God is an Idiot

The Struggle of Green vs Orange became more aggressive with every moment. Soon after the mint colored dots had started massing at Slane's northern border the warm ones started to react and scurried from the scattered centers to meet the growing threat past their own lands. None of their strongholds could equal their enemy's numbers concentrated in Humanitas and even together the green dots severely outnumbered them yet what the orange ones lacked in heads they made up in individual power.

The [Omniscience]-system had after weeks of tuning, further supplements with undead satellites and his constant improvements to the magical code evolved to a sophistication where it could discern a wealth of information for even a singular life. The chance of a mere mortal escaping its gaze was virtually non-existant. It knew in example of Graza'show Brarr-Kr'ka the [Ursin]'s location down to the centimeter, registered his agitation at being so close to the 241 kin of his race for so long after the order of his lords to move south reached him, checked the filling of his bladder, his heart rate and blood-sugar, already cataloged and distributed to the old guards of Nazarick knowledge of the slight limb in his left leg from a badly healed wound and kept track of the dwindling fat stores in his lump due to a lack of free hunting grounds, just as it did for the 4.876.300 other sentient mortals living in the lands of the Argland Councils state, noting, evaluating and storing their every movement and action day after day with none aware of it.

They were as ignorant of the forces watching them as was the Kingdom of Re-Estize ignorant of the massive troops mobilized both beyond its southern and northern borders. The humans were not spared from his scrutiny and controlled just as much as the people of Slane, Baharuth, the Roble Holy Kingdom far to the west, the Dragon Kingdom south-east, the beastmen of the Albelion Hills and all the other awareness gifted souls that squirmed on the planet. There was no escape. For now there was only merciful ignorance to the total loss of privacy.

His agents, first among them the Pleiades combat maids, were marked as red crosses and controlled under [Omniscience]'s guidance every soul crossing the border of the Kingdom. They abducted and modified memories of every traveler and sent them after a brief check back on their ways with only the news in store he wanted them to have so as to keep Re-Estize in the dark of the storm gathering strength just beyond its scope while fanning the agitation in both the Theocracy and lands ruled by the dragons.

Sometimes they would also bring him true morsels like the other deserter from Slane, one who did not leave service because she was forced to do so by him but by her own volition. She was quite strong by human standards and a pure monster deep inside. She would soon serve as an excellent tool of his, for the first track of green coming from the crescent lake had nearly reached Slane's capital Humanitas.

It is finally time to meet the cardinals in person. Those six have been boiling in their own nervous sweat since Aura and Mare let loose their pet in the capital and should now be just tender enough to swallow. Mused Momonga as he disconnected the system. His attention returned to the walls of his personal room. The luxury of the precious materials used to construct it were lost on him. Back on earth only the most elite could have afforded the heavy furniture made of dark, hard tropical wood which had become a relic of a better past just like the black natural leather that covered his comfortable arm chair and the silken sheets of the gigantic bed.

They were pointless to Momonga. He slept no more, the always perfectly mild temperature of the room was irrelevant since he felt no cold and the soft ergonomic cushioning of his seat was unnecessary since his incredible hard bones felt no pressure from his own weight even when sitting on only a few corners of his pelvis and femur. As an undead of formidable might all necessities of a living body and the pleasure of satisfying them with more than the bare minimum had been stripped of him along with the flesh and skin. Although he could still smell and taste by the same unnatural powers that allowed his empty eye sockets to see and missing ears to hear it was only a mental comparison to his fading mortal memories of the nutrition pastes that let him appreciate the exquisite cuisine and drinks Nazarick offered its living inhabitants.

The only wealth of the room he cared for were the artful engravings in dark stones of the walls whose grates and edges had been accentuated with fine lines of gold. They depicted a skeleton with an uncanny resemblance to him, flanked at some distance on both sides by all the other members of Ainz Ooal Gown facing him. Strangely he could no longer remember when he had added this modification to his personal room or where he might have acquired the impressive piece of art in the first place.

It could not have been a direct copy and paste of the guild members avatars because though each and everyone might have been easily identified they all sported a lifelike flow and facial expressions Yggdrasil had not been programmed with in the first place. There had not been one byte of code describing the snarling fangs of goat headed Ulbert Alaine Odle or the rage plastered on Warrior Takemikazuchi's face and all the other monstrous members of the guild as they brayed to him therefor it had to be custom made and hence extremely expensive. But it also could not have been a gift of the developers for besting and claiming the dungeon for they had not had all the members and equiptment shown in the carvings at that time.

"Mein Herr, Ich bringe euch die gewünschten Schriftrollen."/"my lord, i bring you the asked for scrolls."

Broke Pandora's Actor his contemplation. The Doppelgaenger stood in the door with a tablet on which he balanced 9 neat stacks of small papers, none larger than a little note. They shined silvery from the sides, but the visible tops revealed their true pale yellow color, encrusted corner to corner with fine printed runes and sigils, each with such microscopic detail no mortal could simply copy them by hand.

As Momonga rose from his seat and accepted them the fine structure he felt on pages betrayed their true nature. It was not paper used in their making but incredible thin parchment. Below the symbols he could still see faint shadows of old tattoos and there were no pores, like the skin never had any body hair but was absolutely smooth from the very beginning.

The [Elder Liches] of Ashurbanipal really did the best possible with the material Aura made. This work is truly astonishing considering they were only level 30 creatures in Yggdrasil. Despite their limited understanding they replicated my instructions perfectly. Thought he while checking the scrolls for possible flaws. He found none.

He had watched Aura slaughter their first captives from the south and found it curious how she never showed any sign of sympathy despite being an elf herself when slitting their throats, hanging them up to bleed dry and skinning and disassembling them afterwards. Granted, after disconnecting the Elf King from his network they had lost almost all motivation and drive but they still squeaked like desperate piglets when poked with a blade. In moments like this he regretted having limited his studies of Nazarick's NPCs to their combat stats and abilities. Momonga knew almost all their strengths and weaknesses by heart yet almost nothing about the background the other guild members had invested them with and which now had become alive.

Only his own creation, Pandora's Actor, was no hidden chapter to him. He stood heel to heel with his arms behind his back at attention because Momonga wrote in the [Greater Doppelgaenger]'s background his fascination for the old Wehrmacht. He invested him as the caretaker of Nazarick's Treasury and thus decided he would be a meticulous collector and obsessive hoarder like himself and it was his silly idea he would only speak German with rolling Rs and a rapid pace in his true form and had a fable for the dramatic among other silly quirks.

It had been so easy as a human to blame other humans for the faults and misgivings when they were apparently the only ones to blame.

But it did not apply to the people of Nazarick. They were as they were because their creators willed it. They had had barely time to deviate from their by a third party chosen existence. Powerful as they were, gifted with formed intellects and vast knowledge: they were still infants in their own way, innocent of any blame for their deeds. The only one truly fit to accept the responsibility and the judgment for Nazarick's actions was Momonga alone. Perhaps this was the reason why he still felt sympathy and loyalty to them while he gave a rat's ass for the inhabitants of the new world.

