Devil May Cry: Blood For Peace

Chapter 1: A City OF Corruption

It had been a long fight, but he finally did it. Two years ago he had thought his fate had been sealed with his defeat to Mundus and his brother not too long after. A soul trapped in hell facing eternal torture for his path of destruction he followed all for the sake of power. A Power which only lead him to his own self destruction. But with this new life he had after escaping hell, he was determined to lead a much better life than before. So many things he would take back, but now redemption was all he had.

After hearing rumors of a Capital City full of corruption and bloodshed, Vergil took it upon himself to go to that city and see how bad it really was over there. Humans were so predictable when it came to corruption, so hearing about such a city didn't surprise him at all.

Hidden under a full body cloak here he was looking at the city ahead of him. He kept on walking towards the gate. Just before he could reach the gate, he picked up an ominous presence, it wasn't a demon like he usually detected, it was something different. Bursting through the ground came a Dragon, Vergil jumped back avoiding the attack. The guards in the distance didn't bother to step in, but he didn't need any help. Vergil stood there waiting for the Dragon to strike, the beast brought its claw down hard into the ground, Vergil just stepped back completely evading the strike. With the claw in the ground, Vergil took his chance and jumped up on the Dragons hand and charged up its arm with blinding speed, once Vergil got to its head he jumped at the beast waving his sword with elite quickness. Landing on the ground after a front flip he stood there while the Dragon stood frozen, with the sheath of his blade, the Dragons head split into four pieces at the click of his blade handle. Once the sword was put away, blood spewed out like a fountain behind him before the body disappeared after turning to dust. He put his hood back on and walked past the two guards who looked at him with theirs jaws dropped at how easy he killed the Dragon.

Vergil just entered the Capital city casually since the guards were too shocked to say anything. As he walked through the city, Vergil saw the expression on the faces of the people who lived here, it was the look of fear and sadness, a hard thing to see with a city that housed so many people that had families, just more people to add to this hellhole. No one In this city he passed had a happy look, there were some like shop keepers and other store managers, but he could tell those smiles were just a façade to hide the pain they were going through.

After walking about five blocks, Vergil walked past an ally way but stopped in his tracks at the sound of a man yelling. Three men surrounded a young girl, she looked poor and looked about twelve years old with purple eyes, had Blue medium shoulder length hair with a medium strand of bangs that curved diagonally downwards just barely covering her right eye. She was wearing a dirty dark blue dress with short sleeves and old shoes
"Your father owes us money sweetie, We owe the army, if we don't get it back to them their gonna kill us, so cough it up, get your old man to cough it up or you die."

The little girl was terrified but did her best to stay strong and speak.

"I-I don't have anything, and my f-father is at work."

Before any of the men could respond, Vergil teleported above the three men and did a front flip driving the heels of his feet into the heads of two knocking them out cold and cracked the remaining man's skull with the sheathed Yamato killing him. Vergil landed on his feet. And the girl blinked then smiled.

"T-Thank you for saving me." Said the girl softly.

Vergil looked over at her and half smiled.

"You don't need to thank me little one, they deserved it."

Vergil reached into his pocket and gave the little girl six-hundred dollars in gold coins and gently patted her head.

"Go buy yourself some new clothes and whatever else you need. Be safe."

"Thank you so much, mister." She said giving him a bright smile.

He patted her head again.

"Take care little one." After that, he turned his back and walked away while the little girl made her way to her fathers work.

Vergil had gotten a good amount of money from a few mercenary jobs over his travels. He didn't need power anymore, but he did need some money after he escaped if he wanted to travel. So he did what he had to and it was thanks to that, he was able to even come this far.

As Vergil left the alley way a tall blonde woman in the shadows smiled, she had watched the whole event in the ally.

"That guy could be a huge asset to the team!" The woman left the shadow of the building and followed Vergil back to the open area of town. After passing a few shops, Vergil stops in his tracks and looks over his shoulder.

"Is there a reason you're following me?" Said, Vergil.

