I gave myself a schedule that was way too tough and I failed miserably to get this written on time because I have been so busy. But having worked on finishing this today (so forgive mistakes) I have not had time to work on getting the next chapter of Against The Odds. I will try to get it done over the weekend.

Chapter 4.


Dividing into small groups, they started rounding up the errant monsters. Meanwhile, Dark Magician Girl flew around giving the impression she was in charge.

Atem shouted his orders at her to ensure she did not make the already over excitable Beserk Gorilla any more dangerous than it already was. "Mana?! Place a spellbinding circle around him before he incinerates us all."

"Yes Prince!" She giggled, flying off and twirling her staff in front of the gorilla, causing it to rear up and beat its chest furiously. Atem slapped his forehead in exasperation. Luckily Mana twirled her staff just in time and the burst of flame that erupted from the creature, disappeared into a Magic Cylinder. Unfortunately, it shot back out and would have hit Seto Kaiba had his Blue Eyes White Dragon not intervened and dispersed the flames with one beat of her wings.

Seto turned angrily to Atem. "Will you keep your woman under control?"

Atem ignored him and shouted to Mana. "Well done Mana! Now get him into the rift before he breaks free." Using her magic, Dark Magician Girl pointed her staff and the Gorilla was trapped inside the Spellbinding Circle, lifted up and flung through the rift.

Hana Mutou dodged out of the way and clung to her her son for safety. "Atem seems to be very confident for someone so young. It's like he's wise beyond his years!"

Yugi looked down at his mother and smirked. "Yeah, that's probably about right. He's like seventeen going on three thousand," he chuckled when she shook her head and mumbled at him that none of this made any sense.

In the near distance, police sirens and alarms could be heard. There were even sounds of gunfire as people tried to protect themselves from the invading monsters.

Having found his Flame Swordsman, Jonouchi roped him in to help him round up some of the monsters that were in the street outside the grounds of the mansion. Running around to the front gates, he found that they had been ripped from their hinges. He spotted a small white van on the driveway. The driver looked to be in a panic.

Afraid that his job would be in jeopardy if he failed to deliver an order to either of the Kaiba brothers, the driver had somehow made it through the chaos with Mokuba's large order of Kentucky Fried Chicken.

But three greedy Ojamas had torn the back door off its hinges and were now gorging themselves on Kentucky Fried Chicken.

"Stop that! Give that back?" The driver was trying to salvage what he could but the Ojamas were having none of it.

"Hey!" Jonouchi yelled, waving his arms arms about and running at the three Ojama brothers. "Gimme back my Christmas dinner?" In response, the Ojama's chuckled and threw the half chewed bones at him, causing him to duck. His ever loyal warrior jumped in and parried the chicken bones away.

"What are those horrible creatures?" The driver yelled desperately. He looked pretty frightened and Jonouchi felt sorry for him.

"I have no idea what them ugly critters are." He presumed they were duel monsters but had no idea what sort of nutter would have those in their deck!

"There's creatures all over the city! What's happening?" The driver fretted.

"It's okay buddy. Me and my pals are dealing with it."

The driver did not look convinced and hung his head. "I'm sorry about your dinner. Please ask Mister Kaiba not to tell my employer I failed to deliver. I need this job to get me through university."

"Hey! It's okay buddy. You did ya best in a tough situation. And Mokuba ain't spiteful like his brother."

Looking slightly more reassured, the driver nodded. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

Jonouchi grinned. He needed every bit of help he could get.


It took the best part of the day to round up and persuade all the remaining monsters to go back to their own dimensions. The sun was setting and the cold air was starting to seep into everyone's muscles.

Mai shivered. "Well, that was certainly an entertaining way to spend Christmas!"

Dark Magician Girl floated to Atem's side. "Prince. We need to return home so that I can close the rift."

Atem looked at her and frowned. "Do we have to return so soon? I.. Only, this time I would like to say goodbye to my friends properly." He had always felt guilty for turning his back on them and walking through those doors, but he had been afraid that if he had spent too long saying farewell, he might never have had the courage to leave.

