Hey everyone it is the 3headed-dragon with another story for you. This story won the 3rd place spot in the poll and this time we're going to the world of Digimon or more specifically Digimon: Tamers mixed with Naruto. Of course this will center around Naruto and it will be a harem. Now I know that Digimon don't really have specific genders as even Renamon said in the show that Digimon are not divided by gender but I don't care I'm assigning gender, I mean come on tell me you look at Renamon and don't automatically think that's a girl! I'm also making the Tamers older so instead of 12 and 13 they'll be 15 and 16.

"Hello" = talking

"Hello" = thinking

"HELLO" = yelling in rage or surprise

"Hello" = attack/dark voice/Sovereign talking

[Hello] = talking on any kind of device

Disclaimer: I don't own anything you may recognize.

The Digimon Emperor

Chapter 1: Meeting of the Foxes

Jumping from building to building in the Tokyo ward of Shinjuku is a large bipedal fox standing at 6'2 in height with a slender build, most of its fur being blood red in color with a black furry chest and underbelly, the whites of its eyes were black while the iris was deep purple, the fur on its 3 toed and fingered paws and feet was black, the tips of its pointed ears were black, it had a long bushy tail that with a black tip, the fur on its shoulders pointed out in three spikes each, purple lightning bolt markings under each eye, purple swirl markings on each thigh, and the only kind of clothing it wore was a pair of long purple gloves with the Yin-Yang symbol on them. This creature is what is known as a Digimon, a Renamon to be more specific, though this one is much different from the others of its kind. It was different not only thanks to its different coloration but by the fact that it is the first and only MALE Renamon. He likes to call himself Naruto.

Currently in Naruto's paws is a dead wild rabbit he was able to find for lunch, he was happy to find the rabbit because while there were more than enough squirrels for him to eat he found them to be very stringy and grainy. Sitting down on top a water tower Naruto dug into his rabbit.

"It's been 2 months since I've come to the human world and so far other than the other Digimon that pop up for a fight every now and again I don't see what the big deal is. I've always heard other Digimon talking about coming here to find a human to help them digivolve. Their just lazy if you ask me, from what the Sovereign have told me while a human can help it takes more than just them being there, it take the Digimon and the human working together to digivolve." Naruto thought to himself.

Naruto is probably one of the only Digimon that can claim to know all of the Sovereign and their Devas. You see due to being the first male Renamon ever he instantly caught the eyes of the Sovereign, they watched him as young Viximon or rather Kitmon is his case, and when he finally digivolved into a Renamon they waited a few weeks before they had him brought to them. When Naruto first met the Sovereign he was scared out of him mind, don't get him wrong he knew that the Sovereigns' job was to protect the Digital World and keep it balanced but they were HUGE and the power of all four of them, plus their Devas, was pushing down on him like a tidal wave washing away an ant. Despite the voice in his head practically yelling at him to make himself as small as possible and hope they deemed him too unimportant to destroy, he stood tall and proud, he was a warrior and despite his fear he would not allow it to show in front of what were basically the Gods of the Digital World. After talking with the Sovereigns for awhile Naruto found that he liked three out of the four of them. Ebonwumon and Azulongmon where like the wise grandfathers of the ground as far as Naruto was concerned, though Azulongmon was the stricter one of the 2 of them. Baihumon, to Naruto, was the cool older brother and finally there was Zhuqiaomon who Naruto believed was a huge asshole.

After the Sovereign came the Devas, of all the Devas Naruto was only friends with 4 of them, all of Ebonwumon's Devas and Antylamon who worked under Azulongmon. He actually got to train his mind with Kumbhiramon and his body with Vajramon. Naruto tried to be friends with Caturamon but the guy was so intent on seeing everything in black and white that it made it hard. As for the rest of of the Devas, well while they weren't friends they could at least be friendly with each other, except for the the 3 that worked under Zhuqiaomon as they were just as bad as their boss.

Naruto came out of his thought when his fur stood on end and he felt something off in the distance. "So another Digimon shows up, I wonder if they're here to fight or if they're looking for a human partner." Naruto said to himself. He quickly finished eating the rabbit before standing up and taking off toward where the feeling was taking him.


