AN: Welcome back! I hope a few of you are still following this story. I've been off the radar for a while...but I'm back on the scene... Coming up soon, I will have chapters for: Wolf Pack Series, Guiding the Winchester's, and maybe The Day after Tomorrow! Give me a week or two. Thanks for all your love :)

you can read the previous chapters if you don't remember. Bella now knows she is a witch and that Charlie was not who she thought he was. Chris is already feeling a certain way, and Bella is just trying to wrap her head around this new world. (Bye now).

Chapter 3- Something New to Get Used To

Bella turned, staring at the ceiling. She couldn't sleep...this new world was suffocating her. It intense. Nothing like Edward...The Cullens... she wasn't the same anymore. All that time with..her father was a lie, Edward was a lie..everything she ever loved was a lie. What if she cared for these new people? What if she started to love this lovely looking family? What if she became close to them?

A bright blue light shined within the room making her wince. She cut on the lamp to see a small blonde haired boy. This must be Pipers and Leo's oldest...Wyatt. Bella blinked and cocked her head to the side. Wyatt did the same smiling. "Hi." He giggled. Bella smiled. "You're sad." He stated simply and Bella snorted. "Eh.." she shrugged. Wyatt walked towards her and touched her hand.

Bella felt that flying feeling once again and found herself outside. Well on top of the Golden Gate Bridge. It was bright with glowing lights and Bella gasped, amazed and scared all at once. Bella looked over at Wyatt to see him smiling. "Happy." He answered before..orbing as Leo called it. Bella looked down at the cars below finding some serenity of being alone. It was a beautiful experience but Bella wasn't a fan of heights.

After her cliff dive...heights weren't really on her to do list. "Shit." She muttered. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes. She had to try this on her own. She didn't want to bother Chris even though she was fairly new at the whole whitelighter thing. Bella was a do it herself type of girl. She envisioned the mannor, the room she was in, or as much detail as she could remember. Bella could feel that feeling again, it felt like..flying and spinning all at once.

As she started to orb out, an unseen force, pushed her body back towards the bridge. She fell on her butt with a grunt. A man dressed in all gold stood before her. He looked old but wise. He looked angry too. "Isabella Swan..." Bella stood slowly nodding. He hummed looking her over. "If only this was 20 years later... I'm sorry to do this but we can't have you here. The magical community has no room for another powerful witch..." Bella narrowed her eyes. She took a step back realizing that she had limited room.

Blue lights caught her attention as Piper, Leo, and Chris appeared. At that moment...who she assumed was an elder, pushed her off the building. "I swear Wyatt is in so much trouble for bringing her..oh my god!" Piper's yell followed Bella down as she gasped in shock. Her eyes closed as the wind rushed around her. Chris orbed, the light following her down. Piper raised her hands ready to either freeze the elder or blow him to bits.

She froze him and just stared at him blinking. She looked to Leo confused. "Why did an elder try to kill a witch..? A new one at that.." She asked. Leo shrugged, looking over the edge. He moved to the side as Chris appeared with a shrieking Bella. She stopped seeing Piper and Leo. She stared at the elder for a few moments before untangling herself from Chris. He watched her warily as she orbed away. "Looks like she finally got the orbing thing down.." Leo answered, shaking his head. "Okay, what the hell is going on? An elder just literally pushed my charge off the Golden Gate Bridge." Chris stated.

"I don't know. They're...being secretive. We'll get to the bottom of it. We all need to get back to the house..ask him some questions and check on Bella." Leo answered. He took Piper by the hand and grabbed the elder with the other. They disappeared and Chris shook his head, looking around. He too orbed back to the manor, in search of his charge.

Back home, the elder was surrounded by crystals that neither good nor evil could escape. Chis stood against the wall, his eyes on the elder and then on Bella from time to time. He and Leo were interrogating the elder as Piper spoke to Bella. "She holds so much power that she..nor the Charmed Ones will be able to handle.." Chris scoffed. "Well the prophecy states that for her to stay under control of her powers once she's grown into all of them..she'd need her other half..her soul mate or something like that. We just have to find him." He stated.

