A/N: Okay, so it's time to tell you all a little secret I've been keeping about this story. Now that we're here at the end I can tell you…

This story is set in the Liv Universe. It is the prequel to Sun Sun Sun and Long as There Are Stars. Hence the inclusion of Jessica and her constant talk of "Family". If you don't know who Liv is or what either of those stories are I have now made this story the first in that series on Ao3 so you can click the arrow to find out. If you're on FFN then you can find those other stories on my profile listed under "Sun, Sun, Sun (Here It Comes)".

This series stands alone and you can take from it what you will, but I just thought you should know this is the story of Lucy and Wyatt before Liv. ;)

Happy reading and Merry Christmas!


Christmas Eve 2019

Wyatt was up to something. Lucy hadn't quite figured out what, but he spent all of Christmas Eve looking secretive and smug. It left her very suspicious. Especially when he disappeared a few hours ago while she and Rufus were on dish duty.

Speaking of Rufus, she was sitting next to him on the couch during the tail end of Die Hard while Wyatt and Jiya were chatting secretly at one of the kitchen tables. She leaned toward Rufus with a furrowed brow.

"What do you think they're talking about?" She asked him.

"Our Christmas presents, probably," Rufus told her with a shrug.

"Wyatt's been weird tonight, hasn't he?" Lucy said with a skeptical glance.

"No weirder than usual." Rufus grinned at her and turned away from the movie. "Why? Surely you're not worried? He's stupid in love with you."

"No, nothing like that," she replied. Though it was a little like that. They had a strange discussion about commitment and marriage over a month ago that hadn't led anywhere so far. "It just seems like he's up to something."

"Well, it's Christmas, Lucy. Maybe he is. Whatever it is, it's probably a surprise. You really want to ruin it by figuring it out?" Rufus asked her with a quirked brow. "Let him have his grand gestures. The dude is a hopeless romantic whether he admits it out loud or not."

That was all very true and Rufus was probably right. She would be a killjoy if she figured out what it was if it was a surprise for her. She was going to have to let it go. Whatever it was couldn't be bad. Wyatt had been smiling all night. If it were bad then wouldn't he be in a completely opposite mood?

The evening moved on from Die Hard to Home Alone. Wyatt and Jiya joined them in front of the small flat screen in time for the second movie. Wyatt sat down in the arm chair and Lucy motioned for Jiya to take her place on the couch next to Rufus.

Lucy moved over to the chair and settled herself on Wyatt's lap. One of his arms went around her waist and the other settled on her thigh while her arms went around his shoulders.

"You know," she told him with a warm smile. "Today marks our one year anniversary."

He smirked knowingly and quirked a brow at her. "Oh? Does it?"

She smacked his shoulder with a playful glare. "You know very well that it does."

"You mean do I remember that this time last year we were standing in your doorway making out under the mistletoe?" He asked her with a crooked grin. "Kinda hard to forget, Luce."

She dipped her head until her lips were pressed to his ear. When she spoke her voice was low and sultry. "Then maybe we should ditch these guys and recreate it. You know, to celebrate."

His eyes widened and he smiled eagerly. She felt his hand squeeze her thigh briefly before he turned toward Jiya and Rufus. "You know, it's getting kinda late." He cleared his throat and feigned a yawn. "Plus we're getting up early to open presents and have breakfast so we should probably hit the hay."

Lucy let out stunted chuckle at his use of "hit the hay" and buried her face in his shoulder to keep from laughing out loud. He poked her side and she squirmed but didn't lift her head from his shoulder for fear that Rufus and Jiya would see her amused expression.

"See? Lucy's already falling asleep on me," Wyatt told them, which did not help her control her laughter at all. She made sure to let him know with a discreet tug at his hair.

"Right, yeah okay," Rufus replied. Lucy could hear the suspicion in his voice and she was sure it was written all over his face. Though she wouldn't dare look up from Wyatt's shoulder to find out for sure. "We'll see you in the morning."