Arriving at a park Naruto saw the thick mist of data that he had come to expect when a Digimon came to the human world, he quickly hid in the trees nearby in order to surprise his potential opponent. A moment later 3 Meramon appeared in the field, Meramon were basically tall humanoid shaped balls of fire with blue eyes and a stitched mouth. "Well Meramon are usually always in a bad mood and while they're not all that hard to beat they can be quite the challenge in a group. Their also Champion level Digimon so even if they are easy to beat a Rookie level Digimon will gain a nice chunk of power by absorbing their data. Well it looks like I'll be taking these guys out." Naruto thought to himself as he stood up and prepared to move. He stopped however when he felt someone else enter the Data Field.

Looking down Naruto saw a young girl with fair skin, purple eyes, red hair done in a spiky ponytail, a slender build, wide hips, a plump ass, and C-cup breasts. For clothes she wore red steel toed sneakers, short button fly jeans held up by a red belt with 2 red straps on her left thigh, a white turtleneck T-shirt with teal colored short sleeves and a dark blue broken heart on the front, red wristbands on her wrists, and to protect her eyes from the Data Field she wore sunglasses with blue oval shaped lens. Naruto didn't know why but he felt some kind of pull towards the girl, a pull he hadn't felt at all before. He then saw her pull a device off her belt and scan Meramon, the device told the girl the Digimons' name, level, so of their attack, and a bit of information about them.

"Hmmm, you guys don't seem that tough, Renamon walk all over them!" said the girl before a yellow and white version of Naruto with Icy blue eyes jumped in front of the girl.

"As you command Rika." said Renamon in a deep yet somehow sultry voice before charging at the Meramon.

"Hmmm, so the girl's name is Rika, she must be a Tamer." Naruto thought to himself. The Sovereign told him of the Tamers and told him to expect to see them before he came to the human world, he really needed to work on getting back to the Digital World. Looking at the female version of himself Naruto found himself mesmerized by her and he couldn't figure out why. She wasn't the first Renamon he had ever seen but for some reason she really caught his attention, the elegance in her movements, the silkiness of her fur, and the blue of her eyes, it all drew him in.

Naruto watched as she easily defeated one of the Meramon but then started to have a bit of trouble when the last 2 decided to double team her. It was then that Naruto saw Rika swipe a card through her device and call out Hyperspeed, Renamon then became even faster and was able to keep the Meramona on their toes. She was soon able to tire out both of the Meramon while getting them close together and finishing them with the signature attack for their kind, Diamond Storm, then she absorbed their data. Naruto could honestly say he was impressed with Renamon's skill, though he noticed that she didn't seem to have any moves outside of the normal Renamon moveset. If there was anything Naruto could pride himself on it was the fact that he was creative with the moveset he had and had created some original moves, hell he was still in the process of making some new moves.

"You can come out now, I can sense that you are there!" called out Renamon.

"So her senses are good as well, though to be fair I'm not trying all that hard to hide." Naruto thought to himself before jumping out of the tree he was in and landing in a crouch in front of Renamon, he then slowly stood up so she wouldn't think he was trying anything funny and crossed his arms over his chest. Now that he was closer he couldn't stop his eyes from roaming over every curve of her body, by the Sovereigns she was attractive.

Rika was completely shocked at the Digimon in front of her, it looked just like Renamon but with a different coloration. She scanned it with her D-Power just to be sure and it confirmed her thoughts that it was a Renamon, though her D-Power did say that this Renamon was ultra rare.

Renamon narrowed her eyes at her male counterpart, she knew of him of course as she doubted there was any Digimon in the Digital World that didn't know about the first and only male Renamon. Renamon then began to study his body and saw that other than the difference in color there were some more subtle differences, the muscles in his body were just a bit bigger than her own muscles while still maintaining their slender appearance, his fur while appearing soft was spikier than her own, his tail was maybe an inch or two longer, and he was 2 inches taller than her. It was then that she noticed his eyes trailing her body, instead of feeling repulsed or irritated by this she actually felt flattered. A warrior she may be but she was still an unmated vixen, besides power was very attractive to female Digimon and she could tell that he was quite powerful. How can she tell, easy, it's in his eyes; those purple eyes that were a few shades darker than Rika's showed experience, power, and wisdom from many battles. Despite feeling all of this Renamon remained on guard as while she may have heard of him before she never heard anything about his personality or anything like that.

