(A/N-Special thanks to Lynn for beta reading this. And also thanks to all who read, review, follow and fav this story. You guys are amazing! Well this is the last chapter and it will reveal a few things about why Four is the way he is. I hope you have enjoyed this story. And a new one starts Sunday. I'm running a little behind in it but hope to get it finished in time.)

Four hadn't slept in two days. The first night he went over and over it in his head. By the end of the night that pitiful look on her face and the sight of her sitting there in the snow with her cheeks flushed and her hair turning white was burned into his brain and his heart. The next day he didn't even get out of bed. He was the CEO of one of the top ten most successful companies in the world. He hadn't spent an entire day in bed since… ever. But on December 23rd, he lay in his bed from sunup until sundown, feeling like a zit on the underbelly of humanity.

He finally fell asleep sometime around three a.m. on Christmas Eve. He woke up about five hours later. He lay there for a minute, considering what he was going to do with his day. His plane wasn't leaving until the late afternoon, but spending a second day in bed wasn't an option. He got up and showered and finished packing. He ate a light breakfast and had his coffee, but he still couldn't get his mind off of Tris, wondering if she would speak to him when he got back from his trip, wondering if they could possibly start over. He suddenly realized that he felt like he was choking on all of this indecision. He hated it. He needed some air. He had to get out of the apartment.

He drove aimlessly around the city for almost an hour when he suddenly realized where he was. He was in the vicinity of the Christmas fair that Tris and him had gone to the day she was the "boss." Surprising himself, he found a parking spot and wandered through the parking lot and into the park where the fair was going on. It was like he was being led by some kind of invisible force.

He wandered around the fair, turning down the offers of "fresh baked cookies" and "handmade trinkets." Disgusted both with himself and the festive atmosphere, he headed back towards the parking lot and his car. He'd had as much "Merry Christmas" and happy families as he could take for one day, and He just had to accept that he'd messed things up with Tris, likely to the point of no return.

Four stepped around a pile of little boys, and that was when he saw her. She looked beautiful, as usual. She had on blue jeans and a white parka. Her white beanie looked handmade and she had gloves to match. He stood mesmerized by the sight of her as she walked through the booths, taking long strides in her fur-lined white boots and with a smile on her gorgeous face. She looked like she was heading somewhere with a purpose in mind.

He thought about catching up to her and saying hello. Maybe trying to explain somehow why he'd left her sitting there the other night. He wasn't sure how to do that without telling her her life story and he wasn't ready to talk about that. Four knew that he should say something though. She deserved more respect than what he'd shown her so far. He had been hiding his true feelings for her. He hung back for a few minutes to see what she was doing, and when he saw her go up to the hot chocolate stand and buy three hot chocolates he was glad that he hadn't gone over. He assumed she was with friends and he wouldn't want to dampen her holiday celebrations. He should have turned and gone back to his car then, but he continued to watch her instead. She took the drink carrier from the girl at the kiosk and again, smiled merrily at everyone she passed as she made her way back through the park in the other direction. He was no stalker, but he was very curious about her life and what type of people she surrounded herself with that made her so happy, so he followed her.

She walked through the park away from the fair. Four thought that was strange and she made her way down a little cobblestone path to the sidewalk. There were a lot of people out and about, doing their last minute shopping no doubt, so it was easy for him to follow her without her noticing for a while. Her white beanie helped, he could see it bobbing up and down in the midst of the crowd if he couldn't see her. Eventually, she turned down another street. It was a little side street, not much bigger than an alleyway. He hung back so she didn't see him and when she got a few blocks away, he saw her turn again about a block ahead of him. Finally he saw her destination. It was a beautiful old graveyard that judging from the style of some of the mausoleums, looked like it had been around for decades. It was one that he wasn't familiar with although he'd lived in the city his entire life. It was tucked away into its own little haven with statues of angels and intricately carved tombs towering above the simple gravestones. Big, sad looking weeping willow trees surrounded the grounds and gave it kind of a spooky appearance. He didn't really do graveyards.

