KawaiiCutie12: What's up guys? It's ya girl tsumi, and welcome back to my storytimes. We've got another oneshot of a very liked couple.

Vee: Me and Prez?

KawaiiCutie12: Nah, sorry b, it's Lenny and Yucca again.

Vee: Oh.. *sulks into corner*

Yucca: Yeah!

Lenny: I'm lovin' this content!!

Preston: *scoffs* Why on earth would you pick them? I'm pretty sure my beautiful angel and I are way more interesting people *stares in awe at Vee*

Vee: *strokes his hair* No, it's okay Prez, clearly we're not anymore *glares*

KawaiiCutie12: Guys I-

*Preston and Vee storm out hand in hand*

KawaiiCutie12: *sighs* are all rich kids bratty?

Lenny: Meh, who cares? let's get onto the story.

KawaiiCutie12: Who's doing the disclaimer?

Yucca: KawaiiCutie12 doesn't own pop pixie, and Preston belongs to TunaMayo (It'd be a pretty good idea to check her stories out ;D)

KawaiiCutie12: Let's get this party started!!!

"Crimson wave"

It was fairly quiet in the elves' house. Then again, there were only two elves in the house. The purple-haired ones were vacationing somewhere far from Pixieville, and the green-haired ones weren't even in the dimension. It was just the redheads there today. And one of them was gonna have their day ruined.

Hours later:

Yucca stirred in bed, as the sunlight tried to seep through her thick magenta curtains. She slowly opened her eyes, taking in her room.

"What time is it?" she mumbled out loud. She rolled over sluggishly, only to feel an aching in the lower part of her stomach. She glanced at the clock, which read 10:15 am, and slowly made her way to her bathroom.

It didn't take long for her to realize why she was in pain. She showered, changed her pajamas, and flopped onto her bed.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" she grumbled, "couldn't this have waited until next week?"

She slowly got up, as to not increase the pain that had now spread to her lower back. Once she got downstairs, she came face to face with Lenny, who was agressively eating cereal (A/N: Geez Lenny, slow down beofre you choke xD). He stopped upon seeing her, and went to give her a hug. Normally, she'd soak in his embrace, but today, she just wasn't in the mood.

"Not now, Lenny." she pulled away.

Lenny frowned, confused and a bit hurt as to why she pulled away.

Yucca must have saw his face and felt guilty. "Sorry, babe," she apologized, "it's just my...woman thing."

Lenny rose his brow, then quickly realized what she meant. "Oh damn, sorry baby."

Yucca chuckled and shook her head. "It's not your fault, Lenny."

Lenny shrugged. "Still..."

Yucca ate breakfast as Lenny finished the last bit of his plate.

"So...ya wanna play a video game?"

Yucca looked over and nodded. Despite the face that Lenny constantly beated her in video games, they still considered it "their thing".

She finished up and they went up to Lenny's room. They played a few rounds of his favorite game, and just as expected, Lenny was the victor.

"Yes, I won!" Lenny cried, "in ya face!"

Yucca was gonna retort when she felt a sharp pain. She grabbed her stomach, causing Lenny to stop boasting immediately.

"What's wrong, are you okay?" Lenny rushed over to her.

Yucca looked up and gave him a reassuring smile. "It's just cramps, don't worry."

Lenny didn't like seeing his girl in pain. He motioned her to lie down; once she did so, he began massaging her, causing her to sigh in contentment.

"Hey, I've got an idea." Yucca sat up, interested in what he had to say.

"Let's eat ice cream sundaes, maybe that'll help."


They headed down to the freezer, where two huge tubs of chocolate and strawberry ice cream were, and began building their sundaes. Just as Yucca was gonna put whipped cream on hers, Lenny smeared some on her face.

"Lenny!" she shouted.

He chuckled and stuck his tongue out, causing a mini war between the two. After rinsing the gunk from their hair, they resumed building their sundaes, and watched their favorite series. During the middle of it, Yucca got up.

"Be right back," she told Lenny, "Imma go shower."


Yucca pushed his head and they laughed. She headed up the stairs, leaving Lenny downstairs by himself. He sat there bored, then whipped out his phone.

About 30 minutes later, Yucca came downstairs and they began eating and continued their series. In the middle, Yucca laid her head on Lenny's lap; shortly after, however, she grabbed her stomach again.

Lenny glanced down at her. "What's wrong?"

Yucca sat up. "I shouldn't have eaten that. Do we have any medicine?"

Lenny got up and went to a cabinet in the kitchen. He came back with two pills, and a glass of water. He gave them to Yucca, and she almost immediately took them.

"Thanks, babes," she told him, "for everything."

Lenny grabbed her hand. "Hey, it's what I do best."

Yucca raised her eyebrow. "Is it?"

They chuckled, and Lenny grabbed the remote. As he glance over to turn off the TV, he caught sight of the clock.

"Hey, it's pretty late, why don't we just go to sleep?" Lenny suggested.

Yucca agreed, and they headed up the stairs. They went to Yucca's room, where they brushed their teeths, and got bundled up in her bed.

"What a day," Lenny sighed and flopped on the bed.

"Uh, you weren't the one that had to deal with cramps all day and ruined clothes were ya?" Yucca retorted.

Lenny looked at her, with the straightest face ever. "Caring for you is too much."

Yucca smacked him with a pillow.


"Talk shit and get hit, babe."

"That shouldn't apply to me!"

"Actually, considering the fact that you're my boyfriend, it gives me more of a reason to enforce it."

"...fine, you win."

Yucca stuck her tongue out, and Lenny decided that would be a perfect to poke her tongue with his.

She gave him a dirty look as he laughed. "I really hate you."

"Love you too." He rolled over and fixed his pillow. "Goodnight."

"Night love."

They fell into a deep sleep.

Next Morning:

Yucca slowly got up and went to the bathroom like before. For some odd reason, she knew all the symptoms she had yesterday would fade, so she didn't worry much today.

She walked out and smiled at Lenny's peaceful face. He's so gonna kill me for this.

She grabbed her phone and turned the volume all the way up. She put it next to Lenny's ear and pressed play.

Just as she expected, Lenny shot up. He turned to a hysterical Yucca. "What the hell was that for?"

She caught her breath. "Sorry, I just wanted to scare you."

Lenny smirked, and Yucca knew what he was thinking.

"Come here you!"

Yucca bolted out of the room, and Lenny chased after her. Yep, they were back to the old grind.

KawaiiCutie12: I'm gonna be honest...I was really contemplating writing this

Yucca: Why I liked this! Well...certain parts.

KawaiiCutie12: I don't usually write stories like...this

Lenny: I actually survived this...I'M A GOD.

Yucca: *rolls eyes* Lenny stop being dramatic

KawaiiCutie12: *leans into Yucca's ear* He's a boy, he wouldn't understand

Yucca: *chuckles* true

KawaiiCutie12: *turns around* Are you guys still mad at me?

Vee: *glares at KawaiiCutie12, then looks back at Preston*

Preston: *still staring at Vee* You are so gorgeous, ya know that?

KawaiiCutie12: I've come to the conclusion that ALL privileged rich kids are SPOILED BRATS.

Floxy: Hey, my cousin's not spoiled, and when do WE come back?

KawaiiCutie12: You don't come back in this story, and sorry.

Floxy: Damn

Vee: Wait so I'm not spoild but I'm a brat?

Floxy: ...gotta go, bye!

Vee: *lets go of Preston's hand* FLOXYY!!! *chases after him*

KawaiiCutie12: OK I give up, remind the readers what to do!

Everyone but Preston and Vee: READ AND REVIEW!!!!!!