Well, this is it guys. The final chapter. It's been a blast, and I'm so happy that so many people have enjoyed this story. Once again, thank you to everyone who left a review, and thank you to those who have followed this story and added it to their favourites. It's your support that always helps me keep writing. Now, without further ado…

Twelve Drummers Drumming

It was Christmas Day, and Chat Noir sat miserably on top of the roof of a random building, watching the sun beginning to set over the city of Paris. It cast the city in a beautiful orange glow, and the Christmas lights in the windows of various homes sparkled like twinkling stars. He leaned his chin against his raised knee as his other leg swung freely back and forth, dangling off the edge of the roof. His baton was being gripped tightly in his other hand, and Chat Noir's ears drooped as his thoughts slowly tortured him.

He had failed.

He had failed to get Ladybug the perfect present.

She was probably out there in the city somewhere, having fun with her family and friends, while Chat Noir had been sat on this roof all day, staring into space and feeling lost and neglected. His father had once again forgotten his existence, only having Nathalie gift him with a pen earlier that morning before he was left alone for the rest of the day. No family visits. No Christmas dinner. Only the pen as a present.

In the end, he couldn't take it being locked up in his room, sitting alone with Plagg who was actually feeling sorry for him for once, so he quickly escaped as Chat Noir before his uncontrollable sobs caused him to collapse on this very rooftop. He soon managed to calm himself down though, but after that, he just couldn't bring himself to move from this spot.

The city was unusually quiet, making Chat Noir feel even more lonely and isolated. He truly was the loneliest, saddest kitty in the world. He had no one. He had blown it with Ladybug and now he was on his own. Why did he always seem to have the worst luck in the world? Eleven times he had tried to come up with the perfect gift for Ladybug, and all of them failed. Maybe that was just the universe trying to tell him something. That Ladybug was out of his league and that he didn't deserve her. That he was destined to be on his own forever, unloved by everybody, no matter how many times Chat Noir tried to offer his heart to people. Was it too much to ask just to get a little something back once in a while?

Sighing to himself, Chat Noir curled himself up into a tight ball, trying to make himself as invisible as the world made him feel. Nobody cared about Adrien. He was just the model son of a famous fashion designer, and actress. Nobody cared about Chat Noir. He was just the partner of Ladybug.

He was nobody.

However, Chat Noir's ears suddenly perked up at the distant sound of cheering drifting towards him. He looked out into the distance to where it was coming from to see a few balloons flying into the air, along with what looked like…a giant inflatable version of…himself?!

Chat Noir's eyes widened in shock and confusion, frozen to the spot as he watched a large crowd of people began parading down the street towards him. They were all cheering and chanting his name, and it looked like they were having a whale of a time.

What was going on?

Was Chat Noir dreaming?

The parade grew closer and closer, and soon, Chat Noir could make it out in much more detail. There must have been hundreds, no, thousands of people in the party. The giant Chat Noir balloon floated along, being carried by a large group of people. However, what made Chat Noir gasp was just how many familiar people and items that there were down there.

The loud music was coming from twelve drummers who were lined up at the front of the parade, creating a loud beat for the eleven pipers behind them that him and Ladybug had seen yesterday. The drummers were dressed smartly in blue and red uniforms, and it looked like they were leading the way.

Behind the pipers who were playing beautiful music were the lords that had been at the Mayor's dinner party the other day. It looked like they had loosened up as they too were enjoying the party as they were carried along on a parade float.

After them, there was a float carrying the nine dancers that Chat Noir had tried to get to put on a performance for Ladybug. Now, they could dance gracefully without any fear of interruption, and much to Chat Noir's shock, they were now dressed like him instead of Ladybug. Their dance was much more reminiscent of his fighting style and more carefree attitude.

Then behind them were the eight ladies and cows that he had accidentally set on a crowd of people while shopping at that market. Chat Noir could feel himself blushing at the sight of them. Why on earth had they agreed to be a part of this? Chat Noir had thought that he had annoyed them.

Growing even more embarrassed, Chat Noir noticed that trailing behind them was the guy he had hired a boat from, sitting in a giant boat that was filled with swans, along with the six geese that had chased after them in the park. Only they looked a lot more docile now. Typical.

Luckily though, there appeared to be no reference to the five gold rings he had tried to get Ladybug. At least that meant that his identity was safe.

Why were all his failed ideas for Ladybug here though? Had Paris gathered together to mock him? But…they were cheering, so they couldn't have.

It also looked like someone had gathered up a few blackbirds, and this time, had actually trained them to properly sing a beautiful tune. They were all perched inside a large cage on top of a float while a woman gave them treats every time they sung a few right notes.

Then behind that float was one that carried the animal rights guy they had saved earlier that week. He was carrying three of the faverolles chickens with him, who were now looking much healthier and in better condition, having been properly cared for and looked after for the first time in their lives. It was a sight that made Chat Noir happy, despite how those chickens had ruined one of his moments with Ladybug.

Chat Noir really couldn't believe what he was seeing. The party stopped on the street below him, and everyone continued to cheer and have a good time. Who had done all of this? This must have taken an immense amount of planning and coordination. But…who? And why?

"Hey, Kitty." A familiar voice came from behind him, startling him.

Chat Noir whipped his head around, and his eyes widened once again at the sight of Ladybug.