Lucy stood and waved weakly at Rufus and Jiya before walking off down the hallway first. Wyatt said their goodnights and followed after her. She heard his heavier, faster footfalls behind her a moment before his arms grabbed her from behind and pulled her to his chest. She bit back a startled yelp and then turned in his arms.

"You realize they saw right through us, don't you?" Lucy asked him with a teasing smirk.

"I wish I cared," Wyatt told her with a wide unashamed smile. He walked her backwards toward their room before letting his hands drift down to the back of her thighs and lifting her against him. She wrapped her legs around his waist and locked her ankles. They kissed and laughed and stumbled down the hall until her back hit their door frame. He set her her down and then propped an arm on the doorway over her shoulder.

"Happy Anniversary, ma'am," Wyatt told her with a warm smile.

He backed up to the opposite side of the doorway and then briefly glanced up, over their heads. She instinctively followed his gaze and found that famous leafy green sprig with white berries and red ribbon hovering above them.

She beamed at him and laughed lightly. "You sneak. Is this what you've been smirking about all evening? Recreating our big moment from last year?"

Big gesture. Just like Rufus said. She should have known. She stood with her back against the doorframe and waited for him to cross the distance, to take part in the all too familiar custom. He started to lean in, or so she thought, but his lips never met hers.

No, instead he dropped down to the floor.

On one knee. One bent knee.

Her mouth dropped open and she gasped loudly. She knew what was coming next and yet she didn't believe it. His hand reached into his shirt pocket, the one just over his heart, and pulled out a ring. It looked old. It had a flat, wide stone with a thin gold band. It was beautiful. Elegant. Classic. It had a very understated glamour to it that spoke to her.

That's when it hit her.

This was happening and it was happening now.

Her eyes watered and she brought her right hand to cover her gaping mouth, lest she look like a walleyed fish. She felt the water pooling in her eyes and then sniffled as she felt a tear fall and roll over her hand.

"Is it good sign that you're crying before I've even said a word?" Wyatt asked with his own tearful eyes and a small nervous grin.

Lucy nodded adamantly as she took in a deep fortifying breath, but she couldn't bring herself to speak.

So he did.

"There were times where I genuinely doubted this moment would come," he told her honestly. "Times when I just knew I was too much of a stupid jackass to deserve you. Times where I thought you had finally realized you were too good for me. Times where I worried I had made too many mistakes and lost you forever." God, his face looked so guilty. She wanted nothing more than to interrupt him and tell him all the ways that wasn't ever true, but she held back. This was his moment, she needed to let him finish it. "But then…." He paused and a soft smile formed across his lips. "There were times where you looked at me and it was like I could do anything. Times where you saw me more clearly than I saw myself. Times where you cared for me and healed me when I didn't deserve it. In the middle of all of this insane time travel hell we've been through you've become my best friend and my partner. The person who hears me out without judgement, the person who urges me to better, and the one person I can never live without. Which is why I don't plan to, not if I can help it." He took her left hand in his and held it tightly. "Lucy Preston, will you—"

"Yes. God, yes."

The smile he gave her was electric, she could have seen it in the dark clear as day. "You didn't let me finish it."

She knelt down across from him and cupped his cheek with her right hand, scrubbing her hand against his stubble as she did. "Right, sorry. Continue," she said with a watery smile that matched his glowing one almost completely.

"Lucy Preston, will you marry me?"

The sound that left her throat was a mix between a squeal and a laugh while she threw her into body into his. Her arms went around his neck and her chest was pressed as closely against his at it possibly could. She peppered kisses along his cheek before reaching his lips and speaking between quick joyful liplocks.

"Yes." Small kiss. "Yes." Slightly longer kiss that resulted in Wyatt trying to snag her bottom lip between his teeth. "And across a million timelines, yes."