"Renamon, what's the deal with that red and black Renamon, why does the D-Power say it's so rare?" asked Rika.

"He's the first and currently the only male Renamon ever born." said Renamon.

"How big of a boost do you think you'll get if you absorb his data?" asked Rika.

"I'd say I'd get quite the boost in strength from absorbing his data." said Renamon. She knew what Rika was about to order and wasn't worried about it, if she managed to code him and absorb his data it wasn't like he was gone forever. The data she would absorb would only be a small fraction of what he was made off and he would be reborn at the Digimon Nursery, only the Sovereign had the power to permanently delete Digimon.

"Then what are we waiting for, walk all over him Renamon!" said Rika.

"Right." said Renamon before charging at Naruto. She quickly closed the distance between them and threw a punch at his face but Naruto easily dodged her punch. He then dodged another punch, 2 kicks, and another punch all without unfolding his arms. This continued for a few minutes before Renamon finally jump back from Naruto.

"Come on Renamon, stop playing around! Digimodify: Hyperspeed activate!" said Rika.

Renamon charged at Naruto much faster this time and almost seemed to disappear from sight, she appeared in front of Naruto with her right paw pulled back and covered in ghostly blue flames. "Power Paw!" said Renamon as she threw her fist forward at Naruto's face. There was a small shockwave and Renamon was surprised to see that Naruto had caught her fist with his paw and hadn't moved an inch. "How!" Renamon thought in surprise.

"You have excellent form and this punch packed quite a bit of power. Overall I'd say you have a lot of potential but I feel you haven't shown me everything yet. Come on, show me everything you've got!" said Naruto before punching her in the face. Renamon went flying until she hit a tree and slid down it. Standing up Renamon rubbed her cheek with the back of her paw, it was then that Naruto charged at her and much like her he disappeared from sight. When he appeared he was ready to take her head off with a kick. "Kitsune Hurricane!" said Naruto as he threw a powerful kick at Renamon. Renamon was able to roll under the attack just in the nick of time, quickly getting up and looking behind her she saw that Naruto's kick had managed to cut down the tree.

"That power is insane, and what was that attack?" Renamon asked herself in thought.

"Very good Renamon, your reflexes and mid battle decisions are excellent. Most Digimon I fight try to block my Kitsune Hurricane and only end up getting hurt because of that stupid decision. You are very skilled, shall we continue?" asked Naruto.

Renamon actually blushed at his compliments but quickly shook it off, sure she was flattered but now was not the time. Crossing her arms in front of her chest a pale green energy circle formed in front of her, seeing what she was doing Naruto did the same but his energy circle was red.

"Diamond Storm!" said Renamon as she threw her arms out and fired multiple shards of razor sharp diamonds at Naruto.

"Ruby Storm!" said Naruto as he threw his arms out and fired multiple shards of razor sharp rubies at Renamon.

The 2 storms of precious gems collided against each other and canceled each other out and formed a cloud of smoke between the 2 bipedal foxes. Renamon wasted no time running into the smoke in order to use it to cover her next attack. "Digimodify: Tomahawk activate!" said Rika slashing the card. Renamon exploded from the smoke toward Naruto with a large tomahawk in her paws.

Seeing that Renamon now had a weapon in their little battle Naruto decided to even the playing field, holding his right paw up into the air a ruby broadsword formed before he grabbed it. "Ruby Sword!" said Naruto before he charged Renamon.

Sparks flew as the weapons of the 2 foxes clashed, neither of them was giving an inch as they continuously attacked each other. On the sideline Rika couldn't believe Renamon was having so much trouble fighting a wild Rookie level Digimon. "Then again it is an ultra rare Digimon so it was bound to be stronger than normal, if Renamon can absorb its data she'll digivolve for sure." Rika thought to herself before pulling out another card and slashing it. "Digimodify: Hyper Chip activate!" said Rika slashing the card.

