In this story, everything happens as in the books up until Harry leaves Hagrid to board the train. Hagrid hasn't told Harry about his parents yet, and Harry didn't meet Draco in the robe shop.
The platform looked horrendously crowded, and Harry felt himself shrinking back. Oh why did this have to happen to him? Where had Hagrid gone? And where on earth (or beyond, he thought miserably) was platform 9 ¾ ?

And then a tall man with a regal walk and flowing blond hair knocked him out of the way. Harry scooted backwards, but unfortunately his little trick of disappearing into the shadows only drew the strange man's attention further to him. He spun around with a swish of his cloak and looked down his elegant nose at Harry. Harry tried to keep his head up straight and look the man in the eye.

"I'm sorry, sir. I didn't mean to get in your way" he murmered respectfully. Years of living with the Dursleys had taught him that respect was the best option to placate someone. The blond haired man sneered scornfully and brushed Harry out of the way, muttering under his breath, "Stupid muggles."

Harry's eyes flashed, although he knew that rebelliousness only ever lead to bad things, and he reigned in his temper. And for some reason, the blond man turned around again. This time Harry noticed a blond haired boy with a pointy face looking curiously at him.

"Father, was that. . ."

The man raised a hand, cutting off his son - the resemblance was uncanny - and moved into the shadows. This time Harry cowered back, not noticing the twitch that came over the man's features.

"I do apologise, young man. I thought. . ." he looked Harry slowly from head to toe, and Harry was painfully aware of the baggy and tattered clothes that he was wearing, the smudge of dirt on his nose, the large bruise on his cheek.

"You did appear to be a muggle. This is obviously not the case, though."

He looked pensively at Harry for a moment, and then his expression hardened to become unreadable.

"You are heading for which platform?"

"Nine and three quarters, sir."

"You have a ticket?"

"Yessss. . ." said Harry uncertainly, drawing it out. An elegant hand, encased in an expensive black velvet gauntlet, reached out and plucked the ticket from Harry's unresisting hand.

The older man inspected the ticket, and his face relaxed into a smile.

"I do apologise for my lack of manners. It is of the utmost importance that we keep our world hidden from the muggles, is it not?"

Harry nodded numbly, and then realised that it was not a very polite response, and said quietly,

"Indeed, sir."

"Allow me to introduce myself. Although I suppose you know of our family; we are one of the last pure-blood lines in this country. Lucius Malfoy. And this is my son Draco."

Harry shook both their hands, and replied in kind.

"Harry Potter. It's very nice to meet you."

He looked in confusion as the two Malfoy's eyes widened fractionally.

"You are Harry Potter?"

"Yes sir" said Harry, shrinking further into himself. What if there had been a mistake? What if they were looking for him to tell him to go away, that he wasn't wanted at Hogwarts? What if he had to return to the Dursleys house?

"Oh. Well. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr Potter."

"The pleasure is all mine, sir" said Harry humbly.

Lucius looked at the boy. He was not what he had been expecting; an extremely timid boy with impeccable manners did not fit with the idea of his parents, who had been boisterous and lively. And damn annoying. Potter junior was a complete mess, a large bruise marring his cheek, and messy hair. There was something vulnerable about him, but Lucius had sensed the lick of raw power as he had brushed the boy off, and knew that this was one to be kept as an ally, as close as possible. With any luck Draco should have perceived that too.

"Well, you two had better be getting on the train. I shall expect an owl informing me of how you are doing, Draco. Good luck."

Draco nodded.

"Yes father. Goodbye."

"Goodbye. Wingardium Leviosa" Harry blinked as a light flashed, and his trunk became feather light.

"Thank you, sir"

"Thank you, father"

And with a curt nod, Lucius disappeared into thin air with a 'pop'.

Draco led Harry through the barrier, seemingly unperturbed by Harry's silence.

"Shall we get a seat, Harry. May I call you Harry?"

"Umm. . .yes" said Harry, trying to take in the seething mass of magical people all around him.

"Good. You may call me Draco. Come on. . ."

Draco barged though a crowd, almost knocking a red-haired boy flying, and Harry followed meekly in his wake. Finally they reached a compartment that seemed to please Draco, and he sat down on a seat.

"So" he said, wriggling slightly to ease his back into the plush cushion, "Which wizarding family did you grow up with?"

"I live with muggles" said Harry softly. He looked nervous at Draco's piercing glance.

"Really? What are they like?"

