This is after the Galxia bit. Darian is in Collage right now. Darian and Serena are married. Are the scouts going to split up now that High School is over? Well find out. This is my first fanfic so please don't be too harsh. R/R please

Disclaimer Sailor Moon, Well I wish that I owned Sailor Moon. So I guess that I don't own Sailor Moon. Oh well I tried.

Parting Plans

"I am home from school did I get any mail?" Yelled Serena

"No not today sorry Serena" said her mom from the kitchen.

"Oh ok well I am going to go to Rai's house see you tonight bye love you" Serena half yelled half sighed. Hey everyone what's up?

"Your late Serena but what else are we to expect from you" Rai said very angrily.

"Sorry I had to stop at home my mom told me to" replied Serena rather hotly.

"You lie Serena you went home to check if you got any letters from Darian, By the way she is acting it looks like she did not get any the poor thing is so sad." Said Rai pathetically and sarcastically.

"Shut up and leave me alone you are so mean to me I hate you so much" Serena said as she looked away. (My name is Serena I am the champion of Justice Sailor Moon. There is Rai she is Sailor Mars, Lita she is Sailor Jupiter, Ami is Sailor Mercury, and Mina is Sailor Venus. There are our two guardians Luna and Artimus they trained us. They are the two best feline friends in the whole world. Darian Tuxedo Mask is my new husband. Right now he is in America at Harvard. Right now we are regular teenage girls.

"It is good to be free," Serena said.

"I agree I love this no fighting, no hurting, and no enemies the best one of all" Replied Mina.

"Now I have a lot more time to study and bring my grades up" Ami sighed

"Ami you cant bring up your grades any higher and you already do to much studying" Lita said while looking at her grade card.

"Hey Lita maybe you should consider studying more I mean look at your grades" Ami said as she looks over Lita's shoulder at her grade card.

"Leave Ami alone she needs to study to become a world famous doctor" Serena interrupts

"Thanks Serena thank you so much for being my bodyguard I needed one so much." Ami said sarcastically.

"No problem Ami glad to do it" Said Serena not getting the sarcasm

Ami you should be proud of your self you are going to become something unlike Serena "she is going to live off her parents until they die, you have a goal." Luna said

"Luna that is not very nice" Ami replied happily.

"I am excited we will graduate from High School this year. But we might have to go our separate ways. We know that Ami is leaving to go to Germany." Said Lita depressed.

"I am going to go back to England." Quietly replied Mina.

"What why didn't you tell us earlier why did u wait until now" yelled Serena.

"I am going to Kyoto to Master Rosies martial arts school" said Lita.

"Now every one tells everything," says Rai.

"Well I am going to stay here and take over the temple and Serena can help me." Said Rai factually.

"Umm well actually Rai" Serena began

"What do you mean umm well?" Rai said curiously

I got my acceptance letter from Glendale Collage I am going to major in Child Psychology. Said Serena as she huddled behind Lita.

"Well I am at least staying here I will be here all alone no one likes me any more" Rai said sulking.

"Well I am going to go home and tell him about my letter see you all tomorrow." Yelled Serena as she dashed away.

My Dearest Darian,

How are you? I am fine. I miss you a lot. I think about you every day. I have so good news. Trust me you won't believe me. I have been accepted to Glendale Collage. I am so happy. If you don't believe me than look at the second page it is my acceptance letter. I gave one to everyone. I framed Rai's that way she has to put it out. The one sad thing is that I have to leave Luna. Mina says that she will take Luna for me. She is going to go back to England. Everyone is leaving, except Rai. Well I am going to let you get back to your studying. Love you lots. Love, Serena

"Well better get to bed right Luna." Said Serena.

"Yeah you should it is getting late." Replied Luna.

"I will send out this letter early in the morning." Serena yawned.

"Serena, It is 8 time for you to get up." Her mom yelled up the stairs.

"She is not here she has left already." Serena's mom told her husband.

(A few weeks later)

"Mom I am home did I get a letter?" Serena yelled once again.

"Yes it is on the table in the living room" Serena's mom said as her arm pointed to the living room from the kitchen.

"Thanks mom." Said Serena excitedly.

My Serena,

How have you been? I have been well. I miss you like crazy. The homework is piling up now that the end of the year is over. Just think one more year and we can be together once again. I am proud of you. You did not have anything below a "C". Good job. It has been hard to be far from you and all of my friends. How are the others doing? I hope that they are well. I have to go it is 1 in the morning and I have a test tomorrow. Love you.

Love you lots, Darian.

"Darian I miss you so much" Serena said as a few tears streamed down her cheeks. "Mom I am going to go to Rai's" Said a very depressed Serena.

"Did you get your letter from Darian?" asked Lita

"Yeah I did and well" Serena stopped

"Serena we know that you miss him we see you ever day and sometimes you become so unbearable, but we are your friends and we stick with you." Interrupted Ami.

"I'm sorry you guys and thank you so very much." Serena said as she looked down hoping that no one would notice her tears. (You know the scouts are very observant)

"I don't want to make things worse but I am leaving for London next Tuesday." Said Mina unsure of the timing.

"I hate to say this but I am leaving the Wednesday after Mina" Ami uttered.

"I am gone the Thursday after Ami" muttered Lita.

"Wait I am leaving Friday next week. I am so sorry Rai," said Serena with a sickly look on her face.

It is hard to believe that everyone is leaving. We have been together ever sense I can remember and even what I can hardly remember from the moon kingdom. Satated Serena.