Blue Eyes White Dragon let out a deep rumble, that sounded almost sad, and her image started to shimmer. Her wings retracted and in their place were pale, thin arms.

Both sets of parents, and Mokuba's girlfriend and her sister, all gasped in surprise as the dragon changed into a slender woman with beautiful, long blonde hair. Kisara's knees buckled as she came out of her self induced slumber and woke up. She was shivering violently in the cold and Seto quickly pulled off his thick, padded coat and wrapped it around her. He then helped her to stand.

She let out a yelp at the feel of icy cold concrete under her feet, so he lifted her into his arms.

"Can the rift be sealed temporarily?" Seto asked.

"I.. I don't know my lord," Dark Magician Girl replied. "But it may not be wise. If we stay here, the dimensions will remain unstable. My master will not be pleased..."

"Stop complaining. I opened the rift, it is up to me to close it," Seto stated assertively.

"But how will you do that?" Dark Magician Girl challenged.

Seto smirked and asked Kisara to dip her hand into the pocket of the coat. She did as she was asked and pulled out a small cube, slightly bigger than a Rubik's Cube. "What is this?" Kisara looked at him searchingly.

"This is the key to unlocking the impossible," he boasted. "The Plana are not the only ones with the ability to traverse dimensions. I also have the power to create such technology."

Atem rounded on him. "But at least they could control it! You have no clue what you're messing with Kaiba! Look at the damage you're done?"

"Were they in control?" Seto challenged. "They were a bunch of amateurs. They were unworthy of such power," he said smugly. "And I would advise you not to be so ungrateful Pharaoh. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have been given the chance to see your friends again, would you?"

Atem growled under his breath. It was pointless arguing with Kaiba, but deep down, he too thought the Plana's philosophy was slightly flawed. He also had to admit that it was nice to see Yugi and his friends again, even if the circumstances were not exactly ideal. But when were they ever? "Are you sure you can send us home safely?"

Seto smirked. "Are you willing to take the risk?"

Yes. Atem was willing to take the risk providing the others were. He looked at Dark Magician Girl. "What do you think? Can we stay for a little while?"

Dark Magician Girl sagged. "Prince.." she whined. But he was the Pharaoh and he had the final word, "Okay... But when Mahado gets angry. You're to blame."

"Very well." Atem nodded. "Can you at least seal the rift to prevent any creatures coming back through?" Mana confirmed that she could probably place a spell that would hold for around an hour or so. After that, they would really have to leave.

"Cool!" Mokuba beamed. "Extra guests for dinner!"

After working so hard, everyone was hungry, but they had no idea their dinner had been pillaged.

"Erm... about dinner," Jonpouchi grimaced. "This brave dude here tried to deliver it, but a bunch of fat critters busted his van open and stole our food."

Everyone hung their heads and sighed in disappointment.

"What are we gonna eat now?" Honda groaned.

"Do you have a well stocked pantry?" Anzu's mother asked.

"Yeah.. But the chef has the day off," Mokuba replied. "That's why I ordered out."

"I'm a qualified chef," Mister Otogi senior stated. "Maybe I could cook us all a meal?" He had been useless in the battle and felt pleased to be able to do something useful.

"I can help with the cooking too," Yugi's mother offered. Anzu's mother nodded and also agreed to help.

"Then I suggest we get inside where it's warm," Seto stated. "Kisara is shivering."

"We still have presents to unwrap too!" Said Mokuba, his excitement for the day slowly returning.

However, once inside, it quickly became apparent that the sitting room was an uninhabitable mess.

The large crack in the floor was a potential hazard and there was a freezing draught coming in through the missing section of glass in the patio doors.

"No problem!" Dark Magician Girl giggled and raised her staff. The broken glass lifted off the floor and pieced itself back together inside the frame. When it had finished, it looked as though it had never been broken in the first place. Next, she closed the crack in the floor. "There! As good as new!"

"Can you fix up the garden too?" Mokuba asked hopefully. The repair bill would run into thousands and a bit of magic would be a huge help.

