After a while, the group of five had finished the tour, and returned to the Pharmacy. Yui was being carried by Kazuto, as she had gotten quite tired on the walk around the Palace Grounds. As Asuna tucked Yui in for a nap, Kazuto waited outside their room with Shirayuki and Obi.

"Yui's really sweet, isn't she?" Shirayuki gave a smile to Kazuto. "You're really lucky to have a daughter like her."

"We are. Blessed, even." Kazuto sighed, remembering the time in SAO that Yui had disintegrated in Asuna's arms due to the Cardinal System's deletion efforts, and how Asuna had cried in that moment. "I wouldn't give her up for anything."

As Asuna exited the bedroom, she gently took Kazuto's hand and gave a smile.

"Well, what now?" Asuna asked.

"I need to get back to work. Lots of Herb inventory to do." Shirayuki replied. "Sorry I can't stay longer, I'm still a Court Herbalist."

"It's fine." Kazuto nodded. "I take it that you've got work too, Obi?"

"Sort of." Obi replied. "I've got to go see if the Master needs anything. We'll see you around."

As the two of them departed, Asuna and Kazuto returned to their room, and sat down on the bed. Asuna looked down at a sleeping Yui, and gently cupped her cheek, rubbing her thumb up and down in a sign of care and love.

Kazuto moved next to her, and Asuna leaned against his chest as they watched their daughter with smiles on their faces. They were silent for a while, until Kazuto spoke up.

"You wanna take a nap?" Kazuto asked.

"Sure." Asuna replied.

As they moved under the covers, and placed Yui between them, a small content whisper emerged from their daughter's lips. Asuna kissed Yui's cheek as they both dozed off, and soon all was quiet.


For Kazuto, Asuna, and Yui, the next two days passed by very quickly. On the first day,the family acquainted themselves with Kai Ulkir and Shiira Egian, the two guards at the Gate of Poets. They were almost polar opposites in terms of personality, but both were pleasant people. Kai was the more ecstatic to meet the three of them, while Shiira was more reserved, but still grateful to make their acquaintance.

The next day, Yui was introduced to Ryuu, and the two of them spent some time with each other reading in the Palace Library, while Kazuto and Asuna, along with Zen and Shirayuki, took a dancing lesson for the ball occuring on the next evening. As it would turn out, Asuna had danced with her brother on a few occasions before SAO, and Kazuto had done the same with Suguha. They were not the best, but they were competent enough to enjoy themselves.

All the while, Prince Izana watched from afar with an approving eye. Kazuto and Asuna, along with Yui, he thought, were quite idyllic in their relationship. They respected, trusted, and had utmost faith in each other, and their daughter loved them like no other.

Izana could almost say he envied them in a few ways of his own, which was unlike the First Prince. Zen and Shirayuki were even picking up on a few of Kazuto and Asuna's behaviors, such as Zen and Shirayuki being more relaxed around each other and their showing of affection.

Izana didn't mind it, not at all. In fact, he was learning a few things himself, coming from the family from Aincrad.


At last, the evening of the ball arrived. Kazuto, wearing a formal suit, simple yet handsome, waited outside the fitting rooms for Asuna, who was being assisted in preparing by Shirayuki. He thought back on their earlier conversation with Yui before they had left.

"So...I'll stay here with Ryuu and Miss Garack?"

"Yes, Yui." Asuna had replied soothingly. "This is more of an event for grown-ups. As much as your papa and I would love having you with us, we'd enjoy it more if it was just us."

"Don't worry, Yui." Kazuto had added, calming their daughter. "We'll be back before you know it. And if you need anything, go get Chief Garrack, alright?"

"Okay, have fun, mama, papa!" Yui smiled. "I'll see you soon!"

As Kazuto stepped back upon hearing the door opening, he let his jaw drop upon seeing Asuna. She wore a sky-blue gown with a bodice shaped like a heart, and a shawl around her shoulders. She also wore matching gloves with a hair ribbon of the same color as the dress.

"'re so gorgeous. I can't even..." was all he could say. Asuna blushed and smiled as best she could before giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"And you're quite handsome yourself." she replied modestly but nervously. "Come on, everyone's waiting for us!"

As they approached the stairs that led to the ballroom, they were greeted by Zen and Shirayuki, along with Mitsuhide and Obi. Zen and Mitsuhide were wearing their formal attire, and Kiki wore a stunning black, sequined dress, but Shirayuki was clearly all Zen could focus on.

She wore a pale silver dress with gold charms around her waist, along with bluish-purple ribbons and highlights around the skirt and sleeves. The skirt also featured an interwoven sigil of a flower in bloom, and earrings of the same shade as the highlights finished off the outfit. Zen was clearly speechless at her appearance.

"Good evening, Zen." she smiled as the group came together.

"Shirayuki…" he stammered. "I can''re just so beautiful tonight, I can't even put it into words."

She blushed quite fervently, but Zen merely took her hand and nodded reassuringly. As the three couples descended to the ballroom, an older woman with the same hair shade as Prince Zen watched from afar, along with Prince Izana.

"So they are your guests, Izana?" she asked her son. "They seem quite involved."

"Indeed." the first Prince replied. "They're quite a loving family. Kazuto, Asuna, and their adopted daughter Yui...they're fascinating people."

"I see." said the woman, who was Haruto Wisteria, Izana and Zen's mother and the Dowager Queen of Clarines. "I would like to speak with them at some point, as well as Zen and his partner."

"I'll make sure they do." Izana replied as the two couples in question, along with Mitsuhide and Kiki, took their seats. "I think you'll be pleased to meet them."

"I believe I will." Haruto replied with a nod as she sat down alongside her elder son as the music began. "Shall we procceed?"