A/N: I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and that Santa was really good to all and that there were plenty of family moments.

I hope you all enjoyed my little Christmas tale! Thanks for stopping by and all your great reviews. Until my next one, stay safe and God Bless.

Chapter 5

An hour later, the anxious and excited family crowded their way into the Morgan's room. They couldn't wait to see the newest member of their little clan. When they all entered, they found Derek and Penelope hugged up to each other and the little bundle of joy in his mommy's arms. Once the group was settled, the new parents looked around at them and noticed all the huge grins.

Sarah was bouncing like a little girl and couldn't wait any longer. "Alright guys, show us our newest nephew. We can't wait anymore."

The room filled with laughter. Penelope gazed at Derek and then spoke, "Hi guys, I'm so happy to see you all. I wanted to tell you all that I love you and thank you for all you did to help me and baby. You guys rock!"

JJ smiled before she said. "Garcie, that's what a family does. We're just glad you, the baby, and Desiree are all alright. We all love you! Now let's see that handsome devil."

Penelope had tears in her eyes as she opened up the blanket so everybody could get a good look at Baby Morgan. She positioned him so they all could get a good look at him.

"Awww! How adorable is he? He is precious and look at all of that hair." They all offered their congratulations and couldn't stop cooing at the baby.

Henry looked up at his mom, "He is so widdle." JJ replied, "You were that little once too." Weally?" "Yes, really," she grinned down at her son. "Wowww!" The adults couldn't help but chuckle.

Jack moved closer to the bed, "Auntie Pen, Uncle Derek, what's his name?"

Penelope looked at Derek and they both nodded. Before anything was said, she passed the baby to Derek. Derek held up his son while he beamed with pride and total happiness.

"Everyone, we would like to introduce to you the newest member of the family, Master Hank Spencer Morgan!" Both Fran and Spencer audibly gasped. "We named him after my Pops and the best little brother anyone could have."

Fran cried and replied, "Ohh my, Derek, your father would be so proud that you named your son after him." She walked over to her son and hugged him tightly without crushing the baby. "Momma, would you like to hold your grandson?" Fran grinned, "Of course, I would! Hand that little precious gift from God over.

Everyone took out their phones and started snapping picture after picture.

Now it was Spencer's turn to speak out. "Wow! I am so honored that you named your son after me. Thanks, guys!"

Derek walked over to Reid and pulled him in for a huge hug. "We love you, Pretty Boy! We expect you to teach him all about magic and chess." Penelope added, "And, Dr. Who too!"

The room erupted into laughter. The next little while passed by as the rest of the group got their chance to meet and hold the newest addition. Penelope and Derek had asked Spencer and JJ to be Hank's godparents, which they happily accepted and agreed to. By the time, everybody got their turn to hold Hank, Penelope had drifted off to sleep after her hard and exciting day.

Derek had placed the baby into the portable crib, that his grandparents managed to find in the attic, from when Henry was smaller. After that, they all said their goodnights, hugged Derek one last time and left the little family to get the rest that they sorely needed. Derek made sure Penelope was tucked in properly, kissed his son one more time and climbed into bed next to the woman he loved with everything in him. He kissed her goodnight then wrapped his arms lovingly around her and joined her in dreamland.

Once downstairs the rest of crew settled in the living room so Dave could read the 'Twas the Night Before Christmas' to the boys. When he was done, the boys put out the milk, cookies, and carrots for Santa and his reindeer. They kissed and hugged everyone good night. Their parents tucked them and returned downstairs so everyone could get all the gifts out of hiding and place them under the tree. Once that was completed, they all said the goodnights and headed off to slumberland themselves.

The boys were up bright and early the next morning excited to see what Santa had brought them. Penelope and Derek had been up a few times throughout the evening to feed and change the baby. But, still wanted to join in on all the festivities of Christmas morning.

Derek had carried Penelope down the stairs and placed her in the recliner that was near the fireplace and Fran happily placed her grandson into her waiting arms. The morning passed by quickly with the opening of all the gifts and eating breakfast. The boys were completely thrilled with all their toys and things that they received. The adults enjoyed all their gifts as well.

After breakfast, Penelope had fallen asleep in the recliner holding her son tightly. The rest of the day was spent with the love and happiness of their family surrounding them all. It was a joyous time for all. They enjoyed the dinner that included, good food, laughter, and much love. They were truthfully grateful for everything and everyone.

It took several days before anyone could leave the cabin and head into town. Some went shopping for supplies, while Derek, Penelope, Dave, Fran, and baby Hank headed to the ER for a quick check. Both mother and child were given clean bills of health.

As they celebrated New Year's they knew they were truly blessed. They knew things could've have turned out differently if not for Christmas miracles.

The End