I teleport to the outskirts of a huge city "Where the hell am I now?" I mumble and look around "Gotham?" I see a small sign 'I have never heard of this place'. A car pulls up beside me "Miss? You look lost, Need a ride into town?" A middle-aged man with brown hair, Stubble, and blue eyes asks, "Uh yeah, Sure" I smile and get into the car.

"So what's your name?" The man asks "Uh Raven, Yours?" I smile being nice "Jack, What brings you to town?" He smiles and I laugh "Um family issues I would rather not talk about it, How far is the city?" He raises his eyebrows "About 20 minutes away, Do you know where you want to go in the city?" Huh, I did not even think about that "Um I have no idea, I know nothing about this city or where to live" I am so out of my comfort zone here "What about the Police station? They usually have info on landlords, Apartments, Houses, You know" I smile "That will be fine, Oh don't worry I will give you gas money" He shakes his head "I was already heading into the city" I smile and nod, The rest of the journey is quiet.


Just like he said 20 minutes later we get into the city and another 5 minutes he pulls up to a police station "Here we are the GCPD, It was nice to meet you Raven" I smile "Thank you Jack, I hope we meet again" I smile and get out of the car.

"Be normal just act human" I whisper and walk inside the 'GCPD'.


I walk into the main hall and I notice there's no reception desk so I look around and I'm sure I look like a lost puppy. "Hey, can I help you miss?" A man in his early 30's, Blue eyes, And short brown hair walks up to me "Uh yeah-" I trail off not knowing his name "James Gordon" I smile "I'm kind of lost, My name is Raven Volturi I just got to town and someone told me I could get a list of Landlords, Apartments and such here" He smiles "Well welcome to Gotham, Follow me I'll get you that list" I nod and follow him to an office with glass doors.

A dark-skinned woman gets up from her desk "Boss, I'm looking for the housing list" She smiles "Of course, I'm Commissioner Essen" She stretches her hand out to me "Oh Raven Volturi" I shake her hand "Nice to meet you Raven, Here" She hands me a big A4 piece of paper "Thank you" I smile "Hey Jim!" Well, that doesn't sound good "Jim!" Jim and I walk out and there is a man standing on a table, I mean he definitely looks intimidating. The man is bald, No eyebrows, And thanks to my enhanced eyes I can see he has no eyelashes either. He's dressed in a mostly black suit apart from his Trousers/Pants they are a very dark blue. I look up and meet his eyes, They are dark brown and he is glaring at me."Hi Jim" The man waves jokingly "Relax I'm supposed to take you in alive, Don Falcone wants to talk" Yup this definitely sounds bad "Tell Falcone we'll talk but not today" Jim tells the bald man "Don't...Be that way, Alive is a very broad category...A man with no hands can still be alive" I am so confused "Why is no one arresting him?" I accidentally say out loud and the man is now smirking at me "There's 50 cops in here, Try something" Jim challenges the man "Everybody out" The officers start whispering "PLEASE!" I giggle at the man but stop as the officers ACTUALLY LEAVE! "Go Boss, Raven get outta here" I groans but stay put "Jim" Essen pleads "Go I can handle this" He looks at me as Essen leaves but I glare at the bald man who has an odd look on his face like he can't believe I am actually staying "I'm staying I am not as helpless as I look" He nods and then the gunfire begins.

Jim shoots first and the bald man freaking backflips off of the table! Before shooting a couple bullets of his own, Jim and I duck behind a desk "We are going to run for that door" He whispers and I nod "Now!" We run for the door under the stairs but Jim gets shot in the side and I get shot in the leg, However my wound heals almost instantly and as I look back I see the bald man slightly tilting his head. I use my powers to knock down a filing cabinet and we sprint down some stairs. "You ok?" I ask Jim as he leans on a wall "I'll be fine we need to keep moving" He groans as we hear the cabinet being moved, We get to the bottom of the stairs and into a parking garage "Keep low and quiet" I nod as we hear them getting closer, There is someone just to the left of us. So I sneak around the car and get behind her "Hey" She turns around and I punch her in the face a little too hard as she flies into the side of a truck "Hmm" I look across the car roof and lock eyes with the bald man "Uh hi" I wave and duck as he fires a bullet right at me! I resist the urge to teleport back to Jim and instead I sprint across the lot weaving between pillars.

I get back to Jim and crouch beside him "Are you crazy?" He asks out of breath "Maybe" I laugh "Why are you hiding from me Jim?" I scoff as the man is closing in on us "HEY WHAT THE!" Bang and bang the 2 women with the bald man shoot an officer in both of her knees, As they are distracted Jim and I make a run for the exit "There!" A man yells and both Jim and I get a bullet in the leg "Really?" I groan, Yes it heals quick but it still hurts. A car speeds in and a man and woman start covering us "You need a ride?" The man smiles opening the door, We get in the car and as soon as the doors close the woman speeds us out of here. Safe to say the ride was quiet after Jim passed out in the back seat.

Chapter 1 of my new story complete! Let me know what you think!