Renamon's strength increased and she started to swing the tomahawk with much more strength and ease. Thanks to her increased strength Renamon actually started to push Naruto back and take control of the fight. Naruto saw that he was starting to lose ground so he added more power to his attacks in order to try and match Renamon's new strength, it helped but he was still being pushed. Deciding that direct attacking like this wasn't working he came up with a new plan, jumping away from Renamon he threw his sword at her head which she easily blocked with her Tomahawk. This was what Naruto wanted as that split second that her eyes were off him was enough time for him to close the distance between them in a quick burst of speed. Renamon saw this and noticed that his right paw was covered in ghostly purple flames, she tried to dodge the attack she knew was coming but he was too close and too fast.

"Power Paw!" said Naruto as he delivered a powerful uppercut to Renamon's stomach. The force behind the uppercut actually caused a shockwave and everything went still before Renamon dropped her weapon then fell to her knees as she held her stomach in pain. Seeing that this fight was over Naruto took a few steps away from Renamon before crossing his arms over his chest and just looking at her for a bit. "Hmmm, you have a lot of natural talent and while a bit rough around the edges you are a very dangerous opponent. Anyway I thank you for this enjoyable battle, I hope we meet again Renamon. Until then farewell." said Naruto before jumping away and disappearing.

It took a minute for the shock of Renamon losing to wear off before Rika walked up next to Renamon. "What happened, how did you lose?" asked Rika with a frown.

"He had a lot more power than I was expecting and some of the attacks he used, I've never even heard of a Renamon using." said Renamon.

"Well that's true, his Ruby Storm is just a knockoff of your Diamond Storm but that Kitsune Hurricane and Ruby Sword were brand new. Well regardless of today's loss you were at least able to get the data from those 3 Meramon so in all I'd say today was a success, though we'll find that rare Renamon and get his data sooner or later." said Rika before she started walking home.

"Right Rika." said Renamon as she finally stood back up. On the inside though Renamon had already decided that she wasn't going to wait in order to find that male Renamon, as soon as she was sure Rika was home same she was going out to find him. He had greatly peaked her interest and she was nothing if not tenacious when something caught her interest.


Naruto was currently jumping from building to building on his way home for the night, he could feel Renamon following him from a distance but since he didn't sense Rika anywhere nearby he decided to let it go. It wasn't long before Naruto made it to Shinjuku Park and walked into the forested area, once he was close to the center of the forested area Naruto saw a large formation of rocks that acted as the entrance to his den. Instead of heading inside to sleep for the night he waited for Renamon to show herself, it only took a few moments before Renamon appeared.

"Hello Renamon, I wasn't expecting for us to meet again so soon but what can I do for you on this beautiful night?" asked Naruto. Once again Naruto's eyes traced over Renamon's body as the moonlight shined through the tree canopy onto her and caused her to appear to be a heavenly beauty.

Renamon's cheeks flushed a bit as she felt Naruto's eyes roam her body once again but she managed to keep her composure. "Well Rena-." said Renamon before Naruto interrupted her.

"Naruto, I know that all Digimon are called by their species name but I prefer the name I have chosen for myself." said Naruto.

Renamon decided to go along with it since it kinda made since to her, he was a unique Digimon so he chose a name to be called outside of their species name. "Very well Naruto, I have some questions I would like to ask you." said Renamon.

"Very well then, let's talk." said Naruto.

Well there you have the first chapter of this new story, I hope you liked it. I hope you guys found this to be unique because I don't think there are too many stories were Naruto is a Digimon. Before anyone says anything I already know that Diamond Storm is actually leaves and not diamonds but I personally don't care and so they will be diamonds in this story.

Yes the Kitsune Hurricane is based off of the Leaf Hurricane. Naruto will also be using a few other moves from the Naruto world and of course he is working on creating the Rasengan. He'll of course teach these things to Renamon when they get together


Renamon, Ranamon, Gatomon, Black Gatomon, Mikemon, Lilymon, Crusadermon

I was thinking of adding Rika to the harem for a little human x Digimon action but I'm not sure yet so let me know what you think.

Well everyone that's it for now remember to Fav., Follow, and Review and as always listen for when the Dragon Roars!