A/N: Long time, no see! So I think the first thing I should say is sorry for not publishing in *counts the months* *grins sheepishly*... five months. I've missed you guys! School and other activities kept me so busy these past months, and in the one week I didn't have school I got sick so couldn't work on my writing. But yes, I am back now, just started my Christmas break and you can expect this story to be regularly updated for the next two weeks :) This story is a bit different from what I normally do, and I'm also a little out-of-the-flow in terms of my normal writing, but I am proud of this idea and I hope you like this story just as much as you have the previous ones! I normally write stories that start with action and a hook within the first chapter, but this one, as I said, is a bit different and has a slower start, but once you get to the third chapter you can expect my signature dragon riding action... and maybe some whump too... ;) I know you guys love that. Anyway, I could ramble on for hours, but I think you probably just want to read this chapter so I'll let you. Pleeeaaassee leave a review, you guys know those make my day and give me the motivation to write when I'm lacking it.

Anyway, enjoy... :)

"Ruff, Tuff-"

"The catapults, we know!" The twins shouted back as they circled the fleet Viggo had been using to capture dragons flying near Dragon's Edge.

"Astrid – "

"The archers, on it!"

"Fishlegs, can you – "

"Engage the flanking ships, on my way!"

"Snotlout – "

"I'll cover you, let's go!" Everyone flew into action, following a plan they had gone through many times for fleets like these. Everything was going perfectly, or as the twins would put it 'as smoothly as a warm knife through yak butter'. Oh, Thor… why was he thinking of that at a time like this?

Toothless dived towards the cleared deck, roaring proudly at the cowering soldiers. Hiccup jumped off this back and straight into the hole that led to the dragon cages. He rushed up to the first cage that contained an angry Nightmare, examined the lock and pulled out the keys Astrid had stolen from one of the guards. Within seconds he was dodging the rampage of dragons that stormed towards the daylight that streamed down into the gloomy ship. He smiled, feeling a swell of pride in his heart as he heard the dragons' roar of freedom.

"Ready to go?" Snotlout shouted from up on deck.

"Yup, let's head home," He said, grabbing Snotlout's arm as he was pulled back up into the sunlight. He jumped onto Toothless as they took to the air, leaving the gawking Hunters behind.

Hiccup looked behind him as the Riders finished the job they'd been working at for… he didn't even know how long. They'd been winning rather a lot over the past few weeks. It was almost as if Viggo had run out of ideas for attacks… but he knew that wasn't the case. His enemy had probably just thought of something and was just waiting for the right time to put his plan into action. Or Viggo was trying to make them drop their guard… Which was really worrying him. And why his facial expression wasn't as joyous as the others as they flew back from their most recent victory. It just didn't seem right… and he didn't know why, which frustrated him. It was as if Ryker had taken over and decided to use brute force the whole time, which made outsmarting his Hunters ridiculously easy. What's his next move? And when will he strike? Will we be ready? Are the other Riders still on guard? Are we going to win this next battle? Those were the questions that had been bugging him for hours now.

"Hey, you alright?" He heard Astrid's voice, and he turned to see her concern-filled eyes looking into his.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking," Hiccup replied.

"About what? We're winning, Hiccup. How hard is that to think about?" She replied, slightly bewildered.

"This just isn't like Viggo, Astrid. None of these small attacks are. They're all so simple, easy to outsmart… at least, easier. I don't have to spend hours thinking about our parry, we can just fly into battle, think of a plan and we carry it out with little consequences. But Viggo wouldn't do that, he would-"

"Hiccup, don't worry. Relax! At the moment, we're winning. Let's just focus on what we're doing right now," Astrid smiled at her boyfriend comfortingly.

"And what are we doing right now?" Hiccup couldn't help but smile back at those gorgeous sapphire eyes and pink lips that curved upwards.

"Going back to the Edge before it goes dark, and then we can eat something. I'm fed up with listening to Snotlout complaining,"

"Hey! A warrior needs his food, especially when he's regularly going into battle. So me and Hookfang, obviously the best warriors in our group, should be eating more often than we are now!" Came Snotlout's shout of protest.

"Pffff best warrior? Someone's taken a few too many dragon root arrows to the head!" Tuff replied, nudging his twin sister teasingly.

"Yeah, everyone knows that the Nuts are the best fighters of the group," Ruffnut concurred.

"The best at being nuts, maybe. Best fighters? Eeehhhh! How can two lunatic twins and a two-headed dragon beat 5,000 pounds of flaming muscle?" Snotlout countered, snickering.

"Guys, are we seriously arguing about this?" Hiccup attempted to interrupt.