He slipped the ring on her finger and then crushed her in an embrace. He stood while still holding her tightly and spun her around once before letting her feet touch the floor again. "You're sure?" He asked as he pulled back to meet her eyes.

"Never been more sure about anything in my life," she promised him. "I want this. I want you for the rest of my life."

And then he finally did kiss her under the mistletoe. He kissed her long and deep to the point of stealing all breath from her lungs. She pulled him through the doorway and kicked the heavy metal door shut behind them. As they continued to kiss they made their way to the bed until he had her pressed into the mattress with all of his firm muscle. His hard lines met her soft curves and as always with them, they fit. Perfectly and completely. Like the way the ring on her finger seemed perfectly tailored to her.

She pulled back from the kiss suddenly, remembering a question she wanted to ask him.

"Wait, wait," she said as she tilted her head back so his lips met her chin instead of her mouth. "Before I forget you have to tell me about the ring! I—it's perfect. But it's clearly old. Where did it come from?"

He gave her a secretive grin before answering her. "You remember that ring I told you my Grandpa Sherwin kept in the left breast pocket of his uniform?"

Her eyes widened before she held her left hand up to examine the ring more closely. "Wyatt, you can't mean...this was your grandmother's ring?"

He didn't answer her. He didn't have to. He simply leaned forward and kissed one corner of her mouth and then the other before resting his forehead against hers. "He left it to me when he died. He never liked that I didn't give that ring to Jessica, but she was determined it wasn't her style so I bought one I couldn't afford. I used to regret not accepting it from him, but I realized something. I realized this ring has always been meant for you. It has a story that means something - a history - and its one that you got to see first hand. That can't be a coincidence."

She smirked at him and tried her hardest not to seem smug as she replied. "So, are you saying it's...fate?"

His gaze narrowed on her playfully. "If I admit you were right about fate are you going to be annoying about it?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," she said primly with a huge grin.

He rolled his eyes and laughed fondly at her. "Sure you don't."

Lucy smiled warmly at him and then trailed the backs of her fingers along his cheek. "You really gave me your grandmother's ring?"

"It was yours before I ever met you, Luce. I'm sure of that," he said with a small soft smile.

"God, I love you," she said before she yanked his lips back down to hers.

This man was unbelievable. Yes, he made mistakes. So did she. But they put that behind them. They healed each other. And even through the most painful depths of their relationship one thing never changed. Wyatt Logan was truly good. The type of good that made a man passionately and recklessly brave. They went through a lot this past year and it was by no means over. Rittenhouse was still out there being partially led by his formerly dead ex-wife. The Journal still hovered over her like a threatening stormcloud. But none of that mattered because against all odds here they still were.


In every sense of the word, she thought as Wyatt pressed her further into the mattress and her legs wrapped around him. His lips moved from hers to brand a heated trail down her neck, toward dip in the collar of her button up blouse. He undid one button of her blouse at a time, placing a kiss on the bare skin it exposed as he went. He reached the last button and untucked the blouse from the waistband of her jeans. She felt his calloused hands skimming over her shoulders as he pushed the blouse down her arms. Every imperfection he possessed felt perfect to her. Those imperfection would grate on others. She knew her own flaws well and she knew exactly what reaction they caused in all her previous relationships. Wyatt never had any of those same reactions. He valued all of her just as she valued all of him.

She reached for the buttons on his flannel shirt and started working on them as Wyatt deepened the kiss. The feeling of his tongue against hers, exploring every inch of her mouth, was heady and addictive. This wasn't the first time they'd done this and it wouldn't be the last but every time felt like this. His kisses and caresses slipped into her bloodstream and left her craving him at every moment. He pulled away from her just long enough to hurriedly take his shirt off and toss it aside. He yanked his t-shirt up and over his head and it joined the flannel on the bunker floor. His lips returned to hers hungrily and his arms went around her. Before she knew what he was up to she felt the clasp of her bra draw tight and then go completely slack. She took care of sliding it off and then broke their unending chain of kisses to sigh contentedly against his lips as her bare chest met his.