There was a short silence before two brown boots stepped out of an ally way shadow.

"So you knew huh? For how long?" Asked the woman. She had short-medium length Blonde hair that had two tufts that went down along the frame of her head, yellow eyes and wore white pants without an open part that exposed her thighs and black underwear and had a strange looking belt on. The pants were some kind of fighters pants which explained the opening. She wore a black tube top with white detachable sleeves and had a white scarf around her neck and brown boots.

"Ever since I left the alley." He answered.

She giggled.

"Okay, ya got me cutie. I liked what I saw back there, you really took it to those guys, in one hit too." Replied the blonde with a smaller grin.

"So, Whats a stranger like you doin' in the big bad Imperial capital city?" She asks.

"I heard that this place is full of corruption and unfair rule, I got curious and wanted to see how bad it was for myself." He replied.

"Yeah? So you one of those guys that are into all things involving tragedies and such?" She jokes putting her hands at her hips.

Vergil shakes his head.

"I just wanted to see how long the spiral of humanity's downfall can be in one of the worst places like the Imperial Capital. It amuses me how money can really go to a higher authorities head." Vergil replies.

The blonde woman grins.

"Oooooo, I like that answer. Hey, if you wanna know a lot more about this place I can give you the whole detail, I grew up in this city around this area." She offers.

Vergil stoically raises a brow.

"What's the catch?" He asks, well aware she was onto something if she would go so far as talking to a complete stranger.

She grins widely

"How's about treating me to lunch? Sounds fair to me, a whole explanation of this place for a meal and maybe a few drinks too." She says giving a wink.

Vergil sighs, he did have to admit he was pretty curious about this place and its dark details so he nodded, he had money to burn so he was fine with it.

"Alright! This way I know a perfect place~" The Woman lead the way down the street humming to herself cheerfully while Vergil followed her down the street.

The woman brought him to a pub and grill. She found them a table and once they sat down she didn't hesitate to order several bottles of different Liquor. Whiskey, Vodka and Rum and a few more. She ordered food too but mostly ordered alcohol. Vergil, on the other hand, ordered food and a small glass of wine, he rarely drank because his tolerance level was really low and one glass of wine was all he could handle.

The woman downed her glass of whiskey and let out a relieved sigh as she took the empty glass away from her lips, there was already a thin layer of pink on her cheeks, with everything she had it was no surprise she would get drunk quickly.

"Ahhhhh~ Hahaha that's the stuff!" She exclaimed giving a wide smile.

" So, am I going to sit here and watch you get more intoxicated? Or am I finally going to get some answers before you pass out?" Said Vergil getting more and more impatient with the woman whose name he didn't yet know.

"You just gotta relax man, here have a cup." She replies offering his Whiskey to which, Vergil politely declined.

"I'd rather not thanks, but I would like some answers." He says, the impatience much more obvious in his tone.

"Okay, okay, I got it." Replied the woman waving her hand dismissively.

"The corruption mixed with all the wealth in the Capital is making pretty much all the little counties outside of the Capital victims to poverty, and they don't do a damn thing to help. We got a bunch of high ranking guards killing people who are innocent, some taking bribes to kill families. Anything you can think a corrupted government would do- you can bet the Capital is doing it and probably a lot worse too." Explained the woman.

"So then…it is every bit as bad as I heard." He replies, not impressed with how corrupted this place was, mass corruption and several crooked crimes against the people of the population, it really was disgusting.

"Mmhm. This place is pretty shitty, to be honest." She replies then stands up.

"Alright, anyway I said my peace, thanks for lunch but I gotta get going." She takes two steps away then stops and glances back at him.

"Hopefully we'll meet again cutie, see ya~" She gave a smile and winked giving a single wave before she left.

Vergil called for the bill and saw how expensive it was. Vergil had only ordered a single cup of red wine and a plate of five chicken drumsticks which alone would have been pretty cheap, but she ordered a huge combo of cheesesteak, wings and several bottles of alcohol which added up to one-hundred fifty-five. He let out an annoyed sigh then paid and left.

