"Help my mouth is burning!" Shouted Obi-Wan fearfully.

General Grievous was in pursuit, "Wait, come back!" He yelled after him. "I need to pop that ginormous forehead zit before it gets infected!"

Obi-Wan started to run faster. "You sound like my dad!"

Grievous snorted. "Oink Oink, stop being such a baby, Obi-Wan! If you don't let me take care of it, you're gonna be in BIG trouble!"

Obi-Wan laughed, saying, "Oh yeah? What are YOU gonna do? I've fought babies that are tougher than you!"

Grievous started doing jumping jacks, "One dead Obi-Wan, two dead Obi-Wan's... as soon as I get in shape, you're in huge trouble, mister!"

"You're not my mom! You can't tell me how to live my life!" Obi-Wan said angrily. Just then, a MagnaGuard popped up in front on him, smacking him across the face. "OW!" Yelled Obi-Wan. "Like, what the heck is your deal, man?!"

Grievous caught him and held him in a headlock. "Okay, Shaggy! Time to take care of your zit!"
Obi-Wan struggled uselessly. "Let me go! OWWW!" He yelled as Grievous squeezed his ginormous forehead zit.

"Stop being a whiner! That zit has been bugging me since the start of the Clone Wars!" Grievous said grumpily.

Obi-Wan began bawling like a big baby. "Wahhh! MOMMY! General Grievous is messing up my gorgeous face!"

Grievous released Obi-Wan. "It has been done. Don't you feel better?"

Obi-Wan glared at him hatefully. "NO! You made me ugly! I'm ugly now! And bleeding!" Obi-Wan walked off. "I'm contacting The Jedi Council and telling them what you did to me!" He got out his comlink. "Commander Cody, my mission is finished. Come pick me up."

Cody saluted. "Yes, sir. By the way, what happened to your face? You look super ugly."

Obi-Wan started throwing a tizzy fit. "I don't wanna talk about it! Besides, you look WAY uglier than I do right now. Just hurry up!" A few minutes later, Obi-Wan's ship arrived.

At the Jedi Temple, he talked about his mission with the Council. "General Grievous scarred me for life by popping my beautiful pimple. He is a monster!"

Mace Windu looked at him strangely. "Obi-Wan, quit being a weirdo. You're not that ugly."

Yoda nodded. "Agree with Master Windu, I do. A weirdo, you are being." All the Council members nodded in agreement.

Obi-Wan sighed. "Fine! I'm gonna go complain to Anakin! Maybe HE will see the evil in Grevious' actions today!" Long story short, Anakin agreed with him, and that's how the feud between Obi-Wan and General Grievous began.
The End(?)