A/N: I'm back! Its been a while since I've updated and I'm sorry about that. I'm not sure where this chapter is going to take us. On with Not Happening...

Previously: "Yeah. Alice texted me and asked me not to leave the reservation alone. Edward isn't acting right and she's right. Today proved it and I don't know why but every time he comes to dad's room dad flinches. You don't think Edward had something to do with it do you?"


"Honey, I'm not sure if he did or not. And why did he say you had a bigger problem?"

"You remember when I went to Italy to save him?" I ask looking at him.

"I do remember. What about the trip?"

"Well, in order for me to be safe and able to leave there I promised to be turned. As we were walking out of dad's house the news was saying something out Volterra being blown up. If that's the case the Volturi could possibly be gone."

"So, does that mean you don't have to be turned into a leech?"

"Nope, not that I know of. Alice said she would let me know what was going on."

"Well, why dont I let you get to cooking and I will go take a quick look at your truck. If need be you can take the rabbit anywhere you need to go as long as one of us is with you," Jake says.

"I know. If I can get away with it I'm going to see if I can just stay down here. I can help your dad out while you do pack things. I can tell dad that you're working and Billy needs the help. I'm sure he wouldnt mind," I say.

"Well, I do have a job opening, but I didn't want to take it because of the fact that I have pack duties and dad to take care of. If Charlie says you can move in down here then I could take the job," he says smiling my smile.

"We'll have to go talk to him about it tomorrow. For now I'll get to cooking and let you get to work. I'll holler when it's done," I tell him.

Billy comes rolling into the kitchen after Jake leaves. He smiles when he sees me standing there cooking for him and Jake.

"Bells, do you know how special you are?" Billy asks.

"I'm not special Billy. I'm just helping you guys out since you're letting me stay here while dad's in the hospital. I think until everything is settled with Edward it would be best for me to stay here. I could clean out the twins bed and maybe see if Paul and Jake could help me get a new mattress and frame. I would say to bring my old one down, but don't want it stinking up the room."

"You're more than welcomed to stay here as long as you need to. I'm sure Charlie won't mind you moving in. If you need I can say you're helping me and Jake out both."

"Jake and I were talking about that. I was thinking of telling him that Jake got a job and you need the help around the house. I'm sure once Jake gets my truck up and running I can do errends for you."

"What happened with your truck?"

"Paul caught Edward standing by it the other day. We're thinking he did something underneath the hood and I wouldn't even know where to begin. I'm hoping Jake can fix it," I say.

"Do you really believe that Edward would do that?"

"It honestly wouldn't be the first time. Remember when I skipped classes one day and spent the day with Jake? He messed with it then, but he didnt mess it up like he did now. So yes I do believe he would do that."

"I'm sorry sweet heart. So what are you making tonight?"

"Jake's favorite. My famous casserole and I'm making plenty because I'm not sure if any other guys will be stopping by," I say.


When I get to the garage I pull out my phone. I see a text from Charlie and open it making sure I was alone.

Phase 3 is in the works. Jared is on his way to deliever the news. -Charlie

I knew exactly what was going on. Soon we would only have one phase left. Bella already called off the wedding so no need to worry about that anymore. Embry and Paul would be carrying out the last part of the plan. Things were going to change and I hope it could be for the best. Embry comes into the garage and asks what I'm doing.

"I'm going to look under Bellas hood. She and Paul think Edward did something to her truck."

"Why would he do that?"

"Why would he stab Charlie? He's trying to keep her away from me," I tell him.

"I've got a question for you," he says.

"If you're goung to ask if I imprinted on Bella no I have not. I'm not sure what was going on there. I know you guys have said she's been rubbing her chest but I haven't seen it."

"That's because you're not away from her. Maybe on Friday you'll see."

"How are we going to do that?"

"Maybe you and I will take a walk down the beach away from her. The further you get she'll probably start rubbing her chest. You'll see, but if you didn't imprint on her what is happening? Paul said you collapsed about the same time Bella did."

"I did, but I didn't understand it. Sam says he'll be watching us at the bonfire Friday night. It may make it easier to see us everyday because as of tomorrow Bella is going to talk to Charlie to see if she can move in down here. I'm sure Charlie won't have a problem with it since he's wanting to move in with Sue and the kids," I say.

"Have you told Sam that?"

"Told me what?" Sam asks coming into the garage.

"What is everyone doing here?" I ask.

"Your dad called. Said Bella wanted to talk about something. Would you know anything about that?" Sam looks at me.

"No, lets head in and see what's going on. I'll take a look at her truck later."

The three of us head inside and I see Bella fixing my dad's plate. She turns when she sees us and smiles. She gets out the milk and pours two glasses. She hands one to my dad and hands him his plate. She tells us that there is plenty if we're hungry.

"Its your famous casserole so of course I'm hungry," I say kissing her cheek and grabbing a plate.

"You didnt have to thank me with a kiss Jake. Did you figure out what's wrong with my baby?" She asks.

"Didn't get a chance to honey. Got distracted by that idiot over there," I say pointing to Embry.

"Don't call him an idiot," Bella tells me. "Embry go ahead and fix your plate if you're hungry. Sam, thank you for coming over."

"What were you wanting to talk to me about?"

"Alice sent me a text. She told me not to leave the res without one or two wolves. Edward isnt acting right and she's trying to figure out what's wrong with him. I am also going to talk to my dad tomorrow and see if I could move in down here. It would be safer for me and I could help Billy out with what he needs," Bella says.

"It'd be best if you didn't leave the res at all, but I know you have work. We can make sure you're not alone at all while at work. We'll figure it out. As for moving in that would be helpful so we wouldn't have to go into Forks to keep you safe. We'll have to get Charlie down here when he's ready."

"Okay. I will need a new bed because the twins are ruined. I sat my bag on it and the bed fell apart," she says.

"We may have to go get parts to fix your truck so if you can wait we can get you a bed then," I say.

A/N: How'd you like this chapter? What do you think Phase 3 and 4 are? Leave a review! Til next time...