Vergil looked up at the sky and noticed the sun was already half way down. He figured now would be a good time to stay at an inn. He passed the plaza then stumbled upon a wall with three wanted posters on it. One was a picture of a man with long hair and had bangs coming down with a few of them passed his eyes. It said his name was Bulat and was an associate of some group called Night Raid. The other two posters were more Night Raid associates. One was a picture of a girl with long hair, it said her name was Akame. The final person was a woman with short hair and an eye patch on her right eye. It said her name was Najenda.

Vergil read information about the group and found out they were a group of Assassins. This interested him but once he was done looking, he continued toward the Inn. He entered and paid for a room and decided to try turning in for the night and managed to fall asleep. At midnight exactly Vergil suddenly woke up, He was sleeping for six hours until now and he didn't want to get up so he turned over and closed his eyes trying to sleep again, but no matter what he did his body just refused to sleep and he didn't know why. Giving in he sighed, stretched than got out of bed and change back into his usual clothes. Once that was done he threw on his signature blue long coat grabbed his sheathed sword then left the hotel.

Since he couldn't sleep, he figured he could take this chance and see if the Imperial Capital City was even worse at night and from what he stepped in to stop earlier in the day, he could only imagine what he would see at night when most of the city slept.

Walking around the main plaza, Vergil could see a few people were out still, but there wasn't many. Vergil continued to walk around when he got to the main street, he heard a commotion in a nearby alleyway. From what he could tell it sounded like someone getting hit.

In the alley was three imperial guards, two were beating on the parents while the other one kept an eye on a little girl. She looked about thirteen, small frame, blue medium length hair and wore a torn dress.

"This what you get for not paying back what you owe, we don't do our work for nothing you know!" Shouted the man as him and the other continued to beat on both parents.

"Stop hurting my parents! Pleeeeease stop!" The little girl pled with tears forming in her eyes.

"This is what they get kid, watch closely, this is the real fucking world." Shouted the man kicking the father In the face.

Vergil watched with an evil inhuman glare in his eyes. He couldn't stand this anymore, this place truly disgusted him.

"..Enough of this!"

Vergil wasted no time getting involved, he kicked off his heel and charged at the guards, on his way he put his cloak over the girl's eyes and quickly spoke to her.

"Trust me, sweetie, you don't want to see this, leave your parents to me."

before they could say or do anything more, Vergil teleported reappearing on the wall behind them, he ran up the wall jumped off and channeled demonic energy to his foot and leg then unleashed a powerful kick hitting the guard square in the face. His eyes went behind his head and immediately after the impact he was sent spiraling hard into a brick wall creating a dent on collision. The guy coughed out blood and fell to the ground lifeless leaving the other guards horrified. Vergil grinned and drew his blade slicing off the arms of the second guard making him scream out in pain as the blood spewed from his arm stumps.

Vergil cut off the head off the armless man killing him in a fountain of blood. The final guard tried running away but Vergil teleported in front of him.

"You're not going anywhere besides hell!" Says Vergil with a sinister look on his face shooting fear into the guard by his stare.

The guard screamed but Vergil cut him off by stabbing him in the heart then violently jerked his blade to the right cutting a major organ as he forced it out, but he wasn't finished there, he topped it off by swinging his sword wildly cutting the guards five limbs off painting the walls and ground in blood. The guard was nothing but a torso with stumps on the arms, legs, and neck. The Bodies laid there in a pool of blood and Vergil sheathed his blade.

"T-Thank you.." Muttered the mother while the father just laid there breathing slow. Suddenly a figure appeared above them on a low rooftop, from what he could tell, it was a green haired man but Vergil didn't get a good view yet since the moon was behind a very thin layer of clouds.

"Aw shit, guys! Our targets are already dead." He called out looking behind him. Then Vergil heard a very familiar female voice.

"I knew I smelled blood." She took another sniff.