"Entsprechen Sie etwa nicht euren Anforderungen, Herr? Ich hatte Sie selbst noch einmal mit euren Plänen verglichen und fand keine Abweichung von der zulässigen Genauigkeit. Auch Fraeulein Auras Pergamente passierten meine Qualitätsprüfung ohne Tadel."/ "are they not up to your requirements, lord? i compared them myself with your plans and found no deviation from the acceptable precision. miss aura's parchments also passed all my quality checks without fault." Inquired P.A. when he had lost himself already again in his musings.

"No. They are just as ordered. That's not the issue."

"Was bedrückt euch dann? Bereiten euch etwa die nationalsozialistischen Kommunisten im Sueden Kopfzerbrechen? In diesem Falle habe ich bereits Pläne ausgearbeitet für eine... endgueltige Loesung. Wenn ihr es verlangt werden wir sie in einem rasenden Marsch unter unseren Stiefeln zermalmen. Nur ein Wort, mein Herr, und wir vernichten Sie in einem beispiellosen Blitzkrieg. "/ "what vexes you then? do you worry about the southern nazi-communists? if so i have already prepared plans for a... final solution. ask and we will crush them under boots in a frenzied march. just one word, my lord, and we will destroy them in a unprecedented blitzkrieg." Presented P.A. his services of genocide like he was offering him canapés.

"That is nice of you but the Slane act just as predicted. Erasing them is not in my interest."

"Es verläuft also alles nach euren Plänen?"/ "so everything is proceeding as you planned?"

"Perfectly so. No reason to worry. So far everything occurs within expectations and with these..."

Said Momonga and held up a score of the small scrolls barely larger than post-its. "... I can proceed to the next step."

"Es ist also soweit, dass ihr die Kardinäle kontaktieren wollt. Ich vermute das heisst die ersten Zeugen eurer Darbietung werden bald in Humanitas eintreffen. Was ich nicht verstehe ist, warum ihr so lange gewartet habt. Bitte nehmt es mir nicht krumm, aber waere es nicht klueger gewesen sich erst der Fuehrung zu praesentieren und dann im Elfenwald eure Macht zu demonstrieren? Ein erster Hammerschlag um den Sargnagel zu fixieren und dann ein zweiter, um ihn endgueltig reinzutreiben?"/ "so the time to contact the cardinals has finally come. i guess this means the first witnesses of your show will arrive soon in humanitas. what i do not understand is why you waited so long. please take no offense but would it not have been wiser to show yourself to their leadership first and then to demonstrate your power in the elven forest? a first hammer blow to fix the coffin nail and then a second to drive it in?"

Momonga let the stacks vanish in inventory and handed him the plate back when he answered.

"That would have been in fact counter productive to my designs."

"Aber ohne Vorwarnung werden die Kardinäle gar nicht genug Zeit haben, um eure Offenbarung gegenüber dem Volk zu rechtfertigen. Viele, sehr viele wahrscheinlich, werden an der Niederkunft eines neuen Gottes zweifeln."/ "but without warning the cardinals will not have enough time to justify your revelation to the people. many, very many, will doubt the coming of a new god." Objected P.A.

Momonga "Hmm Hmm."ed while he reviewed in his mind his collection for a fitting attire for the occasion and his creation continued with more vigour.

"Ich meine; wenn auf einmal eine alte Garde zu mir kommen würde und behauptete, das eine neuer, keine alter, nein, ein neuer Erhabener erschienen wäre und die Herrschaft über Nazarick forderte, da.- da würde ich sie auf der Stelle zermalmen. Und jeden weiteren ihrer zehntausend Kameraden, selbst wenn es absurder Weise stimmen würde! Wenn die Massen keine Zeit haben, der Botschaft einer Stimme, der sie Vertrauen können, zu lauscher, werden sie sich alle gegenseitig tot schlagen."/ "i mean: if suddenly an old guard came to me and claimed a new, not an old, a new supreme one had appeared and claimed rule of Nazarick i- i would destroy it right there and every other of its ten thousands comrade even if it was true against all odds. if the masses have no time to listen to a voice they trust they kill each other."

Rambled P.A. on as he begun to walk back and forth in his parsing.

"Ich las mal auf einem Item, es war [Cain's Regret] denke Ich, einen Spruch, der lautet 'Hass folgt der Liebe.'. Das wird ein wahnsinniges Blutbad, oh mein Schöpfer!" / "I once read on an item, I believe it was [Cain's Regret], a say that goes 'hate stalks love'. It is gonna be mad bloodbath, oh my creator!"

Cried P.A. suddenly.

"Mit jeder Sekunde in der ich die Szenarien durchspiele bleibt nichts als ein Scherbenhaufen von Slane zurück. Ihr wollt sie gar nicht erobern, ihr wollt sie auslöschen und müsst nicht mal einen einzigen Schuss abfeuern! Ihr habt diesen Krieg in einer einzigen Schlacht geschlagen und euer Opfer weiß es noch nicht einmal! Das ist brilliant!"/ "in every scenario I think to its end only a terrible mess remains. you do not want to conquer them, you want to annihilate them and you do not even have fire a single shot. you have won this war in a single battle and your victim does not even know it yet! this is brilliant!"


Stopped him Momonga with a raised index.

"Or instead of letting the water boil over we put on a pressure top and let the whole contraption sizzle till it blows up."

"Natürlich, natürlich, sehr gerne, wenn es euch erfeut, Lord Momonga, und was kommt dann?"/ "of course, of course, gladly if it pleases you, lord momonga, and what comes then?"

"Then the end-game starts."

"Das Endspiel? Mein Gebieter, ich muss gestehen, dass ich mit diesem vagen Begriff nicht viel anfangen kann, da ihr uns Wächtern nie eure langfristige Absicht anvertraut habt." / "the endgame? my lord, i must admit I can not handle this vague term."

"The end-game. The end boss. The big bad boo. The term is rather clear, no?"

Said Momonga and mock threatenly raised his arms.

"Was denn für ein Endboss? Mein Schöpfer, Lord Momonga, wenn ihr von einer echten Bedrohung wisst so flehe ich euch an, sagt es uns Wächtern, damit wir euch schützen-" / "what endboss? my creator, lord momonga, if you know of real threat I beg you to tell us guardians so we may protect-"

Started P.A. to grow agitated, but he stopped him in his tracks.

"Pandora's Actor. Give me now your full attention. Do I have it? … good. Now try imagine a fiend, something like an evil copy of mine."

P.A. became very quiet, but after a brief moment he shook his head.

"Ich kann es einfach nicht. Es tut mir leid, aber ich schaff es nicht." / "i just can't. I am sorry, but can not manage to do so."

"I was expecting something along that line."

mumbled Momonga to himself, before saying.

"Okay, how a about me but I am controlled by a world item that tells me that I don't like Nazarick very much. Like at all."

P.A. visibly shivered.

"Ein Furcht erregender Gedanke." / "a horrifying thought."

"I know!"

Concurred Momonga.

"And now imagine me arriving several Hundred years earlier than Nazarick in the world. Think of what you could do given so much time at your leisure. So much time to hone your abilities, to accumulate mighty item, so many opportunities to shape society according to your own needs "

"Wie der Elfenkönig?" / "like the elf king?"

"Yes, but I am sure he was just an unwitting pawn. If he really was preparing all that time for my expected arrival why did he confine himself only to the elven forest? So far he was the most formidable opponent Nazarick detected in this world, easily on par with the might of even the old Dragon Lords we located."