Dark Magician Girl shook her head. There was far too much damage for one magician to fix alone.

Since it would take a while for the room to warm back up, Mokuba offered everyone hot chocolate. They all piled into the kitchen to help and to warm themselves up.

Atem hung back with Yugi. "I'm sorry about my condition when I first arrived. I was... a little disorientated."

Yugi grinned and nudged him. "No problem. It's great to see you again though," his face tinged with pink.

"So," Atem's own blush mirrored Yugi's . "A lot seems to have changed. You've all changed. Are you and Anzu?" He raised an eyebrow.

Yugi grinned. "Yup! We got married nearly nearly sixteen months ago. Anzu has achieved her dream to dance professionally and I also made my game – it's really successful. I'm actually working with Kaiba, on the next game. I'm doing a good job of keeping our title, too."

Atem was not surprised that Yugi was still the King of Games, but raised both eyebrows at the news that Yugi was working with Kaiba. "I was right to leave.. I knew you would do better without me." There was a hint of sadness in his voice and Yugi put a comforting arm around his shoulders.

"You know, If you wanted to stay? We could always just send Kisara and Dark Magician Girl home, and then close the rift."

Atem sighed. "A nice idea, but I think we both know I don't belong here. This is your life and it is not my place to interfere."

"But we have separate bodies. You wouldn't be interfering. And I'm sure Kaiba can deal with the paperwork, if that's what's worrying you?"

"It's not that. My life was three thousand years ago. My people are long dead. I have friends and a wife in the afterlife whom I will miss. And you are my representation in this era Yugi. The Gods would not allow us to both exist here at the same time."

Yugi sighed and stepped back with resignation. "So that's it? We get to spend one more hour together and then you leave us again? I kind of understand but I don't agree with it. You gave up so much and you deserve to at least have a choice."

"Do not feel bad for me Yugi," said Atem, sternly. "I feel blessed among men. How many people from the long distant past get to experience life in the future? Or get to meet their future incarnation?"

Yugi smiled warmly at him. "Yeah, you're right," he nodded. "Let's not be morose. We should enjoy the next hour and have fun." He patted Atem's back and gestured for him to go into the kitchen first.

Their friends were waiting to greet them with large mugs of steaming hot chocolate and Christmas cheer.

Jonouchi threw an arm around Atem's neck and threatened to noogie him but Atem wriggled free.

"Leave him alone Jonouchi, " Anzo scolded in jest. "Come and have some hot chocolate Atem?" She laughed. "Mister Otogi makes fantastic hot choc!"

"Yes! Thank you Anzu." With a lovely warm smile, he stepped forward to accept the offered chocolate.

"To friends and family," he said, raising his mug. Everyone nodded and raised their own mugs.

Hana Muto may have had her reservations and concerns about Atem when he first showed up, but she could not help herself thinking of him as a second son – she had always wanted another child but it just had not happened.

There were still questions she needed answered, but they could wait for another day.


Mister Otogi had plenty of help and soon cooked up a very large quantity of curry, which he served up with rice.

They all sat and chatted happily as they ate. So many things had happened since Atem was last here and he was desperate to know what everyone was up to now. But the hour went by far too quickly and it was soon time to leave.

Wearing their warm coats, everyone braved the cold and the dark to say goodbye.

Seto activated his cube, and with a little help from Dark Magician Girl, directed the beam into the rift to reopen the portal that would enable the trio to travel home safely. "I will go last as I have to separate myself from Mana so that she can go home and I can go back to the Realm of Ka Spirits."

Seto took Kisara to one side. "You know I don't want you to go," he whispered, to avoid the others all listening in to their conversation.

She reached up and touched his cheek. "But you know in your heart that I do not belong here." They both knew that she belonged with Priest Set.

"But I fear I will never meet anyone worthy of my love."

She smiled at his comment. "I am sure she is here somewhere. You just haven't found her yet." Maybe she should ask the Gods to manipulate things a little so that his true love crossed his path.

"I'm sure you're right," he huffed, leaning down and kissing her forehead. "Goodbye Kisara."

