Chapter four:

We can do this together.

Theseus ran down the stairs with one of his men by his side. Theseus was in work mode but when he saw his brother, he switched out of it, "Newton!?" Theseus yelled when he ran to his little brother. One of his men stood by the door. As another dragged Theseus's father down the stairs.

"Look who I found sir?" Theseus looked behind him and gave him a little smile. Then he looked back to his brother. He had tears in his eyes as he untied Newt. Then he picked him up. Theseus, however, did not let the tears fall.

"Good work. Let's get the hell out of here," his men nodded and they all apparated out of there.

Theseus appeared in the hospital with Newt in his arms and switching out of work mode once again. Theseus's eyes were filled with tears now as he walked to the front desk. He then wiped the tears from his eyes and cleared his throat. "I need help. My little brother," he said voice strong, but it was filled with tears. The lady looked up from her papers at her desk and nodded.

"The healers will be right out sir. Just wait over there," Theseus's sadness turned into anger as he looked down to his little brother.

"What, what do you mean wait? My little brother is hurt and might be dying, and you want me to wait?!" Theseus yelled making everyone look over to the older Scamander who was shaking with anger. The wolf, he could feel it inside howling.

"He needs to learn to control his temper." Theseus heard Tina's voice in his head. The werewolf sighed and walked away to one of the many chairs in the lobby.

Theseus was getting more and more worried as he sat in the lobby of the hospital. He wished someone will come out and bloody help him. Theseus fell asleep by the time that someone came out and called: "Scamander," Theseus opened his eyes and sighed as he stood up. He was still holding Newt in his arms as he walked down the hall along with the healer. "I did not get the name of your younger brother?" The healer asked as they walked into the room. Theseus sighed again and said:

"Newton. Newton Artemis-Fido Scamander," Theseus's voice broke as he said this. The healer nodded and gestured Theseus to put Newt down on the bed in the middle of the room. Theseus nodded and gently put his beloved brother down and stepped out of the way, so the healer can do his work. The healer hummed making Theseus tense.

"He will be fine; however, his magic is drained. Can I ask what happened?" Theseus looked at his brother and nodded.

"He was taken by Grindelwald. I do not know, nor do I want to know what that monster did to my little brother," the healer nodded.

"Well he just needs rest, but you will need to watch him," Theseus nodded and let out a sigh of relief about his little brother. "He will need to drink this once a day," Theseus nodded and took the vile and put it in his robes.

"Can I take Newt home?" He asked voice shaking a little. The healer thought for a minute before he nodded.

"Yes, you can. Please watch him though," Theseus nodded again and smiled a little before he picked up his little brother and walked out.

Newt woke with a start. He thought that he was going to see Grindelwald's face but all he saw was Theseus. "T-Theseus," was all he said with a weak voice.

"Don't ever do that again little brother," Newt smiled and closed his eyes. "Get some rest now. Good night little brother," with that Theseus went to bed himself.

Newt woke still feeling weak. Man, he hated Grindelwald and his father. "Little brother?" Newt did not want to open his eyes to the voice so he kept them closed. "Newton come on. I have food. I know your awake and I know you can hear me," Newt smiled at his brother's voice. Then he sighed and opened his eyes. "There are your beautiful blue-green eyes," Theseus teased making Newt roll his eyes.

"Shut up Thee," Newt said trying to laugh but it turned into coughing. Theseus was by his side putting the tray down.

"Newt? Easy it's ok. I'm right here," Theseus said as he held Newt close. Newt, however, tried to fight his brother's hold on him as he started to scream. "Newt, Newt it's me. It's your brother Theseus," Newt stopped screaming at the sound of his brother's voice. Theseus felt tears in his eyes and on his little brother's face.

"Theseus? I…I…" Newt trailed off as he started to cry. Theseus has not seen this from Newt in a long time.

"Shh. It's ok Newt. I will be here. I promise," Theseus soothed his little brother until he fell asleep.

Newt was like this for many days and Theseus was by his side every single time. However, it only got worse from there. Newt was now scared of his brother. "Newt?!" Theseus had said on the day this started. Newt's eyes had grown wide with fear at the sight of his older brother.

"Get away from me Grindelwald," Newt had yelled. As he grabbed his wand off the end table and aimed it at his older brother.

"Newton. It's me. It's Theseus," Theseus had said that day. He had always said this as he walked into his brother's room. Theseus now realized that he needed more help so, he called a healer over to the family manor. "Newt's room is this way," Theseus said as he led the healer to Newt's room. "I need to warn you. Newt might yell at you or me. I don't know what's wrong with him," Theseus had tears in his eyes now as the healer walked into Newt's room where he slept. Newt yelled at him as the door opened. Then it died down as it closed.