"Aber es könnte auch sein, dass keiner von ihnen Willens für das Risiko eines Kampfes um die Vorherrschaft war. Ich hielt es eher für ein Gleichgewicht der Kräfte." / "but is it not possible none of them was willing to face the risk of a battle for supremacy? i thought of it as a balance of force."

"But no system is that stable for centuries unbroken. No, my gut tells me, figuratively of course, there is some other force at work, waiting for us to walk into its trap. If I had that time to prepare for an awaited enemy I would remake the whole world into a trap for him. And the most obvious sign: the world is still standing."

P.A. obviously did not understand.

"We are in a world with numerous quite powerful beings: The Dragon Lords, the former Players, us, of course, and even some rare mortals from all kinds of races, most of which could easily destroy large cities, many whole countries. So many individuals filled with pride and arrogance, with their fingers on the triggers of pure destruction while answering to no one.

The world only keeps spinning another day if everyone agrees to stay their hand. Each day, each year, each century. Yet when you and I look outside of Nazarick what do we find: Nations bickering, forests teeming with life and no normal mortal concerned with the fate of the whole world.

Maybe it never occurred to you since you were made with considerable power, but this in truth all too small world holds far too many chaotic elements of catastrophic property to allow a sane soul to bet on its continued survival."

"Lord Momonga, darf ich frei sprechen?" / "lord momonga, may I speak freely?"

"Be my guest."

"Eure Worte stimmen mich traurig. Sie lassen mein Herz in Sympathy an seinen Lagern zerren, als müsste es auf einmal einen Tiger antreiben. Doch fehlt mir, wie ihr ja schon weise angemerkt hattet, die Erfahrung, um zu verstehen, wie ihr so pessimistisch von der Welt denken könnt. Mir kam diese Idee vielleicht deßhalb nicht, weil ich nur das geordnete Zusammenleben der Diener Nazarick's kenne, aber damit existiert bereits ein Beweis, dass auch mächtige Individuen koexixitieren können."/ "your word make me sad. they make my heart tear at its bearing as if it had to propel a tiger tank. yet i lack as you wisely mentioned the experience to understand how can think so pessimistically of the world. maybe the thought never occurred to me because I know only the orderly society of nazarick's denizens, but it proves powerful individuals can co-exist."

"You co-exist under my command not under your own volition. I am the factor uniting you all. Do you honestly expect the Tomb to hold together should I go missing? Don't forget that you are unique among the guardians. Your creator is also the guildmaster of Ainz Ooal Gown. In the absence of their own creators the other inhabitants of the Tomb all bow to my rank..."

"Aber solltet ihr auch gehen erwartet uns hier auch ein Blutbad." / "but should you leave us we face a massacre."

Understood P.A.

"Die Chance, dass wir uns gegeneinander wenden würden sind leider sehr hoch."/ "chances are unfortunately quite high we would turn against eachother."

"Unfortunately, yes, and that is why I absolutely believe there has to be some force keeping all those parties in check.

"Und deßhalb all das Chaos, das ihr anzettelt? Warum konsolidieren wir dann nicht lieber Nazarick's Kräfte und schaffen ein starkes Reich, um es gegen diesen Feind einzusetzen?"/ "and that is why you create all that chaos? why do we not instead consolidate nazarick's forces and create a strong empire to use against this enemy?"

"All we find in this world has been a playground for the enemy for a very long time. It is his home turf, just as he needs it. In this environment he can act as he pleases so I'll level the field. Fuck to centuries of preparations of the enemy, Fuck to all his carefully laid out plans, Fuck to all he build just to 'welcome' us. I'll burn it all down and start at ground zero, on even ground.

Although I have found not one trace of this enemy out there, this foe of incalculable power,

I know it is waiting. The signs are plain to see if one is aware of the possibility of its existence. We know for a fact that inhabitants of Yggdrasil have been appearing in this world for centuries. The elf king by his own words 1200 years ago, the Six Gods of Slane 600 years ago, the 8 Greed kings 500 years ago and so on.

Yet where are they now? Either they are dead by all the historic accounts we had access to till now or, in case of the Elf King, they did not do much but wait just for me. I am sure most of them were extremely powerful by the standards of this world since all arrivals seemed to have tremendous impact on the course of history yet strangely fate saw to it that almost each and everyone did not live very long past their arrival."

"Sie besaßen nicht die Weisheit und die allumspannende Macht der Erhabenen, Lord Momonga. Sicherlich wird dies großzügig zu ihrem Untergang beigetragen haben." / "they lacked the wisdom and all-might of the supreme ones, lord momonga. surely this generously added to their doom."

"Yes, but you would have to say the same about yourself and the other guardians and I bet even without my presence most of you would think very carefully about fighting another powerful guardian. Especially when you have been gifted with so much power and potential. Few of you would squander that easily and the same applies to the immigrants from Yggdrasil.

You'll find a lot of convenient coincidences when looking at history.

So five of Six Great Gods died of old age? Fluder Paradyn, a mortal from this world limited to Tier 6 magic even after 200 years of study, managed a half-assed eternal youth spell but they did not? And the god of death Surshana had no fail-safes ready for his defeat in a single battle? A guy who had led a nation for a Hundred years is supposed to not have thought of some kind of back up? That is bullshit.

And don't get me started on the 8 Greed Kings. These guys storm over the globe, almost exterminated the until then dominant race of the world and then they squabble all to death with no survivor. By sheer chance even the last two combatants managed to kill both themselves. Who would have thought.

It all sounds like stupid stupid stupid coincidence. Just like some power is actively trying to rid the world of Players. Except for our little space elf, although I am not sure if he got spared, because he was actually in space and not on the planet or because he had his sights set on me.

There are just too many patterns making no sense. The existence of Players here already hints at the presence of a powerful force at work and this force maintains this improbable balance of the world and keeps every other force in check that threatens it while staying in the shadows."

P.A. took his time before he responded.

"Ich kann nachvollziehen, wie das euch besorgen kann. In diesem Kontext erklärt ergibt eure Beobachtung Sinn, aber dennoch solltet ihr nicht ausschließen, dass es doch einfacher Zufall ist." / "i see how this might trouble you. your observation make sense in this context but you should not exclude the possibility of it being pure chance."

"Ha ha ha."

Cackled Momonga very briefly.

Oh how I wished it was chance. Pure chance that I of all people awoke as my game avatar. Pure chance that this reality filled in all the missing gaps in Nazarick's history to make you and the other guards not notice your true origin. Pure chance that a place such as this even exists.

Pah! Chance.

What's the chance your custom NPC comes to life and lectures you about the improbability of the existence of an extremely powerful end-boss? That is just absurd,

yet it is kind of cute how P.A. tries to play the role of the rational. A shame he lacks my perspective, otherwise I am sure he could offer some decent advice and support. Yes, with a little guidance and experience he could become an exceptional leader. Rational, meticulous, dedicated, cold-blooded without being unnecessarily cruel and if there is one being in this world I can trust it is him.

"I hear you advise but this you can't understand for know."

"Dann entschuldige ich mich für meine begrenzte Sicht." / "then I apologize for my lack of vision."

"Don't do that. You don't lack intellect but experience and I aim to correct that."

"Ihr meint..."/ "you mean..."

"Yes, I want you to accompany me to the cardinals."

Clapped Momonga P.A.s shoulders and could feel him at once become wobbly.

