deadpan stare of their own.

Many laughed or snickered at the interaction of the family while Zwei made a mental note to run if that game comes up when playing with the two due to him liking his fur the way it is.

As Sun got to the table and said "Sorry for the holdup. I found some stuff we can use in the closet at home." Jaune raised an eye brow at this as Smiled and said "Take a look at these!" Suddenly Sun pulls out a katana in the right hand and a sword like dagger in the other. Jaune eye widen as Sun then said "We've got our Personas, but a golf club's not that reliable of a weapon. So, which weapon strikes your fancy?" Jaune picked the katana and Sun started showing off by swinging them which got the police to come to arrest both him and Jaune.

Many of the audience reactions were spilt between face palming or glaring at Sun, who was currently giving a nervous chuckle at the looks.

"Oh you have got to be kidding" said Weiss while she was pinching the bridge of her as she also shook her head.

"Sun, why would you do that!?" asked Blake, who was being held back by Jaune which caused to purr a bit due to him putting his arms around.

"To be honest I am not sure myself, but I am working on that trait" said Sun sheepishly.

"Better work on it fast because it will hurt you in the future" said Goodwitch which got Sun to nod his head rapidly in understanding and to anger the strict professor.

The scene changes to the police station where Jaune and Sun are getting scolded by Dojima. After they apologized, Jaune and Sun couldn't help but overhear two cops walking by and talking about Ruby's disappearance. The two boys looked at each other alarmed as Sun, in a whisper, said "Did he say Rose…? Then…She really is…" Dojima saw this and said "Hm, who's what now?" The boys got nervous and Sun then said "Oh, uh, nothing…" Dojima seemed to accept this and let them know that they were free to go and reminds them that things are sensitive around the station due to the current investigation.

"It is understandable that thing are kind of tight lipped right now at the station due to not wanting the killer to know what they have at the moment" said Ren with a nod of respect to the officers doing their job.

"Yes, it is the best way to make sure that they got the right person but from what we saw it might be impossible for the police since the killer is using the other world as a weapon" said Winter Schnee as she got nods of agreement since it was the truth.

As the two boys walk to the main entrance of the station, they ran into Adachi who was carrying a cup of coffee in his hand and he recognized Jaune from Dojima. Seeing an opportunity, Sun said "Oh…! Uh, can we ask you something? It's about Ruby…I mean Ruby Rose from the Rose Inn…Did something happen to her?" Adachi got nervous and said "Huh? Oh, umm…Am I allowed to say…?"

Many were wondering why he had to ask himself that but knew this was the best way to get the info that they need right now and hoped Adachi answered.

Adachi sighed when he saw the looks on the boys and said "Well, if you're friends with Ms. Rose…Keep this between us, okay?" the boys nodded as Adachi said "We got a call from Ms. Rose's parents yesterday evening saying they couldn't finder her anywhere." Jaune and Sun went wide eyed as Adachi continued with "Since it was the weekend, the workers at the inn were extremely busy, and no one saw Ms. Rose at the time. Oh, but that doesn't mean that this is a case just yet! But, people have been turning up dead on foggy days…So we're sensitive to stuff like this." That got worried looks from the boys as Adachi then said "By the way, did she say anything to you guys about maybe going through hard times?" The boys were now confused as Sun said "Uh…, Hard times?" Adachi replied with "Well, that announcer, Ms. Yamano, was staying at the Rose Inn before the first murder. Seems Ms. Yamano had some harsh word for the manager about the staff's attitude towards guests. The stress of it caused the manager to collapse. And with Ms. Rose being the manager's daughter…She must've felt pretty strongly about the incident, you know." The boys did not like where this was going.

The people from Remnant didn't like where this was going either since they all know the truth. Ruby's family went from panicked to angry real fast as they knew where the police's theory was heading and Zwei growled a little at this.

Adachi then looked at Jaune and Sun as he said "By the way, did Ms. Rose ever hint that she might be leaving the house? Because if not, there's been some theories floating around that she's laying low for some reason or another…" Realizing what came out of his mouth, Adachi said "Snap, I think I gone too far. You didn't hear that, okay?" All three heard Dojima yell for Adachi and his coffee causing Adachi to ask them to keep the info a secret before going to Dojima. Jaune and Sun looked at each other before going to the main entrance of the station.

Professor Port sighed and said "Looks like that they need to save Ms. Rose not just for her safety but also to clear her name."

"Indeed my friend, it is a shame that the police are far off target but at the same understandable due to the way the victims are killed" said Oobleck while shaking his head.

Many reluctantly had to agree with him, especially Ruby's family as they were the least bit happy about this situation.

As Jaune and Sun made it to the main entrance of the police station and discussing what they just heard, they heard a very angry female voice yell "There you are!" Jaune and Sun turned to see an extremely ticked off Yang coming towards them which caused the two to sweat a little bit. Yang got to them and said "Sheesh, what're you guys doing!? I've been looking everywhere!" Sun tried to explain the misunderstanding that happened between them and the police, but one look from Yang told him that she did not want to hear it.

Jaune and Sun were having flashbacks from the beginning of the viewing when their others came back to the real world.

"If she is mad now, just wait until she hears what the police are thinking" said Scarlet which looks of betrayal from Jaune and Sun since their others are the ones who have to give the news about that.

"Let's just hope they could calm her down so they could save friend Ruby" said Penny who was still processing the stuff she heard when she was brought here.