"These jeans have got to come off, ma'am," he told her. His tone was hoarse with need.

"Same to you, Soldier," Lucy ordered in a voice that was too husky to be her own.

He stood and removed his jeans and his boxers while she removed her jeans and underwear as she laid on the bed. He kicked his aside and then, before she could do the same, he reached for the jeans around her calves and pulled them off of her. His hands then lightly traced the curves of her smooth pale legs until they could grasp either side of her hips. He gently settled on top of her again and she reflexive wrapped herself around him. That part of him that she needed the most in that moment pressed insistently against her. She shifted and then reached in between them to wrap her hand around him. He hissed and groaned and buried his face in her shoulder. She relished the feeling of his mutual need and the way his lips left hot open mouthed kisses against her shoulder. She ran her thumb over the more than ready tip of him and with his mouth still pressed against her skin he let out a muffled moan.

She guided him to her, to where he would be able to fit and fill her, and he wasted no time pushing in. Slowly, as if he were savoring it. She arched and whimpered as he entered her little by little.

"Luce," he whispered reverently before he captured her lips with his once again.

He moved as they kissed. They only stopped kissing when the pace became too frantic and needy. The closer they came to the edge then the faster and harder he thrust. She moved with him, angling her hips to allow him even deeper into her. She cried out as the pressure began to build and let her nails scrape up and down his back. One hand settled in the hair at the nape of his neck so that she could use it as leverage to bury her head in the curve of his neck. He turned his head and nipped at her throat with a soft bite of his teeth. That very nearly sent her falling over the cliff they'd been rapidly approaching. Then suddenly he stopped. He pulled completely out and thrust in all at once. Hard. The breathless cry that ripped from her throat was completely beyond her control. Two more of those and she was gone. Floating somewhere beyond her body with a stunning burst of starlight and sunshine breaking all over her.

When she came back to herself Wyatt was collapsing on top her. Breathing heavily as she continued to clench around him. Eventually, they both came down from the high of release and entered that languid state of afterglow.

"Fuck, Lucy. That was…"

He couldn't seem to find the word he wanted so his sentence trailed off but Lucy grinned knowingly at him anyway.

"It always is," she replied with a cheeky smirk.

He chuckled deep and low before placing a slow lazy kiss to her lips. Her hands ran up his arms, over his shoulders, and then into his hair as his lips stayed on hers. She would never get tired of this. Of him. She never wanted to give him up.

That's when she remembered the ring on her finger.

The ring that meant she would never have to give him up ever again. He was hers. For the rest of their days. Tears sprang to her eyes and she reared back from him with a sunny smile. "We're engaged."

Wyatt laughed at her with an amused expression. "Did that not sink in when I put the ring on your finger?"

"I...no, I knew. I knew, but...it's actually real," she said as she continued to smile.

"Now the question is when," Wyatt said as he rolled off of her and pulled the covers around the both of them.


That was more difficult. Disheartening, even. Because…

"I don't want to get married in the bunker," she told him softly. "I want to get married out in the open, above ground. I don't want to hide this."

She waited for his disappointed response but it never came.

"Whatever and whenever you want, Lucy," Wyatt assured her with earnest eyes. "I don't care if we get married tomorrow or two years from now, as long as it happens eventually."

He sounded confident and certain. Honest. He was telling the truth. He wanted what she wanted. Lucy sighed in relief and then curled further into him. "Thank you."

She couldn't bear the idea of marrying him in secret. She wanted everyone she'd ever met to know this man was hers and she was his. It seemed trivial but she was too proud of him to keep it to herself.

"It's you and me, Lucy, for the rest of our lives. That's all that matters to me." And he meant that. She knew he did.

"That's all the matters to me too," She told him before placing a chaste kiss to his lips. "Merry Christmas, Wyatt."

"Merry Christmas, Lucy."