"It will serve as a good lesson for you. I get to judge your abilities first hand and I can give you some positive critique."

"Ich werde euch stolz machen, Vater!" / "i will make you proud father!"

Say again! /"Say again?"

For a second P.A. petrified before he fell to his knees and his hands clasping prayed.

"Vater unser auf dem Throne, geheiligt werde dein Name.

Dein Reich komme, dein Wille geschehe,

Wie in Nazarick so auf der Welt.

Unser weitere Existenz erlaube uns heute.

Und bestrafe unsere Schuld,

wie auch wir bestrafen unsre Schuldiger.

Und führe uns mit Verruchtheit und erlöse uns von den Schwachen.

Denn dein ist das Grab und die Kraft und Herrlichkeit in Ewigkeit.



"father on the throne, hallowed be your name.

your kingdom come, your will be done.

as in nazarick so on earth.

tolerate our continued existence and punish our sins,

as we punish those who sin against us.

lead us with wickedness and delivers us from the weak.

for the tomb, the power and the glory are yours now and forever.


He made that up on the spot. There is no way something like that is circulating in Nazarick!

Either P.A. was a perfectly devout follower who found no point of shame in his fanatism or he was a case-hardened actor who intended to carry the scene longer than the doubting audience; Momonga; cared to care.

A long moment of contemplation later P.A. rose under Momongas blank stare.

"What's the point of a silent prayer when standing right in front of your god?"

"Kacke."/ "shit."

Just a few minutes later Momonga stepped outside the tomb and the bounds of Nazarick's anti-teleportation field. He decided to switch his usual dark robes for something brighter. The white tuxedo with black pants and bow-tie may have only been items of [Legendary]-quality, but they still put everything to shame the new world could produce. They should serve well to impress the cardinals.

P.A. already stood at attention and saluted him, despite having spoken to him just a few moments ago.

"Es ist alles bereit, Gebieter. Demiurge informierte mich, dass die Kardinäle sich gerade zusammengefunden haben und Sie scheinen unter großen Stress zu stehen."/ "everything is ready, lord. demiurge informed me of the cardinals having met just now and seem to suffer a lot of stress."

"Very good. Our present?"

"Genießt noch immer die Schleife. Ich nahm mir die Freiheit es ein wenig gegen Ersticken und Frost zu schützen." / "is still enjoying the loop. I took the liberty of protecting it a little against suffocation and frost."

"Good thinking. Now I want you to to assume your [Overlord]-form."

P.A. bowed and while doing so his whole shape briefly seemed to boil up into gray foam before it set into the appearance of a at first glance perfect mimicry of his clad in his divine gear. Just a second later it also boiled into an imitation of his tuxedo. Yet despite P.A. almost absolute ability of mimicry his copy was not perfect. Although they were identical down to the last fibers of their cloth and every measure and angle of Momonga's bones it was like comparing two gems of identical cut, one of perfect glass and one a unique diamond. Pandora could only imitate his original form before Momonga ascended to [End] because that race-level was as a achievement class restricted strictly to Players. Seeing them standing side by side even the most ignorant mortal could have pointed out the difference in the dark majesty P.A. exuded and the uncaring entropy that oozed from Momonga but said mortal could only do so as they served as each others reference.

Momonga waved his hand and turned his skull for a test and P.A. imitated him so perfectly Momonga could have actedjust as well in front of a mirror.

This is so creepy.

Thought he as he tried to surprise his creation with turns, spins, gestures and even an duck imitation but P.A. never slipped up once. Satisfied at last he said.

"This copy is most impressive. Your attention to the details is laudable."

"Thank you, Master."

"We will go to Humanitas by [Gate] and proceed to the cardinals. You will stay your hands until I tell you otherwise. For now I just want you to stay a attention and watch carefully."

P.A. responded with a crisp salute and both cast powerful stealth magic on themselves including [Perfect Unknowable] and [Hidden Thoughts] before Momonga opened the [Gate]. One step through and they were floating several Thousand meters above ground outside the walls of Humanitas.

"To your right."

Sent Momonga P.A. per [Message] when he saw the blackest runes encrusted hull of the Doppelgaenger search for him. He still did not understand how P.A. or other casters of Nazarick failed to see the patterns of magic

"Start by focusing on your own Mana flow from your soul. Collect your thoughts and discard step by step every sensation or idea not coming from your very inner being."

P.A. obeyed and Momonga could see how he relaxed like taking a deep breath and letting it out very slowly again. He gave him a moment and then asked.

"What do you feel now?"

"... I feel... a potential..."

"Like a whole world on the edge of your thoughts."

"...Bleeding into reality..."

"Hold on to it. Immerse yourself in it and tell me what you experience."

"It is... wild... chaotic... without reason. It is pure chaos."

"Is it really?"

Asked Momonga as he saw the rune layers on P.A. shift and quiver with his concentration.

"Yes. It is a complete mess- no, wait. It is not. They are not."

Good. He is getting closer

"Lord Momonga, it is not a world of chaos, it is a chaos of worlds I am feeling!"

"The key is focus and attention. Reduce your experience further and try diving into one of those worlds. Feel how this particular potential is brushing against our reality."

"I do."

"Look for the edges where those realities collide. Each one is a different set of rules clashing with each other and wherever they meet you can discover the particular pattern of their interaction. By casting magic we turn this whole idea inside out. We form these clashing marks with our imposed perception of the world and thus initiate the merging of base reality with a up to that moment pure fictional dimension.

Now I want you to cast [Resistance]."

[Resistance] was one of the starting spells of every caster in Yggdrasil. It offered a minimal boost to physical and magical resistance and was practically useless in combat to high level beings like them but that was not its purpose this time.

"Set all your senses, all your intent and mind on the difference between the before and then, soak it all in."

Normally it would take a level 100 magic caster barely a few picoseconds to activate the spell but Momonga saw satisfied how P.A. took his time and iterated slowly each fraction of the most primitive spell. At last the final layer appeared and after another moment P.A. answered calmly.

"It is done. All my attention was focused on casting [Resistance]. My creator, I have committed this moment to memory like the day of my birth."


Commanded Momonga now and tried his patience to the very limit as he deliberately delayed the spell so it would manifest even slower than P.A.s . The Doppelgaenger betrayed no reaction as he called forth the first element and he did not at the 2nd and 3rd one. Neither at the 27th or 33rd one but when he placed rule 34 P.A. twitched slightly. Peeked, Momonga set #35 and #36. As he created the swirls of #37 P.A. definitely turned his head.

He is grasping it! Wooohooo! He is really getting it! This is so awesome!

Cheered Momonga and suddenly felt an intense wave of déjà vus drag him with it. He conquered again the Great Tomb of Nazarick while at the same time he laughed together with all 41 members of Ainz Ooal Gown and was despite already rising as the scourge of Yggdrasil, the [End].

Momonga was at a loss what all these moments had in common with the now. Was it a victory? A price? Perhaps an overlooked chain of cause and effect? He placed #38 as he lazy circled around P.A. and the Doppelgaenger followed his movements.

Momonga remembered his first pay check and his first pubic hair right along and realization hit him. The common theme of all those onces was pride.

