So, this is the first chapter of a new story. A garnet swap story. (Instead of Rose and Greg, it is Garnet and Greg.)

The idea is from Kilare T'suna

This is just a little prologue. The 'real' story will start next chapter :)


It was a calm night. The mission was successful. Rose Quartz, Pearl, and Amethyst were all sitting around the temple. Garnet smiled at them as she warped into the temple, and sent the bubbled gem away to the burning room.

Rose looked up and smiled. "Oh, Garnet! Welcome back. How are you feeling? That corrupted gem was a bit tougher than usual right? You took a bit longer than usual."

The fusion shook her head. "Oh, no Rose. I finished off the gem in a few minutes. We were just thinking. It is a beautiful night."

Rose nodded, smiling slightly. "What were you two thinking about?"

Garnet hummed quietly before responding. "We're thinking about getting to know some humans. I mean, it may be useful to our missions. If the humans are aware of us, and the corrupted gems, they could help keep us informed if they see any."

At this Rose eagerly stood up, running up and hugging Garnet. "Oh, Garnet! You won't regret it! Humans are so fascinating!"

She just chuckled and hugged Rose back. "Alright, I'm going out. Not sure where I can go, since humans usually sleep when it's dark. But I may just enjoy the night."

As the fusion walked around Beach city she noticed that most of the buildings were dark, and there were no humans around. However, in the distance she noticed very bright light, and heard a human's voice.

She decided that she would start here. As she followed the voice she had noticed that chairs were set up in front of a stage. However, no other people sat in those chairs. The human on stage had lights on him, and he sang as if he were performing to a massive crowd. His black shirt was torn, the star in the center being interesting to her, and his long hair waved in the breeze that had picked up. As he kept singing about hearing the universe call his name, and how he didn't have to be afraid, she found herself smiling widely.

It was true that humans lived far shorter, less significant lives than gems. But something about this human seemed so different. He looked very young, in terms of being a human. Despite this, his voice held a certain wisdom to it. As he finished singing Garnet smiled and started clapping, being mindful of her gemstones.

She saw him smile, and heard him speak into the mic. "Thanks for coming. If you head on over to that table my manager Marty is- oh. He left. Well, guess I'm heading over there."

As he hopped off the stage, Garnet walked over to the table, and picked up a CD. She let out an amused chuckle. "Heh. Space train to the cosmos? How funny."

The human blinked at her, an awestruck look in his features. "Oh! Uh... yeah! One way ticket and I'm ready to ri-yide!"

Garnet just stayed quiet, smirking at the cover of it. "Mr. Universe, huh?"

Greg smiled widely. "You can keep that. Oh, here, have a free t-shirt!"

As he reached for it he looked over at her. "Oh uh...maybe a bigger size would work."

He raced to his van and Marty popped out of the back. "Starchild! This is vadalia!"

"Hey, there." He smiled slightly.

"So, how many copies have you sold?" Marty's eyes shone with a greedy shine.

"Oh! There was one woman here! I have to get her free...t-shirt..."

As he looked around he noticed she was gone.

"Greg! You can't give away anything for free! What about my 70% cut? Zero plus zero is still zero."

With a sigh, Greg ignored the manager's ramblings and sat in the back of his van. Vadalia and him talked for a few more minutes before Marty got in and started driving. As they drove Marty was rambling again, talking about going on to bigger, better cities, and how Greg would become famous, with all the ladies wanting him.

A small smile crossed his features. "I met a woman tonight."

Marty smiled at him. "Oh, boy! What was she like?"

Greg smiled wider. "Tall. with a soft looking afro. Smooth voice. Mysterious..."

Now Marty laughed at him. "See Greg? This is your problem. You want one big woman when you could have multiple small ones."

At this, Greg scrunched his face up. "Uhg. Marty, women are people. Anyway, I'd only want to be with one person."

Marty huffed. "That doesn't matter! Once you actually start taking the bigger cities, we'll be rolling in the riches!"

As he turned to look at Greg he let out a gasp. "Marty! Keep your eyes on the road!"

With a gasp, he veered roughly to the side, and the van crashed into a small ditch. "You're missing the point, Greg! Just do as I say!"

Now, Greg felt a swell of anger. "Why do you get to decide everything?"

Marty glared at him. "Because I'm the manager. I know what you want."

Greg stared at him in disbelief. "What if I want to go back?"

A sharp glare came from Marty. "What?!"

Another swell of anger, and he stood up, leaning towards the driver's seat. "What if I want to go back and be with her!"

Marty shoved him slightly. "Sit down, Greg! You're just some kid! You don't know anything."

That was it. "Get out of my van."

A sigh escaped Marty. "Calm down, Greg."

Greg jumped out of the back, roughly pulling the driver's side door open. "I said get out of my van!"

He threw Marty out, and started to drive back to Beach city. As he parked near the beach he looked around. There was a tall woman with pink hair sitting near the ocean.

As he darted up to her, she turned to him. "Hello there! Isn't it a nice night?"

Greg smiled sheepishly. "Oh, yeah. This may sound odd, but have you seen a tall lady around? Uhm...big afro, really red skin, like a tomato kind of red. Smooth voice. uhm..."

The woman stood up. "Oh! That's Garnet! Were you the human singing on stage?"

He nodded quickly. "Yeah! The name's Greg Universe!"

She laughed slightly. "How adorable! My name is Rose. You're welcome to come back to the temple with me. Garnet is there."

Greg nodded again. "Thank you, Rose. I'd like that."

The two walked around the beach until Greg saw a large statue. It appeared to be old, as some parts of it were crumbling. "Woah. Is that some kind of goddess? Well, a statue of one?"

Rose shook her head. "Not quite."

Garnet walked out of the entrance at the base of it with a smile. "Welcome back. I knew you'd be here."

He smiled widely, and ran up to her, handing her a t-shirt. "Here, you left before I could give this to you! What was the rush?"

She just shrugged. "I had to go on a mission."

Greg gawked at her slightly. "Woah. A mission? Are you some...agent?"

Another chuckle escaped Garnet. "No. Come on. We have a lot to talk about."

As they both walked off to sit at the edge of the water, Rose smiled widely. "I think Garnet likes this one!"


I made things just slightly different than the actual episode. For obvious reasons XD Anyway, I hoped you liked this chapter! This one will be much shorter than my other story, as I am not sure how long to continue. Like, I don't think I have the energy or motivation to re-write Steven as a Garnet throughout all the episodes. XD