This will be a thing on every one of my stories. Both completed, and on-going.I decided, since I can't respond to a guest on site(If I can, I don't know how.), I'd just make a chapter dedicated to them. So. This text will be copy pasted, but the names/separate reviews will be written in. (So all of my stories will technically be in an 'updated' state. This will take a while to write out each guest. But anyway! Onto the answers.


Since this is an on-going story I will include every review, including ones like update/more. Wow. Thanks for liking this so much 'Guest' lol Well 'Guest' not sure if you are all the same person. But hey! You get an entire chapter lol technically so...


Guest (chapter 2)

"I really like how this is turning out. Please update soon!"

Thanks so much! I like this idea. And I have loads of ideas for it, just life getting in the way lol


Guest (Chapter 2)

"I love the different point of views from the other pearls. I can't wait for the next update"

Thanks! I like this idea too. Like, seeing how pearls view Homeworld really captures my interest. I will update at some point. (Once life gets off my back XD)


Guest (Chapter 3)

"Yay new chapter!"

Happy to hear you like it!


Guest (Chapter 5)

"Yep that showed it. O_O"

Awesome! I was worried I wouldn't convey it in such a short chapter lol