Author's Note: Wow. The Sonic movie went through a whole lot of sh*t. Literally a week after I posted the last chapter, the original trailer for the movie dropped and the reaction was so terrible that Paramount decided to delay the movie and redesign Sonic. Fast forward 6 months later, a new trailer dropped with the redesigned Sonic and everyone (including me) fell in love with it. For consistency's sake, I've decided to stick with the original design (the one with the thick legs) for this story, in order to avoid confusion. This chapter will make references to Sonic's "infamous" fandom and involve crude/disgusting/awful humor. Enjoy.

While walking up the stairs, Sonic started thinking about Mobius and how everyone was dealing with his absence.

"I really hope I can get home soon. Who knows the type of damage Robotnik has inflicted on Mobius while I've been away? Well, at least I know that Tails, Knuckles, and Amy are still there and are probably putting up a solid fight against Robotnik's army." Sonic thought to himself.

"Hey Sonic, why so slow? I thought you were "The Fastest Thing Alive"?" Chris asked in a joking manner.

"Two reasons. I'm not wearing shoes and we're indoors. If I really showed off my speed right now, my feet would catch fire and you wouldn't have a house anymore." Sonic replied.

"Good point, but you still need to get up here. I really want to show you my room." said Chris.

"Alright, I'm coming." said Sonic.

Once Sonic made his way upstairs, Chris opened the door to his bedroom. And what Sonic saw in Chris' room made his jaw drop to the floor. Chris' room consisted of a full-sized bed, a flat-screen TV with multiple gaming systems underneath, a large closet, a few drawers, several posters on the wall, and a medium-sized computer desk.

"Pretty sweet, right?" said Chris.

"Sweet? Dude, your room is amazing!" said Sonic.

"Thanks. So, what games do you want play?" asked Chris.

"Um, to be honest, I've never played a video game before." said Sonic.

"Really? You don't have an equivalent back on Mobius?" asked Chris.

"I do, but I'm not the biggest fan of technology. Tails was the one who liked video games and technology. I, on the other hand, spent most of my time running outside and exploring new places. So yeah, technology has not been my strong suit." said Sonic.

"Hmm, you want to look yourself up on the Internet?" asked Chris.

"On the Internet?" Sonic responded.

"Yeah, you can just open Google Chrome, search your name, look at the results and…you have no idea what I'm saying, do you?" said Chris.

"Nope. Not a word. Sorry." said Sonic.

Chris sighed before saying, "It's fine, I'll only take me a few minutes to boot up my computer up and login to Chrome."

"Cool." said Sonic.

Right after Chris pressed the power button on his PC, he heard Sonic moving on his bed. When he turned around, Sonic had his hands on his crotch and sporting a look of embarrassment.

"You alright?" asked Chris.

"No. I just realized how naked I am when compared to everyone else. Um, do you happen to have any clothing that can cover my "private area"?" asked Sonic.

"Yeah, you can just put on some underwear, since all of my pants are clearly too big for you." said Chris.

"Thanks." Sonic said as he opened a drawer and found some white briefs. He pulled them up to his waist and instantly felt a lot better.

After a few more minutes, the computer was finally on and Chris went straight to Google Chrome.

"You ready?" asked Chris.

"I'm ready for anything, Chris. How bad could it be?" said Sonic.

Chris took a deep breath before typing "sonic the hedgehog" into the search bar and pressing the Enter button on his keyboard. Once he did, hundreds of photos popped up on the screen.

"Wow. I didn't realize I was so popular." said Sonic.

"You did trend on social media for an entire day." said Chris.

"What's social media?" asked Sonic.

"Let's just say…it's best you don't know what that is." said Chris.

As Chris scrolled through the images, he and Sonic didn't find anything too weird. A lot of the pictures were either innocent or extremely well-made. It wasn't until they reached the middle of the page, where things got strange and disturbing.

The first image that caught the two of them off guard was a picture of some unknown person licking Sonic's feet.

"Oh boy, foot fetish. Just what I wanted to look at." Chris said in a sarcastic/annoyed voice.

"Why the heck would someone want to touch my feet, let alone lick them like an ice cream cone? Do they not realize how bad my feet smell after a long day of running?" said Sonic.

"I think that's apart of the appeal for a lot of people." said Chris.

Sonic looked at Chris and gave him a look of pure disgust.

"Let's keep going. Hopefully things will get better." said Chris.

Literally the second image that appeared on screen showed Sonic in a sexual act with a 20-something year old woman.

"Okay. I was wrong. This is getting worse." said Chris.

"There's two things wrong with that image. One, I'm a hedgehog and she's human. And two, she's a grown woman and I'M ONLY 15 YEARS OLD!" yelled Sonic.

"It's clear the person who made that image either didn't know or just didn't care." said Chris.

Sonic sighed and said, "Just click on the next one."

The third image showed Sonic bloody and crucified on a cross, with text on the bottom that said, "The One and Only True Savior".

Both Sonic and Chris were in shocked silence for a solid minute, before Sonic said, "Let's move on."

"Agreed." Chris said as he quickly clicked on the next image.

The fourth image showed Sonic eating donuts and being beyond morbidly obese.

"Well, it's not as bad as the other pictures." said Chris.

"True, but look how fat they made me. I look like a freaking planet! How the heck am I supposed to be "The Fastest Thing Alive", if I can't walk a few feet before passing out? Also, I'm not even a big fan of donuts. Everyone back on my home planet knows how much I love chili dogs." said Sonic.

"To be fair, it's not like they have an unlimited amount of information on you. They're not going to get everything right." said Chris.

"You know what? You're right. Let's just look at the next picture." said Sonic.

The fifth image showed Sonic in the form of a toilet, as some unknown man is in the middle of having explosive diarrhea right into Sonic's toilet bowl mouth.

Once Sonic and Chris looked at that image, they had enough.

"OKAY. That's enough Internet for me today. This was a great idea Chris, because now I'm scarred for life and I'll probably never use the Internet ever again." said Sonic.

"Understandable. But at least a decent amount of people on Earth seem to like you. Granted, it's not all for the right reasons, but it could be a whole lot worse." said Chris.

Right as Sonic was about to respond, the doorbell rang.

"I wonder who that could be?" asked Chris.

Sonic simply shrugged his shoulders and said, "Beats me."

"Sonic! You got some company down here that I'm sure you'll love." Chuck yelled from downstairs.

"I'm coming!" Sonic said as he rushed down the stairs.

Once he was downstairs, he saw two familiar faces looking at him.

"GUYS! YOU'RE HERE!" Sonic yelled in excitement.

Hope you enjoyed this long chapter. Yep, I left it on an obvious cliffhanger (Spoiler: It's Tails and Knuckles). Every image I described in this story is based off real fanart I saw online that made me want to pour bleach on my eyes. Obviously, not all fanart is bad, but the bad definitely overshadows the good. Also, I'm very happy that the Sonic Movie is not only a legitimately good movie, but a box office hit. I'm hoping we get a Sonic Cinematic Universe, because I will support it 100%. Other than that, I hope you all have a wonderful day. Bye for now.