He saw her sit down, there were two graves marked with an attached headstone. The headstone had an angel carved on one side and a Santa Claus on the other, but he couldn't read what was on them from where he was. He watched Tris sit a hot chocolate on either side and then she took out the last one and began sipping it. She was talking, animatedly. She was making hand gestures and she would smile and frown and grimace, just as if she was having a conversation with a living person. What struck Four the most were the tears he could see rolling down her pretty face. She was always so happy that it tore at his heart to see her cry. He wanted to go over to her and take her in his arms and make whatever was distressing her go away. He didn't want to interrupt her moment, however no matter how kind he knew she would be about it. Watching her, he could tell this was something she'd done before. Whoever was lying in those graves was hearing about her life… he wondered who she had lost that was so special to her that she'd communicate with them like this even after they were gone.


Every year since her parents died she did what she'd always done on Christmas Eve… she shared a hot chocolate with them and told them what was going on in her life. This year she told them about her new job and the fact that she'd already been promoted to an executive position; Tris was really proud of that and she knew they would be too. Thinking about how proud of her they would be was what got her through college with a 4.0 GPA even after they'd passed away. She learned to work hard by watching them and by basking in the encouraging words they always had for her. Her hard work was paying off for her now and she had her parents to thank for that and she liked to come to the cemetery and tell them so.

It was picture perfect and the only truly bad thing that ever happened to her was a plane crash when she was nineteen years old that took her parents from her. It took Tris a year of grieving before she realized something: The crash had only taken their bodies from her. She still had their spirits. Although she missed seeing them, she could feel them in her own heart… in her very soul most of the time.

After she told them about her job this Christmas Eve, she told them about Four. Tris supposed that he's not hers to tell about, but somehow he'd made his way into her heart and she can't seem to let him go. She told them how handsome he was, and how smart and when he wasn't trying so hard to be serious, how much fun he can be. He hurt her, the night of the party when he walked away, but she still can't let her hopes for him go. She told them that too. She had a feeling they would be proud of that. They trusted her judgment when they were here, she's sure that they still do.


Four waited for Tris to leave the cemetery that morning and then he went over and looked at the grave stones. One said, "Andrew Prior" loving father. The other said, "Natalie Prior" loving mother. The caption underneath it said, "The real Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus." Underneath that it said, "Alas! How dreary would be the world if there was no Santa Claus! There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, and no romance to make tolerable this existence.

Four couldn't help but smile at that. These must be her parents, the ones that had taught her to have such an amazing heart and spirit of the season. The sight of their graves made him sad for her. They also made him wonder even more how she could have such a positive outlook on life. How could she be such a happy person when the two people she loved most in the world weren't here any longer? He wondered about what she told him when he asked her how she was spending her holiday. She had simply said, "With my family." Was this what she meant, or did she have extended family that she holidayed with?

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Prior, my name is Four Eaton. Your daughter..." Four stopped talking. What was he going to say to them? He decided to tell them the truth.

When Four left he headed home, his emotions at an all time high. As he walked towards his front door, he saw a package there along with a note inviting him to spend Christmas day with her. It was from Tris!As usual, she left him smiling and shaking his head. He sat down on his couch and opened his gift, laughing out loud at the gift she gave him. She never gave up. Obviously, if she was inviting him to spend Christmas with her, she was alone just like he was. He'd been alone for a long time though… so long that he'd forgotten what a warm, happy Christmas was really like. He purposely tamped it all down, thinking there was no reason to think about it since he would never get it back. After a while, he'd stopped wanting to get it back. Then, he'd met Tris. As he was lost in these thoughts, his eyes fell on the clock. He hadn't realized that it had gotten late so fast. He grabbed his keys and hurried out.


"I'm coming," Tris yelled out as there was a second rap. When she reached the door she stood on her tip toes and looked out the peephole. Four was standing there in the ugliest Christmas sweater in the world, the one she had bought for him as a joke and left on his front doorstep. She told herself that the world must be coming to an end. Why else would he be standing on her doorstep wearing that thing instead of on his trip to Paris?

