Disclaimer: I do not own Gakuen Alice. It belongs to the author of the story, Higuchi Tachibana. This is just a piece of fan fiction written for fun.

Chapter 7

Mikan clutched her chest as Mio-nee was just finishing touching up her make up. To say that she was nervous was a huge, huge understatement.

Her hair was tied in an elegant half-updo with the rest of her long hair cascading down her shoulders. She donned a pleated denim skirt with a simple grey full-sleeved sweater top with a sweetheart neckline. Her outfit was accessorized with simple heart-shaped earrings and a pendant. All which was bought from local thrift stores near their apartment in Tokyo. Her look was inspired from the "girl-next-door" concept.

Mio-nee held Mikan's shoulders and gave them a reassuring squeeze. "It's okay Mikan. You will do just fine. You have the potential in you." Mikan simply nodded.

" Contestant 32, you are required backstage." The announcer rang.

"Come on, let's get you backstage," Mio-nee said, urging Mikan to get up.

They both slowly started walking outside the green room and made their way backstage, where Mio-nee had to leave her and join the audience.

Mikan's heart was still beating like crazy.

Unknownst to her, there was a special group watching her in the audience.


"Hello. This is Jinno. I want the following students to report to the staff room in the next five minutes: Imai Hotaru, Nogi Ruka, Hyuga Natsume, and Shouda Sumire. I repeat: I want Imai Hotaru, Nogi Ruka, Hyuga Natsume, and Shouda Sumire to report to the staff room to in the next five minutes."

"That's an unlikely pair now. Haven't seen those four together since Mikan was here." Koko commented. " What trouble have you gotten yourself into now, Permy?"

Sumire slapped his head. "Shut up. Shouda Sumire never gets in trouble. They probably need us for something. Right, Ruka?"

Ruka just shrugged. " I don't know. But if we don't want to get trouble, let's get going. Come on, Natsume, Imai-san." Natsume lazily put his manga aside and got up from his seat. Hotaru neatly put away her tools, got up and dusted her skirt.

"Let's go."

Once they entered the staff room, the door was tightly shut, the windows were closed and curtains were drawn. Even Shiki-san was present.

"Okay, here's the deal. I know that you all know that Mikan is in Tokyo." Narumi began. "After, it was you all who told me. But the problem is that we are not only ones who know."

Hotaru rolled her eyes. " I can guess where this is going. Another one of those anti- Alice Organisations is after her, right? And you need us to stop them because we have already done this one too many times."

Narumi opened his mouth to speak. "Let's see, I am sure, Tsubasa and Misaki-senpai are coming along. Oh yes, and let's not forget the usual junkie, Tounochi-senpai."

Shiki nodded and smiled. " Exactly, Ms Imai. You guys have done this many times, which is why we can trust you all to do a good job."

"Why can't you all just send your special agents? Natsume is just starting to get better. He can't be engaging in combat." Ruka asked, a little enraged.

Shiki just smiled sheepishly. " Ah, the reason we are taking Natsume along is so that he can see his girlfriend perform in the competition." Natsume's ears started to go red. "Consider it an apology from the Academy for sending you on life-threatening missions at such a young age" Shiki continued.

" Hold on, we can actually see Mikan perform live?" Sumire exclaimed. Hotaru smirked at her. Now it was Sumire's turn to blush. "No I mean, I can see Yuko Takeuchi live." Hotaru's smirk just widened.

Shiki just let out a little a laugh. "Anyways you all have a week to prepare yourselves. Narumi will also be joining you. You all will leave for the venue this Saturday at 5 am sharp."

Everyone nodded.

"Good Morning to everyone here." The host welcomed. "Today we are gathered to the annual Ms Little Tokyo Competition. The competition will have several rounds today, and the winners will be revealed today in the evening. Let me remind you, the winner gets a cash prize of 50,000 yen and a place on the cover of Fashion Weekly. So stay with us and watch these young beauties till the end." The audience woo-ed and wowed.

The host continued today we have esteemed judge, and once Ms Japan, Yuko Takeuchi! Let's make some noise to welcome this legend." Sumire screamed from her seat while Natsume rolled his eyes at her.

The competition continued. But unfortunately for Ruka, the aunties around them judgingly stared at Hotaru's weird accessories and Ruka's bunny, to the point where were it starting to creep Ruka out. Narumi flashed those ladies a charming smile and they shut up. But know Narumi had to deal with aunties from a one-meter radius constantly sending him heart eyes. Natsume remained quiet throughout. After all, he was eagerly waiting for a special someone.

Then, the moment came. The announcer said, "Next, contestant 32, Sakura Mikan."

Natsume's breath almost stopped after seeing her in the flesh after almost 4 months.

" Hello everyone, I am fourteen-year-old Mikan Sakura from Makikawa village, Kyoto." She said in her cheery voice.

Hotaru took out her panda camcorder and started filming her. So you finally changed those stupid pigtails of yours, dummy.

A/N: And here's another chapter! I am sorry that this is slightly smaller than my usual chapters. And I promise, there will be more action next time (Don't count on it tho :p). Anyways, I think I increased Mikan's age by a year or so because it's not so clear what her age is when she leaves the Academy. Anyways, enjoy and let me know your thoughts in the comments. Bye :)