He was amazed to discover pride in P.A. . It was a first time for him. Of course he had felt pride in many things before as his memories attested but even the pride in Ainz Ooal Gown was centered on the bond. He cherished the people but there was still a fundamental difference to his feelings for P.A. . With Ainz Ooal Gown his pride in his friends ended at the actions they did in the guild but Momonga knew right then that he would always feel pride in P.A.s intellect and talent even if he would turn against all odds forever against him.

He started modulating his speed as he continued circling around the black rune shell that hid P.A. and finishing the spells remaining components he floated close to him again.

The spell finished and Momonga offered his hand. The dark phantom facing him hesitated briefly before accepting it. The handshake was brief but vigorous.

"Well done. Really,"

Momonga was all too glad himself that P.A. managed only timid nod. More words would have been awkward.

"So the slane..."

Asked finally P.A.

"Right! The Slane, we should get moving."

"No, Lord Momonga, I am talking about the slane."

Shook P.A. his head.

Oh, he means Nigun.

"What about him?"


"Ah... Knew that one was coming."

"Please forgive me if I overstepped, master. I did not intend to-"

"It is fine, Pandora's Actor. The moment is appropriate to ask such questions."

Meant Momonga.

"He is my perfect proxy, even if he does not know it and hates me. The captain does everything I require to the point of perfection and does so better than any servant of Nazarick could ever hope to equal. He is a most potent weapon in my shadow war."

"How can this mortal shame us so, Lord Momonga?"

"The captain is completely predictable to me. Plain and simple. I don't mean it even in a derogatory way, I find him a formidable character but he will always do what I expect of him because I only have to ask myself what I would have done. He is so very much alike to how I was: Completely dedicated and uncaring to the suffering of all others. He is willing to do absolutely anything for his perceived betterment of his people."

"There are thousands of souls like him in this world."

"Oh absolutely, picking him was just good luck but who would have thought I would find a perfect native to domesticate so early? There are many other suited candidates for the job but I happened to pick him and I honestly start to like him."

"He hates you, Lord Momonga. I even suggest adding 'guts'"

Pointed out P.A.

"I can't hold that against him when he has all reasons to so it doesn't count. I simply appreciate his way of thinking, you don't need to explain pure sympathy."

Said Momonga.

After an unexpected long minute P.A. said.

"Thank you very much for this information. I will do my best to study the manling.

"You shouldn't underestimate him because you could snap him with a badly aimed sneeze. The human is extremely resourceful and has years of experience fighting vastly superior enemies. This is a mortal ruthlessly dedicated to his ideals, the most dangerous kind of all. And he will do all literally human possible to get at me."

Would Momonga have grinned should he have been capable to do so.

"ha... ha ha ha"

Started P.A. to chuckle and Momonga could not help himself from joining in. Soon they both laughed hearty under the picturesque blue sky with its faint puffy clouds. Undeath was good.

"Hey, he he he,..."

tried so sober down Momonga.

"Let's have a quick side tour to the captain."

"He He He, I was hoping you would suggest that, Lord."

Admitted P.A. huffing.

Guided by [Omniscience] they soared over Humanitas, over Thousand of ignorant humans still in the dark to their true insignificance and past many golden effigies to dead gods that claimed to watch over the plebs. They arrived finally at a dominating flat-topped brick building 8 stories tall and of the shape of a thick hexagonal ring with each side over 50 meters long. Hundreds of just as high columns spread in straight lines away from all corners and enforced from above the impression of a rainbow sun. Each of the columns was painted differently and while many looked new most were worn and withered by time.

The red direction arrow that had guided him here spread into a rectangle that marked the window in the 5th floor behind which Nigun spoke. They floated slower nearer till their stopped just outside the window, no 5 meters away from the captain, and listened in:

"Tell me about this heaven, Elyah..."

They both snickered like immature brats before every other child of the present class when Nigun allowed gravity to crush a snoring students head into his desk and then they listened quietly as he spoke of his work and his understanding of spirituality.

When one of the children objected Momonga leaned over by habit to P.A., although he spoke by [Message].

"So tell me what you think about his idea, Pandora's Actor. Death and ressurection is common enough in Nazarick. Had the problem ever crossed your mind?"

"You want my opinion first so I won't be biased? Very well, but I do hope you will forgive my lack of wisdom."

Said P.A. .

"On the one hand he describes a scenario, a whole universe at that, where there is only one conscience and every other 'character' is only an imitation. My first intuition was to discard it as nonsense but if we think of it as highly similar parallel universes, especially in their quality to allow life, it becomes a quite self-contained theory. They are so similar as to allow a conscience not to discern the difference and when one of those universes exists I think the probability for another very similar one to exist is higher than most other universes, although I admit this is just intuition and not proven. By binding each universe to one soul he turns the question of the afterlife into the question what lies beyond the south-pole. He tries to solve the problem of the lack of divine intervention by pointing to the path laid out by them as a means of salvation but I doubt it offers solace to the common human. They seem to be a desperate lot, expecting unearned mercy and morsels. Slane's leadership must rely heavily on the knowledge of the existence of the god-kin to ligitimate itself.


Agreed Momonga.

"And it works for a good scam."

"Also Agreed."

Agreed P.A.

"Am I right that this is the part where the scrolls come into play?"

"They will be a terrible drug for the the old folks at the head table."

"I can imagine. ha."

Chuckled P.A.

"So should I goad him some more to make sure he stays on track? On your behalf of course to save you the hassle."

On my behalve my ass. You know damn well I would enjoy it. You just want to have fun yourself. You could have just asked but okay, I don't mind.

"Sure, go ahead."

Allowed him Momonga and recognized next a [Horrifying Portent] spell activate on Nigun just as he looked out the window. The poor guy turned ash pale. As fine pearls of sweat spread on his face he backed off and stumbled on the edge of his table, losing his balance. Staggered as Nigun was by the spell he made no attempt to cushion his fall but P.A. thoughtfully used [Lesser Protection] on him to stop him from hurting himself.

"I am done."

Said P.A. a moment after Nigun had lost consciousness.

"And what did you do to him?"

Asked Momonga as they flew off to Cor Sanctum, the great palace fortress of Humanitas.

"I only gave him a good scar, my Lord. Be assured I tried my best to stay in character."

That information doesn't assure me at all! Oh well, what's done is done.

Tried to calm Momonga his kindling agitation as they landed before the central dominating tower of the the top deck of the palace. Despite standing over 400 meters above the city the top level was so wide as to occlude all vision of the city below them. Hundreds of Guards watched the otherwise strangely plain floor. Apart the from the parapet and the Hundreds of Guards and guests the level was almost featureless, but the central tower and entrance into the palace proper easily made it up.

In opposite to the massive white walls of the castle it was seemingly made of ornate ranks of gold forming a 30 m high artful bird cage. The gaps between the metal had been filled with perfectly fitting glass plates. Even Momonga felt reminded of the gates of heaven as they walked towards the open almost as high double doors and the sun filtered through the masterwork to greet them with scintilating light.

On the inside did the confusing layers of gold swirls he saw from the outside dissolve into separate depictions of the Six Great Gods. They watched over a wide stairway lit with magical light that circled along a great pit into the depth.