"Good morning! Merry Christmas," Tris said as she opened the door.

"Good morning. I'm sorry, did I wake you?" He was staring at her with a funny look and she suddenly realized what she must look like. She'd gone to bed with the tear stains from her movie and now that she thought about it, she could feel her hair sticking up every which way. Her robe was a little ratty… not because she couldn't afford a new one, but because this one was her favorite. She hadn't expected Four to ever see it, that's for sure.

"Yes, but I was getting up soon anyways," she told him. "Come in, please. You look… festive this morning. Please excuse how I look."

With a serious look he said, "You look amazing." It sounded like he really meant it. Then, he laughed a little about the sweater and said, "I thought it would be rude to show up for Christmas dinner in anything other than the sweater you so painstakingly picked out for me."

She couldn't hold it back any longer. She had to laugh. He was killing her in that sweater. It had a knit Santa and two reindeer sitting at a table playing cards on the front of it. It was tacky, to say the least.

"Are you laughing at my sweater?" he said, with mock offense. "My good friend, Tris got this sweater for me."

"Well, I hate to tell you this but with friends like that…"

"I know, right? I was hoping it was a joke." Four finally stepped inside and looked around. The apartment was small, but decorated in good taste and very festive with a Christmas tree and a table set with an entire tiny Christmas village. It was warm and welcoming and it smelled like cinnamon and spice. It reminded him of his home when he was a little boy. "Your home is very nice," he said.

"I'm going to make some coffee, would you like some?"

"I'd love some," he said.

"How about breakfast? Are you hungry?"

"The invitation only said "dinner." I'd hate to impose…"

"Well, I'm starving. So, I think I'll make some Belgium waffles and fruit. If I make more than was intended for only myself, maybe you'll join me?"

"If it will help," he said.

"Oh it would, very much. I hate to waste food." Tris said. "So what made you decide to show up? Didn't you have a vacation planned somewhere?"

"I did. I should be basking in Paris by now. Instead, I've re-scheduled it. I have forsaken it for the snow and sleet and numb fingers and toes. But Tris, this is your entire fault."

"My fault?"

He grinned and said, "You got under my thick skin somehow and I couldn't resist. I had to find out what this Christmas stuff was all about for someone like you who loved it so much. If it's still okay, I'd love to spend it with you."

"It is absolutely okay," she told him, excitedly. "Wait until you taste my waffles!"

They ate the waffles and fruit, making casual conversation about work. "So what did you do yesterday on Christmas Eve?" he asked.

"I went back to the fair and finished my shopping, I passed out the rest of my gifts and I visited my parents. Then I watched "It's a Wonderful Life" and ate chocolate chip cookies until I passed out crying."

He raised an eyebrow and said, "A movie called "It's a Wonderful Life" made you cry?"

"Oh my goodness, you've never seen it, have you?"

"I'm afraid not."

"Well, then it's on the agenda for today. It's part of Christmas you can't have Christmas without it."

He laughed, "Okay, just keep me posted on the agenda as the day goes by. Can I ask you a personal question?"


"I was just wondering about your parents."

It had been seven years since she lost them, but it still hurt to talk about it. She poured herself another cup of coffee and said, "They both passed away when I was nineteen."

"I'm sorry for your loss and for bringing it up. I was curious because you speak so highly of them, but you never mentioned they were deceased. I was certain you'd be with them on Christmas if you could."

"Definitely, my parents were the best. I told you about me and my dad at Christmas. It was our favorite time of year. I don't talk about them like they're deceased because I still feel them so strongly in my soul that sometimes I honestly let myself forget. I guess it's just my way of coping."

He nodded and said, "We all cope in different ways. Do you still do the Santa Claus thing or was my sweater an impulse buy?"

"Definitely not an impulse buy. I put a lot of thought into it. I went to three different stores to get it just right." He laughed again. She loved the sound of it. "I do still do the Santa thing," she told him. "It wouldn't be like Christmas without it."

