I know I have been gone for a while. I have been focused on school and work recently, but this idea popped into my head and would not leave me alone. I promise more will come for my other stories, hopefully even in the next few weeks, but I had to get this one out.

He was livid.

Strike that, livid, pissed off, and upset did not begin to cover where he currently stood. He looked at the pitiful crowd before him.


It was a simple question. One that could easily have been taken one hundred different ways. But in this instance, everyone knew exactly what he meant.

Ron Weasley barely pulled his head from the ground. His Gryffindor courage disserted him as he stared at the demon before him. Himself, his sister, mother, not to mention strangely enough the portraits of Dumbledore and Snape were gathered around, all trembling in fear of this monster.

"I asked once, and I truly despise repeating myself. Since, however, you all seem to be excellent at hiding things, I shall ask again…Why"

The words rolled at the start, with the Ss even having that hissing quality. It was the final word, thundered as if from a god, which nearly had him wetting himself. Ron Weasley was no idiot, despite what many thought. He also knew that there was little to no chance that he or any of his family would leave this situation alive if the power he felt rolling off the dark lord meant anything. As such, he went for the only thing which might grant them life.

Complete and total submission.

"My Lord, forgive me but we don't know what you mean. If you can clarify, perhaps we could offer some information?"

Ron felt himself squeak out that last word as those terrible eyes turned on him. Never had he seen such hatred. Such anger. Such pure, devilish emotion.

Never, had those green eyes made him fear for his life.