Thanks to [Perfect Unknowable] not one of the guarding soldiers bat an eye lid as they strolled past and walked on air to the center of the pit. It went so deep that the light smog of all the lanterns stopped even Momonga from seeing the bottom. [Omniscience] pointed down and so they slowly descended. At first the floors they passed were mostly open with further doors and corridors some distance past the stairs and lots of mingling humans hasting from A to B but from the 30th or so level on those entrance halls turned into ever smaller rooms.

When they reached their goal level 62 the rooms had turned into no more than long and wide corridor leading away from the stairs. Every 40 meters it made a hard turn, forming a zigzagging line over 300 meters long with every corner watched by squads of soldiers behind loopholes. Momonga and P.A. strolled past them as they languished in their boredom till the two con artists reached a last long corridor that gradually widened till it met the edges of a huge portal the height of a small church and of the same gold and glass style as the entrance far above.

No soldiers waited before it. Instead a lonely high bar stool offered questionable comfort to a lonely woman who defined dichotomy. Her black and cream colored clothes had no part that matched each other. No arm, no leg was alike and even the curls of the pale girl were strictly split along the hair line into platinum on the right and black on the left. An enormous scythe with a blade just as large as her leaned on her shoulder and made it clear she was no mere secretary.

So this is Zesshi Zetsumei the Trump Card of the Theocracy.

Intrigued he leaned closer and noticed that despite her slight slump forward she did not sleep, she was just extremely bored. The barely open eyes stared hopelessly at the ground before her and her mouth muscles could just as well have been made of jelly.

What a poor thing. Setting you up as an underwhelmed guard dog is just cruel.

He pulled back some hair and found her pointed ear tips similar to an elf's just not as long.

And the analysis was right. She is indeed a hybrid.

Zesshi gave no hint of noticing anything even as the towering guest leaned down on the petite girl and scrutinized every angle of her just shy of touching her in silence. She was the first godkin, a descendant of a Player, they saw first hand after all. [Omnicscience] could tell Momonga the basic attributes as currently augmented of her body but it could not; for now; tell him her abilities. They still spoke of a formidable fighter hiding in that seemingly delicate frame.

"The cardinals are just beyond the door, Lord Momonga. How do we proceed from here?"

Asked P.A. as they finally leaned back with their curiosity satisfied.


Momongas hands were already about to push on the towering door wings.

"We are showing a little act I call 'Morgan Freeman – Ego Sum Deus'. Just relax and watch till I tell you otherwise."

"As you command, Lord Momonga."

Bowed P.A. slightly while he pushed in the door.

Under six chandeliers, high but thin and styled each after one of the 4 elements and life and death sat five men and one woman at a generous, simplistic round table of white marble with golden edges on simple marble cubes. Under a larger chandelier of crystal sat the seventh and most powerful member of the Theocracy's government: the Pontifex Maximus. His cube sat on a by one step raised dais furthest away from the door and he had to overlook a verbal brawl.

The Cardinal of Earth, Raymond Zarg Lauransan, a keen eyed man of the mid- 40s, had the word at the given moment and addressed the shriveled old mummy across him, Ginedine Delan Guelfi, the Cardinal of Water.

"We have to mind our long term goals despite this crisis. If we lose our head now and abandon our previous work the investment of decades will be lost. If that peasant movement in Re-Estize gains even more support the Emperor won't be able to annex the Kingdom even when he beats King Ramposa's armies. They soundly defeated a force of 5000 noble troops a week ago without significant losses."

Momonga could not identify the Cardinals of Waters expression behind all his wrinkles but his words betrayed no agitation.

"Further actions without more intel would be a waste of resources. You have no new information about their leader. How can we act while a real threat to the work of the gods is gathering beyond the borders when we basically know nothing about this Sebas Tian apart from him possessing an enormous strength?

Your excellence, when we commit troops now on this man we might miss them at the most crucial time in Humanitas if worst comes to happen."

"Ginedine is right."

Nodded the Cardinal of Fire, Berenice Nagua Santini, an elderly woman with mother's smile.

"Our first obligation is with the people of Slane and the legacy of the gods. Losing our investments in foreign countries may hurt mankind's ambition but this heresy has to take priority."

"We have no prove that it is really a heresy. "

Objected the Cardinal of Light, Yvon Jasna Dracrowa and patiently weathered the coming onslaught behind his narrow eyes.

"How dare you say something like that in the very spot your Lord used to hold council!"

Spat the Cardinal of Wind, Dominic Ihre Partouche.

"You endanger all the Theocracy has build, Yvon, if you even suggest there could be other gods besides the Great Six. The strength of mankind is unity and a division of faith is just the thing that might spill its doom.

"Then we have all the more reason to get to an understanding. We wouldn't want the people to see us divided, right?"

Countered the Cardinal of Light and turned to the Pontifex.

"Which is why we finally need a decision, your excellence. We accepted your reluctance to decide for the time being but now there is none left. We were able to stop letters from the front reaching Humanitas but we can't realistically silence ten thousands of mouths without even more uncomfortable questions being asked in turn. If we do not provide the people with an answer they will find their own outside of our control and guidance."

The Cardinal of Earth nodded and added.

"I still side with Dominic but the well-being of Slanes takes priority. If that means we have to interpret the facts I believe it to be a worthwhile trade if it keeps the peace and preserves our strength-"

"You can't mean this seriously!"

Turned the Cardinal of Wind to the Cardinal of Earth who held his calm and fixed the Pontifex as he ignored the outcry.

"What are a few decades of half-truths if we get to save the legacy of the gods? History can be rewritten, especially if no more witnesses are alive. It has been done before. You all know that. I would never lecture you on the strength of your faith but do not let misplaced fanaticism blind you to the needs of humanity."

At last a thin voice like a wind gust on a dry summer day echoed from the grayish lips of the Pontifex Maximus. His blind cross-eyes and naked head sprinkled with age spots betrayed him as the most senior member of the seven and deep, tired breaths followed his every sentence.

"Yvon, you are still the only one who does not oppose the idea of a new god. You read the same reports as us and still you come to a different conclusion than our brothers and sisters. It is because of the former captain of the Sunlight Scripture. Do you believe him?"

"Captain Luin is a PSD victim like countless others before him. You can't put stock-"

Objected the Cardinal of Wind.

"Do you still believe him?"

Stressed the Pontifex his question to the Cardinal of Light and thus made it clear it was not the winds time to speak.

"Captain Luin suffered a horrible ordeal by his own words and he was always an exemplary soldier and commander. I can not easily dismiss his warnings, especially when they came right before the start of this crisis but I have to give ground to Dominic. Soldiers, even the best of them, regularly break under the demands of duty and the sad truth is that a mental breakdown is still fare more likely than the captains experience having anything to do with out current problems.

Your excellence, the reason I still do not dismiss the possibility of a new god should be clear to everyone here. The gods descended once from the realm of Players to guide us. We cannot rule out the possibility of another god having descended from the divine realm. I am as always still a loyal servant of the gods, my heart could never abandon the truth of their salvation. I just cannot disprove the possibility of new Player having come to us."

"Then we are of the same mind, Yvon. I also ask myself who we are to deny the existence of divinity but with the lack of definitive prove..."

"See how they are still paralyzed after weeks of knowing? They won't make their decision based on logic and calculation but on feelings and emotions. We only need to touch their souls and they will rally behind me."

Explained Momonga amused to P.A.

"So is this the moment where you will intimidate them with your overwhelming power?"

"Not quite."