"With our massive intellect and hard skulls, obviously," Tuffnut bickered, knocking his head and completely ignoring Hiccup's endeavour to break up the argument that was quickly escalating and spiralling out of control.

"Hey, but what about Meatlug and I? We have something to add to the group!" Fishlegs called out, facial expression portraying how offended he felt.

"And what, Fishface, could you add to our group?" Snotlout taunted, making an exaggerated pouty face.

"Well, for starters, Meatlug is the only dragon immune to dragon root-" He started, putting up his fingers to indicate the start of a list.

"Blah blah blah! That's nothing! Well, at least not compared to this giant Nightmare gel making machine!" Hiccup sighed.

"I think I'll spend the night in my hut," Hiccup muttered, on the brink of being fed up with his friends, however nice they could be.

"Nah-uh, not today Hiccup Haddock. You're eating dinner with us. As much as I hate to admit it, Snotlout is right. At least, he was right when he said that a warrior needs his food. And right now, you are both a warrior and a worrier, which leaves even more reason that you should join us for dinner." Astrid reasoned. "Besides, I can keep them under control, then after dinner, we can hang out."

"Alright, milady," He sighed, smiling at his girlfriend as the Edge appeared on the horizon.

The sound of laughter abounded in the clubhouse as the food slowly disappeared down the Riders' throats and into their empty stomachs. But smiles were soon replaced with yawns as the satisfaction of the meal set in. While the other Riders drifted off, heads on the table, Astrid tugged on Hiccup's elbow to beckon him out. The couple ambled out of the hut and into the cool dusk.

"So that wasn't so bad now, was it?" Astrid smirked, nudging Hiccup teasingly.

"No, no, you're right. I laughed a lot," He admitted.

"How about our alone time now?"

"Sure, let me just dump all my weapons and bags in my hut, then I'll meet you on the cliff." Hiccup nodded, beaming.

"Good idea, I also want to leave my axe in my hut. See you there!" Astrid called back, running off towards her hut. She was glad that Hiccup had lightened up about the battles. He did have a point though… it was weird and not at all like the Viggo that tricked them into giving him the Flightmare, the Eruptedon… But it wasn't worth getting worked up about. They just had to be alert and prepared for when Viggo would strike, which was imminent. She ambled into her hut, propping her axe up in the usual place, before taking a sip of water. She pulled the loop of twine out of her hair, letting it cascade past her shoulders before starting to re-braid it. Bang! A loud noise a lot like an explosion alerted her. Out of instinct, she dropped her hair, hardly noticing that it was loose and swaying as she ran, swearing she would kill the twins. She grabbed her axe and jumped onto her startled dragon, who had been resting peacefully after the battle.

"We need to go, girl," She muttered, just loud enough for Stormfly to hear. She looked in the direction the noise had come from… Hiccup's hut. She gasped quietly, her brain switching gears from dealing with the twins to warding off an enemy. Trying not to dwell on what could be going on, her mind was fully alert and ready to take on an attacker. Oh, no you don't Viggo! She jumped off the scaly reptile's back the second her talons hit the ground, flinging the door open and scanning the lower room within seconds. Nothing. Excluding the fact that his desk had toppled over and papers were scattered all over the floor, everything was as it should be. She looked up to the bedroom, where Hiccup appeared to be trying to gain his balance and stand upright. Toothless stood on the other side of the bed looking bewildered and angry. Hiccup gave a sheepish laugh as he glanced at the female Viking.

"What in the name of Thor are you doing?"

"Uh… uh, me?" He stuttered, glancing between her and the Night Fury that was glaring at him. What is going on? One moment everything's fine, the next everything is wrong. Why is Toothless growling at Hiccup? Why is Hiccup so nervous? And why does it look like he was getting into bed?

"Yes, you! What are you doing?" She shouted, somehow enraged by the confusion.

"I was, er... I was going to bed," He stuttered, gesturing to the piece of furniture.

"You were what?!" Astrid exclaimed, her entire face going from its natural pale shade to a cherry pink.

"I was going to bed," Hiccup replied, glancing between the dragon and the female warrior as if asking what's wrong with that?

"WHAT ABOUT ME?" Astrid screamed, not sure whether to be worried, confused or angry.

"You can also go to bed...?" He stuttered, limping towards his bed and awkwardly falling onto it. Toothless continued to growl, scowling as he curled up on the floor. Astrid's eyes widened at his utter forgetfulness, then narrowed them again as she threw her axe into the wooden wall.

"You insolent muttonhead!" And with that, she stormed out.

A/N: Thank you for checking in on my first chapter, please leave a review and hopefully I'll see you on the next one, which should be up soon. See ya!