The healer came out in what felt like hours for the older Scamander. "How is he? Please, I need to know. Tell me," Theseus rushed out. The healer held up his hand.

"Calm down . Your brother is just fine. However,"

"Just fine? Just fine? He's yelling at me and he's scared of me. How the hell do you think he's just fine. What makes you think…" The healer raised his hand again.

"Mr. Scamander please let me finish. Calm down," Theseus nodded and put his hand over his eyes. The healer nodded and sighed. "It's a spell. Your brother is under a spell. it makes anyone who is hit with it scared of the person that there close to. Or there own blood. It will wear off soon. I put a counterspell on him. However," Theseus took his hand off his eyes and raised his hands in annoyance.

"What now?" Theseus said annoyed as he put his hand back on his eyes. The healer nodded ignoring Theseus's tone of voice.

"Anyway, he has a few broken ribs. What was he doing before this starting happening?" Theseus took his hand off his eyes and said:

"He was out doing fieldwork. My brother works with magical creatures," the healer nodded.

"Well, that is a dangerous job, Mr. Scamander. More dangerous then yours sir," Theseus laughed a little before he let out a sigh.

"So, how long will this spell last?" Theseus asked putting his hand over his eyes again waiting for an answer. The healer nodded thinking.

"Until next week sir," Theseus took his hand off his eyes as tears fell down his face.

"But today is Monday!" Theseus cried.

"I'm sorry sir. I know you can take care of him until then," the healer said as he made his way to the door. Then the door closed leaving Theseus alone trying not to cry.

It took almost an hour for Theseus to calm down. Theseus then made himself a cup of tea and waited to see his brother. He knew that Newt would still be asleep. However, he wanted to see him. Theseus sighed and put his tea down. Then, he got off his chair and walked over to Newt's room. "Newton?" He called as he knocked on the door. However, Newt did not answer. "Newton it's time for your medicine," Theseus tried. This time he got an answer:

"Come in Theseus," Newt said with a weak voice but Theseus could hear it with his werewolf hearing. Theseus let out a sigh and walked in with the vile of Newt's medicine in it. "How are you feeling little brother?" Newt took the vile from Theseus's hand and sighed.

"I'm still scared of you. I don't know why," Theseus sighed and sat down gently on his brother's bed.

"I know Newt. Don't worry it will not last forever. We can get through this. I promise," Newt smiled a little but Theseus still saw fear in his eyes. "Why don't you get some rest little brother. I will be back later," Newt nodded and closed his eyes. Theseus watched him until he fell asleep.

Newt woke with a scream. It was not loud but Theseus with his werewolf hearing herd it. "Newt?!" Theseus called as he ran into his little brother's room. Newt looked around with fear. Then he looked at Theseus with the same look of fear at his older brother.

"Theseus. He's in here. He's in here," Newt cried with tears in his eyes.

"I know Newton. I know, calm down. It's me. Do you want one of your beast's?" Theseus asked as he pulled out Newt's case and gave it to him. Newt opened it and pulled out Dougal. Then he closed the case. Theseus smiled as he watched Newt hug the beast. Theseus sighed. 'I hope you will be back to normal soon little brother. I miss you.' As Theseus thought this he left the room.

Theseus was happy now as it was only one more day until Newt will be back to normal. However, the healer did not tell him that the last day will be the worse. The day started when Theseus walked into Newt's room with his medicine. "Good morning Newt," Theseus said with a smile. However, Newt started to yell at him.

"Go away Grindelwald," Newt yelled. Theseus sighed when Newt said this,

"I'm not giving up on you," Theseus said as he walked into the room. Newt, however, did not stop yelling this, Theseus sighed again. "I know you don't want me to do this but," Theseus pulled his little brother into a big hug. Newt yelled and tried to fight him, but Theseus did not let go. Even when Newt yelled at him to stop. After a while, Newt collapsed in his brother's arms. Theseus was crying after this. "I'm glad this will be over little brother," Theseus said sadly as he lowered Newt back onto the bed, Then Theseus got off the bed and walked out of the room. Theseus sighed when he got into the kitchen for a drink. "Well this is my life now," he said sadly as he poured himself a drink.

Newt woke up the next morning feeling drained. He also thinks that he has lost his voice. 'What happened to me?' He thought as he looked around the dark room. Newt was sitting in the dark, quiet and in his own thoughts. After a while, a knock came on the door. Newt wanted to say come in but he could not. However, the door opened anyway.

"Hello, Newt. How are you feeling?" Theseus asked. Newt saw fear in his eyes. So he reassured him with a smile. Theseus smiled back and sat on the bed. "Here's some water," Newt nodded thanks. As Newt drank Theseus started telling him stories of their mother.

'Everything will be ok for now,' Newt thought with a smile as he closed his eyes and listened to his brother and his stories.