"So how do you do it? I mean decide how many to buy for and who and what and all of that?"

"First, since I'm now the financier, I decide how much is in my budget to spend. I have a special Christmas fund that I give to every month all year. I give to a few charities first and then use what's left for my Santa project. Once I know how much funds I have available, I do just as my father taught me. I try to think of something that people I knew or saw daily needed dearly."

"And you clearly saw that I needed an ugly sweater dearly…?"

"It was something that I'm sure you didn't have and would never buy for yourself, right?"

"That's for sure," he said with a grin.

Then seriously she told him, "I saw that you needed a smile dearly. I was hoping to give it to you."

"It worked," he said. "I've been smiling since I opened it this morning."

He was looking at her with that intense look that he got that made her just know he had feelings for her. She wanted to kiss him so badly. She wasn't going to make the first move again though. The ball was in his court. She took a deep breath.

"Anyways, that's how I do it."

"It's an amazing thing you do," he said.

"You do the same. I passed out all of the gifts you bought, remember?"

"It's not the same at all," he said. ""I guess, since you've shared so much with me that it's about time I share something with you."

Tris didn't want to break the spell that made him suddenly want to talk to her, so she didn't say anything. Instead, she just pulled out a chair and quietly took a seat. He took the other one and said, "I'm sorry that I've acted like it was a big mystery. The truth is that it's just really hard for me to even think about, much less talk about." He looked so distressed and she could see on his face how hard this was for him. She reached across the table and covered his hand with hers.

"I would like to know as much about you as you want to tell me. But if this is too hard, it's okay."

"I want you to know me," he said. "I wasn't born in a happy household with two loving parents. My mother did love me, my father was another story. He was abusive towards my mother and when that wasn't enough for him, he turned his abuse towards me. I have the scars, literally to prove it."

"I'm sorry, Four," Tris said. His grip on her tightened.

"My mother knew he was not going to stop. Not until he ended up hurting one of us to the point of no return. She told me that we would be leaving soon. It was on Christmas Eve and we had just got back from the store with my father when a neighbor asked what Santa was going to bring me, I said something to her about wanting a train set."

Tris held her breath as she waited for him to continue.

"My mother told my father that she forgot her pocketbook at the store, after convincing my father that she would go get it and come right back, she left. She never came back."

Tris was shocked that a mother would leave a child with an abusive father. She squeezed his hand. She could see the tears forming in the corners of his eyes. She wanted to tell him to stop talking because she could tell how much it was hurting him, but he seemed like he needed to get this out. He'd probably needed to for a long time. He took a minute to compose himself before going on.

"She was in an accident. The police came to the house to tell us. When the police officer walked in, he was carrying a train set. He said the train set had been found in the car after the accident. She had rushed out to get the train set and died because of it."

"Oh Four! You blamed yourself. You were just a little boy!"

"I did blame myself for a long time, but then I took that anger at myself and I turned it on Christmas. I blamed Christmas for everything that was wrong in my life and my resentment for it never faded, it grew and made a wall around my heart. A wall that was un-penetrable, until you came along."

Her heart was literally breaking. It hurt in her chest. "I'm so sorry, Four."

He smiled at her and said, "You shouldn't be. You were the only one who got through to me. Do you know what the difference is between you and others that have set out to chip away at that wall?"

"No, what's that?"

"You've treated me like a human being since that first day."

"Other people look at me and see a CEO or a rich man and they treat me differently than they treat each other, even Laurel who knows me better than anyone. She still calls me "Mr. Eaton." You look at me the same as you would any other man."

"Not exactly," Tris told him.

"How's that?" he said.

"I see someone much more special than any other man I've ever known when I look at you," she finally told him. He smiled and just as he seemed to be leaning in to kiss her, the timer went off for the steaks.

He laughed and said, "I'm going to hang on to that thought."

"You better," she said, as she got up to get their dinner out of the oven.


They had cheesecake and coffee after a game of monopoly. Tris looked outside and saw that the snow had slowed.

"Okay, it's snowman time!"

