AN: Hello Everyone, Tekky here, welcome back to the third part of the Return of Hose Emerys, as we know a lot of stuff has happened and I don't know if I will be able to match the length of the last story but I hope that I can keep the quality of this series going, anyways, I do not own Harry Potter, Yu-Gi-Oh, Destiny, Fairy Tail, The Avengers, Marvel, DC or any of those things. i do own Melody Smith, Tekuya Vermilion, Krystal Valarie and most of the OC Yu-Gi-Oh Decks and Cards used in these stories, Takeshi Equinos, Minnyllia Fenix and Mordem Dracion are owned by my Brothers and Sister, I hope you enjoy this story, Tek Out.


Everyone stared at him in shock "I didn't know that it would become a Death Game, that wasn't in the briefing but I did help design the Custom Blacksmith levelling system, the Weapons System so there are close to 50 different weapon types in the game, the small amount of Magic System which is only on enchanted items and I helped design some of the levels, this game is partial of my design" he smirked at them all.

"So you're not a Beta Tester or a Cheater, you are a God Damned Devil" Tekuya chuckled "A devil *Scoffs* hardly, I'm much, much worse, tell me, you have all put your skill points into your slots, have you not?" they all nodded, Tekuya and the other eight opened their menus and made them public, everyone saw that they hadn't used a single point and that they were almost ten levels higher than everyone else.

"So you see, we didn't need the skills, we are so much more than you could dream of being, come on guys, let's leave the sheep to follow the loudest bleat" and with that the Nine walked through the doorway, Kirito and Asuna following at a rapid pace.


Cassie smirked at Dumbledore "You won't be able to lock me up this time, they will all demand to know where I am and that Wand will not obey you properly as the Peverell Lord is alive and out of your reach" Dumbledore scowled as the rest of the teachers watched in interest, Cassie grinned "Nothing to say, shame, you are losing power old man, I won't allow you to destroy everything my parents worked for" Dumbledore growled "One of your parents caused the darkness we face".

Cassie growled and an aura of power started crushing down on Dumbledore "My Father was a great man, his son was a maniac, you shall never take his name in vain in front of me, Salazar Slytherin may not have liked Mundanes after they burned his first wife but all he wanted was to protect the Mundaneborns" the aura disappeared and the other teachers murmured and whispered about what they had heard and witnessed.

(Kings Cross Station)

Hermione then walked over to Melody "This is Melody Dragneel" Melody smiled "Hello Elizabeth, I am Princess Melody Dragneel of the Achnadin Line, and Luna is Princess Luna Lovegood of the Achnadin Line" Hermione and the other looked at her in confusion.

Queen Elizabeth blinked in surprise before grinning "Ah, good to see that the Achnadin Line survived, is there anymore of you?" Melody smiled before gesturing to Tom "This is Prince Thomas Dragneel of the Achnadin Line and our other Brother is trapped in Sword Art Online with Prince Apep" Queen Elizabeth nodded "Then we will have to hope they survive" Melody nodded with a smile "They will, my Brother and Harry will destroy anything that tries to harm their friends, now I think Hermione should introduce you to the rest of our group".

And now the Continuation.