"You didn't think I would forget to give my best friend a Christmas present, did you?" Ladybug giggled at his facial expression.

"Y-you did all of this?" Chat Noir stuttered in shock and awe.

Ladybug nodded. "I wanted to show my appreciation for everything you've done for me this year, including all of your disasters from this week. I wanted to show, that even when things go wrong, or things look dire, I'll always care about you, and I'll always want you by my side. I wanted to thank you for being such an amazing partner to me. I couldn't have asked for a better Chat Noir. You truly are amazing, and I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you. Without you, I would still be a nervous, clumsy mess of a Ladybug. You've saved me countless times, in more ways than one."

Chat Noir gulped, trying to swallow back the emotional lump that had formed in his throat. Ladybug walked further towards him with a huge smile on her face and a happy sparkle in her eye. Chat Noir on the other hand was completely lost for words. Ladybug had gone through all this effort…for him. She had put this all together as a Christmas gift…for him. She wanted to show her appreciation…for him.

He began to feel like his heart might explode. It had swelled up to twice its size in his chest, making it increasingly difficult for him to breathe. She had gotten him the perfect gift.

Yet he had failed to do the very same thing for her.

"You didn't have to do all of this," Chat Noir mumbled sadly, lowering his gaze, his back turned to the party that was going on below them.

"I know, but I wanted to," Ladybug explained, seeming a bit confused as to why Chat Noir was suddenly so sad. "Chat, what's wrong?" she asked as she placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"It's just…you've done all of this for me…and I couldn't even get you a nice gift," Chat Noir sighed as he admitted everything, "that's…that's what these past few days have been about. I wanted to get you something, or do something for you that was really special."

Ladybug chuckled. "I know, and they were all wonderful, Chat. Even when they went wrong."

"What?" Chat Noir gasped, turning to look at Ladybug as if she had grown an extra head all of a sudden.

"I could see that you were trying, and it's the thought that counts." Ladybug playfully nudged him with her shoulder. "Besides, a lot of them did end up being rather amusing."

"Yeah, but you still didn't get anything special," Chat Noir growled, frowning straight ahead again.

That's when Chat Noir noticed Ladybug pull something out from behind her back. Unable to resist, Chat Noir glanced down at it and was shocked to find that it was that stupid partridge in a pear tree that he had tried to make her in his first attempt to give her the perfect gift. Only it looked like Ladybug had managed to fix it. Now, it looked even better than ever, though you could still tell that a lot of Chat Noir's terrible art skills had gone into making it.

"Yes you did." Ladybug smiled. "Your first gift was perfect and all I needed."

"But it was terrible!"

"No it wasn't." Ladybug giggled. "It was adorable."

"But it broke!"

"So? It was easily fixable."

"S-so…all of that other stuff I did…I didn't need to do it?"

Ladybug shook her head. "And Chat, you're the most amazing partner in the world. You in yourself are the perfect gift for me."

Chat Noir smiled at her, feeling his eyes welling up with tears. However, Chat Noir soon gasped as two turtle doves flew towards him, dropping the rose in his hand that he had intended for them to give to Ladybug many days ago now. How long had they been flying around with this thing? It was starting to wilt.

Ladybug looked down at it in confusion.

There was just one more thing Chat Noir needed for this moment to be perfect. He had done it. He had given Ladybug the perfect gift. Now there was just one more thing he wanted more than anything in the world. He'd left his mistletoe at home, but oh well, Chat Noir guessed that the rose would have to do. Maybe the turtle doves had dropped it into his hands for a reason.

"Well…it's not exactly mistletoe, but…" Chat Noir trailed off as he held the rose above his head.

Ladybug burst into fits of cute giggles before leaning forward to give Chat Noir a quick peck on the lips. And in that moment, Chat Noir's heart definitely exploded. The feeling of her lips against his own may have been fleeting, but they were so delectably warm and soft. Chat Noir never wanted the moment to end, but he would take what he could get.

He was soon snapped out of his dreamy state by Ladybug slipping her hand into his.

"Let's go enjoy the party," Ladybug said, beginning to pull him towards the edge of the roof while gently carrying his gift to her.

Chat Noir grinned happily, feeling as light as a feather as he let her pull him along, ready to enjoy the most perfect present she could have ever given him. "Right behind you, Bugaboo."

"Merry Christmas, Kitty." Ladybug smiled back at him, still gripping his hand tightly.

"Merry Christmas, my lady."


TLOS21, LycoRogue, ChibiRinni and oh-calliope, Merry Christmas, and I hope that you all enjoyed this story. You guys are the most amazing friends that I could ever ask for. I love you all so much. Stay miraculous.

Thank you so much for reading, and an extra special thank you to those who left a review, followed this story and added it to their favourites. I would also like to give a special thank you to my amazing boyfriend. Without him, I would still be banging my head against the wall, especially when having to come up with different ideas for all the birds in this story. Thank you so much for being there for me and helping me out with this project when I was struggling and doubting that I could pull it off.

If you liked this and you're new to reading my work, I have plenty of other Miraculous Ladybug fanfiction; just head on over to my profile and see if anything takes your eye. You can also find me on Tumblr, and I have my own blog where I post Miraculous Ladybug and fanfiction content. Links are available in my profile. I hope that you all have a fantastic week.