"Oh crap! Guys, we have two wounded people hurry and get your asses over here!" She ordered.

Three other people emerged behind them before all five jumped down to the alley.

"Mine, Lub, and Sheele bring these two to the nearby hospital, there's a doc I know working the night shift go!" The three nodded, the little girl popped her head out of the cloak and Vergil patted her on the head softly.

"You're parents are gonna make it child, go on home I promise they will be back." She blinked then finally smiled.

"T-Thank you for saving them." After that, she ran home. Vergil looked over at the strangers. The woman walked out of the shadows and saw that it was the same woman from earlier, only this time she had longer blonde hair that went down her back and had Lion's ears and big Lion paws.

"Well well, I was hoping I'd see ya again cutie, I just didn't think it would be standing above the bodies of my targets." She says putting a paw on her hip.

"Your targets?" He asked.

The three other people that showed up with her returned.

"We're back, those people are getting treated and the little girl's brother showed up, they should be fine now." The other girl stepped out of the shadows, she was short, had pink eyes and pink hair with long Twintails on the left and right on her head, she wore a tied shawl with a high collar, a pink log sleeved shirt with a pink gown over it and black stockings and pink shoes. She was also carrying some kind of big gun on her back.

"Who the hells this?" Asked the pinkette.

"That guy I told you I met for lunch, still don't know his name yet though." Replied the blonde.

The young man with green hair with bangs covering his left eye and had goggles on his head. He had a dark green long coat with white fur on the collar, a white shirt underneath and blue loose slim fit jeans and special red cut off gloves that had a round mechanism with piano wire on them.

"They'll make it, even the father despite the guy having the worst of the injuries, I was sure he was as good as dead." Says the green haired young man.

The final person who left showed up, she was a woman with long purple hair, purple eyes and black rectangle framed eyeglasses. She wore a revealing purple sleeveless cheongsam with detached lilac arm sleeves and white boots and a white Chinese bun on her head, she also had a scar on her right cheek. She had a giant pair of scissors she was carrying on her back.

"So what should we do guys? This is the first time our targets were already dead when we arrived." Asked the bespectacled purple woman.

The blonde looked around at the others and hummed in thought.

"You're right, let's see."

Vergil put two and two together.

"So you guys are with Night Raid, that mercenary group I've heard so much about." Said Vergil, he didn't think the woman he met was a mercenary. It was amusing how some things could have an unexpected turn of events.

Just before anymore words could be said, the sound of footsteps heading towards them. The blonde took a sniff.

"We got reinforcements and there's no time to escape so I guess we're kicking their asses."

As soon as she said that the entire alley was surrounded by armed guards.

"Night Raid, surrender or die!" Said the leading guard.

"We're not goin' anywhere but through your sorry asses." After that she lunged at the group and took out several guards dodging attacks and punching, kicking and countering every attack thrown at her.

The twin-tailed pinkette grinned as several guards lined up in front of her, preparing their attack.

"Why the smiled girlie? Are you so eager to die?!" Asked one of the men.

"Nope, It's just amusing how stupid you idiots really are." She said as the men raised their swords and spears. Before they could even get a chance to strike, the girl took aim with her weapon.

"You idiotic aggression is gonna make your deaths so much simpler."


A huge ball of energy appeared at the end of her weapon, it grew and in a flash the ball let out a huge orange beam of energy that grew and scorched the men making them scream as their bodies disintegrated into ashes.

"Hah, losers!"

The green haired young man waited for the men to charge at him with their weapons raised. He smiled

"Just what I was waiting for." As soon as they passed within ten meters of him he pulled his hands and in the dim light of the alley, the piano wire attached to his glove sparkled once in the light for a second and as soon as he pulled the wire pulled up shredding the guards into bloody pieces.

A circle of men surrounded the girl with the scissors; she stood eyeing them watching their every move.

"Just wait for it…." She silently told herself.