"Excuse me?" he said as if he was surprised.

"Didn't I say that earlier? It was on the agenda."

"I thought you were kidding," he said.

"I would never kid about making a snowman," she told him. "You brought gloves, right?"

"Oh no! I don't think I did." He was fibbing.

"Yep! Here they are," She told him.

"Oh… goody," he said, sarcastically.

They bundled up and went outside. She led him to a little courtyard on the side of her apartment complex. The snow was barely falling now, but enough had fallen during the night and morning that making a snowman was going to be easy. She started packing the snow so that she could roll a big bottom when she noticed that Four was making little piles of snow and then tamping them down with his gloves.

"What are you doing?" Tris asked him.

"Making a snowman."

"That's not how you do it."

"You make your snowman and I'll make mine," he said. She rolled her eyes and got back to work rolling her snow bottom.

She had her back to him, but what could have only been ten minutes later he said, "Done!"

"You are not… Oh my goodness!" In ten minutes, the man who hated cold weather and Christmas only two days ago had built the most beautiful snowman she had ever seen. "He's beautiful!" Tris said. His face lit up like a child. He was so proud of his work. "You've definitely done this before."

"Thank you," he said, "But no, this is my first snowman. It's all about mechanics though. I'm good at building and designing things." Looking over at his half-rolled snow bottom with his lips quirking like he was trying to hold back a smile he said, "Yours is…"

"Not finished," she told him, turning her back on him again, she got back to work. Another five minutes or so passed when she felt the whiz of a snowball next to her head. Tris looked around and Four was still the only one out here with her. He was trying hard to look innocent.

"Did you just throw a snowball at me?" she asked him, incredulously.

"Of course not. I would never indulge in such an immature…" she'd already been packing one in her hand. While he talked, she threw it and hit him in the side of the face. SMACK! "Oh that's it!" he said, "It's on now." He was rubbing his cheek with his wet glove and she was feeling a little bit bad until…

SMACK! A tightly packed snowball hit her, right in the forehead. She stood still staring at him in disbelief as ice cold water dripped down over her eyes and slid down her cheeks.

He suddenly looked worried. "I'm sorry, Tris! Are you okay?"

Not answering him still, she dropped to her knees and began digging deep into the snow, losing the glove off her left hand. He'd taken a step towards her, thinking she was hurt at first, but then he realized what she was doing. He dropped down to do the same but before he got his hole dug she had packed it together into a ball and stood up and threw it at him. She heard the SMACK and bent down to get her glove, smiling with satisfaction.

"Ha ha! You missed!" he said. He sounded like an insolent twelve year old and even though she'd missed him with her snowball that made her happy. He was having fun. She was wondering how she could possibly have missed him. She turned around to see and SMACK! He got her right upside the head with that one.

Tris narrowed her eyes and pulled her eyebrows together as she dropped down to make another. She threw her snowball first and this time she watched it connect with the back of his head.

He was laughing and still rubbing the back of his head when she felt, SMACK to the back of her own head. How the heck did he do that? She turned to see who was behind her and SMACK! She got hit dead on in the face. It was her neighbor's kids, Susan and Conner. They were eight and ten years old and she'd tangled with them before. They were vicious little snow ball making machines.

"Oh, so that's how it's going to be?" she said, "Four, I think you and I should…" SMACK! A snowball came from Four's direction and struck her. The kids were laughing hard now. Tris turned to look at him and said, "Hey! I thought you'd be on my side."

"It's a dog eat dog world," he said. "Every man, woman and child for themselves." While they talked, the little ones made more snowballs. Suddenly it was SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! She and Four both had a barrage of snowballs raining down on them. She couldn't make her own ammunition fast enough and when she finally had one made, she'd throw it recklessly, missing her targets. Four hit them a few times, but they were still way ahead of him. When he got too frustrated with them, he would turn back on her. Traitor!

