This was without a shadow of the doubt, the most awkward dinner of my life. And when I took a moment to actually remember just how awkward moments I'd had; the statement still rang true. Joining my boyfriend's ridiculously large extended family for their weekly family dinner was far more awkward than the time I accidentally walked in on my parents celebrating their anniversary. There was no convincing me otherwise.

Of course, it was my own damn fault. I'd known just how awkward this nightmare of dinner would be and yet I'd still agreed to come along. Well, that was only after Fred had spent the better part of a year trying to convince me to join him. So really, if I considered things for a moment, it was quite obviously Fred's fault. Fred and his damn puppy dog eyes. I shouldn't have fallen weak, I should have fortified my nerve against him and yet here I was, sitting across from two of his cousins – Albus and Louis – as they spoke between themselves about Mrs Potter's new gig as a Sports Correspondent for the Daily Prophet.

The same Mrs Potter that I'd been introduced to years ago as her son's girlfriend – thankfully she was the only member of the Potter family that I had been introduced to. There was no questioning it, meeting her again and being introduced this time as her nephew's girlfriend had been more than a little horrifying. But then she had just given me this small smile before moving swiftly on.

I knew that I was probably the sole cause behind a rather large portion of my anxiety but I couldn't help it. For some stupid reason, I felt like a criminal, like Fred's family thought of me as some scarlet woman who was making her way through the men of the family. If they did think of me like that, they certainly had the manners not to say it to my face. I could be thankful for the at least.

Fred had been my constant companion from the moment we'd set foot in 'The Burrow' and whilst at first, I had been more thankful than words could describe knowing that I had his support, my thoughts soon changed. The arm he perpetually had around my waist, the kisses he continued to pepper to my hands, my cheeks, my forehead were prompting rather scary thoughts in his grandmother's head. She was already talking about adding me to the family clock – whatever that meant. And when I asked Fred about it, he simply chuckled quietly and assured me that I would find out in time.

The arm around my shoulder squeezed me gently for a moment as I sat listening as Rose suddenly walked into the room and decided that she needed to 'beat a lesson into Albus's thick skull to get it to stick'. Although I tried to pay attention to what I was assured was a regular squabble between Rose and Albus, I found myself paying attention to the way Fred was leaning in towards me; he was going to kiss me again. Only this time before he could, I shuffled slightly away from him and completely ignored the perturbed frown he threw towards me.

"Leave the poor girl alone," his father demanded suddenly, following his brothers out into the garden as they murmured something about gnomes and explosions – I dared not to ask. Meeting my eyes, Fred's father gave me a reassuring wink, "Don't worry, I'll take him off of your hands for a while – stop him from pawing at you."

Fred started to protest instantly. "Dad –"

"That would be great," I said with a smile that had Fred protesting even more but only until his father crossed the room towards the sofa we were sharing. Fred paid his father no mind and instead continued to pester me about whether I thought he was pawing at me, like his father had declared.

"Come along, boy," his father insisted, reaching out to grasp him by the sleeve and forcing him to his feet.

Fred, all 6 foot something of him, continued to protest and struggle but he was no match for his father. As he was dragged out of the room, he threw a final pout at me from over his shoulder and I simply responded with a blowing a kiss towards him. My eyes continued to follow the father-son duo, completely missing Rose as she tackled Albus to the floor, all while Albus screamed at the top of his lungs that he wouldn't hurt a girl. Rose, in turn, demanded he face her like a man.

"James," Mr Weasley called out, now grabbing Fred by the ear when he tried to break free. He stopped in the doorway, looking to his nephew, "Are you going to join us in the garden? We've found a rather fun way to get rid of the gnomes this year."

"In a minute," James assured, stepping out of the way and letting his uncle pass.

When Fred reached out to him for help, James simply stuck his tongue out childishly in response. For a moment longer, he continued to watch as the two Weasleys retreated towards the back garden and then he was looking around the room. The way his eyes bypassed the squabble his brother was having with Rose – one that looked rather one-sided in all honesty – I could tell that it was a regular occurrence. His eyes continued to look around the room until they settled on me and then they narrowed playfully as he pointed a finger towards me as if ordering me to remain seated.

I watched his approach with narrowed eyes but remained seated, nonetheless. James took the seat Fred had forcefully been removed from and turned expectantly towards me. For a moment I watched him silently, brows raised curiously and waiting for whatever it was he wanted to say to me.

"Awkward isn't it?" he started eventually, shooting me a knowing smile. "Being around my family?"

"The most awkward thing ever," I said truthfully with a relieved sigh; it was the first time that I had admitted it aloud since entering the Burrow. Just saying the words certainly felt like a weight had been released from my chest.

"Well keep your chin up," he said moving to shuck my chin but catching himself halfway through the motion with a sheepish smile. "It'll get less awkward eventually."

"Salazar, I hope you're right."

James glanced around the room before leaning slowly towards me. He spoke in a lowered voice, "Just so you know, Fred's mum used to date our Uncle Fred – before he, you know. So, if anything, our family is used to this."