"You're so clueless." The elder snorted. Chris narrowed his eyes. "No, we're the only ones that want to help this girl. She finds out she's a witch, her father isn't really her father, all in one day. What do you expect? Even the Charmed One's had to learn." The elder shook his head. "But even they were swayed to the ways of evil. One of them was the all powerful sources wife! Not to mention carrying his spawn at the time." Paige and Phoebe walked into the sun room glaring. "No need to bring up the past buddy. She needs guidance. You tried to kill her...why?" Phoebe asked.

The elder huffed, saying nothing. Chris sighed in frustration, going to check on Piper and Bella. "I don't know...I still don't understand what it is I'm meant to do. I wish I had answers." Bella sighed, running her hand through her long hair.

Piper laid a hand on Bella's knee. "You'll get them. In the meantime why don't you go get some rest. In a few hours Chris will help you find what you're looking for. Does your mother know where you are?" Piper asked. Bella shook her head. "No..we don't talk much. I should probably tell her what's going on..but what if she's like...the thing that looked like my father?" She asked looking to Piper and then Chris. "A warlock. We'll cross that when we get to it. You're in safe hands Bella." Piper answered, motioning for her to go upstairs.

Bella nodded and smiled a little before heading upstairs. As she disappeared, Piper sighed looking to Chris. "This is going to be hard." She patted his arm smiling. "It's good to know you're still okay." She smiled. Chris smiled softly, pulling his mother close. "I'm okay mom."


Chris waited patiently as Bella came down the stairs. She looked much better than hours before. Well rested. Her hair was pulled into a ponytail and she was dressed in her usual jeans, t-shirt, and converses. Paige handed her three red vials smiling. "These are vanquishing potions. Throw it..poof. If it isn't your mother of course.." Bella nodded smiling. "Thank you." She nodded making her way besides Chris. He smiled down at her. "'re taking me. You've got the orbing down on your own. Let's try a passenger shall we?" He asked.

He held out his hand and Bella took it hesitantly before closing her eyes. The sisters and Leo watched as they disappeared. "Aren't they just so cute?" Phoebe asked smiling. "She's already attracted to him." She shook her head. Piper shook her head. "Remember we cant interfere." She warned. Phoebe nodded. "I know..I wish though. That girl looks like she's been through hell and back. Leo..what did you say was chasing her?" Leo shrugged. "I don't know..she was incredibly fast, paler than teeth...I would say vampire but different from the ones we know of." He guessed.

"We'll just have to ask Bella. How is it we didn't ask her these questions already?" Paige asked as she walked towards the kitchen. Phoebe and Piper followed and Leo did the same. "Well it's been a lot going on." Piper summed up. "Maybe phoebe and I should head to her home? See if we can find anything." Paige suggested shrugging. "I doubt there'd be anything to find. Let's just wait until she comes to us." Leo stated lost in thought. "It's just..weird you know? Chris is here..helping who he doesn't even know yet, his literal soul mate and somebody who apparently becomes family to us all. What do the Elders have against her?" He asked himself.

"Fear." Phoebe answered looking out into space. "I mean mix her up with all that she'll be able to do with a Charmed One's kid and I mean...power central there. Literally..Chris is her source of power. Like it says, she's lost without him." Paige nodded in agreement. "Let's say they're like one person...without Chris...Bella is or can become hell literally. But what happens to Chris without Bella?"

PB (Page Break)

Bella let go of Chris's hand as they landed in her bedroom in Phoenix. She looked around slowly taking in a deep breath. Chris glanced around the bedroom that seemed...well not a bedroom. It was more of a storage space. "Well..." she muttered, picking up a book that caught her eye. "Preparing for motherhood." She read aloud, blinking knowing that the copy she had in her hand was brand new.

She and Chris looked towards the door as a baby wailed. Bella froze for a moment before looking to Chris. He took her by the shoulder orbing them in the back yard. "What are we doing out here?" She asked looking to him. "We're going to knock on the door. We can't just walk out of that room. Come on." Chris lead her around front leading her to the front door. He knocked quietly waiting. Bella rocked on her feet giving him a glance.