As soon as she blinked the guards went in for a strike then she ducked twirled her body around causing the swords and spears to miss her and hit each other. Taking the chance in front of her she got low and spun her weapon around in a circle cutting all the men around hers legs clean off making them scream out in pain.

With them on the ground she simply stabbed each of them delivering the killing blow each time.

Guards surrounded Vergil as well mistaking him for another member of Night Raid.

"You're finished buddy, you should know what you're in for when messing around in the Capital!" Shouted a guard, his hand gripping his sword getting ready for a strike.

"You think you stand a chance? Hmph!" Vergil pushed up his blade with his thumb. One second he was standing still, but when the guards blinked he was gone, during the single second they blinked, Vergil dashed by the large group of imperial guards swinging his blade several times, in normal human speed, all it looked like was a shade of blue zooming right between them followed by flashes of steel from his blade. By the time the guards opened their eyes they were frozen in pain as blood slowly trickled down the many wounds on their body.

"W-W-What the hell.." The guard coughs up blood.

"S-so fast!"

"All of you think just because you wear armor of the Capital it makes you a god among insects, but the truth is…all of you are delusional. You've been the insects the entire time.." After his sharp words, Vergil sheathed his blade with a click of the handle hitting the base of the sheath, right on queue with the click the wounds opened and blood spewed out of them like a fountain and they fell to the ground lifeless in a large pool of blood.

The members of Night Raid witness Vergil's power and were in awe, they had never seen someone as powerful as that besides their own subordinate swordswoman.

Leone spoke being the first to break the silence.

"Holy shit, that was freakin' AWESOME!" Exclaimed the blonde as she ran up to Vergil.

"Not only are you cute, but you can be a badass too, those are some kick-ass skills. You should join us! We could really use someone like you on our team." Said the Blonde with a wide grin.

"Join you guys? Why would I do that?" He asked.

"Well, you hate the corruption too don't you? And don't bullshit man, when we met for lunch I could tell how much you hated it." Said the blonde crossing her arms.

Vergil knew she had him there, but he wasn't sure about his decision yet, but the mercenary group Night Raid did interest him but it was just out of pure curiosity at this point.

"I despise the corruption here, but I have no reason to raise my blade for these people. In fact, I'm here just out of curiosity." He paused

"But, I do feel some sort of pity for the people here." He added, humming in thought.

"How about this, you come back to base and check it out, after you see it all then you could decide? How's that sound?" Asked the blonde, she was so persistent and he wondered why.

The woman with the glasses walked up to him

"I'm almost certain you'd like it there, at least give it a chance. Think of all the good we can accomplish." She says.

Vergil sighed.

"Very well, I'll come with you—just to see. I'll humor you all for now.." He says.

"SWEET!" Exclaimed the blonde throwing her arms up into the air in excitement.

"We'll talk more shortly, I say we get outta here before any more show up." Says the woman with glasses.

The blonde leads the way and the others and Vergil followed closely behind them. After about ten minutes, they were already on the outskirts of the Capital on a hill that lead to the way out of town.

They carried on out of the city and finally arrived back at their stronghold, Vergil was surprised at how concealed it was. The stronghold was a huge castle hidden right under a cliff that kept the castle well our of view, some of the group broke off upon arrival while some stayed for introductions.

"Now that we're in the clear, I think introductions are in order. C'mon I'll introduce you to some of the guys." Said the blonde.

"I'm Leone, been a member for a while now, nice to officially meet you~" Leone looked over at the pinkette with the twin-tails, she crosses her arms.

"I'm Mine, don't expect me to be your friend just because you have good sword skills. You have a long way to go before you can impress me." Replied Vergil walking past Mine ahead a bit before stopping to wait for Leone

"Don't worry, I could care less what you think." Replied Vergil, his response caused her to huff with flustered cheeks.

"Y-Yeah?! Well good, you stupid jerk!" She says stomping her foot angrily, her face a bit flustered at the unexpected response she got.

Leone laughed a little. "Oooo dude's got a tongue as sharp as his sword too!" She giggled "I love this guy!" She exclaimed very much amused.

