Hey! Roxy Goth here, hope you guys enjoy this little story. There is no canon base for this story [as far as I know] I just thought it would be a nice venue to explore.

I do not own TMNT – Any incarnation – in any way shape or form.

Once again Leo couldn't sleep. It was now two in the morning and it might as well be 10 in the morning for how awake he was. He couldn't understand it. He'd had a glass of water, read for a little bit. Counted specks on the 'ceiling', everything he could think of to try and somehow get to sleep.

As the clock stuck quarter past, Leon gave a frustrated groan and got out of bed. Maybe another glass of water would help.

He did a slight double take when he got out his room and saw the light still on in the living room. Instantly he pricked his ears up [metaphorically of course] and listened. He could hear Raph's snoring [not that that was a hard challenge – he sounded like a train], Mikey's soft snores and finally Splinters faint little whistles.

Only one turtle left then.

Leo rolled his eyes, wondering what brilliant invention was keeping his brother up, before his thoughts suddenly snapped into place. The light was coming from the living room. Not Don's lab. Which means it [surprisingly] was not an invention keeping Don up, and as Leo couldn't hear the TV or the faint sound of headphones he was more than curious as to what the soft-shell was actually doing in there.

After connecting those thoughts in his head, Blue jerked back to reality and headed to the living room to discover exactly that.

He stopped in the doorway and observed the scene. Purple was sitting on the sofa staring into space, with his hands linked, supporting his chin.

"Why don't you take a picture? It'll last longer."

Leo grinned upon hearing his twin's dry voice and bounded over, leapt over the back of the sofa and sat next to his brother. "No thanks. You'd break the camera."

Donnie gave a dry chuckle and asked. "What are you doing up?"

"Insomnia. You?"

A pause and then. "Thinking."

"Ah." Leo leaned back into the sofa. "So, let's hear it then. What fantastic invention have you come up with this time? As long as it's not another shock collar, I'm happy-"

"-It's not a shock collar. Or a helmet. Or a safety-suit."

There was another pause while Leo waited for a further explanation. When non was fore-coming he suppressed the urge to sigh and said. "I'm not a mind-reader, Donatello. What have you-"

"-Nothing. I'm not in the process of coming up with anything new."

"Oh." Leo looked at his twin, trying to get some sense of what was bothering him. "Fair enough."

There was another long silence, during which Leo took the opportunity to go get the water he originally come in for. As he was filling up the glass, he heard from the doorway. "Can I ask you something?"

Leo switched the tap of and turned round. Donnie was standing at the doorway, arms folded, looking straight down at his feet. Leo shrugged and said. "Go for it, bro."

"I-" Donnie cut himself of and cleared his throat. "What I was wondering was…do you…geez this is difficult…" He put a hand across his forehead and went quiet.

By now Leo was a little concerned, but waited patiently. After a couple of seconds he lifted the glass to his lips at exactly the same moment Purple said.

"…Do you think – actually never mind." Before turning abruptly and walked away.

Leo immediately followed his brother. "Donnie, wait-!"

The glass of water lay abandoned by the sink.