With a tear in his eye, he watched her walk towards the portal.

"Well..!" Atem clasped his hands together. "I guess I should be going too."

"Not without a hug you're not!" Honda grinned, stepping forward and giving him a bear hug. "I always regretted not giving you a hug the last time."

Atem laughed. "Thank you Honda." Moments later, he was bundled into another bear hug, this time by Jonouchi.

Yugi and Anzu were last to say goodbye.

"Well, I guess this is it." Yugi was determined not to cry but Atem's eyes looked watery and it was difficult not to let his emotions spill over.

Anzu had no reservations about letting her tears flow. "Will we see you again Atem?" She sniffed.

Atem really did not know the answer to that. "I will always be thinking of you. So who knows what our next adventure may be?" He gestured, humorously.

She threw her arms around him. As a teenager, she had always wanted to be held in his arms intimately but had been too bashful. As a grown woman, those feelings had changed and she now felt a sort of motherly desire to look after him – maybe it was because he looked so young to her now!

He squeezed her tightly in a warm embrace. In another place, another time, he would have taken her as his lover. But she was not his to take. "Farewell Anzu."

"You take care Atem," she replied. "And say hi to all your friends in the afterlife for me?"

"I will." He released her and stepped in front of Yugi. "Until we meet again, Aibou."

Yugi laughed. So they were back to using their nicknames for one another, were they? "Sure thing Other Me. But let's hope it's not another 'the world might end' catastrophe."

"I hope not." Atem looked towards the portal. "I guess I should go. Kisara and Mana are waiting."

"Yeah... I'm not saying goodbye though because that sounds so final, and I feel sure we will see each other again." He stepped forward and hugged the boy who had once shared his soul. It felt so strange to think of him as his alter ego now! How different they all were back then. But they had all grown and changed but Atem had not changed at all. He actually felt small in Yugi's arms.

Atem grinned into Yugi's shoulder. "See you again sometime, Aibou." He could still remember a time when he was part of Yugi and needed Yugi's body to exist in this world. He felt mean for thinking it; but remembered how weedy Yugi had been back then. But the man now giving him a bone crushing hug was anything but small and weedy, and Atem felt nothing but pride and happiness for how his aibou had turned out.

They pulled apart and Atem walked over to where to join the two girls.

"Until next time!" Dark Magician Girl joked.

Seto ran his fingers over the cube to activate its transporter and Dark Magician Girl amplified its beam into the portal. The trio stepped inside, and just like that, they were gone. All that was left behind was the sheer and utter devastation of what had been the beautifully sculpted gardens surrounding the mansion.

Seto stood and looked at the cube in his hand. It was still glowing.

"Is it meant to do that?" Shizuka wondered.

Seto held it out at arms length. "I'm not sure. It should have switched off when I touched here." He tapped a tiny button on the corner. "But it's not responding."

Jonouch let out a shriek. "Arghhh! Shit! It's gonna explode! Everyone run for cover!" He grabbed Honda and hid behind him. His panic made the others start to back away.

The cube suddenly became very hot in Seto's hand and he yelped, instinctively throwing it into the pond. "Everyone, get back!" He shouted, as a fountain of water shot skyward. The cube then catapulted high into the sky and exploded into a colourful display of gold and silver stars.

Everyone gasped in awe as the stars rearranged themselves into one big star before slowly fading into nothingness.

"I think that was Dark Magician Girl's way of saying Merry Christmas," Yugi laughed.

Seto scowled. Those three from the afterlife must have planned this between them. If they thought that would stop him from reaching into other worlds, then they had better think again, because he had already thought of several ways in which to improve on the design. "Why are we all still standing outside in the cold?" He huffed. "Christmas isn't over yet. Let's forget about this mess and go inside to continue our celebrations. We still have gifts to unwrap, don't we?"

Hearing his brother suggest that they should be celebrating Christmas, was the best Christmas present Mokuba could ever have.

I know not everyone celebrates Christmas, but whatever your faith, I hope you all had a peaceful and happy holiday.