"Oh, they're fine" said Harry, lightly.

"Do you know about your parents?"

Harry furrowed his brow.

"Yes, of course. They died in a car crash."

Draco blinked slowly.

"A car crash?"

"Yes. . .they're a muggle thing. . ."

"I know what a car is!" snapped Draco, making Harry shrink back. "But your parents didn't die in a crash. They were murdered."

Harry looked at him as though he had sprouted a second head.

"They what?"

"They were murdered. Merlin, Harry, you didn't know? They were murdered by a very powerful wizard called Lord Voldemort. He thought they posed a threat to him - he was killing all the non-Pureblood families, but your mother was muggle-born, and Voldemort had to kill your father to get to her. Then he tried to kill you, but somehow the curse backfired, and you killed him. You were only a baby."

Harry looked at Draco, horrified, and the blond haired boy felt suddenly guilty. Harry looked like his world had been tipped upside-down.

"I. . .I. . ."

Choking on his words, Harry fell silent, and leaned forwards so that his shaggy hair covered his eyes, making it impossible for Draco to see what was going on in those green eyes. After about a minute, he spoke.


Harry straightened up, pale faced.

"I need a drink" he said shortly, and bolted. Draco mulled over what he had seen, looking thoughtfully out of the window. There were a lot of unanswered questions. For one, why was Harry staying with muggles? He should be living in the wizarding world. And why hadn't the muggles, or anyone, told him about his parents? And why did he always draw back when people approached?

The door opened, and Harry came in, still pale.

"You alright?" asked Draco casually. Harry nodded silently, and taking his cue Draco began to talk about other things. They didn't even notice the train start up and pull out of the platform, and were only pulled from Draco's explanation of Quidditch but two boys lumbering in.

"Oh, Crabbe, Goyle" said Draco off-handedly. "I was wondering when you would get here."

"Hi Malfoy" they grunted in synchrony, and sat opposite in silence. Harry looked at them, and quirked his nose up slightly.

"This is Harry, boys" said Draco lazily. The two goons nodded at Harry, and carried on staring open-mouthed into space.

Harry leaned over slightly, and murmered,

"Do you keep them as body-guards, or for the conversation?"

Draco was amazed. Absolutely gobsmacked. He couldn't remember ever hearing someone insult Crabbe and Goyle. His mouth split into a wide grin, and then he began to chuckle. The chuckles increased to full blown peals of laughter, and he clutched his sides as Harry stared in anxious curiosity.

"Yes" he finally managed to choke out, "They don't add much to the decor!"

Harry smiled, a genuine smile, and then began to chuckle as well.

"What?" Grunted Crabbe and Goyle in synchrony, looking up for the first time. Harry and Draco looked at each other, and burst into fresh laughter, as their two meaty companions scratched their heads in confusion.


Much later, as the train approached the school, Draco checked his watch.

"You should get changed into your robes, Harry"

Harry quickly hid his horrified look, and picked up his bag.

"Yeah. Sure."

He headed to the door, but Draco stopped him.

"It's ok. . .you can change in here. The toilets will be full."

This time he knew he didn't miss the panic in Harry's face, although it was concealed very quickly.

"Crabbe, Goyle, you must be hungry" he said smoothly. "Go and buy yourselves something to eat."

Obediently the two boys left, and Harry laughed.

"How do you get them to do that?"

Draco shrugged.

"They rely on me. They wouldn't get very far with the brains they have."

Harry smiled, and looked around uneasily.

"Is there a reason you're so scared of getting changed?"

"No! I'm not scared!" said Harry casually.

And didn't move.

Finally he seemed to realise that he had no choice, and began stripping. Draco didn't watch. Until he saw a flash of red just as Harry pulled on his shirt. He looked around, face expressionless, but Harry was already changed.

"Um, Draco?"


"How do I put these on?"

Draco got up, ignoring Harry's flinch, and pulled the robes over his head.

"They loop around, like this" he said, and sat down again.

"Oh right, thanks" said Harry, plainly embarrassed, and Draco wondered how to broach the subject of Harry's nervousness. However he didn't get the chance, as the train drew into the station, and everyone began to clamber out of the doors.

The sight of the lake almost took Draco's breath away. The little boats were magnificent, lamp-lit and bobbing in the wind stirred waters. The stupid half-giant boomed for them all to follow, nearly knocking harry flat by clapping his shoulder, and they set off towards Hogwarts, silent to a boy, all wondering what the next years would bring to them at this school.