Leone looked over at the green haired young man. But just before he could introduce himself, Leone quickly cut him off.

"That's Lubbock, he's skilled but take my word for it, he's an idiot." Spoke

Leone with a smile

"Leeeeone?! Why do you gotta make it sound like I'm some scumbag creep!" He protested.

"Well, I'm not exactly wrong." She replies giving a smile.

"Awwwwwwww where's the love?" Lubbock exclaims.

Leone looks at the woman with the glasses.

"I'm Sheele, it's nice to meet you." She says holding out her hand for a shake.

There was no other members there, the others who were with them previously with them had went inside.

"Vergil, likewise." He replies taking her hand and giving it a shake before taking his hand back.

Sheele blinked. "Oh, that's right! Leone, the boss is back, but she's going to be heading out tomorrow morning, I think she should meet our new recruit here before she heads out tomorrow otherwise she won't be back until later, she's upstairs."

Leone nodded. "Good call Sheele, alright I'll go find her." She tapped Vergil's shoulder. "C'mon lets go."

Vergil said nothing and followed her. They walked up the stairs, as they got to the top a woman with short silver hair, very light purple eyes with the exception of an eyepatch covering the socket where her eye used to be. She had a black choker that had laces leading down under her black formal suit which showed a little bit of her cleavage. She also had a mechanical right arm and wore black formal slacks with black shoes.

"Heya boss!" Called out Leone greeting the woman.

"Hello Leone, and who's thi-." She stopped mid-sentence when she saw Vergil's sword then half smiled to which Vergil took note of.

"Well well, I thought it was just an old legend. Never did I think I would be face to face with the elder child of the Legendary Sparda." She said.

Leone blinked. "You know him?" she asked a little confused.

"I know of him, but never personally met him, until now anyway." She answered.

"Is he a new recruit?" Asked the woman.

"Yeah sort of, but I'd like him to join, he's really skilled with a sword and I think he'd be a big help." Replied Leone.

The eyepatched woman walked up to Vergil and held out her mechanical hand.

"I'm Najenda, an honor to meet you."

Vergil took her hand giving it a shake.

"Vergil, pleased to make your acquaintance." He replied.

"Vergil, I encourage you to hear more about us." Said Najenda.

Vergil said nothing and nodded.

Najenda looked over at Leone.

"Leone, gather the others. I'd like to tell Vergil about our resolve." She politely ordered.

"You got it boss!" Leone replied giving a thumbs up before heading off to do as she was asked.

"Right this way Vergil." Said Najenda leading the way.

Vergil nodded and followed her down to the main room. It had a carpet and a chair below a large red banner that had a moon behind an owl with red eyes for the insignia with the words; Night Raid written below.

Najenda sat on the chair and all the other members gathered around with Vergil standing beside Leone.

"Everyone thank you for coming. Leone has brought a new recruit that could be a major asset to our team. This is Vergil the child of the Dark Knight Sparda, I explained the tale before a few weeks ago when we were talking about ancient legends. Now, Vergil, Leone has told me you've most of our team, well allow me to introduce you to the remaining two."

"That young lady over there to the far left is Akame, she is one of the best fighters on Night Raid."

Akame was a young girl with long black hair that went down to her knee's, red eyes. She wore a black sleeveless mini dress with a white collar and red tie, she wears a red belt that has a side skirt cover. She wears it with long black socks and black shoes. On missions she would sometimes wear a long dark coat and always has red and black gauntlets on the job.

"Pleased to meet you." Says Akame to which Vergil nods.


Najenda continued "Over there to the right is Bulat. Another skilled member of Night Raid and the strongest in terms of pure strength. Bulat here was a high ranking member of the Imperial Military before he joined us after finding out the truth."

Bulat was a tall muscular man with black hair combed up into a heart-shaped pompadour and blue eyes. He wore a black shirt with green shoulders, chest armor, and white pants. Over his top, he had a leather jacket with black spikes popping out of the leather jackets shoulders.