Sun then got serious and said "Anyways, something's up with Ruby!" Yang looked at them with wide eyes and said "Huh? You know already!? I kept calling her cell, but she didn't pick up…So I went from our house to the inn and it turns out Ruby really did disappear…!" Sun then gave a determined look and said "I guess we've got no choice but to go now…" Sun then looked at Yang and said "But that aside, the cops are saying some weird stuff. They think Ruby's hiding to 'lay low'…"

Many were counting down in their minds about when that Yang is going to explode from the info that she is going to hear while the Yang in theater is trying to control herself because she trusts Jaune to help her and save Ruby.

Yang got a confused look on her and Sun said "Apparently Ruby's mom collapsed because that announcer lady got in her face." Yang's eyes widen as she remembered that day as she wanted to punch that lady's lights out if she wasn't trying to comfort Ruby with Zwei. Yang had a bad feeling where this was going and Sun confirmed that feeling as he said "They think that gives her a motive, and the fact that the announcer died right after makes her even more suspicious…" Yang's eyes widen a great deal before they narrowed and scaring both Jaune and Sun.

"Uh-oh, our others better get out of the way and fast" said a very nervous Sun as he hugged his tail for comfort.

"Agreed, because I do not want to be in the path of a furious Yang" said a nervous Jaune who hugged Blake, who was enjoying this and gave a small smirk at the girls glaring at her.

"I know I would go at anything in a path, so your others better calm me down quick" said Yang who couldn't wait for the training room to be done to get rid of this anger.

Yang then growled a bit before she said "What!? They think Ruby did it!? What in the world is wrong with them!?" Sun raised his hands up in defense and was also irritated by this as he said "Dude, don't snap at me! Ruby is the victim here, darn it, mot the suspect…" Seeing that their emotions were getting out of control, Jaune stepped in and said "Let's all calm down. Look, we need to save Ruby." Yang and Sun calmed down and Yang said "R-Right! That's the important thing right now!" Sun nodded and said "With the police totally on the wrong track, we got to handle it ourselves." Yang suddenly came out and said "I'm going too!" Seeing the looks from Jaune and Sun, she grabbed them by their shirt collars and said "And that's final! I'm going to save Ruby no matter what" she then let's go of them and the boys straighten out their shirts.

Many sighed in relief as Neptune said "At least Jaune was able to calm her down before she did something that she would regret."

"Agreed and now they can be focus more on the rescue" said Oscar as he got nods of agreement as the safety of the other Ruby is important right now.

Sun sighed and said "Are you going to be all right…? But, man…They just confiscated our weapons. We can't go in empty-handed…" Yang's eyes widen a bit before she said "Weapons…? I know just the place!" Jaune and Sun were shocked at this as she then said "C'mon, follow me!" Yang then ran out of the police station with Jaune and Sun behind her to try and stop her from doing anything too reckless. The screen fades to black, ending the scene.

Many was wondering what was going to happen in the next viewing while Ruby turned to their host out and anger about it ending there.

Gamer King saw this and said "Relax the next viewing will be starting soon and remember the Other Jaune and friends still have time before the next foggy day happens."

This got the family to relax a bit as Ironwood spoke up and said "Excuse me, but you said something about returning something to us last time." This got everyone to look at the as what the general said was indeed true.

"Ah, yes I did. TU get the magic glass box opened and ready" said Gamer King as TU did a thumps up and got an opened glass box with runes on it. Gamer King then opens up a small portal and summoned an orange energy ball from it while also shooting a white energy one into it. Gamer King then put the orange energy ball into the glass box and closed it as well as the portal.

Ruby tilted her head and said "What is that? And what did you do?" This got many to wonder the same thing.

Gamer King took a breath as the event took much out of him and then he said "The orange energy in the box is the maiden energy that Cinder Fall from the original fall maiden Amber. As for the energy I shot out, that was illusionary magic of my creation to make Cinder and her cohorts think that she still has it." Many were shocked by this and were also concerned about Salem which Gamer king saw and said "No need to worry about Salem, that magic will affect her as well and she won't tell the difference, but since Roman and Neo are here the magic won't affect so they need to act Cinder has that power as well as Junior and the twins."

The five people he mention nodded in understanding as Ozpin said "Thank you, and what about the part of returning it to its owner?"

"I mean I would send the power back to Amber during next break, though she would have to be at a better hiding spot and a better disguise" said the host which got nods from the group. Gamer then look at them at said "I will help out with that, but now let's go to the wheel to find out who gets Jaune's lap next. And RE can you get Zwei's gift please." RE nodded and went to go get the gift as everyone else turn to the wheel while Blake was a little sad until Jaune petted her head.

The wheel spun around until it landed on one Coco Adel which said girl to smirk and walk to Jaune while swaying her hips before sitting on his lap causing him to blush beet red. The other girls in the row grumbled, except for Yang and Ruby while they were upset it wasn't them they were more focus on the other Ruby's safety.

RE came back with a small box and said "Got the gift right here boss and it if fully operational."

End Chapter 5

Next Time: Chapter 6: New Velvet Room Worker and the Shadow Sisters

A/N: Wow, that chapter was so long I have no choice but to end on a cliffhanger. Now as for my Willow theory, due to Vol. 7 it is a bust and now an AU Willow. As to the many wondering why I thought Willow was dead, well…I have to admit I am much better creating context clues for foreshadowing then understanding from the original source. Though you have to admit my theory was interesting to say the least. Though I have to once again apologize for the long wait for this chapter due to the craziness of the world right now due the current Covid-19 pandemic as well as the stay at home orders. That being said I will see you all in the next chapter of my Kingdom hearts fanfic, so stay safe from this illness and see you then.