"Maybe I can help you decide?"

Canceled Momonga suddenly [Perfect Unknowable].

The discussion stopped at once. Those Cardinals sitting next to the Pontifex Maximus turned pale as the dead and quills and papers dropped on the table. Of those having to turn around to face him only the Cardinal of Wind had the presence of mind to scream:


The doors slammed into the walls propelled by a single delicate boot. Zesshi had risen from her spot and the giant scythe in her grasp was ready to harvest. Discovering him her eyes narrowed and she had barely bent her knees before she speed forth like bullet towards Momonga, ready to strike his skull from his shoulders.

Momonga evaded her swing and let her shoot past him over the table, but he was still impressed by her speed and the fantastic strength that accelerated her massive weapon. She was no doubt a warrior way past the mortal level, but he had no interest in testing the limits of her capabilities.

"Send the present."

Asked he of P.A. as Zesshi's momentum carried her over the marble and just as she was over the center of desk he saw a gate leading to the stars open above her. The object that crushed her into the stone splattered like a bloody fragmentation grenade. Several of the cardinals cried out as they were hit and cut by bits of meat and bone while the re-bounce propelled Zesshi over the Pontifex Maximus.

Wasting no time Momonga teleported right next to her mid flight and grabbed her right upper and lower arm while casting [Time Stop]. He pulled and dislocated them from each other and proceeded with all her limbs' large joints. The damage was in truth minimal to a being the likes of Zesshi. Momonga was sure she could have easily flexed her muscles to pop in all her joints in an eye blink so he bound her wrists and ankles with her own hair behind her back.

Finally he rammed her scythe hilt first into the center of the table and hung her like a living pinata on the blunt tip side of the weapon before letting time to flow again for the rest.

"Your excellence are you alright?!"

Fussed the Cardinal of Darkness while bleeding himself from a deep gash over his forehead.

"I am fine, Maximilian, just tell me what is happening!"

Demanded the Pontifex.

"We had an intruder and Zesshi..."

Tried he to explain but his voice failed as he discovered the groaning trump card of the Theocracy dangle from her own weapon while Momonga lazily leaned against it and gave her a slight spin with a shove.

"...Zesshi got beaten..."

Judging by his wide fearful eyes he could not comprehend what was happening and the other Cardinals were off no better. The moment they saw Zesshi hanging and Momonga nodding at them they stopped wiping at the blood and filth covering them. Only the blind Pontifex was not stunned into silence.

"What! How did this happen? Is she alive?"

"The woman will be fine, Pontifex."

Answered Momonga and gave her a last spin before slowly walking over towards the Lord of Slane. The cardinals twitched with every click of his shoes on the table as they watched him in stunned silence.

"I did no permanent harm to her. I am also sorry about the mess I created. Here, let me clean that up."

[Wish: Raise Dead]

A strange life seemed to pool into all the remains that caked the humans and the room. The blood flowed with new viscosity from their faces and headed for the tables center. Small and large peaces of flesh convulsed and started to crawl too toward Zesshi like grotesque caterpillars and worms and all over solid pieces of bone and armor, including dozens of small plates of different metals, flipped themselves over akin to domino pieces in their eagerness to get there too.

When they all met below the broken super soldier they added up to their physiological position till another woman had formed below her and began to faintly breath in her sleep.

She had short orange-blond hair and the muscular yet slim body of an athlete that fit her cat like face. Her bronze colored armor consisted of massive claw like gauntlets and shin armor for her left leg but otherwise she relied only on a breast and hip armor made of little metal plates that each showed a different name. They were insignia adventurers wore around their neck to show their rank and skill.

"This is the traitor Clementine!"

Gasped the Cardinal of Earth.

"I found her while trying to flee this wonderful nation with a valuable trinket of my brothers."

Said Momonga and let a delicate headband of fine gold chains and jewels dangle from his open hand. He carefully dropped it before the Pontifex Maximus.

Hearing the soft jingle of the gem the old man's hand searched for it and after a time of feeling every corner of it he awed.

"It is really the Crown of Wisdom. I thought we lost this irreplaceable heirloom forever. Who are you?"

"See for yourself."

Momonga bent down and lightly tipped the Pontex's forehead with the tip of his claw while casting.

[Wish: Cure Ailment]

Momonga could have easily used an item for the same purpose and saved himself the sizable mana cost of the spell but he felt it would impress way more if he kept the workings of his magic subtle in their appearance but impressive in their effect. For the same reason he had opted to subdue Zesshi while time was frozen and let Clementine exploded on her back after accelerating for ours between two gates P.A. placed at his instruction over the ocean and the edge of atmosphere.

The milky orbs of the Pontifex turned a pale blue again and his grayish face gained a new rosy taint that made him look decades younger. He stared wide-eyed at the squatting End before him before he searched the faces of the other cardinals.

"How old you have become, Berenice..."

Muttered he perplexed before looking up to Momonga again.

"How shall we call you?"

"I will listen to 'El Elyon'."

"Are you the one who killed the Elf King?"

"The Elf King's not yet dead."

Corrected him Momonga and snapped his finger, prompting P.A. to place a velvet covered object the size of a small beer cask between him and the Pontifex. To the humans it must have seemed like it appeared from thin air.

After an encouraging nod from Momonga the Pontifex grabbed and pulled at the clothes and thus caused another wave of gasps and murmurs course through the humans. The shriveled head floating in the liquid of the glass and metal tube was comatose and stared between his half open eyes into nothingness. He was not dead but neither was he truly alive anymore. Momonga had been deeply disappointed when trying to search his mind to find absolutely nothing like the elf had scrubbed his own soul clean the moment defeat was upon him, which was why he did not mind handing him over to the Slane.

"If this is the Elf King what did we find at the shores of Crescent Lake?"

Wanted to know Cardinal of Darkness.

"A puppet he controlled from far away to deceive. The Elf King has not been in their forest for Hundreds of years. I tracked him down between the stars and cast him from his throne."

Technically I screwed him out like a light bulb but who cares for the details."

"You have been to the stars?"

Asked the Pontifex while he caressed the Elf King's prison.

"You doubt me?"

"No, of course not!"

Hastily apologized the Pontifex.

"I am only stunned by what effort you put up for the people of Slane. I am deeply grateful for this mercy, my Lord El Elyon."


Thought Momonga as the old man finally spoke the words he had been waiting for. He stood up again and turning to the other cardinals said.

"I came to Slane to renew what my brothers built. Mankind is ready for a new age of prosperity as was promised and I descended to make up on that promise."

Suddenly the Cardinal of Wind bolted from his seat toward the open door.

"What are you doing, Dominic!?"

Cried the Cardinal of Fire after him.

"No longer stand by and watch this heresy! I will warn the people of this corruption even if I am the only one who can see it!"

Shouted he while he ran down the long corridor.


Stopped Momonga the rising woman and they watched together as he cut the first corner in the distance.


Just a few seconds later he came back running from the around the corner. After a few meters he stopped running and turned around to run past the corner again but he returned just a moment later. This cycle repeated several times until he the Cardinal of Wind finally collapsed on his knees, drenched in his own sweat and a flash of light later he sat once more under his chandelier, unable to look at anyone.

Momonga was not upset about this rebellion. It served him well and so he stepped down the table and circled it till he stood right behind the shivering Cardinal. He placed both his large hands on the mans shoulders and felt him tense at once at the touch.