Snowballs were zooming across the courtyard. They flew away from her and then they flew towards her. She had no idea anymore if any of hers were hitting any of her targets. She was scooping, packing and blindly throwing. There was snow and ice in her face and in her eyes. A few seconds later she was tackled to the snow, Four on top of her. They were both laughing, and the snowball fight was over finally.

"Guess we lost," Tris said.

"Guess so," Four said. There was such an intensity in his gaze as he looked down at her. She started to get up.

"Wait, look up," he said.

She looked up and didn't see anything. "What am I looking at?" she asked.

He had his arm stretched out above their heads and dangling from his fingers was a piece of mistletoe with a red ribbon tied around it. She looked back at him and his face looked so focused and intense. "I love you, Tris Prior."

Tris caught her breath at his admission of his feelings for her. "I'm in love with you too, Four Eaton."

"Call me by my real name, Tobias. I want to hear it from you and only you," Four said.

"I love you, Tobias Eaton," Tris said.

He put his hands on the sides of his face and wound his fingers in the hair that had fallen loose from her hat. It was so sweet, the way he set the whole thing up, like he'd been thinking about how he wanted to do it for a while. Something about the way he touched her made her eyes close and as he leaned down towards her, her lips parted. They'd become a part of each other as soon as his lips brushed against hers. It was a sweet, tentative brush at first, and then it got more urgent as he pulled her up and held me into his chest and crushed his against her, letting his tongue slip in and explore the dark caverns of her mouth. His tongue tasted sweet and his touch was firm and gentle at the same time. They kissed like that for a long time and when he broke it and pulled back, she thinks it took her several more minutes to open her eyes. Tris wanted to savor it, it was perfect.

"Let's take this inside," Tris said.

"Are you saying...?" Four asked.

"If you don't take me inside right now and make passionate love to me, I'll..." Tris didn't finish that sentence as Four bent and picked her up in his arms and carried her inside her apartment.

Moments later, they were in her bedroom, taking each other's clothes off as quickly as they could. "I have died and gone to heaven..." Four said thickly.

"This is your real Christmas present," Tris announced, stretching back against the smooth white bedding with a confidence that she had never known she could possess.

"No, you are my everything," Four told her with conviction.

Four ran a long finger down over the delicate spine he had exposed and then put his mouth there, tracing the line below her smooth ivory skin. "You are so beautiful,"

Tris hid a blissed-out smile behind her tumbling hair and closed her eyes as he lifted his hands to cup her breasts. Her back arched, her straining nipples pushing against his fingers until he tugged on the tender buds and an audible gasp escaped her.

Together they landed on the bed, he was covering her pouting mouth hungrily with his own. Unbridled pleasure snaked through her as his tongue merged with hers. An electrifying push of hunger gripped her as his hands shifted to toy with her breasts. He pushed her back against the pillows and lowered his mouth to her pouting nipples.

"Palest pink like pearls," Four mused, stroking a tender tip with appreciation as he gazed down at her. "I wondered what color they would be..."

Her eyes widened. "Seriously?" she prompted.

"And they're perfect like the rest of you," he groaned, lowering his head to lick a distended crest.

Tris decided to turn the tables as she sat up to dislodge him and pushed him back against the pillows. He studied her with questioning blue eyes semi-veiled by black curling lashes. She spread her fingers across his hard pectoral muscles, stroking down over his sleek rib cage to his flat abdomen.

"Don't stop now," he husked.

Her fingers were clumsy on his belt buckle and the button on the waistband of his trousers, her knuckles nudging against the little furrow of dark hair that disappeared below his clothing. She reached for the zip. Her lack of expertise was obvious to Four and the oddest sensation of tenderness infiltrated him as he noted the tense self-consciousness etched in her flushed face.

"Why do I get the feeling this is a first for you?"

"Everyone is a learner at some stage..." she framed jerkily.

Four yanked down his zip for himself and then tossed her back flat on the bed again while he divested himself of his trousers and his boxers. "If you touched me now, it would all be over far too fast," he told her thickly.

"Can't have that," Tris said.

"Having you in my bed has been my fantasy for weeks."