"Pleasure's all mine." He says offering his hand for a shake, Vergil took it and gave a firm shake and nodded.

"Now that we've gotten that taken care of, we can talk about Night Raid." Said Najenda sitting back into her seat.

"Now Vergil, you're aware of the mass corruption within the capital correct?" She asks.

Vergil nods.
"That's right." He answers.

"Well Night Raid is more than just a group of Assassins. There is a group of Rebel forces who oppose the Capital. At first they were a small handful of soldiers, but eventually, they got larger and the numbers continued to increase and are now a very formidable Anti-Empire organization. They needed a unit that specialized in Recon and Assassinating targets. And thus where us, Night Raid comes in." Explained Najenda.

"I see, so Assassins that fight for a strong resolve then, interesting." Replies Vergil. Killing for the good of the people, Vergil liked the sound of that, creating a trail of blood for peace. He finally decided.

"So what do you say? Will you join us?" She asked.

There was a brief silence before Vergil finally gave his answer. The demon gave a nod, his decision was final.

"Very well then. I'll join you, this may be fun." Answered Vergil giving a small smile.

Najenda returned his smile.

"Then its settled." She held out her mechanical hand for a shake.

"Welcome to Night Raid, I'm expecting big things from you." Vergil took her hand and gave it a shake nodding.

"I look forward to tearing this empire apart." He replies taking his hand back after the shake.

"Hell yeah!" Leone exclaimed throwing herself at Vergil giving him a hug so tight, he felt her cleavage pressing his chest.

"At least warn me next time before you crush me!" Vergil snapped, he wasn't annoyed since it was a way of showing extreme affection, but he at least wanted a heads up. Leone just giggled before letting go.

Once released, Vergil fixed his jacket.

"Since you are already very skilled in the art of sword fighting and killing, you require no training. But I would like a demonstration of your abilities, it won't be today, you can spend the rest of the day settling in. I'll let you know when. With that, you're all dismissed." Said Najenda.

"Very well." Replies Vergil.

"C'mon lemme show ya around the rest of the place." Leone replied excitedly, taking Vergil's hand and zooming out the door for the rest of the tour.

Once the tour was finally finished, Leone let him go because it was time for her bath.

"That's pretty much it, Now ya know where to go, I'd love to chat some more but I gotta jump in the bath, I only get half an hour today since Mine missed her's last time. Anyway I'm off, don't you try peaking now~" Leone teased.

"Trust me, I won't.." Replied Vergil

He didn't hate Leone, he just wasn't used to being playfully teased so he would often react normally, Leone didn't seem to mind it though so he didn't either and just decided to try and get used to it. He was here now and part of the team, he would probably be with them for a while still, it was going to be a long path to walk with them before they could destroy the corruption.

Letting out a sigh Vergil made his way to his room, it was getting late so everyone was probably heading to bed after since the others had a busy night. Closing the door behind him, Vergil set down his bag that had his clothes and a couple more devil arms of his stashed away. Taking off his jacket, he hung it on the coat rack then changed into his night time clothes, he slept shirtless for now since he was feeling a tad bit lazy tonight but he did put on some loose worn slacks then got in bed.

He laid there in thought for a while.

"Night Raid huh…" He turns his head on his pillow and looks at the full moon peaking through the small opening between the curtains for a bit.

"Things are going to get interesting…" With that, he smiled then turned over and tried to sleep, tomorrow he would see what his first day on the team had in store for him.

-End Of Chapter—

Author Note: Hey guys! Darkslayer here with a brand new story. To be honest, this was finished a long time ago I just didn't know when to post it.

Anyway, this idea came to me a while ago, I hope you guys enjoy it! And to those who are following my other two stories, they will still be updated, Next Chapters for both are almost done. And I will make sure I don't leave this one sitting for a long time like my others have. In any case, I hope you enjoy this as much my other two. Happy Reading guys, and Merry Christmas in advance, hope you all have a good one.