Her attention turned to the door as it opened. A much aged Renee stood holding a baby over her shoulder. The wrinkles around her eyes were happy ones as she smiled at Bella. "Oh! Bella baby! Oh my, how are you?! Charlie didn't tell me you'd be visiting!" She said excitedly. She moved out of the way for Bella and Chris to walk through.

"Yeah Dad's a little...we'll get to have a baby.." Bella answered as Renee closed the door. Reneee bounced the child on her hip smiling gently. She looked to Bella surprised. "You sound shocked. I thought I told you? told me you couldn't make it to the baby shower or birth." She answered a little sad. Bella crinkled her nose. "We never spoke mom. I didn't even know you were pregnant." Bella answered.

"Then who did I..oh...oh my." Renee whispered. Renee narrowed her eyes, taking a step back. "How do I know that you're not demons?" She asked. She flicked her wrist sending Chris to the side. He landed with a grunt as he crashed through the living room table. Bella ran to his side helping him up. She looked to Renee with wide eyes. "'s me." She gasped as her throat got tight. Chris groaned internally and grabbed Bella's hand orbing her to the other side of the room. Renee stopped in surprise. "You're a whitelighter." She mumbled in surprise. Chris nodded giving her a look of disdain. He hated being tossed around, it became quite frustrating.

"Yes. I'm half witch, half whitelighter. My mother fell in love with her whitelighter giving birth to my brother and then me. Chris Halliwell." He introduced reaching a hand out to shake her hand. Renee blinked. "So you're Patty''re too young. You're one of the sister's children. You look a lot like Piper or maybe Prue." Renee answered shaking his hand. Chris smiled. "Piper is my mother. Technically I'm a baby. Long story. Prue actually died years ago, saving her sisters. Bella too is half witch half whitelighter." Renne nodded looking at her daughter. "Yes Charlie was one actually. Where she gets it from. I was a friend of his charge and that's how we met. So where is Charlie? Does he know you're here?" She asked sitting on the couch, she smiled down at the baby, cooing. Bella sat next to her, giving a glance at her half sibling.

"He's dead mom. All those years with Charlie was actually a warlock. Chris's father saved me two nights ago and once I understood orbing, I orbed home and it turned out he killed dad years ago." She whispered sadly. Renne froze, looking at her daughter. "What?" She asked confused. Bella just nodded her eyes tearing up. Renee laid her head on Bella's shoulder.

Bella smiled as her hair was slightly pulled. She looked down smiling. "This is your brother Shaun." Renee introduced. Bella sucked in a breath. She stared down at him. Looking into his light brown eyes, Bella vowed that she would do whatever it took to keep her family safe. Bella kissed his hand smiling. "Shaun..Dwyer." Bella whispered. Chris watched happily, content that Bella found some slice of happiness. "Sorry to interrupt, but Um..Mrs. Dwyer? Do you have like a book? Spell book?" Chris asked. Renee cocked her head to the side. "Like the Book of Shadows? Yes. The Swans have our own book. Most spells in the Book of Shadows will be the same in our family book as they were written at the same time. The Swan's book has a part specifically for Bella, but she can not access it until her powers are fully developed. to it." Renee encouraged.

Bella blinked at her mother in bewilderment. "How?" She asked. "Think about it. The need to know..want.." Renee guided. Bella closed her eyes. Chris leaned forward watching eagerly. A thick white book appeared in Bella's lap, on it, a black Swan. Bella ran her fingers over the old book in awe. She opened it toward a section that seemed to be thicker than the rest of the book. As she turned to it, the pages flipped on its own back toward the beginning. Bella gave a chuckle. "May I..?" She asked looking to Renee. "Sure..just check in every once in a while." Renee smiled standing. Shaun was watching with interested eyes, slightly giggling.

Bella embraced her mother and brother. "Always." Bella whispered. Pulling away, Bella stood next to Chris. She grabbed his hand and nodded. The two disappeared into blue light and Renee smiled.

Hmm...end. I'm getting the hang of how Bella should act as an AU character in a different world. RR. Thanks!