Not Now

Chapter 3



"Beep beep be-beep..."

"That's-NO! I said, DO. NOT. TOUCH. Go sit in your corner and think about what you've done. Go on."

Dummy trundled over to his charging port in a corner of the lab and gave one last feeble bleep before shutting down. Tony sighed in frustration. He ran his chiselled hands down his face muttering curses while looking longingly at the ruined masterpiece. Him and Pete were working really hard on making something for his science fair. (Granted, his science fair wasn't for another 2 months, but they wanted to get multiple items made, so they needed a lot of time) Sighing again the mechanic turned back to the Ariel Red Hunter motorbike he was working on.

"Sir, I would like to inform you that a tour group from Midtown High School will be arriving in the next 24 minutes. Peter appears to be on this list. Should I contact 'The Guys'?"

The billionaire stopped what he was doing, eyes going wide. He spun around so fast on his chair that he nearly fell off. Peter was on a school trip? To the tower? And didn't tell him? Anyone? At ALL?! A sly smirk graced his features after his moment of shock.

Rubbing his oily hands on a rag from a nearby table, Tony called out to F.R.I.D.A.Y. "Sure Fri. Get them all in the common room ASAP." He then stalked out of the lab. Today was going to be great.

For them of course.

For a certain resident spider, not so much.


Pulling up to the tower, Peter's whole class looked up in awe. Being over 100 floors tall, Stark, or Avengers tower as its now called, was a magnificent sight to behold. 2-way elongated glass windows stretched across the entire building, providing the perfect view of all the much smaller buildings next to it. The silver spire producing from the roof made the brilliant piece of architecture stand higher than it did at first glance. Faces were smooshed against the bus' grimy glass.

After the awe subsided, students started to talk. And not in a nice way.

Because of Flash, everyone (Apart from Ned and MJ of course) didn't believe Peter had an internship at Stark Industries. Everyone bullies him verbally, but Flash and his lackeys were the ones to physically hurt the secret hero. They hadn't done it in nearly 2 years but Peter really didn't want the beatings to start up again. They had made his life a living hell until he met the devil himself in that horrid place. What with all the hero-ing he used to do, Peter never got a break. He was either getting shot at, stabbed, punched, kicked or having another harmful bodily method being inflicted upon him by the bullies and his keepers.

Anyway, being still asleep, Peter didn't notice that everyone was whispering about how he was going to be exposed for his lies. Ned tried to back Peter up, but there were too many students who hated the trio for their smarts, and were shouting at them. Mrs Warren and Mr Harrington were handling the paper worksheets and paying no attention. Ms Valentina was praising Flash for an especially hurtful comment when the bus driver screamed at everyone to get off the bus.

"Peter? Pete you've got to get up man." Ned whispered to his friend, not wanting to hurt his sensitive ears. The boy in question only sighed in response while everyone else shoved to get of the vehicle first. Of course, Flash was at the front, having barged his way through the the sea of hormonal teenagers. Ned only sighed as one of the bully's minions shoved him into a sleeping Peter on their way out. MJ gave them a death glare that could melt the polar ice caps when they dared to laugh. Peter just sniffed in his sleep and snuggled closer into himself when Ned tried again to wake him.

"Peter wake up! Everyone's already off the bus! We'll be left behind if you don't get up now!" Watching her friend's futile attempts to wake the hero, MJ decided to put the responsibility into her own, very capable hands. Clearing her throat, she reached into the slumbering boy's back pocket, Ned watching her every move. Retrieving Peter's phone she wormed he way through his contacts. Having found whatever she was searching for, she slyly clicked on a 'special someone's' number. Ned just smiled. This'll get Peter up for sure. Not even a full ring was heard when a gruffly sounding voice squealed at a high pitch.


Peter's eyes snapped open. Jumping up, he scrambled to get his phone back but MJ wouldn't let him get anywhere near it. Ned was being no help, trying to hold in his laughter at the scene. MJ just gave the spider a smug smirk.

"When are you getting home?" Came from the phone.

"The apartment doesn't feel the same without your spidery touches! The boxes agreed yesterday, which is an apocalypse in itself, and they wanted you to know that your beautiful bubble butt is next to none in it's fantabulousnessnessness!"

"Wade!" Shouted Peter. MJ gave him a look at ruining her fun, as she reluctantly gave back the phone to the squirming teenager who was making grabby hands at the block of technology.

"Yes Petey?" Came Wade's charming voice. Peter visibility sighed as the sound filtered into his ears. Ned hit him playfully on the arm, looking at him knowingly. Peter just rolled his eyes and got back to listening to is boyfriend's shenanigans.

"Hey babe? I've got to go. I'm on a field trip and I don't want to be late getting off the bus. I'll be home later today, before patrol. You can join if you'll like."

Not even 2 seconds went by when a very girly, totally not a mans squeal burst forth from the StarkPhone. Peter in turn giggled happily when the mercenary announced over and over again that he'd love to join him for patrol. The 2 lovebirds said their goodbyes (With kisses from Wade's side).

When Peter got off the phone, the trio gabbed their stuff from under their seats just as Mr Harrington stepped onto the bus calling for them.

"What took you so long?" Mr Harrington questioned, an eyebrow raised in suspicion. "Everyone's waiting."

Mumbles of 'sorry's and 'It won't happen again's were heard from the 3 as they stepped out onto the busy New York pavement. The gutters and curbs (Still British) were littered with rubbish, but the classes of Midtown High didn't care.

The teachers all but shoved the gaping teens into the tower's reception and to the desk. Handing the register over to one of the trained bubbly assistants, they were asked to wait to the right of the desk, where some plush sofas resided.

They didn't have to wait long, as a young collage student come bounding up to them with a smile on his face. Peter recognised him almost instantly. This guy was a lower level intern that Peter just so happened to mentor/hang around with when he's not with Mr Stark or the others after an attack. He was great to hang around with as he was 22 and only 5 years older then Peter. Him and Andrew would geek out and the other interns and even some of the scientists would join in. Andrew knew about his mentor being gay and respected him when Peter told him he was going to move in with his boyfriend. They are great friends and Peter knew, just knew that he would jump at the chance to embarrass his boss. Peter sighed. Well, He is 4 years older that Peter today. At that realisation, Peter's mood fell. The 22 year old then started to greet the classes.

"Hiya guys! The name's Andrew and I'll be your tour guide today!" The man said with enthusiasm. Andrew didn't need to use any fake excitement while giving a tour as it was one of his favourite things to do. That and embarrassing his mentor. Speaking of mentor, Andrew's curious eyes caught his boss/hang around buddy at the back of the large group, with Flash taunting him about his quote-unquote 'miserable' life. His already excited grin widened comically when their gaze met, and Peter smiled warmly at him, ignoring Flash's terrible jabs about his choice of clothing, and gave his protégé a firm but small nod.

Andrew knew about the bullying and they had a plan for today. Flash was so gonna get what he deserved when Peter revealed that his 'Lie' wasn't a lie after all. They both rubbed their hands evilly. Granted, Peter was much less enthusiastic about the whole thing, but was that going to stop his friend?

God, Andrew loved his job.