Her hips jerked and her eyes shut as he traced between her thighs. Her breath snarled in her throat. She was so sensitized that she shuddered when he circled her clitoris with his fingertip. Her whole body was climbing of its own volition into a tight, tense spiral of growing need. Even the brush of a finger against her tight entrance was almost too much to bear. Her hips pushed against the mattress, her heart thumping like thunder inside her chest as he shimmied down the bed, fingertips delicately caressing her inner thighs as he pushed her legs back, opening her.

"No, you can't do that!" she gasped in consternation.

"You don't get to tell me what to do in bed," Four teased her.

The flick of his tongue across torturously tender nerve endings deprived her of voice and then of thought. Her head shifted back and forth on the pillows, the thrum of hunger building up through her body to a siren's scream of need. She gasped, she cried his name, she moaned, she lost control so completely and utterly that when the explosive release of orgasm claimed her it took her by storm. And the world stopped turning for long minutes, her body still quaking with wondrous aftershocks while Four looked down at her with satisfaction.

As Four tilted her back she felt the smooth steel push of him against her still-throbbing core. The tight knot low in her pelvis made its presence felt again, the hollow ache of hunger stirring afresh. He slid against her, easing into her by degrees, straining her delicate sheath.

"You're so tight," he groaned, pulling back again and then angling his hips for another, more forceful entrance.

The sharp stinging pain made Tris flinch for a millisecond and then her body was pushing on past that fleeting discomfort to linger on the satisfying stretch and fullness of his invasion. A little moan broke low in her throat and she moved her hips to luxuriate in the throbbing hardness of his bold masculinity.

"You feel like heaven," he growled in her ear. "Am I hurting you now?"

"Oh, no," she told him truthfully.

And then he moved again, withdrawing and spearing deep enough to wring a cry of startled enjoyment from her. From that moment on her eagerness climbed in tune with Four's every measured thrust. Her heart raced, her legs clamping round his lean hips as she lifted to him, matching his driving rhythm while the electrifying excitement continued to build. And when she reached that peak for the second time she plunged over it in a fevered delirium of intense quivering release, pulling him over with her.

"That was amazing," Four muttered thickly, rolling over onto his back while curving an arm round her trembling body. "You were amazing."

Tris felt totally exhausted and she was content to lie there in the circle of his arms and marvel at the sublime sense of peace she was experiencing. That night they slept together in her bed, enjoying the quiet of Christmas night...it wouldn't be their last.


Tris walked into the living room of her house with Four, smiling as she watched her husband of six years putting a train set together under their tree that was decorated with several Santas that they had collected over the years. "You're going to spoil him," she said as she walked up to him.

Four smiled as he looked up at his wife. "He's worth it. It's not everyday that you turn five on Christmas and your birthday."

Their son, Theo was turning five tomorrow. When Tris had found out she was pregnant and that she would be due between Christmas and New Year's she had hoped he wouldn't come on Christmas day, but as her labor pains had started she had been ready for him to come along.

Four had been a nervous wreck, backing at the doctor to stop Tris' pain. Her doctor had promptly told Four that he was to blame for his wife's pain. Four then told the doctor how Tris had seduced him for his birthday. Tris had just flown her head back, thinking she would never come back to this hospital.

Finally, after several hours of labor, Theo Andrew Eaton had been born at 12:10 am on Christmas day. Tris had cried upon holding her son, along with her husband. In the newborn room, he along with all the other babies had been swaddled in a Christmas stocking to mark the day.

Now, here they were years later with a sleeping Theo upstairs. Four was finishing putting the train set together when he saw a package from his wife to him, dangling from his wife's hand.

"What's this?" Four asked as Tris sat down beside him.

"One way to find out," Tris said.

Four smiled as he opened his gift, he lifted the tiny item. "Tris?"

"Well it's true," Tris said. She had given him a baby bib that said 'My daddy is a hottie' on it.

"I love you, Tobias," Tris said.

"I love you more," Four said as he leaned down and kissed her belly. "All of you. You are all my Christmas miracles."

The End.