"Dominic, I'm saddened by your lack of trust. Would you have rejected the hope my brothers offered 600 years ago as well had you been there?"

He saw even more tiny sweat pearls pour from his skin as he slowly drummed his long fingers on his shoulders and he leaned closer right next to his ear when he added.

"I would never willingly harm a human, my son. Please believe me that the well-being of mankind is always on my thoughts. Speaking of, You should check out that lump soon."

Minimized [Curse of Perverse Growth]

The Cardinal of Wind's day were numbered as the silent spell finished. Already dozens of tiny tumors started growing in all his organs and it would only be a matter of weeks before he would succumb to a degrading end and just days before the pain alone would force him to abandon his position.

Another groan came from the center and the Cardinal of Fire collapsed on the tablle with tears running down his face when Momonga released him and faced the source. It was not Zesshi but Clementine who began to stir. One look from Momongas flashing eyes told everyone to wait patiently.

Rubbing her head Clementine rose shakily to her knees. She looked for a moment addled at the cardinals and the woman hanging above her before realization hit her and she jumped up. She managed only one step before Momonga held her up dangling above the table with on hand around her throat.

"Have no fear, child."

Offered Momonga kindly and had to work very hard to suppress a snicker.

Clementine did not heed his advice and tried all she could to get lose of the vice like grip while cursing him.

"Let me go, you stinking monster! Do you have any idea you are dealing with? I'll carve myself a piccolo flute from your ribs!"

In an impressive display of body control and flexibility she bent her back and slammed her whole body against his skull despite the extra strain it forced on her neck. Momonga did not budge one milimeter, he barely felt anything when she hit him.

"Your fucking skull will become my shit bucket if you do not release me at once!"

"End her life, Lord. She is a traitor and madwoman. Killing her is a favor to mankind. She deserves no mercy!"

Encouraged the Cardinal of Earth.

"Everyone is worthy of my attention, Raymond. Even she."

"I don't want your mercy, asshole. I want you to release me!"

"Oh I will. I will release you from all your fear and insecurity."

Said Momonga and whipped out a scroll between his free hand like a playing card.

"Find peace at last."

"What shit are your talking about! I have no-"

Momonga slammed the scroll on her forehead where it stuck and she stopped here tirade and struggles. The scroll started to glow ever brighter till after a few seconds it was gone with no trace left and he gently let her down.

The rage and the mad look in her eyes were gone, replaced instead by kindness and peace. Despite Momonga's extraordinary presence she hasted suddenly to the Pontifex and scrambled to her knees in front of him, placing even her head on the table while she pleaded.

"Your Excellence, I have wronged the people of Slane. I confess having stolen the Crown of Wisdom and having killed loyal servants of the gods. I stand ready to accept death as demanded by law."

"Is she really asking to be killed?"

"Just a moment ago she was fighting tooth and nail and slandering."

"It is a trick. It has to be!"

Wondered the Cardinals.

"Hand me your dagger, Maximilian."

Ordered the Pontifex and accepted the asked for item. He inspected the lovingly crafted item before placing it tip first on Clementines offered neck.

"Tell me one more time what you are asking of me, Clementine."

"I wish for you to kill me so I can peacefully die knowing justice prevailed."

Spoke Clementine and betrayed not the slightest bit of fear or regret for her request.

"So be it."

The Pontifex rose to place all his weight on the dagger. Spilling blood and liquor the blade dug between the vertebrae of her neck till its tip hit the table. The Pontifex released the blade and stepped back as Clementine death rattled and the blood pool started spilling over the edge.

"My... gratitude...your..."

Were the last blurred words of her before she stopped breathing.

"What did we just witness."

Wanted the the Cardinal of Light to know.

"A late repentance? Was she under some of curse forcing her to commit crime?"

The Cardinal of Darkness shook his head.

"No. Clementine has always been a monster. She never cared for justice or the good of Slane. I recruited her for the Black Scripture for her strength and it was only strength she ever respected. Such a change of mind should not have been possible. For those of you who did not read her dossier: she was a textbook psychopath. Someone like that is incapable of regret for his misdeeds."

"The evidence proves you wrong, Maximilian."

Said the Cardinal of Fire.

"I came to gift all of mankind with peace even if you have lost hope for many of them."

Spoke Momonga as he picked up the carcass. She really did look peaceful as he held her like a sleeping child and put her hair behind her ear so it would not obscure the change he wrought on her.

"No soul is lost to damnation before it breathes its last. Together we can save every human and gift them with purpose and righteousness."

"Is that what you did with her, Lord El Elyon?"

Wanted the Pontifex to know and Momonga nodded.

"Yes. I imparted her with a tiniest fraction of my love and justice. When fate and tragedy have damaged a soul beyond the reach of mere words I can infuse them as a last resort with the holy scripture, writing my compassion on their heart, but I do not like to use it lightly. I reserve it only for the most unreasonable and dangerous ones who refuse to to listen to just reason."

"You can really turn people good?"

Marveled the Cardinal of Fire.

Lawful-Stupid, but close enough.

"Basically yes."


"I never read of Great Six doing something similar."

"That such a thing is even possible."
"The possibilities this creates..."

This is working even better than I expect. Time to settle the deal.

Giggled Momonga in his mind.

"Do not use this gift lightly."

Warned he and summoned the rest of the scrolls P.A. had brought him to hand the Pontifex and the Cardinals each a stack of Thousands of the hair thin items in their awed hands.

"The use of these scrolls should be reserved for the sake of the state. Each script can turn even the most hardened criminal into an absolutely loyal and faithful citizen."

"They are eating right out of your hands, Lord Momonga."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha I could tell these children just as well to not push the red button."

"What button?"


"Lord El Elyon, how can we ever repay your for this mercy?"

Asked the Pontifex as he marveled at a scroll he held against the light of the chandeliers.

"This is no business. I don't need anything from you in return. All I want is to say goodbye to my brothers."

Answered Momonga. The previously lively cardinals looked embarrassed down and the Pontifex cleared his throat.

"Eherm, … this... could be problematic. You see Lord Surshana laid their remains to rest in the inner vault of Cor Sanctum. No one has entered it successfully since he passed by. I am ashamed to say we can not help you with this request, Lord El Elyon. Please forgive us."

Unfortunate but not unexpected.

"That sounds just like my old friend Surshana. He always hated to makes things too easy."

"Pandora's Actor, have Albedo, Demiurge and Aura stand ready. We are going dungeon diving."

Happy to reporting in again :). I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

For those interested i recommend some house/ electronic music to listen to while reading my story. It's the sound I like to write to and tried to let infuse the atmosphere.

some tracks from my list:

Vitas - feat Nappy Roots: Rol with the Beat/ - 7th Element

Unholy - Ego Sum Deus/ - Revolt of the Oompa Loompas

Night Club - Show It 2 Me

Pendulum - Blood Sugar

Oscillian - In the Company of Robots

Mob Psycho 100 - all intros and outros :)

South Park the Fractured but Whole - Spntaneous Bootay Boos

The Hu - Shoog Shoog

Shin Godzilla OST -Who will know + Persecution ofthe Masses

Kaleida - Think/ COCO/ Take me to the River

and basically any mix tape created for Cyberpunk 2077